:::demo Set `layout` with different pagination elements you wish to display separated with a comma. Pagination elements are: `prev` (a button navigating to the previous page), `next` (a button navigating to the next page), `pager` (page list), `jumper` (a jump-to input), `total` (total item count), `size` (a select to determine page size) and `->`(every element after this symbol will be pulled to the right).
:::demo This example is a complete use case. It uses `size-change` and `current-change` event to handle page size changes and current page changes. `page-sizes` accepts an array of integers, each of which represents a different page size in the `sizes` select options, e.g. `[100, 200, 300, 400]` indicates that the select will have four options: 100, 200, 300 or 400 items per page.
| small | whether to use small pagination | boolean | — | false |
| background | whether the buttons have a background color | boolean | — | false |
| page-size | item count of each page, supports the v-model bidirectional binding | number | — | 10 |
| default-page-size | default initial value of page size | number | - | - |
| total | total item count | number | — | — |
| page-count | total page count. Set either `total` or `page-count` and pages will be displayed; if you need `page-sizes`, `total` is required | number | — | — |
| pager-count | number of pagers. Pagination collapses when the total page count exceeds this value | number | odd number between 5 and 21 | 7 |
| current-page | current page number, supports the v-model bidirectional binding | number | — | 1 |
| default-current-page | default initial value of current-page | number | - | - |
| layout | layout of Pagination, elements separated with a comma | string | `sizes` / `prev` / `pager` / `next` / `jumper` / `->` / `total` / `slot` | 'prev, pager, next, jumper, ->, total' |
- You have to define one of `total` and `page-count`, otherwise we can't determine count of total pages.When both defined, `page-count` taken as priority.
- If `current-page` is defined, you have to listen `current-page` change, by also define `@update:current-page`, otherwise pagination didn't work.
- If `page-size` is defined while page size selector displayed(`sizes` included in `layout`), you have to listen `page-size` change as well, by define `@update:page-size`, otherwise change of page size didn't work.