You can get some recommended tips based on the current input.
:::demo Autocomplete component provides input suggestions. The `fetch-suggestions` attribute is a method that returns suggested input. In this example, `querySearch(queryString, cb)` returns suggestions to Autocomplete via `cb(data)` when suggestions are ready.
| debounce | debounce delay when typing, in milliseconds | number | — | 300 |
| placement | placement of the popup menu | string | top / top-start / top-end / bottom / bottom-start / bottom-end | bottom-start |
| fetch-suggestions | a method to fetch input suggestions. When suggestions are ready, invoke `callback(data:[])` to return them to Autocomplete | Function(queryString, callback) | — | — |
| popper-class | custom class name for autocomplete's dropdown | string | — | — |
| trigger-on-focus | whether show suggestions when input focus | boolean | — | true |
| name | same as `name` in native input | string | — | — |
| select-when-unmatched | whether to emit a `select` event on enter when there is no autocomplete match | boolean | — | false |
| label | label text | string | — | — |
| hide-loading | whether to hide the loading icon in remote search | boolean | — | false |
| popper-append-to-body(deprecated) | whether to append the dropdown to body. If the positioning of the dropdown is wrong, you can try to set this prop to false | boolean | — | false |