import { h, nextTick } from 'vue' import * as domExports from '@element-plus/utils/dom' import makeMount from '@element-plus/test-utils/make-mount' import { rAF } from '@element-plus/test-utils/tick' import { EVENT_CODE } from '@element-plus/utils/aria' import Message from '../src/index.vue' import type { ComponentPublicInstance, CSSProperties } from 'vue' const AXIOM = 'Rem is the best girl' jest.useFakeTimers() type MessageInstance = ComponentPublicInstance<{ visible: boolean; typeClass: string; customStyle: CSSProperties; }> const onClose = jest.fn() const _mount = makeMount(Message, { props: { onClose, }, }) describe('Message.vue', () => { describe('render', () => { test('basic render test', () => { const wrapper = _mount({ slots: { default: AXIOM, }, }) const vm = wrapper.vm as MessageInstance expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual(AXIOM) expect(vm.visible).toBe(true) expect(vm.typeClass).toBe('el-icon-info') expect(vm.customStyle).toEqual({ top: '20px', zIndex: 0 }) }) test('should be able to render VNode', () => { const wrapper = _mount({ slots: { default: h('span', { class: 'text-node' }, AXIOM), }, }) expect(wrapper.find('.text-node').exists()).toBe(true) }) test('should be able to render raw HTML with dangerouslyUseHTMLString prop', () => { const tagClass = 'test-class' const wrapper = _mount({ props: { dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true, message: `${AXIOM}`, }, }) expect(wrapper.find(`.${tagClass}`).exists()).toBe(true) }) test('should not be able to render raw HTML without dangerouslyUseHTMLString prop', () => { const tagClass = 'test-class' const wrapper = _mount({ props: { dangerouslyUseHTMLString: false, message: `${AXIOM}`, }, }) expect(wrapper.find(`.${tagClass}`).exists()).toBe(false) }) }) describe('lifecycle', () => { test('should add keydown event lister on mount', () => { jest.spyOn(domExports, 'on') jest.spyOn(domExports, 'off') const wrapper = _mount({ slots: { default: AXIOM }, }) expect(domExports.on).toHaveBeenCalled() wrapper.unmount() expect( }) }) describe('Message.type', () => { test('should be able to render typed messages', () => { for (const type of ['success', 'warning', 'info', 'error'] as const) { const wrapper = _mount({ props: { type } }) const renderedClasses = wrapper.find('.el-message__icon').classes() expect(renderedClasses).toContain(`el-icon-${type}`) } }) test('should not be able to render invalid type icon', () => { const type = 'some-type' const wrapper = _mount({ props: { type } }) expect(wrapper.find(`el-icon-${type}`).exists()).toBe(false) }) }) describe('event handlers', () => { test('it should be able to close the message by clicking close button', async () => { const onClose = jest.fn() const wrapper = _mount({ slots: { default: AXIOM }, props: { onClose, showClose: true, }, }) const closeBtn = wrapper.find('.el-message__closeBtn') expect(closeBtn.exists()).toBe(true) await closeBtn.trigger('click') expect((wrapper.vm as MessageInstance).visible).toBe(false) }) test('it should close after duration', async () => { const duration = 1000 const wrapper = _mount({ props: { duration } }) const vm = wrapper.vm as MessageInstance await nextTick() expect(vm.visible).toBe(true) jest.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(vm.visible).toBe(false) }) test('it should prevent close when hovered', async () => { const duration = 1000 const wrapper = _mount({ props: { duration } }) const vm = wrapper.vm as MessageInstance expect(vm.visible).toBe(true) await wrapper.find('[role="alert"]').trigger('mouseenter') jest.runAllTimers() expect(vm.visible).toBe(true) await wrapper.find('[role="alert"]').trigger('mouseleave') expect(vm.visible).toBe(true) jest.runAllTimers() expect(vm.visible).toBe(false) }) test('it should not close when duration is set to 0', () => { const duration = 0 const wrapper = _mount({ props: { duration } }) const vm = wrapper.vm as MessageInstance expect(vm.visible).toBe(true) jest.runAllTimers() expect(vm.visible).toBe(true) }) test('it should close when esc is pressed', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ slots: { default: AXIOM } }) const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { code: EVENT_CODE.esc, }) document.dispatchEvent(event) expect((wrapper.vm as MessageInstance).visible).toBe(false) }) test('it should call close after transition ends', async () => { const onClose = jest.fn() const wrapper = _mount({ slots: { default: AXIOM }, props: { onClose }, }) await rAF() const vm = wrapper.vm as MessageInstance vm.visible = false await rAF() expect(onClose).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) }) })