## DatePicker
Use Date Picker for date input.
### Enter Date
Basic date picker measured by 'day'.
:::demo The measurement is determined by the `type` attribute. You can enable quick options via `shortcuts` property. The disabled date is set by `disabledDate`, which is a function.
Picker with quick options
### Other measurements
You can choose week, month, year or multiple dates by extending the standard date picker component.
### Date Range
Picking a date range is supported.
:::demo When in range mode, the left and right panels are linked by default. If you want the two panels to switch current months independently, you can use the `unlink-panels` attribute.
With quick options
### Month Range
Picking a month range is supported.
:::demo When in range mode, the left and right panels are linked by default. If you want the two panels to switch current years independently, you can use the `unlink-panels` attribute.
With quick options
### Default Value
If user hasn't picked a date, shows today's calendar by default. You can use `default-value` to set another date. Its value should be parsable by `new Date()`.
If type is `daterange`, `default-value` sets the left side calendar.
### Date Formats
Use `format` to control displayed text's format in the input box. Use `value-format` to control binding value's format.
By default, the component accepts and emits a `Date` object.
Check the list [here](https://day.js.org/docs/en/display/format#list-of-all-available-formats) of all available formats of Day.js.
Pay attention to capitalization
Emits Date object
Value: {{ value1 }}
Use value-format
Value:{{ value2 }}
Value:{{ value3 }}
### Default time for start date and end date
When picking a date range, you can assign the time part for start date and end date.
:::demo By default, the time part of start date and end date are both `00:00:00`. Setting `default-time` can change their time respectively. It accepts an array of up to two Date objects. The first string sets the time for the start date, and the second for the end date.
Component value:{{ value }}
### Localization
The default locale of is English, if you need to use other languages, please check [Internationalization](#/en-US/component/i18n)
Note, date time locale (month name, first day of the week ...) are also configed in localization.
### Attributes
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
|---------- |-------------- |---------- |-------------------------------- |-------- |
| model-value / v-model | binding value | date(DatePicker) / array(DateRangePicker) | — | — |
| readonly | whether DatePicker is read only | boolean | — | false |
| disabled | whether DatePicker is disabled | boolean | — | false |
| size | size of Input | string | large/medium/small/mini | large |
| editable | whether the input is editable | boolean | — | true |
| clearable | whether to show clear button | boolean | — | true |
| placeholder | placeholder in non-range mode | string | — | — |
| start-placeholder | placeholder for the start date in range mode | string | — | — |
| end-placeholder | placeholder for the end date in range mode | string | — | — |
| type | type of the picker | string | year/month/date/dates/datetime/ week/datetimerange/daterange/ monthrange | date |
| format | format of the displayed value in the input box | string | see [date formats](#/en-US/component/date-picker#date-formats) | YYYY-MM-DD |
| popper-class | custom class name for DatePicker's dropdown | string | — | — |
| range-separator | range separator | string | — | '-' |
| default-value | optional, default date of the calendar | Date | anything accepted by `new Date()` | — |
| default-time | optional, the time value to use when selecting date range | Date[] | Array with length 2, each item is a Date. The first item for the start date and then second item for the end date | — |
| value-format | optional, format of binding value. If not specified, the binding value will be a Date object | string | see [date formats](#/en-US/component/date-picker#date-formats) | — |
| name | same as `name` in native input | string | — | — |
| unlink-panels | unlink two date-panels in range-picker | boolean | — | false |
| prefix-icon | Custom prefix icon class | string | — | el-icon-date |
| clear-icon | Custom clear icon class | string | — | el-icon-circle-close |
| validate-event | whether to trigger form validation | boolean | - | true |
| disabledDate | a function determining if a date is disabled with that date as its parameter. Should return a Boolean | function | — | — |
| shortcuts | an object array to set shortcut options | object[{ text: string, value: Date }] | — | — |
### Events
| Event Name | Description | Parameters |
| change | triggers when user confirms the value | component's binding value |
| blur | triggers when Input blurs | component instance |
| focus | triggers when Input focuses | component instance |
### Methods
| Method | Description | Parameters |
| focus | focus the Input component | — |
### Slots
| Name | Description |
| range-separator | custom range separator content |