import { h, inject, nextTick } from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { afterEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest' import { EVENT_CODE } from '@element-plus/constants' import ElFocusTrap from '../src/focus-trap.vue' import { FOCUS_TRAP_INJECTION_KEY } from '../src/tokens' const AXIOM = 'rem is the best girl' describe(' { const childKls = 'child-class' const TrapChild = { props: { items: Number, }, setup() { const { focusTrapRef, onKeydown } = inject( FOCUS_TRAP_INJECTION_KEY, undefined )! return { focusTrapRef, onKeydown, } }, template: `
`, } const createComponent = (props = {}, items = 0) => mount(ElFocusTrap, { props: { trapped: true, ...props, }, slots: { default: () => h(TrapChild, { items }), }, attachTo: document.body, }) let wrapper: ReturnType const findFocusComponent = () => wrapper.findComponent(TrapChild as any) const findDescendants = () => wrapper.findAll('.item') afterEach(() => { wrapper?.unmount() document.body.innerHTML = '' }) describe('render', () => { it('should render correctly', async () => { wrapper = createComponent() await nextTick() const child = findFocusComponent() expect(child.exists()).toBe(true) expect(child.text()).toBe(AXIOM) expect(document.activeElement).toBe(child.element) }) it('should be able to focus on the first descendant item', async () => { wrapper = createComponent(undefined, 3) await nextTick() const descendants = findDescendants() expect(descendants).toHaveLength(3) expect(document.activeElement).toBe( }) }) describe('events', () => { it('should be able to dispatch focus on mount event', async () => { const focusOnMount = vi.fn() wrapper = createComponent({ onMountOnFocus: focusOnMount, }) await nextTick() expect(focusOnMount).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should be able to dispatch focus on unmount', async () => { const focusOnUnmount = vi.fn() wrapper = createComponent({ onUnmountOnFocus: focusOnUnmount, }) await nextTick() const child = findFocusComponent() expect(document.activeElement).toBe(child.element) wrapper.unmount() expect(focusOnUnmount).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(document.activeElement).toBe(document.body) }) }) describe('features', () => { it('should be able to navigate via keyboard', async () => { wrapper = createComponent(undefined, 3) await nextTick() const childComponent = findFocusComponent() const items = findDescendants() expect(document.activeElement).toBe( /** * NOTE: * JSDOM does not support keyboard navigation simulation so that * dispatching keyboard event with tab key is useless, we cannot test it * it here, maybe turn to cypress for robust e2e test would be a better idea */ // when loop is off await childComponent.trigger('keydown.shift', { key:, }) expect(document.activeElement).toBe( ;( as HTMLElement).focus() expect(document.activeElement).toBe( await childComponent.trigger('keydown', { key:, }) expect(document.activeElement).toBe( // set loop to true so that tab can tabbing from last to first and back forth await wrapper.setProps({ loop: true, }) await childComponent.trigger('keydown', { key:, }) expect(document.activeElement).toBe( await childComponent.trigger('keydown.shift', { key:, }) expect(document.activeElement).toBe( }) it('should not be able to navigate when no focusable element contained', async () => { wrapper = createComponent() await nextTick() const focusComponent = findFocusComponent() expect(document.activeElement).toBe(focusComponent.element) await focusComponent.trigger('keydown', { key:, }) expect(document.activeElement).toBe(focusComponent.element) }) it('should not be able to navigate by keyboard when not trapped', async () => { wrapper = createComponent( { trapped: false, }, 3 ) await nextTick() const focusComponent = findFocusComponent() const items = findDescendants() expect(document.activeElement).toBe( await focusComponent.trigger('keydown', { key:, }) expect(document.activeElement).toBe( }) it('should not be able to navigate if the current layer is paused', async () => { wrapper = createComponent( { loop: true, }, 3 ) await nextTick() const focusComponent = findFocusComponent() const items = findDescendants() expect(document.activeElement).toBe( await focusComponent.trigger('keydown.shift', { key:, }) expect(document.activeElement).toBe( const newFocusTrap = createComponent({ loop: true }, 3) await nextTick() expect(document.activeElement).toBe(newFocusTrap.find('.item').element) await focusComponent.trigger('keydown', { key:, }) expect(document.activeElement).not.toBe( newFocusTrap.unmount() await nextTick() expect(document.activeElement).toBe( await focusComponent.trigger('keydown', { key:, }) expect(document.activeElement).toBe( }) }) })