// @ts-nocheck import { nextTick, ref } from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { describe, expect, it, test } from 'vitest' import { ElFormItem } from '@element-plus/components/form' import Radio from '../src/radio.vue' import RadioGroup from '../src/radio-group.vue' import RadioButton from '../src/radio-button.vue' describe('Radio', () => { test('create', async () => { const radio = ref('') const wrapper = mount(() => ) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('el-radio') await wrapper.trigger('click') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('is-checked') }) test('disabled', async () => { const radio = ref('') const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await wrapper.trigger('click') expect(radio.value).toBe('') expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('is-disabled') }) test('border', () => { const radio = ref('') const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('is-bordered') }) test('change event', async () => { const radio = ref('') const changeData = ref('') function handleChange(val: string) { changeData.value = val } const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await wrapper.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect(changeData.value).toEqual('3') }) test('change event only triggers on user input', async () => { const radio = ref('') const changeData = ref('') function handleChange(val: string) { changeData.value = val } mount(() => ( )) radio.value = '3' await nextTick() expect(changeData.value).toEqual('') expect(radio.value).toEqual('3') }) }) describe('Radio group', () => { it('create', async () => { const radio = ref(3) const wrapper = mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) await nextTick() const [radio1, radio2] = wrapper.findAll('.el-radio') expect(radio1.classes()).toContain('is-checked') await radio2.trigger('click') expect(radio2.classes()).toContain('is-checked') expect(radio.value).toEqual(6) }) it('id auto derive', async () => { const radioValue1 = ref(3) const wrapper1 = mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) const radioValue2 = ref(3) const wrapper2 = mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) const id1 = wrapper1.find('.el-radio').find('input').attributes('name') const id2 = wrapper2.find('.el-radio').find('input').attributes('name') expect(id1).not.toEqual(id2) }) it('disabled', async () => { const radio = ref(3) const wrapper = mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) expect(wrapper.find('label.is-disabled').exists()).toBe(true) const [radio1, radio2] = wrapper.findAll('.el-radio') expect(radio1.classes()).toContain('is-checked') await radio2.trigger('click') expect(radio.value).toEqual(3) expect(radio1.classes()).toContain('is-checked') }) it('change event', async () => { const radio = ref(3) const data = ref(0) function onChange(val: number) { data.value = val } const wrapper = mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) const radio2 = wrapper.findAll('.el-radio').at(1) await radio2?.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect(data.value).toEqual(6) }) it('change event only triggers on user input', async () => { const radio = ref(3) const data = ref(0) function onChange(val: number) { data.value = val } mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) radio.value = 6 await nextTick() expect(data.value).toEqual(0) }) it('disabled when children is radio button', async () => { const radio = ref(3) const wrapper = mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) const [radio1, radio2] = wrapper.findAll('.el-radio-button') expect(radio1.classes()).toContain('is-active') expect(wrapper.findAll('.is-disabled').length).toBe(3) await radio2.trigger('click') expect(radio.value).toEqual(3) expect(radio1.classes()).toContain('is-active') }) }) describe('Radio Button', () => { it('create', async () => { const radio = ref(3) const wrapper = mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) const [radio1, radio2] = wrapper.findAll('.el-radio-button') expect(radio1.classes()).toContain('is-active') await radio2.trigger('click') expect(radio2.classes()).toContain('is-active') expect(radio.value).toEqual(6) }) it('custom color', () => { const radio = ref(3) const wrapper = mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) const radio1 = wrapper.find('.el-radio-button') expect(radio1.find('span').attributes('style')).toContain( 'background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border-color: #000; box-shadow: -1px 0 0 0 #000; color: rgb(255, 255, 0);' ) }) it('change event', async () => { const radio = ref(3) const data = ref(0) function onChange(val: number) { data.value = val } const wrapper = mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) const radio2 = wrapper.findAll('.el-radio-button').at(1) await radio2?.trigger('click') expect(radio.value).toEqual(6) }) it('change event only triggers on user input', async () => { const radio = ref(3) const data = ref(0) function onChange(val: number) { data.value = val } mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) radio.value = 6 await nextTick() expect(data.value).toEqual(0) }) it('size', () => { const radio = ref(3) const wrapper = mount(() => ( 3 6 9 )) expect(wrapper.findAll('.el-radio-button--large').length).toBe(3) }) describe('form item accessibility integration', () => { test('single radio group in form item', async () => { const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await nextTick() const formItem = await wrapper.findComponent(ElFormItem) const radioGroup = await wrapper.findComponent(RadioGroup) const formItemLabel = formItem.find('.el-form-item__label') expect(formItem.attributes().role).toBeFalsy() expect(radioGroup.attributes().role).toBe('radiogroup') expect(formItemLabel.attributes().for).toBe(radioGroup.attributes().id) expect(formItemLabel.attributes().id).toBe( radioGroup.attributes()['aria-labelledby'] ) }) test('single radio group in form item, override label', async () => { const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await nextTick() const formItem = await wrapper.findComponent(ElFormItem) const radioGroup = await wrapper.findComponent(RadioGroup) const formItemLabel = formItem.find('.el-form-item__label') expect(formItemLabel.attributes().for).toBe(radioGroup.attributes().id) expect(radioGroup.attributes().role).toBe('radiogroup') expect(radioGroup.attributes()['aria-label']).toBe('Foo') expect(radioGroup.attributes()['aria-labelledby']).toBeFalsy() }) test('multiple radio groups in form item', async () => { const wrapper = mount(() => ( )) await nextTick() const formItem = await wrapper.findComponent(ElFormItem) const [radioGroup1, radioGroup2] = await wrapper.findAllComponents( RadioGroup ) const formItemLabel = formItem.find('.el-form-item__label') expect(formItem.attributes().role).toBe('group') expect(formItem.attributes()['aria-labelledby']).toBe( formItemLabel.attributes().id ) expect(radioGroup1.attributes().role).toBe('radiogroup') expect(radioGroup1.attributes()['aria-label']).toBe('Foo') expect(radioGroup1.attributes()['aria-labelledby']).toBeFalsy() expect(radioGroup2.attributes().role).toBe('radiogroup') expect(radioGroup2.attributes()['aria-label']).toBe('Bar') expect(radioGroup2.attributes()['aria-labelledby']).toBeFalsy() }) }) describe('laebl for', () => { test('label and radio', async () => { const radio = ref('') const forId = ref('radio1121') const wrapper = mount(() => ( <> )) await nextTick() const label = wrapper.find('label') label.trigger('click') expect(radio.value).toBe('Foo') // no for radio.value = '' forId.value = undefined await nextTick() label.trigger('click') expect(radio.value).toBe('') }) test('label and radioGroup', async () => { const compList = [Radio] compList.forEach(async (comp) => { const radio = ref('') const forId = ref('radio1121') const wrapper = mount(() => ( <> )) await nextTick() const label = wrapper.find('label') label.trigger('click') expect(radio.value).toBe('Foo') // no for radio.value = '' forId.value = undefined await nextTick() label.trigger('click') expect(radio.value).toBe('') }) }) }) })