import { Comment, Fragment, h, nextTick, ref } from 'vue' import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { debugWarn } from '@element-plus/utils' import { FORWARD_REF_INJECTION_KEY } from '@element-plus/hooks' import { OnlyChild } from '../src/only-child' import type { MountingOptions } from '@vue/test-utils' type Slot = NonNullable['slots']>['default']> jest.mock('@element-plus/utils/error', () => ({ debugWarn: jest.fn(), })) const AXIOM = 'rem is the best girl' const defaultProvide = { [FORWARD_REF_INJECTION_KEY as any]: { forwardRef: ref(null), }, } const createComponent = (slot: Slot) => { return shallowMount(OnlyChild, { global: { provide: defaultProvide, }, // vue test utils adds the entry for us even though default's value is null slots: slot ? { default: slot } : undefined, }) } describe('ElOnlyChild', () => { let wrapper: ReturnType afterEach(() => { ;(debugWarn as jest.MockedFunction).mockClear() wrapper?.unmount() }) it('should be able to render only one child', async () => { const kls = 'test_kls' wrapper = createComponent(() => [
]) await nextTick() expect(debugWarn).not.toHaveBeenCalled() const renderedChild = wrapper.find(`.${kls}`) expect(renderedChild.exists()).toBe(true) expect(renderedChild.text()).toBe(AXIOM) }) it('should be able to render string type and wrap it into span', async () => { wrapper = createComponent(() => [AXIOM]) await nextTick() expect(debugWarn).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(wrapper.find('span').exists()).toBe(true) }) it('should be able to unwrap fragmented children', async () => { wrapper = createComponent(() => [<>{AXIOM}]) await nextTick() expect(debugWarn).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(wrapper.find('span').exists()).toBe(true) }) it('should skip svg and child type is svg', async () => { const wrapper = createComponent(() => [ , ]) await nextTick() expect(debugWarn).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(wrapper.find('svg').attributes('viewBox')).toEqual('0 0 32 32') expect(wrapper.find('svg').attributes('width')).toEqual('20') expect(wrapper.find('svg').attributes('height')).toEqual('20') await wrapper.trigger('hover') await expect(wrapper.find('svg').exists()).toBe(true) }) it('should skip comment', async () => { wrapper = createComponent(() => [ <> {h(Comment, 'some comment')} {AXIOM} , ]) await nextTick() expect(debugWarn).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(wrapper.find('span').exists()).toBe(true) }) it('should return nothing and warn when no valid children found', async () => { wrapper = createComponent(() => [<>]) await nextTick() expect(debugWarn).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should render nothing when invalid node were found', async () => { wrapper = createComponent(() => [h(Fragment, null)]) await nextTick() expect(debugWarn).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should warns about having multiple children', async () => { wrapper = createComponent(() => [AXIOM, AXIOM]) await nextTick() expect(debugWarn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(wrapper.text()).toBe('') }) it('should render nothing when no children provided', async () => { wrapper = createComponent(null as any) await nextTick() expect(debugWarn).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(wrapper.text()).toBe('') }) })