{ "title": "Resources", "lineOne": "More resources are still under development. ", "lineTwo": "If you are interested in participating in the design of Element Plus, be our guest to contact us via element-plus@outlook.com.", "download": "Download", "axure": "Axure Components", "axureIntro": "By importing Element Plus in Axure, you can easily apply all the components we provide during interaction design.", "sketch": "Sketch Template", "sketchIntro": "Newly designed Sketch component library in 2022 with full components for Element Plus to improve design efficiency while keeping a unified visual style.", "figma": "Figma Template", "figmaIntro": "Newly designed Figma component library in 2022 with new features such as Auto-layout and Variants.", "figmaVariables": "Figma Variables", "figmaVariablesIntro": "Components all use variables to quickly switch between dark and light modes." }