import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { nextTick } from 'vue' import Select from '../src/select.vue' import Option from '../src/option.vue' interface SelectProps { filterMethod?: any remoteMethod?: any multiple?: boolean clearable?: boolean filterable?: boolean allowCreate?: boolean remote?: boolean collapseTags?: boolean automaticDropdown?: boolean multipleLimit?: number popperClass?: string } const _mount = (template: string, data: any = () => ({}), otherObj?): any => mount({ components: { 'el-select': Select, 'el-option': Option, }, template, data, ...otherObj, }) function getOptions(): HTMLElement[] { return [...document.querySelectorAll( 'body > div:last-child .el-select-dropdown__item', )] } const getSelectVm = (configs: SelectProps = {}, options?) => { ['multiple', 'clearable', 'filterable', 'allowCreate', 'remote', 'collapseTags', 'automaticDropdown'].forEach(config => { configs[config] = configs[config] || false }) configs.multipleLimit = configs.multipleLimit || 0 if (!options) { options = [{ value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', disabled: false, }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', disabled: false, }, { value: '选项3', label: '蚵仔煎', disabled: false, }, { value: '选项4', label: '龙须面', disabled: false, }, { value: '选项5', label: '北京烤鸭', disabled: false, }] } return _mount(` `, () => ({ options, multiple: configs.multiple, multipleLimit: configs.multipleLimit, clearable: configs.clearable, filterable: configs.filterable, collapseTags: configs.collapseTags, allowCreate: configs.allowCreate, popperClass: configs.popperClass, automaticDropdown: configs.automaticDropdown, loading: false, filterMethod: configs.filterMethod, remote: configs.remote, remoteMethod: configs.remoteMethod, value: configs.multiple ? [] : '', })) } describe('Select', () => { test('create', async () => { const wrapper = _mount(``, () => ({ value: '' })) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('el-select') expect(wrapper.find('.el-input__inner').element.placeholder).toBe('Select') const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) wrapper.trigger('click') expect((select.vm as any).visible).toBe(true) }) test('options rendered correctly', () => { const wrapper = getSelectVm() const options = wrapper.element.querySelectorAll('.el-select-dropdown__item') const result = [], (option, index) => { const text = option.querySelector('span').textContent const vm = wrapper.vm as any return text === vm.options[index].label }) expect(result).toBe(true) }) test('custom dropdown class', () => { const wrapper = getSelectVm({ popperClass: 'custom-dropdown' }) const dropdown = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelectDropdown' }) expect(dropdown.classes()).toContain('custom-dropdown') }) test('default value', async() => { const wrapper = _mount(` `, () => ({ options: [{ value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }], value: '选项2', })) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.find('.el-input__inner').element.value).toBe('双皮奶') }) test('single select', async () => { const wrapper = _mount(`

{{item.label}} {{item.value}}

`, () => ({ options: [{ value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }, { value: '选项3', label: '蚵仔煎', }, { value: '选项4', label: '龙须面', }, { value: '选项5', label: '北京烤鸭', }], value: '', count: 0, }), { methods: { handleChange() { this.count++ }, }, }) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() const vm = wrapper.vm as any expect(vm.value).toBe('') options[2].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value).toBe('选项3') expect(vm.count).toBe(1) await nextTick() options[4].click() expect(vm.value).toBe('选项5') expect(vm.count).toBe(2) }) test('disabled option', async() => { const wrapper = getSelectVm() const vm = wrapper.vm as any wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') vm.options[1].disabled = true await nextTick() const options = getOptions() expect(options[1].className).toContain('is-disabled') options[1].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value).toBe('') }) test('disabled select', () => { const wrapper = _mount(``) expect(wrapper.find('.el-input').classes()).toContain('is-disabled') }) test('visible event', async() => { const wrapper = _mount(` `, () => ({ options: [], value: '', visible: '', }), { methods: { handleVisibleChange(val) { this.visible = val }, }, }) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const vm = wrapper.vm as any const selectVm = select.vm as any selectVm.visible = true await selectVm.$nextTick() expect(vm.visible).toBe(true) }) test('keyboard operations', async() => { const wrapper = getSelectVm() const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const vm = select.vm as any let i = 8 while (i--) { vm.navigateOptions('next') } vm.navigateOptions('prev') await vm.$nextTick() expect(vm.hoverIndex).toBe(0) vm.selectOption() await vm.$nextTick() expect((wrapper.vm as any).value).toBe('选项1') }) test('clearable', async () => { const wrapper = getSelectVm({ clearable: true }) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const vm = wrapper.vm as any const selectVm = select.vm as any vm.value = '选项1' await vm.$nextTick() selectVm.inputHovering = true await selectVm.$nextTick() const iconClear = wrapper.find('.el-input__icon.el-icon-circle-close') expect(iconClear.exists()).toBe(true) await iconClear.trigger('click') expect(vm.value).toBe('') }) test('allow create', async () => { const wrapper = getSelectVm({ filterable: true, allowCreate: true }) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const selectVm = select.vm as any const input = wrapper.find('input') await input.trigger('focus') selectVm.selectedLabel = 'new' selectVm.debouncedOnInputChange() await selectVm.$nextTick() const options = [...getOptions()] const target = options.filter(option => option.textContent === 'new') target[0].click() expect((wrapper.vm as any).value).toBe('new') }) test('multiple select', async () => { const wrapper = getSelectVm({ multiple: true }) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() const vm = wrapper.vm as any vm.value = ['选项1'] vm.$nextTick() options[1].click() await nextTick() options[3].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value.indexOf('选项2') > -1 && vm.value.indexOf('选项4') > -1).toBe(true) const tagCloseIcons = wrapper.findAll('.el-tag__close') await tagCloseIcons[0].trigger('click') expect(vm.value.indexOf('选项1')).toBe(-1) }) test('multiple remove-tag', async () => { const wrapper = _mount(`

{{item.label}} {{item.value}}

`, () => ({ options: [{ value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }, { value: '选项3', label: '蚵仔煎', }, { value: '选项4', label: '龙须面', }, { value: '选项5', label: '北京烤鸭', }], value: ['选项1', '选项2'], }), { methods: { handleRemoveTag() { // pass }, }, }) const vm = wrapper.vm as any await vm.$nextTick() expect(vm.value.length).toBe(2) const tagCloseIcons = wrapper.findAll('.el-tag__close') await tagCloseIcons[1].trigger('click') expect(vm.value.length).toBe(1) await tagCloseIcons[0].trigger('click') expect(vm.value.length).toBe(0) }) test('multiple limit', async () => { const wrapper = getSelectVm({ multiple: true, multipleLimit: 1 }) const vm = wrapper.vm as any await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() options[1].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value.indexOf('选项2') > -1).toBe(true) options[3].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value.indexOf('选项4')).toBe(-1) }) test('event:focus & blur', async () => { const handleFocus = jest.fn() const handleBlur = jest.fn() const wrapper = _mount(``, () => ({ handleFocus, handleBlur, })) const select = wrapper.findComponent(({ name: 'ElSelect' })) const input = select.find('input') expect(input.exists()).toBe(true) await input.trigger('focus') expect(handleFocus).toHaveBeenCalled() await input.trigger('blur') expect(handleBlur).toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('should not open popper when automatic-dropdown not set', async () => { const wrapper = getSelectVm() const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) await select.findComponent({ ref: 'reference' }) .find('input') .element.focus() expect((select.vm as any).visible).toBe(false) }) test('should open popper when automatic-dropdown is set', async () => { const wrapper = getSelectVm({ automaticDropdown: true }) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) await select.findComponent({ ref: 'reference' }).find('input').trigger('focus') expect((select.vm as any).visible).toBe(true) }) test('only emit change on user input', async () => { let callCount = 0 const wrapper = _mount(` `, () => ({ value: '1', change: () => ++callCount, })) expect(callCount).toBe(0) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() options[2].click() expect(callCount).toBe(1) }) test('render slot `empty`', async () => { const wrapper = _mount(`
`, () => ({ value: '1', })) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') expect(document.querySelector('.empty-slot').textContent).toBe('EmptySlot') }) test('should set placeholder to label of selected option when filterable is true and multiple is false', async() => { const wrapper = _mount(` `, () => ({ value: 'test' })) const vm = wrapper.vm as any await wrapper.trigger('click') const selectVm = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }).vm as any expect(selectVm.visible).toBe(true) expect(wrapper.find('.el-input__inner').element.placeholder).toBe('test') expect(vm.value).toBe('test') }) test('default value is null or undefined', async() => { const wrapper = _mount(` `, () => ({ options: [{ value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }], value: undefined, })) const vm = wrapper.vm as any vm.value = null await vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.find('.el-input__inner').element.value).toBe('') vm.value = '选项1' await vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.find('.el-input__inner').element.value).toBe('黄金糕') }) })