import { markRaw, nextTick } from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { afterEach, describe, expect, it, test, vi } from 'vitest' import { EVENT_CODE } from '@element-plus/constants' import { ArrowUp, CaretTop, CircleClose } from '@element-plus/icons-vue' import { POPPER_CONTAINER_SELECTOR } from '@element-plus/hooks' import { hasClass } from '@element-plus/utils' import Select from '../src/select.vue' import Group from '../src/option-group.vue' import Option from '../src/option.vue' vi.mock('lodash-unified', async () => { return { ...((await vi.importActual('lodash-unified')) as Record), debounce: vi.fn((fn) => { fn.cancel = vi.fn() fn.flush = vi.fn() return fn }), } }) interface SelectProps { filterMethod?: any remoteMethod?: any multiple?: boolean clearable?: boolean filterable?: boolean allowCreate?: boolean remote?: boolean collapseTags?: boolean automaticDropdown?: boolean multipleLimit?: number popperClass?: string defaultFirstOption?: boolean fitInputWidth?: boolean size?: 'small' | 'default' | 'large' } const _mount = (template: string, data: any = () => ({}), otherObj?) => mount( { components: { 'el-select': Select, 'el-option': Option, 'el-group-option': Group, }, template, data, ...otherObj, }, { attachTo: 'body', } ) function getOptions(): HTMLElement[] { return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'body > div:last-child .el-select-dropdown__item' ) ) } const getSelectVm = (configs: SelectProps = {}, options?) => { ;[ 'multiple', 'clearable', 'defaultFirstOption', 'filterable', 'allowCreate', 'remote', 'collapseTags', 'automaticDropdown', 'fitInputWidth', ].forEach((config) => { configs[config] = configs[config] || false }) configs.multipleLimit = configs.multipleLimit || 0 if (!options) { options = [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', disabled: false, }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', disabled: false, }, { value: '选项3', label: '蚵仔煎', disabled: false, }, { value: '选项4', label: '龙须面', disabled: false, }, { value: '选项5', label: '北京烤鸭', disabled: false, }, ] } return _mount( ` `, () => ({ options, multiple: configs.multiple, multipleLimit: configs.multipleLimit, clearable: configs.clearable, defaultFirstOption: configs.defaultFirstOption, filterable: configs.filterable, collapseTags: configs.collapseTags, allowCreate: configs.allowCreate, popperClass: configs.popperClass, automaticDropdown: configs.automaticDropdown, fitInputWidth: configs.fitInputWidth, loading: false, filterMethod: configs.filterMethod, remote: configs.remote, remoteMethod: configs.remoteMethod, value: configs.multiple ? [] : '', size: configs.size || 'default', }) ) } const getGroupSelectVm = (configs: SelectProps = {}, options?) => { ;[ 'multiple', 'clearable', 'filterable', 'allowCreate', 'remote', 'collapseTags', 'automaticDropdown', 'fitInputWidth', ].forEach((config) => { configs[config] = configs[config] || false }) configs.multipleLimit = configs.multipleLimit || 0 if (!options) { options = [ { label: 'Australia', options: [ { value: 'Sydney', label: 'Sydney', }, { value: 'Melbourne', label: 'Melbourne', }, ], }, { label: 'China', options: [ { value: 'Shanghai', label: 'Shanghai', }, { value: 'Shenzhen', label: 'Shenzhen', }, { value: 'Guangzhou', label: 'Guangzhou', }, { value: 'Dalian', label: 'Dalian', }, ], }, { label: 'India', options: [ { value: 'Mumbai', label: 'Mumbai', }, { value: 'Delhi', label: 'Delhi', }, { value: 'Bangalore', label: 'Bangalore', }, ], }, { label: 'Indonesia', options: [ { value: 'Bandung', label: 'Bandung', }, { value: 'Jakarta', label: 'Jakarta', }, ], }, ] } return _mount( ` `, () => ({ options, multiple: configs.multiple, multipleLimit: configs.multipleLimit, clearable: configs.clearable, filterable: configs.filterable, collapseTags: configs.collapseTags, allowCreate: configs.allowCreate, popperClass: configs.popperClass, automaticDropdown: configs.automaticDropdown, fitInputWidth: configs.fitInputWidth, loading: false, filterMethod: configs.filterMethod, remote: configs.remote, remoteMethod: configs.remoteMethod, value: configs.multiple ? [] : '', }) ) } describe('Select', () => { let wrapper: ReturnType const findInnerInput = () => wrapper.find('.el-input__inner').element as HTMLInputElement afterEach(() => { document.body.innerHTML = '' }) test('create', async () => { wrapper = _mount(``, () => ({ value: '', })) expect(wrapper.classes()).toContain('el-select') expect(findInnerInput().placeholder).toBe('Select') const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) await select.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect((select.vm as any).visible).toBe(true) }) test('options rendered correctly', () => { wrapper = getSelectVm() const options = wrapper.element.querySelectorAll( '.el-select-dropdown__item' ) const result =, (option, index) => { const text = option.querySelector('span').textContent const vm = wrapper.vm as any return text === vm.options[index].label }) expect(result).toBe(true) }) test('custom dropdown class', () => { wrapper = getSelectVm({ popperClass: 'custom-dropdown' }) const dropdown = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelectDropdown' }) expect(dropdown.classes()).toContain('custom-dropdown') }) test('default value', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }, ], value: '选项2', }) ) await nextTick() expect(findInnerInput().value).toBe('双皮奶') }) test('set default value to object', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { value: { value: '选项1', }, label: '黄金糕', }, { value: { value: '选项2', }, label: '双皮奶', }, ], value: { value: '选项2', }, }) ) await nextTick() expect(findInnerInput().value).toBe('双皮奶') }) test('custom label', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { id: 1, name: '黄金糕', }, { id: 2, name: '双皮奶', }, ], value: 2, }) ) await nextTick() expect(findInnerInput().value).toBe('双皮奶') }) test('custom label with object', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { id: 1, name: '黄金糕', }, { id: 2, name: '双皮奶', }, ], value: { id: 2, }, }) ) await nextTick() expect(findInnerInput().value).toBe('双皮奶') }) test('sync set value and options', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }, ], value: '选项2', }) ) const vm = wrapper.vm as any vm.options = [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, ] vm.value = '选项1' await nextTick() expect(findInnerInput().value).toBe('黄金糕') }) test('single select', async () => { wrapper = _mount( `

{{item.label}} {{item.value}}

`, () => ({ options: [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }, { value: '选项3', label: '蚵仔煎', }, { value: '选项4', label: '龙须面', }, { value: '选项5', label: '北京烤鸭', }, ], value: '', count: 0, }), { methods: { handleChange() { this.count++ }, }, } ) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() const vm = wrapper.vm as any expect(vm.value).toBe('') expect(findInnerInput().value).toBe('') options[2].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value).toBe('选项3') expect(findInnerInput().value).toBe('蚵仔煎') expect(vm.count).toBe(1) options[4].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value).toBe('选项5') expect(findInnerInput().value).toBe('北京烤鸭') expect(vm.count).toBe(2) }) test('disabled option', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm() const vm = wrapper.vm as any wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') vm.options[1].disabled = true await nextTick() const options = getOptions() expect(options[1].className).toContain('is-disabled') options[1].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value).toBe('') }) test('disabled select', () => { wrapper = _mount(``) expect(wrapper.find('.el-input').classes()).toContain('is-disabled') }) test('group disabled option', () => { const optionGroupData = [ { label: 'Australia', disabled: true, options: [ { value: 'Sydney', label: 'Sydney', }, { value: 'Melbourne', label: 'Melbourne', }, ], }, ] wrapper = getGroupSelectVm({}, optionGroupData) const options = wrapper.findAllComponents(Option) expect(options[0].classes('is-disabled')).toBeTruthy() }) test('keyboard operations when option-group is disabled', async () => { const optionGroupData = [ { label: 'Australia', disabled: true, options: [ { value: 'Sydney', label: 'Sydney', }, { value: 'Melbourne', label: 'Melbourne', }, ], }, { label: 'China', options: [ { value: 'Shanghai', label: 'Shanghai', }, { value: 'Shenzhen', label: 'Shenzhen', }, { value: 'Guangzhou', label: 'Guangzhou', }, { value: 'Dalian', label: 'Dalian', }, ], }, ] wrapper = getGroupSelectVm({}, optionGroupData) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const vm = select.vm as any let i = 8 while (i--) { vm.navigateOptions('next') } vm.navigateOptions('prev') vm.navigateOptions('prev') vm.navigateOptions('prev') await nextTick() vm.selectOption() await nextTick() expect((wrapper.vm as any).value).toBe('Dalian') }) test('visible event', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [], value: '', visible: '', }), { methods: { handleVisibleChange(val) { this.visible = val }, }, } ) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const vm = wrapper.vm as any const selectVm = select.vm as any selectVm.visible = true await selectVm.$nextTick() expect(vm.visible).toBe(true) }) test('keyboard operations', async () => { vi.useFakeTimers() wrapper = getSelectVm() const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const vm = select.vm as any let i = 8 while (i--) { vm.navigateOptions('next') } vm.navigateOptions('prev') vm.navigateOptions('prev') vm.navigateOptions('prev') await nextTick() expect(vm.hoverIndex).toBe(3) vm.selectOption() await nextTick() expect((wrapper.vm as any).value).toBe('选项4') vm.toggleMenu() vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() vm.toggleMenu() await nextTick() expect(vm.hoverIndex).toBe(3) vi.useRealTimers() }) test('clearable', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm({ clearable: true }) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const vm = wrapper.vm as any const selectVm = select.vm as any vm.value = '选项1' await nextTick() selectVm.inputHovering = true await selectVm.$nextTick() const iconClear = wrapper.findComponent(CircleClose) expect(iconClear.exists()).toBe(true) await iconClear.trigger('click') expect(vm.value).toBe('') }) test('suffix icon', async () => { wrapper = _mount(``) let suffixIcon = wrapper.findComponent(ArrowUp) expect(suffixIcon.exists()).toBe(true) await wrapper.setProps({ suffixIcon: markRaw(CaretTop) }) suffixIcon = wrapper.findComponent(CaretTop) expect(suffixIcon.exists()).toBe(true) }) test('fitInputWidth', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm({ fitInputWidth: true }) const selectWrapper = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const selectDom = selectWrapper.element const selectRect = { height: 40, width: 221, x: 44, y: 8, top: 8, } const mockSelectWidth = vi .spyOn(selectDom, 'getBoundingClientRect') .mockReturnValue(selectRect as DOMRect) const dropdown = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelectDropdown' }) dropdown.vm.minWidth = `${ selectWrapper.element.getBoundingClientRect().width }px` await nextTick() expect('221px') mockSelectWidth.mockRestore() }) test('check default first option', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm({ filterable: true, defaultFirstOption: true, }) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const selectVm = select.vm as any const input = wrapper.find('input') input.element.focus() expect(selectVm.hoverIndex).toBe(0) selectVm.navigateOptions('next') expect(selectVm.hoverIndex).toBe(1) }) test('check default first option when the very first option is disabled', async () => { const demoOptions = [ { value: 'HTML', label: 'HTML', disabled: true, }, { value: 'CSS', label: 'CSS', disabled: false, }, { value: 'JavaScript', label: 'JavaScript', disabled: false, }, ] wrapper = getSelectVm( { filterable: true, defaultFirstOption: true, }, demoOptions ) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const selectVm = select.vm as any const input = wrapper.find('input') input.element.focus() expect(selectVm.hoverIndex).toBe(1) // index 0 was skipped selectVm.navigateOptions('next') expect(selectVm.hoverIndex).toBe(2) selectVm.navigateOptions('next') expect(selectVm.hoverIndex).toBe(1) // index 0 was skipped }) test('allow create', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm({ filterable: true, allowCreate: true }) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const selectVm = select.vm as any const input = wrapper.find('input') input.element.focus() selectVm.selectedLabel = 'new' selectVm.debouncedOnInputChange() await nextTick() const options = [...getOptions()] const target = options.find((option) => option.textContent === 'new') expect((wrapper.vm as any).value).toBe('new') }) test('allow create async option', async () => { const options = [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }, ] wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [], value: '选项2', }) ) await nextTick() expect(getOptions()).toHaveLength(1) await wrapper.setData({ options, }) expect(getOptions()).toHaveLength(options.length) }) test('multiple select', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm({ multiple: true }) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() const vm = wrapper.vm as any vm.value = ['选项1'] nextTick() options[1].click() await nextTick() options[3].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value.includes('选项2') && vm.value.includes('选项4')).toBe(true) const tagCloseIcons = wrapper.findAll('.el-tag__close') await tagCloseIcons[0].trigger('click') expect(vm.value.indexOf('选项1')).toBe(-1) }) test('multiple select when content overflow', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶', }, { value: '选项3', label: '蚵仔煎蚵仔煎蚵仔煎蚵仔煎蚵仔煎蚵仔煎', }, { value: '选项4', label: '龙须面', }, { value: '选项5', label: '北京烤鸭', }, ], selectedList: [], }) ) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() const selectWrapper = wrapper.findComponent(Select) const inputWrapper = selectWrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'reference' }) const inputDom = inputWrapper.element const inputRect = { height: 40, width: 221, x: 44, y: 8, top: 8, } const mockInputWidth = vi .spyOn(inputDom, 'getBoundingClientRect') .mockReturnValue(inputRect as DOMRect) selectWrapper.vm.handleResize() options[0].click() await nextTick() options[1].click() await nextTick() options[2].click() await nextTick() const tagWrappers = wrapper.findAll('.el-select__tags-text') for (const tagWrapper of tagWrappers) { const tagWrapperDom = tagWrapper.element expect( Number.parseInt( === inputRect.width - 75 ).toBe(true) } mockInputWidth.mockRestore() }) test('multiple select with collapseTags when content overflow', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶双皮奶', }, { value: '选项3', label: '蚵仔煎蚵仔煎蚵仔煎蚵仔煎蚵仔煎蚵仔煎', }, { value: '选项4', label: '龙须面', }, { value: '选项5', label: '北京烤鸭', }, ], selectedList: [], }) ) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() const selectWrapper = wrapper.findComponent(Select) const inputWrapper = selectWrapper.findComponent({ ref: 'reference' }) const inputDom = inputWrapper.element const inputRect = { height: 40, width: 221, x: 44, y: 8, top: 8, } const mockInputWidth = vi .spyOn(inputDom, 'getBoundingClientRect') .mockReturnValue(inputRect as DOMRect) selectWrapper.vm.handleResize() options[0].click() await nextTick() options[1].click() await nextTick() options[2].click() await nextTick() const tagWrappers = wrapper.findAll('.el-select__tags-text') const tagWrapperDom = tagWrappers[0].element expect( Number.parseInt( === inputRect.width - 123 ).toBe(true) mockInputWidth.mockRestore() }) test('multiple select with collapseTagsTooltip', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }, { value: '选项3', label: '蚵仔煎', }, { value: '选项4', label: '龙须面', }, { value: '选项5', label: '北京烤鸭', }, ], selectedList: [], }) ) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() options[0].click() await nextTick() options[1].click() await nextTick() options[2].click() await nextTick() const triggerWrappers = wrapper.findAll('.el-tooltip__trigger') expect(triggerWrappers[0]).toBeDefined() const tags = wrapper.findAll('.el-select__tags-text') expect(tags.length).toBe(5) expect(tags[4].element.textContent).toBe('蚵仔煎') }) test('multiple remove-tag', async () => { wrapper = _mount( `

{{item.label}} {{item.value}}

`, () => ({ options: [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }, { value: '选项3', label: '蚵仔煎', }, { value: '选项4', label: '龙须面', }, { value: '选项5', label: '北京烤鸭', }, ], value: ['选项1', '选项2'], }), { methods: { handleRemoveTag() { // pass }, }, } ) const vm = wrapper.vm as any await nextTick() expect(vm.value.length).toBe(2) const tagCloseIcons = wrapper.findAll('.el-tag__close') await tagCloseIcons[1].trigger('click') expect(vm.value.length).toBe(1) await tagCloseIcons[0].trigger('click') expect(vm.value.length).toBe(0) }) test('multiple limit', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm({ multiple: true, multipleLimit: 1 }) const vm = wrapper.vm as any await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() options[1].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value.includes('选项2')).toBe(true) options[3].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value.indexOf('选项4')).toBe(-1) }) test('event:focus & blur', async () => { const handleFocus = vi.fn() const handleBlur = vi.fn() wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ handleFocus, handleBlur, }) ) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const input = select.find('input') expect(input.exists()).toBe(true) await input.trigger('focus') expect(handleFocus).toHaveBeenCalled() await input.trigger('blur') expect(handleBlur).toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('event:focus & blur for multile & filterable select', async () => { const handleFocus = vi.fn() const handleBlur = vi.fn() wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ handleFocus, handleBlur, }) ) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const input = select.find('input') expect(input.exists()).toBe(true) await input.trigger('focus') expect(handleFocus).toHaveBeenCalled() await input.trigger('blur') expect(handleBlur).toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('should not open popper when automatic-dropdown not set', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm() const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) await select .findComponent({ ref: 'reference' }) .find('input') .element.focus() expect((select.vm as any).visible).toBe(false) }) test('should open popper when automatic-dropdown is set', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm({ automaticDropdown: true }) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) await select .findComponent({ ref: 'reference' }) .find('input') .trigger('focus') expect((select.vm as any).visible).toBe(true) }) test('only emit change on user input', async () => { let callCount = 0 wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ value: '1', change: () => ++callCount, }) ) expect(callCount).toBe(0) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() options[2].click() expect(callCount).toBe(1) }) test('render slot `empty`', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ value: '1', }) ) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') expect( document.querySelector('.empty-slot')?.textContent ).toBe('EmptySlot') }) test('should set placeholder to label of selected option when filterable is true and multiple is false', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ value: 'test' }) ) const vm = wrapper.vm as any await wrapper.trigger('click') const selectVm = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }).vm as any expect(selectVm.visible).toBe(true) expect(findInnerInput().placeholder).toBe('test') expect(vm.value).toBe('test') }) test('default value is null or undefined', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }, ], value: undefined, }) ) const vm = wrapper.vm as any vm.value = null await nextTick() expect(findInnerInput().value).toBe('') vm.value = '选项1' await nextTick() expect(findInnerInput().value).toBe('黄金糕') }) test('emptyText error show', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { value: 'Option1', label: 'Option1', }, { value: 'Option2', label: 'Option2', }, { value: 'Option3', label: 'Option3', }, { value: 'Option4', label: 'Option4', }, { value: 'Option5', label: 'Option5', }, ], value: 'test', }) ) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) await select.trigger('click') await nextTick() expect( !!(document.querySelector('.el-select__popper') as HTMLElement).style .display ).toBeFalsy() expect(wrapper.findAll('.el-select-dropdown__empty').length).toBe(0) }) test('multiple select with remote load', async () => { vi.useFakeTimers() wrapper = mount({ template: ` `, components: { ElSelect: Select, ElOption: Option }, data() { return { options: [], value: [], list: [], loading: false, states: [ 'Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California', 'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia', 'Hawaii', 'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana', 'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota', 'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada', 'New Hampshire', 'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York', 'North Carolina', 'North Dakota', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon', 'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota', 'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington', 'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming', ], } }, mounted() { this.list = => { return { value: `value:${item}`, label: `label:${item}` } }) }, methods: { remoteMethod(query) { if (query !== '') { this.loading = true setTimeout(() => { this.loading = false this.options = this.list.filter((item) => { return item.label.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase()) }) }, 200) } else { this.options = [] } }, }, }) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }).vm select.debouncedQueryChange({ target: { value: '', }, }) select.debouncedQueryChange({ target: { value: 'a', }, }) vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() let options = getOptions() options[0].click() await nextTick() select.debouncedQueryChange({ target: { value: 'n', }, }) vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() options = getOptions() options[5].click() await nextTick() expect(select.selected.length === 2).toBeTruthy() expect(select.selected[0].currentLabel !== '').toBeTruthy() expect(select.selected[1].currentLabel !== '').toBeTruthy() vi.useRealTimers() }) test('disabled group', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { label: 'Popular cities', options: [ { value: 'Shanghai', label: 'Shanghai' }, { value: 'Beijing', label: 'Beijing' }, ], }, { label: 'City name', options: [ { value: 'Chengdu', label: 'Chengdu' }, { value: 'Shenzhen', label: 'Shenzhen' }, { value: 'Guangzhou', label: 'Guangzhou' }, { value: 'Dalian', label: 'Dalian' }, ], }, ], value: '', }) ) const vm = wrapper.vm as any wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') await nextTick() vm.options[1].disabled = true await nextTick() const options = getOptions() expect(options[0].className).not.toContain('is-disabled') expect(options[2].className).toContain('is-disabled') options[0].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value).toBe('Shanghai') options[2].click() await nextTick() expect(vm.value).toBe('Shanghai') }) test('tag of disabled option is not closable', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ vendors: [2, 3, 4], isCollapsed: false, isClearable: false, options: [ { name: 'Test 1', isDisabled: false }, { name: 'Test 2', isDisabled: true }, { name: 'Test 3', isDisabled: false }, { name: 'Test 4', isDisabled: true }, ], }) ) const vm = wrapper.vm as any await nextTick() const selectVm = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }).vm as any expect(wrapper.findAll('.el-tag').length).toBe(3) const tagCloseIcons = wrapper.findAll('.el-tag__close') expect(tagCloseIcons.length).toBe(1) await tagCloseIcons[0].trigger('click') expect(wrapper.findAll('.el-tag__close').length).toBe(0) expect(wrapper.findAll('.el-tag').length).toBe(2) //test if is clearable vm.isClearable = true vm.vendors = [2, 3, 4] await nextTick() selectVm.inputHovering = true await selectVm.$nextTick() const iconClear = wrapper.findComponent(CircleClose) expect(wrapper.findAll('.el-tag').length).toBe(3) await iconClear.trigger('click') expect(wrapper.findAll('.el-tag').length).toBe(2) // test for collapse select vm.vendors = [1, 2, 4] vm.isCollapsed = true vm.isClearable = false await nextTick() expect( wrapper.findAll('.el-tag').filter((item) => { return !hasClass(item.element, 'in-tooltip') }).length ).toBe(2) await wrapper.find('.el-tag__close').trigger('click') expect( wrapper.findAll('.el-tag').filter((item) => { return !hasClass(item.element, 'in-tooltip') }).length ).toBe(2) expect(wrapper.findAll('.el-tag__close').length).toBe(0) // test for collapse select if is clearable vm.vendors = [1, 2, 4] vm.isCollapsed = true vm.isClearable = true await nextTick() expect( wrapper.findAll('.el-tag__close').filter((item) => { return !hasClass(item.element.parentElement, 'in-tooltip') }).length ).toBe(1) await wrapper.find('.el-tag__close').trigger('click') expect( wrapper.findAll('.el-tag').filter((item) => { return !hasClass(item.element, 'in-tooltip') }).length ).toBe(2) expect(wrapper.findAll('.el-tag__close').length).toBe(0) }) test('tag type', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ options: [ { value: '选项1', label: '黄金糕', }, { value: '选项2', label: '双皮奶', }, ], value: [], }) ) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const options = getOptions() options[1].click() await nextTick() expect(wrapper.find('.el-tag').classes()).toContain('el-tag--success') }) test('modelValue should be deep reactive in multiple mode', async () => { wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ modelValue: [1], options: [ { label: 'Test 1', value: 1 }, { label: 'Test 2', value: 2 }, { label: 'Test 3', value: 3 }, { label: 'Test 4', value: 4 }, ], }) ) const vm = wrapper.vm as any await nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll('.el-tag').length).toBe(1) vm.modelValue.splice(0, 1) await nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll('.el-tag').length).toBe(0) }) test('should reset placeholder after clear when both multiple and filterable are true', async () => { const placeholder = 'placeholder' wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ modelValue: ['1'], }) ) await nextTick() const innerInput = wrapper.find('.el-input__inner') const innerInputEl = innerInput.element as HTMLInputElement expect(innerInputEl.placeholder).toBe('') const tagCloseIcon = wrapper.find('.el-tag__close') await tagCloseIcon.trigger('click') expect(innerInputEl.placeholder).toBe(placeholder) const selectInput = wrapper.find('.el-select__input') const selectInputEl = selectInput.element as HTMLInputElement selectInputEl.value = 'a' vi.useFakeTimers() selectInput.trigger('input') await nextTick() vi.runAllTimers() await nextTick() expect(innerInputEl.placeholder).toBe('') selectInput.trigger('keydown', { key: EVENT_CODE.backspace, }) await nextTick() expect(innerInputEl.placeholder).toBe(placeholder) vi.useRealTimers() }) test('should close popper when click icon twice', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm({ filterable: true, clearable: true, }) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const suffixIcon = select.find('.el-input__suffix') await suffixIcon.trigger('click') expect((select.vm as any).visible).toBe(true) await suffixIcon.trigger('click') expect((select.vm as any).visible).toBe(false) }) describe('should show all options when open select dropdown', () => { async function testShowOptions({ filterable, multiple }: SelectProps = {}) { wrapper = getSelectVm({ filterable, multiple }) const options = wrapper.findAllComponents({ name: 'ElOption' }) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') expect(options.every((option) => option.vm.visible)).toBe(true) await options[1].trigger('click') await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') expect(options.every((option) => option.vm.visible)).toBe(true) } test('both filterable and multiple are false', async () => { await testShowOptions() }) test('filterable is true and multiple is false', async () => { await testShowOptions({ filterable: true }) }) test('filterable is false and multiple is true', async () => { await testShowOptions({ multiple: true }) }) test('both filterable and multiple are true', async () => { await testShowOptions({ filterable: true, multiple: true }) }) test('filterable is true with grouping', async () => { wrapper = getGroupSelectVm({ filterable: true }) await wrapper.find('.select-trigger').trigger('click') const vm = wrapper.findComponent(Select).vm const event = { target: { value: 'sh' } } vm.debouncedQueryChange(event) await nextTick() const groups = wrapper.findAllComponents(Group) expect( groups.filter((group) => { const vm = group.vm as any return vm.visible }).length ).toBe(1) }) }) describe('after search', () => { async function testAfterSearch({ multiple, filterMethod, remote, remoteMethod, }: SelectProps) { wrapper = getSelectVm({ filterable: true, multiple, filterMethod, remote, remoteMethod, }) const method = remote ? remoteMethod : filterMethod const firstInputLetter = 'a' const secondInputLetter = 'aa' await nextTick() const input = wrapper.find( multiple ? '.el-select__input' : '.el-input__inner' ) const inputEl = input.element as HTMLInputElement await input.trigger('click') inputEl.value = firstInputLetter await input.trigger('input') expect(method).toBeCalled() expect(method.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe(firstInputLetter) inputEl.value = secondInputLetter await input.trigger('input') expect(method).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(method.mock.calls[1][0]).toBe(secondInputLetter) } test('should call filter method', async () => { const filterMethod = vi.fn() await testAfterSearch({ filterMethod }) }) test('should call filter method in multiple mode', async () => { const filterMethod = vi.fn() await testAfterSearch({ multiple: true, filterMethod }) }) test('should call remote method', async () => { const remoteMethod = vi.fn() await testAfterSearch({ remote: true, remoteMethod }) }) test('should call remote method in multiple mode', async () => { const remoteMethod = vi.fn() await testAfterSearch({ multiple: true, remote: true, remoteMethod }) }) }) describe('teleported API', () => { it('should mount on popper container', async () => { expect(document.body.innerHTML).toBe('') wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ modelValue: [1], options: [ { label: 'Test 1', value: 1 }, { label: 'Test 2', value: 2 }, { label: 'Test 3', value: 3 }, { label: 'Test 4', value: 4 }, ], }) ) await nextTick() expect( document.body.querySelector(POPPER_CONTAINER_SELECTOR).innerHTML ).not.toBe('') }) it('should not mount on the popper container', async () => { expect(document.body.innerHTML).toBe('') wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ modelValue: [1], options: [ { label: 'Test 1', value: 1 }, { label: 'Test 2', value: 2 }, { label: 'Test 3', value: 3 }, { label: 'Test 4', value: 4 }, ], }) ) await nextTick() expect( document.body.querySelector(POPPER_CONTAINER_SELECTOR).innerHTML ).toBe('') }) }) it('multiple select has an initial value', async () => { const options = [{ value: `value:Alaska`, label: `label:Alaska` }] const modelValue = [{ value: `value:Alaska`, label: `label:Alaska` }] const wrapper = _mount( ` `, () => ({ modelValue, options, }) ) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }).vm expect(select.selected[0].currentLabel).toBe(options[0].label) }) test('should reset selectedLabel when toggle multiple', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm({ multiple: false }) const select = wrapper.findComponent({ name: 'ElSelect' }) const vm = wrapper.vm as any const selectVm = select.vm as any vm.value = '选项1' await nextTick() expect(selectVm.selectedLabel).toBe('黄金糕') vm.multiple = true vm.value = [] await nextTick() expect(selectVm.selectedLabel).toBe('') }) test('should modify size height change', async () => { wrapper = getSelectVm() // large size await wrapper.setProps({ size: 'large', }) await nextTick(nextTick) const wrapperEl = wrapper.find('input').element as HTMLDivElement expect('40px') // default size await wrapper.setProps({ size: 'default', }) await nextTick(nextTick) expect('32px') // small size await wrapper.setProps({ size: 'small', }) await nextTick(nextTick) expect('24px') }) })