## Timeline
Visually display timeline.
### Basic usage
Timeline can be split into multiple activities. Timestamps are important features that distinguish them from other components. Note the difference with Steps.
### Custom node
Size, color, and icons can be customized in node.
### Custom timestamp
Timestamp can be placed on top of content when content is too high.
Update Github template
Tom committed 2018/4/12 20:46
Update Github template
Tom committed 2018/4/3 20:46
Update Github template
Tom committed 2018/4/2 20:46
### Timeline-item Attributes
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
|---------- |-------- |---------- |------------- |-------- |
| timestamp | timestamp content | string | - | — |
| hide-timestamp | whether to show timestamp | boolean | — | false |
| placement | position of timestamp | string | top / bottom | bottom |
| type | node type | string | primary / success / warning / danger / info | - |
| color | background color of node | string | hsl / hsv / hex / rgb | - |
| size | node size | string | normal / large | normal |
| icon | icon class name | string | — | - |
### Timeline-Item Slot
| name | Description |
| — | Custom content for timeline item |
| dot | Custom defined node |