Consistent with real life: in line with the process and logic of real
life, and comply with languages and habits that the users are used to;
Consistent within interface: all elements should be consistent, such as:
design style, icons and texts, position of elements, etc.
Operation feedback: enable the users to clearly perceive their operations
by style updates and interactive effects;
Visual feedback: reflect current state by updating or rearranging elements
of the page.
Simplify the process: keep operating process simple and intuitive;
Definite and clear: enunciate your intentions clearly so that the users
can quickly understand and make decisions;
Easy to identify: the interface should be straightforward, which helps the
users to identify and frees them from memorizing and recalling.
Decision making: giving advices about operations is acceptable, but do not
make decisions for the users;
Controlled consequences: users should be granted the freedom to operate,
including canceling, aborting or terminating current operation.
### アコーディオン
アコーディオンモードでは、一度に 1 つのパネルだけを拡大することができます。
:::demo アコーディオンモードを `accordion` アトリビュートを使って起動します。
Consistent with real life: in line with the process and logic of real
life, and comply with languages and habits that the users are used to;
Consistent within interface: all elements should be consistent, such as:
design style, icons and texts, position of elements, etc.
Operation feedback: enable the users to clearly perceive their operations
by style updates and interactive effects;
Visual feedback: reflect current state by updating or rearranging elements
of the page.
Simplify the process: keep operating process simple and intuitive;
Definite and clear: enunciate your intentions clearly so that the users
can quickly understand and make decisions;
Easy to identify: the interface should be straightforward, which helps the
users to identify and frees them from memorizing and recalling.
Decision making: giving advices about operations is acceptable, but do not
make decisions for the users;
Controlled consequences: users should be granted the freedom to operate,
including canceling, aborting or terminating current operation.
### カスタムタイトル
Consistent with real life: in line with the process and logic of real
life, and comply with languages and habits that the users are used to;
Consistent within interface: all elements should be consistent, such as:
design style, icons and texts, position of elements, etc.
Operation feedback: enable the users to clearly perceive their operations
by style updates and interactive effects;
Visual feedback: reflect current state by updating or rearranging elements
of the page.
Simplify the process: keep operating process simple and intuitive;
Definite and clear: enunciate your intentions clearly so that the users
can quickly understand and make decisions;
Easy to identify: the interface should be straightforward, which helps the
users to identify and frees them from memorizing and recalling.
Decision making: giving advices about operations is acceptable, but do not
make decisions for the users;
Controlled consequences: users should be granted the freedom to operate,
including canceling, aborting or terminating current operation.
### Collapse 属性
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
| --------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------- |
| model-value / v-model | カレントアクティブパネル | string (accordion mode) / array (non-accordion mode) | — | — |
| accordion | アコーディオンモードにするかどうか | boolean | — | false |
### Collapse イベント
| Event Name | Description | Parameters |
| ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| change | アクティブなパネルが変更されたときにトリガされます。 | (activeNames: array (non-accordion mode) / string (accordion mode)) |
### Collapse アイテム属性
| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
| --------- | ----------------------------- | ------------- | --------------- | ------- |
| name | パネル固有の識別 | string/number | — | — |
| title | パネルのタイトル | string | — | — |
| disabled | collapse アイテムを無効にする | boolean | — | — |
### Collapse Item スロット
| Name | Description |
| ----- | ---------------------------- |
| — | Collapse Item の内容 |
| title | Collapse Item タイトルの内容 |