import consola from 'consola' import chalk from 'chalk' import { errorAndExit, getWorkspacePackages } from '@element-plus/build-utils' import type { Project } from '@pnpm/find-workspace-packages' async function main() { const tagVersion = process.env.TAG_VERSION const gitHead = process.env.GIT_HEAD if (!tagVersion || !gitHead) { errorAndExit( new Error( 'No tag version or git head were found, make sure that you set the environment variable $TAG_VERSION \n' ) ) } consola.log(chalk.cyan('Start updating version')) consola.log(chalk.cyan(`$TAG_VERSION: ${tagVersion}`)) consola.log(chalk.cyan(`$GIT_HEAD: ${gitHead}`)) consola.debug(chalk.yellow(`Updating package.json for element-plus`)) const pkgs = Object.fromEntries( (await getWorkspacePackages()).map((pkg) => [!, pkg]) ) const elementPlus = pkgs['element-plus'] || pkgs['@element-plus/nightly'] const eslintConfig = pkgs['@element-plus/eslint-config'] const metadata = pkgs['@element-plus/metadata'] const writeVersion = async (project: Project) => { await project.writeProjectManifest({ ...project.manifest, version: tagVersion, gitHead, } as any) } try { await writeVersion(elementPlus) await writeVersion(eslintConfig) await writeVersion(metadata) } catch (err) { errorAndExit(err) } consola.debug(`$GIT_HEAD: ${gitHead}`)) consola.success(`Git head updated to ${gitHead}`)) } main()