import { defineComponent, h, inject, nextTick } from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { COLLECTION_ITEM_SIGN } from '@element-plus/components/collection' import { composeRefs } from '@element-plus/utils' import ElRovingFocusGroup from '../src/roving-focus-group.vue' import { ROVING_FOCUS_GROUP_INJECTION_KEY } from '../src/tokens' import { ROVING_FOCUS_COLLECTION_INJECTION_KEY } from '../src/roving-focus-group' const AXIOM = 'rem is the best girl' const RovingFocusGroupChild = defineComponent({ setup() { const rovingFocusGroupInjection = inject( ROVING_FOCUS_GROUP_INJECTION_KEY, undefined )! const { itemMap, collectionRef } = inject( ROVING_FOCUS_COLLECTION_INJECTION_KEY, undefined )! Array.from({ length: 3, }).forEach((_, id) => { const div = document.createElement('div') = id.toString() itemMap.set(div, { ref: div, focusable: true, active: false, id: id.toString(), }) }) const composedRef = composeRefs( rovingFocusGroupInjection.rovingFocusGroupRef, collectionRef ) return { ...rovingFocusGroupInjection, composedRef, } }, template: `
`, }) const onFocus = jest.fn() const onBlur = jest.fn() const onMousedown = jest.fn() describe('', () => { const createComponent = ( props = { onFocus, onBlur, onMousedown, } ) => mount(ElRovingFocusGroup, { props, slots: { default: () => h(RovingFocusGroupChild), }, }) let wrapper: ReturnType const findChild = () => wrapper.findComponent(RovingFocusGroupChild) beforeEach(async () => { wrapper = createComponent() await nextTick() }) afterEach(() => { ;[onFocus, onBlur, onMousedown].forEach((f) => f.mockClear()) wrapper.unmount() }) it('should be able to render', () => { expect(wrapper.html()).toContain(AXIOM) expect(findChild().attributes('tabindex')).toBe('0') }) it('should be able to control current tab', async () => { const child = findChild() expect(child.vm.currentTabbedId).toBe(null) const currentTabId = 'test_id' await wrapper.setProps({ currentTabId, }) expect(child.vm.currentTabbedId).toBe(currentTabId) }) it('should be able to combine style', async () => { const style = { position: 'absolute', } await wrapper.setProps({ style, }) const child = findChild() expect(child.vm.rovingFocusGroupRootStyle).toHaveLength(2) expect(child.vm.rovingFocusGroupRootStyle[1]).toEqual(style) }) describe('provides', () => { it('should provide onFocus and onBlur event for children', async () => { expect(onFocus).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(onBlur).not.toHaveBeenCalled() const child = findChild() await child.trigger('focus') expect(onFocus).toHaveBeenCalled() await child.trigger('blur') expect(onBlur).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should provide onMousedown event for children', async () => { expect(onMousedown).not.toHaveBeenCalled() const child = findChild() await child.trigger('mousedown') expect(onMousedown).toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should be able to provide item tabbing handlers', async () => { const onTabChange = jest.fn() const tabbedId = 'test_id' const child = findChild() await wrapper.setProps({ onCurrentTabIdChange: onTabChange, }) child.vm.onItemFocus(tabbedId) await nextTick() expect(onTabChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tabbedId) expect(child.attributes('tabindex')).toBe('0') child.vm.onItemShiftTab() await nextTick() expect(child.attributes('tabindex')).toBe('-1') }) }) })