import { walkTreeNode, getRowIdentity } from '../util' import { ref, computed, watch, getCurrentInstance, unref } from 'vue' import type { WatcherPropsData } from '.' import type { Table, TableProps } from '../table/defaults' function useTree(watcherData: WatcherPropsData) { const expandRowKeys = ref([]) const treeData = ref({}) const indent = ref(16) const lazy = ref(false) const lazyTreeNodeMap = ref({}) const lazyColumnIdentifier = ref('hasChildren') const childrenColumnName = ref('children') const instance = getCurrentInstance() as Table const normalizedData = computed(() => { if (!watcherData.rowKey.value) return {} const data = || [] return normalize(data) }) const normalizedLazyNode = computed(() => { const rowKey = watcherData.rowKey.value const keys = Object.keys(lazyTreeNodeMap.value) const res = {} if (!keys.length) return res keys.forEach(key => { if (lazyTreeNodeMap.value[key].length) { const item = { children: [] } lazyTreeNodeMap.value[key].forEach(row => { const currentRowKey = getRowIdentity(row, rowKey) item.children.push(currentRowKey) if (row[lazyColumnIdentifier.value] && !res[currentRowKey]) { res[currentRowKey] = { children: [] } } }) res[key] = item } }) return res }) const normalize = data => { const rowKey = watcherData.rowKey.value const res = {} walkTreeNode( data, (parent, children, level) => { const parentId = getRowIdentity(parent, rowKey) if (Array.isArray(children)) { res[parentId] = { children: => getRowIdentity(row, rowKey)), level, } } else if (lazy.value) { // 当 children 不存在且 lazy 为 true,该节点即为懒加载的节点 res[parentId] = { children: [], lazy: true, level, } } }, childrenColumnName.value, lazyColumnIdentifier.value, ) return res } const updateTreeData = () => { const nested = normalizedData.value const normalizedLazyNode_ = normalizedLazyNode.value const keys = Object.keys(nested) const newTreeData = {} if (keys.length) { const oldTreeData = unref(treeData) const defaultExpandAll = const rootLazyRowKeys = [] const getExpanded = (oldValue, key) => { const included = defaultExpandAll || (expandRowKeys.value && expandRowKeys.value.indexOf(key) !== -1) return !!((oldValue && oldValue.expanded) || included) } // 合并 expanded 与 display,确保数据刷新后,状态不变 keys.forEach(key => { const oldValue = oldTreeData[key] const newValue = { ...nested[key] } newValue.expanded = getExpanded(oldValue, key) if (newValue.lazy) { const { loaded = false, loading = false } = oldValue || {} newValue.loaded = !!loaded newValue.loading = !!loading rootLazyRowKeys.push(key) } newTreeData[key] = newValue }) // 根据懒加载数据更新 treeData const lazyKeys = Object.keys(normalizedLazyNode_) if (lazy.value && lazyKeys.length && rootLazyRowKeys.length) { lazyKeys.forEach(key => { const oldValue = oldTreeData[key] const lazyNodeChildren = normalizedLazyNode_[key].children if (rootLazyRowKeys.indexOf(key) !== -1) { // 懒加载的 root 节点,更新一下原有的数据,原来的 children 一定是空数组 if (newTreeData[key].children.length !== 0) { throw new Error('[ElTable]children must be an empty array.') } newTreeData[key].children = lazyNodeChildren } else { const { loaded = false, loading = false } = oldValue || {} newTreeData[key] = { lazy: true, loaded: !!loaded, loading: !!loading, expanded: getExpanded(oldValue, key), children: lazyNodeChildren, level: '', } } }) } } treeData.value = newTreeData } watch(() => normalizedData.value, updateTreeData) watch(() => normalizedLazyNode.value, updateTreeData) const updateTreeExpandKeys = (value: string[]) => { expandRowKeys.value = value updateTreeData() } const toggleTreeExpansion = (row: T, expanded?: boolean) => { const rowKey = watcherData.rowKey.value const id = getRowIdentity(row, rowKey) const data = id && treeData.value[id] if (id && data && 'expanded' in data) { const oldExpanded = data.expanded expanded = typeof expanded === 'undefined' ? !data.expanded : expanded treeData.value[id].expanded = expanded if (oldExpanded !== expanded) { instance.emit('expand-change', row, expanded) } } } const loadOrToggle = row => { const rowKey = watcherData.rowKey.value const id = getRowIdentity(row, rowKey) const data = treeData.value[id] if (lazy.value && data && 'loaded' in data && !data.loaded) { loadData(row, id, data) } else { toggleTreeExpansion(row, undefined) } } const loadData = (row: T, key: string, treeNode) => { const { load } = (instance.props as unknown) as TableProps if (load && !treeData.value[key].loaded) { treeData.value[key].loading = true load(row, treeNode, data => { if (!Array.isArray(data)) { throw new Error('[ElTable] data must be an array') } treeData.value[key].loading = false treeData.value[key].loaded = true treeData.value[key].expanded = true if (data.length) { lazyTreeNodeMap.value[key] = data } instance.emit('expand-change', row, true) }) } } return { loadData, loadOrToggle, toggleTreeExpansion, updateTreeExpandKeys, updateTreeData, normalize, states: { expandRowKeys, treeData, indent, lazy, lazyTreeNodeMap, lazyColumnIdentifier, childrenColumnName, }, } } export default useTree