import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import * as Vue from 'vue' import * as popperExports from '@popperjs/core' import ElPopper from '../src/index.vue' import type { VueWrapper } from '@vue/test-utils' type UnKnownProps = Record jest.mock('lodash') jest.useFakeTimers() const { h, nextTick } = Vue const AXIOM = 'Rem is the best girl' const selector = '[role="tooltip"]' const TEST_TRIGGER = 'test-trigger' const MOUSE_ENTER_EVENT = 'mouseenter' const MOUSE_LEAVE_EVENT = 'mouseleave' const DISPLAY_NONE = 'display: none' const Wrapped = (props: UnKnownProps, { slots }) => h('div', h(ElPopper, props, slots)) const Transition = (_: UnKnownProps, { attrs, slots }) => h('div', attrs, slots) Transition.displayName = 'Transition' // eslint-disable-next-line const _mount = (props: Record = {}, slots = {}): VueWrapper => mount(Wrapped, { props, slots: { trigger: () => h('div', { class: TEST_TRIGGER, }), ...slots, }, }) const popperMock = jest.spyOn(popperExports, 'createPopper').mockImplementation(() => ({ update: jest.fn(), forceUpdate: jest.fn(), setOptions: jest.fn(), destroy: jest.fn(), state: null, })) describe('Popper.vue', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line // eslint-disable-next-line const oldTransition = Vue.Transition beforeAll(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line ;(Vue as any).Transition = Transition }) afterAll(() => { popperMock.mockReset() // eslint-disable-next-line ;(Vue as any).Transition = oldTransition }) beforeEach(() => { popperMock.mockClear() }) test('render test', () => { let wrapper = _mount({ appendToBody: false, }, { default: () => AXIOM, }) expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual(AXIOM) wrapper = _mount({ appendToBody: false, content: AXIOM, }) expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual(AXIOM) }) test('append to body', () => { let wrapper = _mount() const selector = '[role="tooltip"]' expect(wrapper.find(selector).exists()).toBe(false) /** * Current layout of `ElPopper` * --> Teleport * --> mask * --> transition * --> popper */ wrapper = _mount({ appendToBody: false, }) expect(wrapper.find('[role="tooltip"]').exists()).toBe(true) }) test('should show popper when mouse entered and hide when popper left', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ appendToBody: false, }) expect(wrapper.find(selector).attributes('style')).toContain(DISPLAY_NONE) await wrapper.find(selector).trigger(MOUSE_ENTER_EVENT) expect(wrapper.find(selector).attributes('style')).not.toContain(DISPLAY_NONE) await wrapper.find(selector).trigger(MOUSE_LEAVE_EVENT) expect(wrapper.find(selector).attributes('style')).toContain(DISPLAY_NONE) }) test('should be able to manual open', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ manualMode: true, appendToBody: false, value: false, }) expect(wrapper.find(selector).attributes('style')).toContain(DISPLAY_NONE) await wrapper.find(selector).trigger(MOUSE_ENTER_EVENT) expect(wrapper.find(selector).attributes('style')).toContain(DISPLAY_NONE) await wrapper.setProps({ value: true, }) expect(wrapper.find(selector).attributes('style')).not.toContain(DISPLAY_NONE) }) test('should disable popper to popup', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ disabled: true, appendToBody: false, }) expect(wrapper.find(selector).attributes('style')).toContain(DISPLAY_NONE) await wrapper.find(selector).trigger(MOUSE_ENTER_EVENT) expect(wrapper.find(selector).attributes('style')).toContain(DISPLAY_NONE) await wrapper.setProps({ disabled: false, }) await wrapper.find(selector).trigger(MOUSE_ENTER_EVENT) expect(wrapper.find(selector).attributes('style')).not.toContain(DISPLAY_NONE) }) test('should add tab index to referrer', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ appendToBody: false, }) expect(wrapper.find(`.${TEST_TRIGGER}`).attributes('tabindex')).toBe('0') }) test('should initialize a new popper when component mounted', async () => { _mount({ appendToBody: false, }) expect(popperExports.createPopper).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) test('should hide after hide after is given', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ hideAfter: 200, appendToBody: false, }) await wrapper.find(selector).trigger(MOUSE_ENTER_EVENT) expect(wrapper.find(selector).attributes('style')).not.toContain(DISPLAY_NONE) jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() await nextTick() expect(wrapper.find(selector).attributes('style')).toContain(DISPLAY_NONE) }) test('should throw error when there is no trigger', () => { const errorHandler = jest.fn() mount(Wrapped, { slots: { trigger: undefined, }, global: { config: { errorHandler(err: Error) { errorHandler(err) }, warnHandler() { // suppress warning }, }, }, }) // due to vue catches the error during rendering, and throws it asynchronously // the only way to test this is by providing an error handler to catch it expect(errorHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) })