# Internationalization
ElementPlus components are using English **by default**, if you wish you use other
languages, you can get you answer by keep reading.
## Global configuration
ElementPlus provides global configurations
import ElementPlus from 'element-plus'
import zhCn from 'element-plus/es/locale/lang/zh-cn'
app.use(ElementPlus, {
locale: zhCn,
## ConfigProvider
ElementPlus also provides a Vue component [ConfigProvider](/#/zh-CN/component/config-provider)
for globally configuring locale and other settings.
## CDN Usage
If you are using ElementPlus via CDN, then you need to do this, let's again take
unpkg as an example
Full documentation refer to: [ConfigProvider](/#/zh-CN/component/config-provider)
[Supported Language List](https://github.com/element-plus/element-plus/tree/dev/packages/locale/lang)
- Simplified Chinese (zh-cn)
- English (en)
- German (de)
- Portuguese (pt)
- Spanish (es)
- Danish (da)
- French (fr)
- Norwegian (nb-NO)
- Traditional Chinese (zh-tw)
- Italian (it)
- Korean (ko)
- Japanese (ja)
- Dutch (nl)
- Vietnamese (vi)
- Russian (ru)
- Turkish (tr)
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)
- Farsi (fa)
- Thai (th)
- Indonesian (id)
- Bulgarian (bg)
- Polish (pl)
- Finnish (fi)
- Swedish (sv)
- Greek (el)
- Slovak (sk)
- Catalunya (ca)
- Czech (cs)
- Ukrainian (uk)
- Turkmen (tk)
- Tamil (ta)
- Latvian (lv)
- Afrikaans (af)
- Estonian (et)
- Slovenian (sl)
- Arabic (ar)
- Hebrew (he)
- Lithuanian (lt)
- Mongolian (mn)
- Kazakh (kk)
- Hungarian (hu)
- Romanian (ro)
- Kurdish (ku)
- Uighur (ug-cn)
- Khmer (km)
- Serbian (sr)
- Basque (eu)
- Kyrgyz (ky)
- Armenian (hy-am)
- Croatian (hr)
- Esperanto (eo)
If you need any other languages, [PR](https://github.com/element-plus/element-plus/pulls)
is always welcomed, you only need to add a language file at
## FAQs
### If I want to replace the default language pack to reduce the size, how do I do?
When the default language of your app is not **English**, you will be going to need
to import another language file, which will increase the bundle size since you have
both **English** and **Your desired language** bundled,
you can use the plugin [NormalModuleReplacementPlugin](https://webpack.js.org/plugins/normal-module-replacement-plugin/#root)
provided by [webpack](https://webpack.js.org) to replace the default language file,
so that you will only get **1** language file bundled.
Add the code below into your `webpack.config.js` to get it work.
> webpack.config.js
plugins: [
new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(