import { nextTick } from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import Dialog from '../src/index' const AXIOM = 'Rem is the best girl' const _mount = ({ slots, }: Indexable) => { return mount(Dialog, { slots: { default: AXIOM, ...slots, },, }) } jest.useFakeTimers() describe('Dialog.vue', () => { test('render test', () => { const wrapper = _mount({ slots: { default: AXIOM, }, }) expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual(AXIOM) }) test('dialog should have a title when title has been given', () => { const HEADER = 'I am header' let wrapper = _mount({ slots: { header: HEADER, }, }) expect(wrapper.find('.el-dialog__header').text()).toBe(HEADER) wrapper = _mount({ props: { title: HEADER, }, }) expect(wrapper.find('.el-dialog__header').text()).toBe(HEADER) }) test('dialog should have a footer when footer has been given', () => { const wrapper = _mount({ slots: { footer: AXIOM, }, }) expect(wrapper.find('.el-dialog__footer').exists()).toBe(true) expect(wrapper.find('.el-dialog__footer').text()).toBe(AXIOM) }) test('should append dialog to body when appendToBody is true', () => { const wrapper = _mount({ props: { appendToBody: true, }, }) expect(document.body.firstElementChild.classList.contains('el-overlay')).toBe(true) wrapper.unmount() }) test('should center dialog', () => { const wrapper = _mount({ props: { center: true, }, }) expect(wrapper.find('.el-dialog--center').exists()).toBe(true) }) test('should show close button', () => { const wrapper = _mount({}) expect(wrapper.find('.el-dialog__close').exists()).toBe(true) }) test('should close dialog when click on close button', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ props: { modelValue: true, }, }) await wrapper.find('.el-dialog__headerbtn').trigger('click') expect(wrapper.vm.visible).toBe(false) }) describe('mask related', () => { test('should not have overlay mask when mask is false', () => { const wrapper = _mount({ props: { modal: false, }, }) expect(wrapper.find('.el-overlay').exists()).toBe(false) }) test('should close the modal when clicking on mask when `closeOnClickModal` is true', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({}) expect(wrapper.find('.el-overlay').exists()).toBe(true) await wrapper.find('.el-overlay').trigger('click') expect(wrapper.vm.visible).toBe(false) }) }) describe('life cycles', () => { test('should call before close', async () => { const beforeClose = jest.fn() const wrapper = _mount({ props: { beforeClose, }, }) wrapper.vm.handleClose() expect(beforeClose).toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('should not close dialog when user cancelled', () => { const beforeClose = jest.fn().mockImplementation((hide: (cancel: boolean) => void) => hide(true)) const wrapper = _mount({ props: { beforeClose, modelValue: true, }, }) wrapper.vm.handleClose() expect(beforeClose).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(wrapper.vm.visible).toBe(true) }) test('should open and close with delay', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ props: { openDelay: 200, closeDelay: 200, modelValue: false, }, }) expect(wrapper.vm.visible).toBe(false) await wrapper.setProps({ modelValue: true, }) expect(wrapper.vm.visible).toBe(false) jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() expect(wrapper.vm.visible).toBe(true) }) test('should destroy on close', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ props: { modelValue: true, destroyOnClose: true, }, }) expect(wrapper.vm.visible).toBe(true) wrapper.vm.handleClose() await wrapper.setProps({ // manually setting this prop because that Transition is not available in testing, // updating model value event was emitted via transition hooks. modelValue: false, }) await nextTick() expect(wrapper.html()).toBe('') }) }) })