import MessageBox from '../src/messageBox' import { sleep } from '@element-plus/test-utils' import { nextTick } from 'vue' const selector = '.el-message-box__wrapper' describe('MessageBox', () => { afterEach(() => { const el = document.querySelector('.el-message-box__wrapper') if (!el) return if (el.parentNode) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el) } MessageBox.close() }) test('create and close', async () => { MessageBox({ type: 'success', title: '消息', message: '这是一段内容', }) const msgbox: HTMLElement = document.querySelector(selector) expect(msgbox).toBeDefined() await sleep() expect(msgbox.querySelector('.el-message-box__title span').textContent).toEqual('消息') expect(msgbox.querySelector('.el-message-box__message').querySelector('p').textContent).toEqual('这是一段内容') MessageBox.close() await sleep(250) expect('none') }) test('invoke with strings', () => { MessageBox('消息', '这是一段内容') const msgbox = document.querySelector(selector) expect(msgbox).toBeDefined() }) test('custom icon', async () => { MessageBox({ type: 'warning', iconClass: 'el-icon-question', message: '这是一段内容', }) await sleep() const icon = document.querySelector('.el-message-box__status') expect(icon.classList.contains('el-icon-question')).toBe(true) }) test('html string', async () => { MessageBox({ title: 'html string', dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true, message: 'html string', }) await sleep() const message = document.querySelector('.el-message-box__message strong') expect(message.textContent).toEqual('html string') }) test('distinguish cancel and close', async () => { let msgAction = '' MessageBox({ title: '消息', message: '这是一段内容', distinguishCancelAndClose: true, callback: action => { msgAction = action }, }) await sleep() const btn = document.querySelector('.el-message-box__close') as HTMLButtonElement await sleep() expect(msgAction).toEqual('close') }) test('alert', async () => { MessageBox.alert('这是一段内容', { title: '标题名称', type: 'warning', }) await sleep() const vModal: HTMLElement = document.querySelector('.v-modal') await sleep(250) const msgbox: HTMLElement = document.querySelector(selector) expect('') expect(msgbox.querySelector('.el-icon-warning')).toBeDefined() }) test('confirm', async () => { MessageBox.confirm('这是一段内容', { title: '标题名称', type: 'warning', }) await sleep() const btn = document.querySelector(selector).querySelector('.el-button--primary') as HTMLButtonElement await sleep(250) const msgbox: HTMLElement = document.querySelector(selector) expect('none') }) test('prompt', async () => { MessageBox.prompt('这是一段内容', { title: '标题名称', inputPattern: /test/, inputErrorMessage: 'validation failed', }) await sleep(0) const inputElm = document.querySelector(selector).querySelector('.el-message-box__input') const haveFocus = inputElm.querySelector('input').isSameNode(document.activeElement) expect(inputElm).toBeDefined() expect(haveFocus).toBe(true) }) test('prompt: focus on textarea', async () => { MessageBox.prompt('这是一段内容', { inputType: 'textarea', title: '标题名称', }) await sleep() const textareaElm = document.querySelector(selector).querySelector('textarea') const haveFocus = textareaElm.isSameNode(document.activeElement) expect(haveFocus).toBe(true) }) test('callback', async () => { let msgAction = '' MessageBox({ title: '消息', message: '这是一段内容', callback: action => { msgAction = action }, }) await sleep() const closeBtn = document.querySelector('.el-message-box__close') as HTMLButtonElement await sleep() expect(msgAction).toEqual('cancel') }) test('beforeClose', async() => { let msgAction = '' MessageBox({ title: '消息', message: '这是一段内容', beforeClose: (action, instance) => { instance.close() }, }, action => { msgAction = action }) await sleep(); (document.querySelector('.el-message-box__wrapper .el-button--primary') as HTMLButtonElement).click() await nextTick() await sleep() expect(msgAction).toEqual('confirm') }) describe('promise', () => { test('resolve',async () => { let msgAction = '' MessageBox.confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示') .then(action => { msgAction = action }) await sleep() const btn = document.querySelector('.el-message-box__btns .el-button--primary') as HTMLButtonElement await sleep() expect(msgAction).toEqual('confirm') }) test('reject', async () => { let msgAction = '' MessageBox.confirm('此操作将永久删除该文件, 是否继续?', '提示') .catch(action => { msgAction = action }) await sleep() const btn = document.querySelectorAll('.el-message-box__btns .el-button') as NodeListOf btn[0].click() await sleep() expect(msgAction).toEqual('cancel') }) }) })