18 KiB
title | lang |
Form | en-US |
Form consists of input
, radio
, select
, checkbox
and so on. With form, you can collect, verify and submit data.
The component has been upgraded with a flex layout to replace the old float layout.
Basic Form
It includes all kinds of input items, such as input
, select
, radio
and checkbox
:::demo In each form
component, you need a form-item
field to be the container of your input item.
W3C regulates that
When there is only one single-line text input field in a form, the user agent should accept Enter in that field as a request to submit the form.
To prevent this behavior, you can add @submit.prevent
on <el-form>
Inline Form
When the vertical space is limited and the form is relatively simple, you can put it in one line.
:::demo Set the inline
attribute to true
and the form will be inline.
Depending on your design, there are several different ways to align your label element.
:::demo The label-position
attribute decides how labels align, it can be top
or left
. When set to top
, labels will be placed at the top of the form field.
Form component allows you to verify your data, helping you find and correct errors.
:::demo Just add the rules
attribute for Form
component, pass validation rules, and set prop
attribute for FormItem
as a specific key that needs to be validated. See more information at async-validator.
Custom Validation Rules
This example shows how to customize your own validation rules to finish a two-factor password verification.
:::demo Here we use status-icon
to reflect validation result as an icon.
Custom validate callback function must be called. See more advanced usage at async-validator.
Add/Delete Form Item
:::demo In addition to passing all validation rules at once on the form component, you can also pass the validation rules or delete rules on a single form field dynamically.
Number Validate
:::demo Number Validate need a .number
modifier added on the input v-model
binding,it's used to transform the string value to the number which is provided by Vue.
When an el-form-item
is nested in another el-form-item
, its label width will be 0
. You can set label-width
on that el-form-item
if needed.
Size Control
All components in a Form inherit their size
attribute from that Form. Similarly, FormItem also has a size
:::demo Still you can fine tune each component's size
if you don't want that component to inherit its size from From or FormItem.
When only a single input (or related control such as select or checkbox) is inside of a el-form-item
, the form item's label will automatically be attached to that input. However, if multiple inputs are inside of the el-form-item
, the form item will be assigned the WAI-ARIA role of group instead. In this case, it is your responsibility to assign assistive labels to the individual inputs.
Form API
Form Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Default |
model | Data of form component. | ^[object]Record<string, any> |
— |
rules | Validation rules of form. | ^[object]FormRules |
— |
inline | Whether the form is inline. | ^[boolean] | false |
label-position | Position of label. If set to 'left' or 'right' , label-width prop is also required. |
^[enum]'left' | 'right' | 'top' |
right |
label-width | Width of label, e.g. '50px' . All its direct child form items will inherit this value. auto is supported. |
^[string] / ^[number] | '' |
label-suffix | Suffix of the label. | ^[string] | '' |
hide-required-asterisk | Whether to hide required fields should have a red asterisk (star) beside their labels. | ^[boolean] | false |
require-asterisk-position | Position of asterisk. | ^[enum]'left' | 'right' |
left |
show-message | Whether to show the error message. | ^[boolean] | true |
inline-message | Whether to display the error message inline with the form item. | ^[boolean] | false |
status-icon | Whether to display an icon indicating the validation result. | ^[boolean] | false |
validate-on-rule-change | Whether to trigger validation when the rules prop is changed. |
^[boolean] | true |
size | Control the size of components in this form. | ^[enum]'' | 'large' | 'default' | 'small' |
— |
disabled | Whether to disable all components in this form. If set to true , it will override the disabled prop of the inner component. |
^[boolean] | false |
scroll-to-error | When validation fails, scroll to the first error form entry. | ^[boolean] | false |
scroll-into-view-options ^(2.3.2) | When validation fails, it scrolls to the first error item based on the scrollIntoView option. scrollIntoView. | ^[object]Record<string, any> / ^[boolean] |
— |
Form Events
Name | Description | Type |
validate | triggers after a form item is validated | ^[Function](prop: FormItemProp, isValid: boolean, message: string) => void |
Form Slots
Name | Description | Subtags |
default | customize default content | FormItem |
Form Exposes
Name | Description | Type |
validate | Validate the whole form. Receives a callback or returns Promise . |
^[Function](callback?: FormValidateCallback) => Promise<void> |
validateField | Validate specified fields. | ^[Function](props?: Arrayable<FormItemProp> | undefined, callback?: FormValidateCallback | undefined) => FormValidationResult |
resetFields | Reset specified fields and remove validation result. | ^[Function](props?: Arrayable<FormItemProp> | undefined) => void |
scrollToField | Scroll to the specified fields. | ^[Function](prop: FormItemProp) => void |
clearValidate | Clear validation message for specified fields. | ^[Function](props?: Arrayable<FormItemProp> | undefined) => void |
FormItem API
FormItem Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Default |
prop | A key of model . It could be a path of the property (e.g a.b.0 or ['a', 'b', '0'] ). In the use of validate and resetFields method, the attribute is required. |
^[string] / ^[string[]] | — |
label | Label text. | ^[string] | — |
label-width | Width of label, e.g. '50px' . 'auto' is supported. |
^[string] / ^[number] | '' |
required | Whether the field is required or not, will be determined by validation rules if omitted. | ^[boolean] | — |
rules | Validation rules of form, see the following table, more advanced usage at async-validator. | ^[object]Arrayable<FormItemRule> |
— |
error | Field error message, set its value and the field will validate error and show this message immediately. | ^[string] | — |
show-message | Whether to show the error message. | ^[boolean] | true |
inline-message | Inline style validate message. | ^[string] / ^[boolean] | '' |
size | Control the size of components in this form-item. | ^[enum]'' | 'large' | 'default' | 'small' |
— |
for | Same as for in native label. | ^[string] | — |
validate-status | Validation state of formItem. | ^[enum]'' | 'error' | 'validating' | 'success' |
— |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
trigger | How the validator is triggered. | ^[enum]'blur' | 'change' |
— |
If you don't want to trigger the validator based on input events, set the validate-event
attribute as false
on the corresponding input type components (<el-input>
, <el-radio>
, <el-select>
, ...).
FormItem Slots
Name | Description | Type |
default | Content of Form Item. | — |
label | Custom content to display on label. | ^[object]{ label: string } |
error | Custom content to display validation message. | ^[object]{ error: string } |
FormItem Exposes
Name | Description | Type |
size | Form item size. | ^[object]ComputedRef<'' | 'large' | 'default' | 'small'> |
validateMessage | Validation message. | ^[object]Ref<string> |
validateState | Validation state. | ^[object]Ref<'' | 'error' | 'validating' | 'success'> |
validate | Validate form item. | ^[Function](trigger: string, callback?: FormValidateCallback | undefined) => FormValidationResult |
resetField | Reset current field and remove validation result. | ^[Function]() => void |
clearValidate | Remove validation status of the field. | ^[Function]() => void |
Type Declarations
Show declarations
type Arrayable<T> = T | T[]
type FormValidationResult = Promise<boolean>
// ValidateFieldsError: see [async-validator](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator/blob/master/src/interface.ts)
type FormValidateCallback = (
isValid: boolean,
invalidFields?: ValidateFieldsError
) => void
// RuleItem: see [async-validator](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator/blob/master/src/interface.ts)
interface FormItemRule extends RuleItem {
trigger?: Arrayable<string>
type Primitive = null | undefined | string | number | boolean | symbol | bigint
type BrowserNativeObject = Date | FileList | File | Blob | RegExp
type IsTuple<T extends ReadonlyArray<any>> = number extends T['length']
? false
: true
type ArrayMethodKey = keyof any[]
type TupleKey<T extends ReadonlyArray<any>> = Exclude<keyof T, ArrayMethodKey>
type ArrayKey = number
type PathImpl<K extends string | number, V> = V extends
| Primitive
| BrowserNativeObject
? `${K}`
: `${K}` | `${K}.${Path<V>}`
type Path<T> = T extends ReadonlyArray<infer V>
? IsTuple<T> extends true
? {
[K in TupleKey<T>]-?: PathImpl<Exclude<K, symbol>, T[K]>
: PathImpl<ArrayKey, V>
: {
[K in keyof T]-?: PathImpl<Exclude<K, symbol>, T[K]>
}[keyof T]
type FieldPath<T> = T extends object ? Path<T> : never
// MaybeRef: see [@vueuse/core](https://github.com/vueuse/vueuse/blob/main/packages/shared/utils/types.ts)
// UnwrapRef: see [vue](https://github.com/vuejs/core/blob/main/packages/reactivity/src/ref.ts)
type FormRules<T extends MaybeRef<Record<string, any> | string> = string> =
UnwrapRef<T> extends string ? UnwrapRef<T> : FieldPath<UnwrapRef<T>>,