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synced 2024-12-15 01:41:20 +08:00
* refactor(utils): improve defineProps * refactor(utils): improve defineProps
440 lines
12 KiB
440 lines
12 KiB
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
import { expectTypeOf } from 'expect-type'
import { buildProp, definePropType, mutable, keyOf, buildProps } from '../props'
import type { propKey } from '../props'
import type { PropType, ExtractPropTypes } from 'vue'
describe('buildProp', () => {
it('Only type', () => {
type: definePropType<'a' | 'b'>(String),
readonly type: PropType<'a' | 'b'>
readonly required: false
readonly default: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Only values', () => {
values: [1, 2, 3, 4],
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<1 | 2 | 3 | 4>
readonly required: false
readonly default: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Type and values', () => {
type: definePropType<number[]>(Array),
values: [1, 2, 3, 4],
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | number[]>
readonly required: false
readonly default: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Values and validator', () => {
values: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
validator: (val: unknown): val is number => typeof val === 'number',
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<number | 'a' | 'b' | 'c'>
readonly required: false
readonly default: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Values and required', () => {
values: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
required: true,
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<'a' | 'b' | 'c'>
readonly required: true
readonly default?: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Value and default', () => {
values: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
required: false,
default: 'b',
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<'a' | 'b' | 'c'>
readonly required: false
readonly default: 'b'
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Type and Array default value', () => {
type: definePropType<string[]>(Array),
default: () => mutable(['a', 'b'] as const),
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<string[]>
readonly required: false
readonly default: ['a', 'b']
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Type and Object default value', () => {
interface Options {
key: string
type: definePropType<Options>(Object),
default: () => mutable({ key: 'value' } as const),
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<Options>
readonly required: false
readonly default: { key: 'value' }
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Type, validator and Object default value', () => {
interface Options {
key: string
type: definePropType<Options>(Object),
default: () => ({ key: 'value' }),
validator: (val: unknown): val is string => true,
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<string | Options>
readonly required: false
readonly default: { key: string }
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Type, validator, required', () => {
type: definePropType<'a' | 'b' | 'c'>(String),
required: true,
validator: (val: unknown): val is number => true,
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<number | 'a' | 'b' | 'c'>
readonly required: true
readonly default?: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Normal type', () => {
type: String,
readonly type: PropType<string>
readonly required: false
readonly default: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Normal types', () => {
expectTypeOf(buildProp({ type: [String, Number, Boolean] })).toEqualTypeOf<{
readonly type: PropType<string | number | boolean>
readonly required: false
readonly default: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Normal type and values', () => {
type: String,
values: ['1', '2', '3'],
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<'1' | '2' | '3'>
readonly required: false
readonly default: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Required and validator', () => {
required: true,
validator: (val: unknown): val is string => true,
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<string>
readonly required: true
readonly default?: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Required and validator', () => {
values: keyOf({ a: 'a', b: 'b' }),
default: 'a',
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<'a' | 'b'>
readonly required: false
readonly default: 'a'
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Type and default value', () => {
type: definePropType<{ key: 'a' | 'b' | 'c' } | undefined>(Object),
default: () => mutable({ key: 'a' } as const),
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<{ key: 'a' | 'b' | 'c' } | undefined>
readonly required: false
readonly default: { key: 'a' }
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('Type and default value', () => {
type: [String, Number],
default: '',
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<string | number>
readonly required: false
readonly default: ''
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('default value is empty object', () => {
type: Object,
default: () => mutable({} as const),
} as const)
readonly type: PropType<Record<string, any>>
readonly required: false
readonly default: {}
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
it('extract', () => {
const props = {
key1: buildProp({
type: String,
required: true,
key2: buildProp({
type: [String, Number],
required: true,
} as const
type Extracted = ExtractPropTypes<typeof props>
readonly key1: string
readonly key2: string | number
describe('buildProps', () => {
it('test buildProps', () => {
const propsCommon = buildProps({
type: {
type: String,
default: 'hello',
} as const)
const props = buildProps({
key1: {
type: definePropType<'a' | 'b'>(String),
key2: {
values: [1, 2, 3, 4],
key3: {
values: [1, 2, 3, 4],
default: 2,
key4: {
values: keyOf({ a: 'a', b: 'b' }),
default: 'a',
key5: Boolean,
key6: String,
key7: null,
key8: Object,
key9: Date,
key10: Set,
key11: undefined,
// nested
key12: buildProp({
type: String,
} as const),
// default generator
key13: {
type: [String, Number, Function],
default: () => '123' as const,
} as const,
key14: {
type: Function,
default: () => '123' as const,
} as const,
key15: {
type: Function,
default: () => () => '123' as const,
} as const,
key16: {
type: String,
default: () => '123' as const,
} as const,
} as const)
readonly type: {
readonly type: PropType<string>
readonly required: false
readonly default: 'hello'
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
readonly key1: {
readonly type: PropType<'a' | 'b'>
readonly required: false
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
readonly default: undefined
readonly key2: {
readonly type: PropType<1 | 2 | 3 | 4>
readonly required: false
readonly default: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
readonly key3: {
readonly type: PropType<1 | 2 | 3 | 4>
readonly required: false
readonly default: 2
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
readonly key4: {
readonly type: PropType<'a' | 'b'>
readonly required: false
readonly default: 'a'
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
readonly key5: BooleanConstructor
readonly key6: StringConstructor
readonly key7: null
readonly key8: ObjectConstructor
readonly key9: DateConstructor
readonly key10: SetConstructor
readonly key11: undefined
readonly key12: {
readonly type: PropType<string>
readonly required: false
readonly default: undefined
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
readonly key13: {
readonly type: PropType<string | number | Function>
readonly required: false
readonly default: '123'
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
readonly key14: {
readonly type: PropType<Function>
readonly required: false
readonly default: () => '123'
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
readonly key15: {
readonly type: PropType<Function>
readonly required: false
readonly default: () => () => '123'
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true
readonly key16: {
readonly type: PropType<string>
readonly required: false
readonly default: '123'
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
[propKey]: true