- Due to delays in planned new component versions
13 KiB
title | lang |
Menu | en-US |
Menu that provides navigation for your website.
This component requires the <client-only></client-only>
wrap when used in SSR (eg: Nuxt) and SSG (eg: VitePress).
Top bar
Top bar Menu can be used in a variety of scenarios.
:::demo By default Menu is vertical, but you can change it to horizontal by setting the mode prop to 'horizontal'. In addition, you can use the sub-menu component to create a second level menu. Menu provides background-color
, text-color
and active-text-color
to customize the colors.
Left And Right
:::demo You can make the menu items to the left or right.
Side bar
Vertical Menu with sub-menus.
:::demo You can use the el-menu-item-group component to create a menu group, and the name of the group is determined by the title prop or a named slot.
Vertical Menu could be collapsed.
Popper Offset ^(2.4.4)
Menu with popperOffset will override Submenu's popper-offset
Menu Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
mode | menu display mode | string | horizontal / vertical | vertical |
collapse | whether the menu is collapsed (available only in vertical mode) | boolean | — | false |
ellipsis | whether the menu is ellipsis (available only in horizontal mode) | boolean | — | true |
ellipsis-icon^(2.4.4) | custom ellipsis icon (available only in horizontal mode and ellipsis is true) | string | Component |
— | — |
popper-offset^(2.4.4) | offset of the popper (effective for all submenus) | number | — | 6 |
background-color | background color of Menu (hex format) (deprecated, use --bg-color instead) |
string | — | #ffffff |
text-color | text color of Menu (hex format) (deprecated, use --text-color instead) |
string | — | #303133 |
active-text-color | text color of currently active menu item (hex format) (deprecated, use --active-color instead) |
string | — | #409EFF |
default-active | index of active menu on page load | string | — | — |
default-openeds | array that contains indexes of currently active sub-menus | Array | — | — |
unique-opened | whether only one sub-menu can be active | boolean | — | false |
menu-trigger | how sub-menus are triggered, only works when mode is 'horizontal' |
string | hover / click | hover |
router | whether vue-router mode is activated. If true, index will be used as 'path' to activate the route action. Use with default-active to set the active item on load. |
boolean | — | false |
collapse-transition | whether to enable the collapse transition | boolean | — | true |
popper-effect ^(2.2.26) | Tooltip theme, built-in theme: dark / light when menu is collapsed |
string | dark / light | dark |
close-on-click-outside ^(2.4.4) | optional, whether menu is collapsed when clicking outside | boolean |
— | false |
Menu Methods
Methods Name | Description | Parameters |
open | open a specific sub-menu | index: index of the sub-menu to open |
close | close a specific sub-menu | index: index of the sub-menu to close |
Menu Events
Name | Description | Parameters |
select | callback function when menu is activated | index: index of activated menu, indexPath: index path of activated menu, item: the selected menu item, routeResult: result returned by vue-router if router is enabled |
open | callback function when sub-menu expands | index: index of expanded sub-menu, indexPath: index path of expanded sub-menu |
close | callback function when sub-menu collapses | index: index of collapsed sub-menu, indexPath: index path of collapsed sub-menu |
Menu Slots
Name | Description | Subtags |
— | customize default content | SubMenu / Menu-Item / Menu-Item-Group |
SubMenu Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
index | unique identification | string | — | — |
popper-class | custom class name for the popup menu | string | — | — |
show-timeout | timeout before showing a sub-menu | number | — | 300 |
hide-timeout | timeout before hiding a sub-menu | number | — | 300 |
disabled | whether the sub-menu is disabled | boolean | — | false |
popper-append-to-body(deprecated) | whether to append the popup menu to body. If the positioning of the menu is wrong, you can try setting this prop | boolean | — | level one SubMenu: true / other SubMenus: false |
teleported | whether popup menu is teleported to the body | boolean | — | level one SubMenu: true / other SubMenus: false |
popper-offset | offset of the popper (overrides the popper of menu) |
number | — | — |
expand-close-icon | Icon when menu are expanded and submenu are closed, expand-close-icon and expand-open-icon need to be passed together to take effect |
string | Component |
— | — |
expand-open-icon | Icon when menu are expanded and submenu are opened, expand-open-icon and expand-close-icon need to be passed together to take effect |
string | Component |
— | — |
collapse-close-icon | Icon when menu are collapsed and submenu are closed, collapse-close-icon and collapse-open-icon need to be passed together to take effect |
string | Component |
— | — |
collapse-open-icon | Icon when menu are collapsed and submenu are opened, collapse-open-icon and collapse-close-icon need to be passed together to take effect |
string | Component |
— | — |
SubMenu Slots
Name | Description | Subtags |
— | customize default content | SubMenu / Menu-Item / Menu-Item-Group |
title | customize title content | — |
Menu-Item Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
index | unique identification | string/null | — | null |
route | Vue Router object | object | — | — |
disabled | whether disabled | boolean | — | false |
Menu-Item Events
Name | Description | Parameters |
click | callback function when menu-item is clicked | el: menu-item instance |
Menu-Item Slots
Name | Description |
— | customize default content |
title | customize title content |
Menu-Item-Group Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
title | group title | string | — | — |
Menu-Item-Group Slots
Name | Description | Subtags |
— | customize default content | Menu-Item |
title | customize group title | — |