2023-09-07 13:51:25 +08:00

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TimePicker en-US


Use Time Picker for time input.


This component requires the <client-only></client-only> wrap when used in SSR (eg: Nuxt) and SSG (eg: VitePress).


Arbitrary time picker

Can pick an arbitrary time.

:::demo By default, you can scroll the mouse wheel to pick time, alternatively you can use the control arrows when the arrow-control attribute is set.



Limit the time range

You can also limit the time range.

:::demo Limit the time range by specifying disabledHours disabledMinutes and disabledSeconds.



Arbitrary time range

Can pick an arbitrary time range.

:::demo We can pick a time range by adding an is-range attribute. Also, arrow-control is supported in range mode.





Name Description Type Default
model-value / v-model binding value, if it is an array, the length should be 2 ^[number] / ^[string] / ^[object]Date | [Date, Date] | [number, number] | [string, string] ''
readonly whether TimePicker is read only ^[boolean] false
disabled whether TimePicker is disabled ^[boolean] false
editable whether the input is editable ^[boolean] true
clearable whether to show clear button ^[boolean] true
size size of Input ^[enum]'large' | 'default' | 'small'
placeholder placeholder in non-range mode ^[string] ''
start-placeholder placeholder for the start time in range mode ^[string]
end-placeholder placeholder for the end time in range mode ^[string]
is-range whether to pick a time range ^[boolean] false
arrow-control whether to pick time using arrow buttons ^[boolean] false
popper-class custom class name for TimePicker's dropdown ^[string] ''
range-separator range separator ^[string] '-'
format format of the displayed value in the input box ^[string] see date formats
default-value optional, default date of the calendar ^[Date] / ^[object][Date, Date]
id same as id in native input ^[string] / ^[object][string, string]
name same as name in native input ^[string] ''
label ^(a11y) same as aria-label in native input ^[string]
prefix-icon Custom prefix icon component ^[string] / ^[Component] Clock
clear-icon Custom clear icon component ^[string] / ^[Component] CircleClose
disabled-hours To specify the array of hours that cannot be selected ^[Function](role: string, comparingDate?: Dayjs) => number[]
disabled-minutes To specify the array of minutes that cannot be selected ^[Function](hour: number, role: string, comparingDate?: Dayjs) => number[]
disabled-seconds To specify the array of seconds that cannot be selected ^[Function](hour: number, minute: number, role: string, comparingDate?: Dayjs) => number[]
teleported whether time-picker dropdown is teleported to the body ^[boolean] true
tabindex input tabindex ^[string] / ^[number] 0


Name Description Type
change triggers when user confirms the value ^[Function](val: number | string | Date | [number, number] | [string, string] | [Date, Date]) => void
blur triggers when Input blurs ^[Function](e: FocusEvent) => void
focus triggers when Input focuses ^[Function](e: FocusEvent) => void
visible-change triggers when the TimePicker's dropdown appears/disappears ^[Function](visibility: boolean) => void


Name Description Type
focus focus the Input component ^[Function](e: FocusEvent | undefined) => void
blur blur the Input component ^[Function](e: FocusEvent | undefined) => void
handleOpen ^(2.2.16) open the TimePicker popper ^[Function]() => void
handleClose ^(2.2.16) close the TimePicker popper ^[Function]() => void