mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 10:18:02 +08:00
* docs: rendering example demos on the server side * fix: render error * chore: update dependencies * chore: return all teleports
165 lines
4.3 KiB
165 lines
4.3 KiB
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import { camelize } from '@vue/shared'
import glob from 'fast-glob'
import { docRoot, docsDirName, projRoot } from '@element-plus/build-utils'
import { REPO_BRANCH, REPO_PATH } from '@element-plus/build-constants'
import { getLang, languages } from '../utils/lang'
import footerLocale from '../i18n/component/footer.json'
import type { Plugin } from 'vite'
type Append = Record<'headers' | 'footers' | 'scriptSetups', string[]>
let compPaths: string[]
export function MarkdownTransform(): Plugin {
return {
name: 'element-plus-md-transform',
enforce: 'pre',
async buildStart() {
const pattern = `{${[...languages, languages[0]].join(',')}}/component`
compPaths = await glob(pattern, {
cwd: docRoot,
absolute: true,
onlyDirectories: true,
async transform(code, id) {
if (!id.endsWith('.md')) return
const componentId = path.basename(id, '.md')
const append: Append = {
headers: [],
footers: [],
scriptSetups: getExampleImports(componentId),
code = transformVpScriptSetup(code, append)
if (compPaths.some((compPath) => id.startsWith(compPath))) {
code = transformComponentMarkdown(id, componentId, code, append)
return combineMarkdown(
[combineScriptSetup(append.scriptSetups), ...append.headers],
const combineScriptSetup = (codes: string[]) =>
`\n<script setup>
const combineMarkdown = (
code: string,
headers: string[],
footers: string[]
) => {
const frontmatterEnds = code.indexOf('---\n\n')
const firstHeader = code.search(/\n#{1,6}\s.+/)
const sliceIndex =
firstHeader < 0
? frontmatterEnds < 0
? 0
: frontmatterEnds + 4
: firstHeader
if (headers.length > 0)
code =
code.slice(0, sliceIndex) + headers.join('\n') + code.slice(sliceIndex)
code += footers.join('\n')
return `${code}\n`
const vpScriptSetupRE = /<vp-script\s(.*\s)?setup(\s.*)?>([\s\S]*)<\/vp-script>/
const transformVpScriptSetup = (code: string, append: Append) => {
const matches = code.match(vpScriptSetupRE)
if (matches) code = code.replace(matches[0], '')
const scriptSetup = matches?.[3] ?? ''
if (scriptSetup) append.scriptSetups.push(scriptSetup)
return code
const GITHUB_BLOB_URL = `https://github.com/${REPO_PATH}/blob/${REPO_BRANCH}`
const GITHUB_TREE_URL = `https://github.com/${REPO_PATH}/tree/${REPO_BRANCH}`
const transformComponentMarkdown = (
id: string,
componentId: string,
code: string,
append: Append
) => {
const lang = getLang(id)
const docUrl = `${GITHUB_BLOB_URL}/${docsDirName}/en-US/component/${componentId}.md`
const componentUrl = `${GITHUB_TREE_URL}/packages/components/${componentId}`
const styleUrl = `${GITHUB_TREE_URL}/packages/theme-chalk/src/${componentId}.scss`
const componentPath = path.resolve(
const stylePath = path.resolve(
const isComponent = fs.existsSync(componentPath)
const isHaveComponentStyle = fs.existsSync(stylePath)
const links = [[footerLocale[lang].docs, docUrl]]
if (isComponent && isHaveComponentStyle)
links.unshift([footerLocale[lang].style, styleUrl])
if (isComponent) links.unshift([footerLocale[lang].component, componentUrl])
const linksText = links
.filter((i) => i)
.map(([text, link]) => `[${text}](${link})`)
.join(' • ')
const sourceSection = `
## ${footerLocale[lang].source}
const contributorsSection = `
## ${footerLocale[lang].contributors}
<Contributors id="${componentId}" />`
append.footers.push(sourceSection, isComponent ? contributorsSection : '')
return code
const getExampleImports = (componentId: string) => {
const examplePath = path.resolve(docRoot, 'examples', componentId)
if (!fs.existsSync(examplePath)) return []
const files = fs.readdirSync(examplePath)
const imports: string[] = []
for (const item of files) {
if (!/\.vue$/.test(item)) continue
const file = item.replace(/\.vue$/, '')
const name = camelize(`Ep-${componentId}-${file}`)
`import ${name} from '../../examples/${componentId}/${file}.vue'`
return imports