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import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues'
import { debugWarn } from './error'
import type { ExtractPropTypes, PropType } from '@vue/runtime-core'
import type { Mutable } from './types'
const wrapperKey = Symbol()
export type PropWrapper<T> = { [wrapperKey]: T }
type ResolveProp<T> = ExtractPropTypes<{
key: { type: T; required: true }
type ResolvePropType<T> = ResolveProp<T> extends { type: infer V }
? V
: ResolveProp<T>
type ResolvePropTypeWithReadonly<T> = Readonly<T> extends Readonly<
Array<infer A>
? ResolvePropType<A[]>
: ResolvePropType<T>
type BuildPropOption<T, D, R, V, C> = {
type?: T
values?: readonly V[]
required?: R
default?: R extends true
? never
: D extends Record<string, unknown> | Array<any>
? () => D
: D
validator?: ((val: any) => val is C) | ((val: any) => boolean)
type IfUnknown<T, V> = [unknown] extends T ? V : T
type BuildPropType<T, V, C> =
| (T extends PropWrapper<unknown>
? T[typeof wrapperKey]
: [V] extends [never]
? ResolvePropTypeWithReadonly<T>
: never)
| V
| C
type BuildPropDefault<D, R> = R extends true
? { readonly default?: undefined }
: {
readonly default: Exclude<D, undefined> extends never
? undefined
: Exclude<
D extends Record<string, unknown> | Array<any> ? () => D : D,
type BuildPropReturn<T, D, R, V, C> = {
readonly type: PropType<
BuildPropType<IfUnknown<T, never>, IfUnknown<V, never>, IfUnknown<C, never>>
readonly required: IfUnknown<R, false>
readonly validator: ((val: unknown) => boolean) | undefined
} & BuildPropDefault<IfUnknown<D, never>, IfUnknown<R, false>>
* @description Build prop. It can better optimize prop types
* @description 生成 prop,能更好地优化类型
* @example
// limited options
// the type will be PropType<'light' | 'dark'>
type: String,
values: ['light', 'dark'],
} as const)
* @example
// limited options and other types
// the type will be PropType<'small' | 'medium' | number>
type: [String, Number],
values: ['small', 'medium'],
validator: (val: unknown): val is number => typeof val === 'number',
} as const)
@link see more: https://github.com/element-plus/element-plus/pull/3341
export function buildProp<
T = never,
D extends
| (T extends PropWrapper<any>
? T[typeof wrapperKey]
: ResolvePropTypeWithReadonly<T>)
| V = never,
R extends boolean = false,
V = never,
C = never
>(option: BuildPropOption<T, D, R, V, C> = {}) {
const { values, required, default: defaultValue, type, validator } = option
const _validator =
values || validator
? (val: unknown) => {
let valid = false
let allowedValues: unknown[] = []
if (values) {
allowedValues = [...values, defaultValue]
valid ||= allowedValues.includes(val)
if (validator) valid ||= validator(val)
if (!valid && allowedValues.length > 0) {
`Vue warn`,
`Invalid prop: Expected one of (${allowedValues.join(
', '
)}), got value ${val}`
return valid
: undefined
return {
type: (type as any)?.[wrapperKey] || type,
required: !!required,
default: defaultValue,
validator: _validator,
} as unknown as BuildPropReturn<T, D, R, V, C>
export const buildProps = <
O extends Record<string, BuildPropOption<any, any, any, any, any>>
options: O
) =>
mapValues(options, (option) => buildProp(option)) as unknown as {
[K in keyof O]: O[K] extends BuildPropOption<
infer T,
infer D,
infer R,
infer V,
infer C
? BuildPropReturn<T, D, R, V, C>
: never
export const definePropType = <T>(val: any) =>
({ [wrapperKey]: val } as PropWrapper<T>)
export const keyOf = <T>(arr: T) => Object.keys(arr) as Array<keyof T>
export const mutable = <T extends readonly any[] | Record<string, unknown>>(
val: T
) => val as Mutable<typeof val>
export const componentSize = ['large', 'medium', 'small', 'mini'] as const