jeremywu c6bed151a5
epic(website): refactor website (#3426)
* feat(website): init viteperss (#3162)

* init vitepress

* Finish homepage

* relayout page

* partial finish

* update

* update use lang

* remove font weight; change font size

* docs: optimize docs folder structure

* reorganize project

* fix ssr issue

* fix build issues

Co-authored-by: Kevin <sxzz@sxzz.moe>
Co-authored-by: zouhang <zouhang@didiglobal.com>

* feat(website) integrate with crowdin (#3218)

- Introduce Crowdin CLI
- Add script for fetching Crowdin token from env
- Add script for local development

* fix formatting

* update codeblocks (#3249)

* feat(docs): update website preview script

- Update azure preview build script
- Eliminate dead links

* bootstrap docs

* fix homepage layout issue

* fix formating

* Finish ToC and codepen integration

* reorganized files and fix issue that causes demo unavailable after build

* feat(docs): migration documentations (#3283)

* feat(docs): migration documentations

- Move documentations to docs/

* remove unused files

* docs: [popconfirm] migrate document (#3285)

* feat(docs): migrate documentation from space.md to upload.md (#3292)

- Upload documentations acorrodingly

* docs: [date-picker] migrate document  (#3289)

* docs: [date-picker] migrate document

* fix: typo

* docs: [slider] migrate document (#3287)

* docs: migrate documents (#3290)

* docs: migrate-datetime-picker

* docs: migrate descriptions

* docs: migrate dialog

* docs: migrate divider

* docs: migrate drawer

* docs: migrate drapdown

* docs: fix drapdown

* docs: migrate empty

* docs: migrate form

* docs: add scoped for style

* docs: simplify toRefs

* chore: update doc (#3297)

* chore: update doc

* chore: update doc

* chore: update doc

* feat(docs): migrate documentations from infinite-scroll to page-header (#3303)

- Update docs accordingly
- Update CodePen icon to match style
- Update component name to match others

* docs: migrate documentions (#3293)

migrate list:
* image
* popover
* scrollbar
* radio
* rate
* skeleton
* select
* select-v2
* reault
* progress
* pagination

* chore: update doc (#3305)

Co-authored-by: 0song <0song@gmail.com>

* Fix broken pipeline

* chore: update demo plugin

* website perfection

* fix hydration bug

* docs: update guide (#3342)

* WIP docs

* docs: update docs

* add dark mode

* make dev fetch components from local instead of node_modules

Co-authored-by: msidolphin <msidolphin@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Aex <spryti@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: 0song <82012629+0song@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: 0song <0song@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: zouhang <zouhang@didiglobal.com>
Co-authored-by: 三咲智子 <sxzz@sxzz.moe>

* fix(docs): fix codepen code example issue (#3380)

* fix(docs): fix codepen code example issue

- Add lang="ts" for all example files
- Fix codepen import error

* revert changes in resource.vue

* feat(docs): complete crowdin integration (#3408)

* Update mds for preparing the integration script

* deprecate old website

* update sponsors and even handler for resize

* update build script for preview

* fix preview-build error

* fix preview-build error

* fix preview-build error

* fix preview-build error

* fix preview-build error

* update deploy script and some bugs

* Fix existing issue

* chore(project): add dev preview workflow

* chore(project): rename dev to staging

* update the size of toc

* update staging-preview script

* update preview scripts

* enable website build for preview

* fix build error

* final commitment for update the details

* remove azure pipeline

* move docs ignores into docs and update date

Co-authored-by: Kevin <sxzz@sxzz.moe>
Co-authored-by: zouhang <zouhang@didiglobal.com>
Co-authored-by: msidolphin <msidolphin@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Aex <spryti@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: 0song <82012629+0song@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: 0song <0song@gmail.com>
2021-09-17 00:18:50 +08:00

163 lines
5.7 KiB

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