jeremywu db976bba68
chore(docs): adding lang field for markdowns (#4005)
- Add lang field for all *.md files' frontmatters
2021-10-22 19:32:39 +08:00

5.0 KiB



Quickly and easily create layouts with the basic 24-column.


The component uses flex layout by default, no need to set type="flex" manually.

Please note that the parent container should avoid using inline related styles, which will cause the component to not fill up its width.


Basic layout

Create basic grid layout using columns.

:::demo With row and col, we can easily manipulate the layout using the span attribute.



Column spacing

Column spacing is supported.

:::demo Row provides gutter attribute to specify spacings between columns, and its default value is 0.



Hybrid layout

Form a more complex hybrid layout by combining the basic 1/24 columns.




Column offset

You can specify column offsets.

:::demo You can specify the number of column offset by setting the value of offset attribute of Col.




Default use the flex layout to make flexible alignment of columns.

:::demo You can define the layout of child elements by setting justify attribute with start, center, end, space-between or space-around.



Responsive Layout

Taking example by Bootstrap's responsive design, five breakpoints are preset: xs, sm, md, lg and xl.




Utility classes for hiding elements

Additionally, Element Plus provides a series of classes for hiding elements under certain conditions. These classes can be added to any DOM elements or custom components. You need to import the following CSS file to use these classes:

import 'element-plus/theme-chalk/display.css'

The classes are:

  • hidden-xs-only - hide when on extra small viewports only
  • hidden-sm-only - hide when on small viewports and down
  • hidden-sm-and-down - hide when on small viewports and down
  • hidden-sm-and-up - hide when on small viewports and up
  • hidden-md-only - hide when on medium viewports only
  • hidden-md-and-down - hide when on medium viewports and down
  • hidden-md-and-up - hide when on medium viewports and up
  • hidden-lg-only - hide when on large viewports only
  • hidden-lg-and-down - hide when on large viewports and down
  • hidden-lg-and-up - hide when on large viewports and up
  • hidden-xl-only - hide when on extra large viewports only

Row Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
gutter grid spacing number 0
justify horizontal alignment of flex layout string start/end/center/space-around/space-between start
align vertical alignment of flex layout string top/middle/bottom top
tag custom element tag string * div

Row Slots

Name Description Subtags
customize default content Col

Col Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
span number of column the grid spans number 24
offset number of spacing on the left side of the grid number 0
push number of columns that grid moves to the right number 0
pull number of columns that grid moves to the left number 0
xs <768px Responsive columns or column props object number/object (e.g. {span: 4, offset: 4})
sm ≥768px Responsive columns or column props object number/object (e.g. {span: 4, offset: 4})
md ≥992px Responsive columns or column props object number/object (e.g. {span: 4, offset: 4})
lg ≥1200px Responsive columns or column props object number/object (e.g. {span: 4, offset: 4})
xl ≥1920px Responsive columns or column props object number/object (e.g. {span: 4, offset: 4})
tag custom element tag string * div

Col Slots

Name Description
customize default content