xingyixiang 2484ac1a23
fix(components): [table] The namespace of the showOverflowTooltip is invalid. (#15627)
fix:The namespace of the showOverflowTooltip is invalid.
2024-01-25 16:18:02 +08:00

522 lines
12 KiB

// @ts-nocheck
import { createVNode, render } from 'vue'
import { flatMap, get } from 'lodash-unified'
import {
} from '@element-plus/utils'
import ElTooltip, {
type ElTooltipProps,
} from '@element-plus/components/tooltip'
import type { Table } from './table/defaults'
import type { TableColumnCtx } from './table-column/defaults'
export type TableOverflowTooltipOptions = Partial<
| 'appendTo'
| 'effect'
| 'enterable'
| 'hideAfter'
| 'offset'
| 'placement'
| 'popperClass'
| 'popperOptions'
| 'showAfter'
| 'showArrow'
| 'transition'
type RemovePopperFn = (() => void) & {
trigger?: HTMLElement
export const getCell = function (event: Event) {
return (event.target as HTMLElement)?.closest('td')
export const orderBy = function <T>(
array: T[],
sortKey: string,
reverse: string | number,
sortBy: string | (string | ((a: T, b: T, array?: T[]) => number))[]
) {
if (
!sortKey &&
!sortMethod &&
(!sortBy || (Array.isArray(sortBy) && !sortBy.length))
) {
return array
if (typeof reverse === 'string') {
reverse = reverse === 'descending' ? -1 : 1
} else {
reverse = reverse && reverse < 0 ? -1 : 1
const getKey = sortMethod
? null
: function (value, index) {
if (sortBy) {
if (!Array.isArray(sortBy)) {
sortBy = [sortBy]
return sortBy.map((by) => {
if (typeof by === 'string') {
return get(value, by)
} else {
return by(value, index, array)
if (sortKey !== '$key') {
if (isObject(value) && '$value' in value) value = value.$value
return [isObject(value) ? get(value, sortKey) : value]
const compare = function (a, b) {
if (sortMethod) {
return sortMethod(a.value, b.value)
for (let i = 0, len = a.key.length; i < len; i++) {
if (a.key[i] < b.key[i]) {
return -1
if (a.key[i] > b.key[i]) {
return 1
return 0
return array
.map((value, index) => {
return {
key: getKey ? getKey(value, index) : null,
.sort((a, b) => {
let order = compare(a, b)
if (!order) {
// make stable https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithm#Stability
order = a.index - b.index
return order * +reverse
.map((item) => item.value)
export const getColumnById = function <T>(
table: {
columns: TableColumnCtx<T>[]
columnId: string
): null | TableColumnCtx<T> {
let column = null
table.columns.forEach((item) => {
if (item.id === columnId) {
column = item
return column
export const getColumnByKey = function <T>(
table: {
columns: TableColumnCtx<T>[]
columnKey: string
): TableColumnCtx<T> {
let column = null
for (let i = 0; i < table.columns.length; i++) {
const item = table.columns[i]
if (item.columnKey === columnKey) {
column = item
if (!column)
throwError('ElTable', `No column matching with column-key: ${columnKey}`)
return column
export const getColumnByCell = function <T>(
table: {
columns: TableColumnCtx<T>[]
cell: HTMLElement,
namespace: string
): null | TableColumnCtx<T> {
const matches = (cell.className || '').match(
new RegExp(`${namespace}-table_[^\\s]+`, 'gm')
if (matches) {
return getColumnById(table, matches[0])
return null
export const getRowIdentity = <T>(
row: T,
rowKey: string | ((row: T) => any)
): string => {
if (!row) throw new Error('Row is required when get row identity')
if (typeof rowKey === 'string') {
if (!rowKey.includes('.')) {
return `${row[rowKey]}`
const key = rowKey.split('.')
let current = row
for (const element of key) {
current = current[element]
return `${current}`
} else if (typeof rowKey === 'function') {
return rowKey.call(null, row)
export const getKeysMap = function <T>(
array: T[],
rowKey: string
): Record<string, { row: T; index: number }> {
const arrayMap = {}
;(array || []).forEach((row, index) => {
arrayMap[getRowIdentity(row, rowKey)] = { row, index }
return arrayMap
export function mergeOptions<T, K>(defaults: T, config: K): T & K {
const options = {} as T & K
let key
for (key in defaults) {
options[key] = defaults[key]
for (key in config) {
if (hasOwn(config as unknown as Record<string, any>, key)) {
const value = config[key]
if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
options[key] = value
return options
export function parseWidth(width: number | string): number | string {
if (width === '') return width
if (width !== undefined) {
width = Number.parseInt(width as string, 10)
if (Number.isNaN(width)) {
width = ''
return width
export function parseMinWidth(minWidth: number | string): number | string {
if (minWidth === '') return minWidth
if (minWidth !== undefined) {
minWidth = parseWidth(minWidth)
if (Number.isNaN(minWidth)) {
minWidth = 80
return minWidth
export function parseHeight(height: number | string) {
if (typeof height === 'number') {
return height
if (typeof height === 'string') {
if (/^\d+(?:px)?$/.test(height)) {
return Number.parseInt(height, 10)
} else {
return height
return null
// https://github.com/reduxjs/redux/blob/master/src/compose.js
export function compose(...funcs) {
if (funcs.length === 0) {
return (arg) => arg
if (funcs.length === 1) {
return funcs[0]
return funcs.reduce(
(a, b) =>
(...args) =>
export function toggleRowStatus<T>(
statusArr: T[],
row: T,
newVal: boolean
): boolean {
let changed = false
const index = statusArr.indexOf(row)
const included = index !== -1
const toggleStatus = (type: 'add' | 'remove') => {
if (type === 'add') {
} else {
statusArr.splice(index, 1)
changed = true
if (isArray(row.children)) {
row.children.forEach((item) => {
toggleRowStatus(statusArr, item, newVal ?? !included)
if (isBoolean(newVal)) {
if (newVal && !included) {
} else if (!newVal && included) {
} else {
included ? toggleStatus('remove') : toggleStatus('add')
return changed
export function walkTreeNode(
childrenKey = 'children',
lazyKey = 'hasChildren'
) {
const isNil = (array) => !(Array.isArray(array) && array.length)
function _walker(parent, children, level) {
cb(parent, children, level)
children.forEach((item) => {
if (item[lazyKey]) {
cb(item, null, level + 1)
const children = item[childrenKey]
if (!isNil(children)) {
_walker(item, children, level + 1)
root.forEach((item) => {
if (item[lazyKey]) {
cb(item, null, 0)
const children = item[childrenKey]
if (!isNil(children)) {
_walker(item, children, 0)
export let removePopper: RemovePopperFn | null = null
export function createTablePopper(
props: TableOverflowTooltipOptions,
popperContent: string,
trigger: HTMLElement,
table: Table<[]>
) {
if (removePopper?.trigger === trigger) {
const parentNode = table?.refs.tableWrapper
const ns = parentNode?.dataset.prefix
const popperOptions = {
strategy: 'fixed',
const vm = createVNode(ElTooltip, {
content: popperContent,
virtualTriggering: true,
virtualRef: trigger,
appendTo: parentNode,
placement: 'top',
transition: 'none', // Default does not require transition
offset: 0,
hideAfter: 0,
onHide: () => {
vm.appContext = { ...table.appContext, ...table }
const container = document.createElement('div')
render(vm, container)
const scrollContainer = parentNode?.querySelector(`.${ns}-scrollbar__wrap`)
removePopper = () => {
render(null, container)
scrollContainer?.removeEventListener('scroll', removePopper!)
removePopper = null
removePopper.trigger = trigger
scrollContainer?.addEventListener('scroll', removePopper)
function getCurrentColumns<T>(column: TableColumnCtx<T>): TableColumnCtx<T>[] {
if (column.children) {
return flatMap(column.children, getCurrentColumns)
} else {
return [column]
function getColSpan<T>(colSpan: number, column: TableColumnCtx<T>) {
return colSpan + column.colSpan
export const isFixedColumn = <T>(
index: number,
fixed: string | boolean,
store: any,
realColumns?: TableColumnCtx<T>[]
) => {
let start = 0
let after = index
const columns = store.states.columns.value
if (realColumns) {
// fixed column supported in grouped header
const curColumns = getCurrentColumns(realColumns[index])
const preColumns = columns.slice(0, columns.indexOf(curColumns[0]))
start = preColumns.reduce(getColSpan, 0)
after = start + curColumns.reduce(getColSpan, 0) - 1
} else {
start = index
let fixedLayout
switch (fixed) {
case 'left':
if (after < store.states.fixedLeafColumnsLength.value) {
fixedLayout = 'left'
case 'right':
if (
start >=
columns.length - store.states.rightFixedLeafColumnsLength.value
) {
fixedLayout = 'right'
if (after < store.states.fixedLeafColumnsLength.value) {
fixedLayout = 'left'
} else if (
start >=
columns.length - store.states.rightFixedLeafColumnsLength.value
) {
fixedLayout = 'right'
return fixedLayout
? {
direction: fixedLayout,
: {}
export const getFixedColumnsClass = <T>(
namespace: string,
index: number,
fixed: string | boolean,
store: any,
realColumns?: TableColumnCtx<T>[],
offset = 0
) => {
const classes: string[] = []
const { direction, start, after } = isFixedColumn(
if (direction) {
const isLeft = direction === 'left'
if (
isLeft &&
after + offset === store.states.fixedLeafColumnsLength.value - 1
) {
} else if (
!isLeft &&
start - offset ===
store.states.columns.value.length -
) {
return classes
function getOffset<T>(offset: number, column: TableColumnCtx<T>) {
return (
offset +
(column.realWidth === null || Number.isNaN(column.realWidth)
? Number(column.width)
: column.realWidth)
export const getFixedColumnOffset = <T>(
index: number,
fixed: string | boolean,
store: any,
realColumns?: TableColumnCtx<T>[]
) => {
const {
start = 0,
after = 0,
} = isFixedColumn(index, fixed, store, realColumns)
if (!direction) {
const styles: any = {}
const isLeft = direction === 'left'
const columns = store.states.columns.value
if (isLeft) {
styles.left = columns.slice(0, start).reduce(getOffset, 0)
} else {
styles.right = columns
.slice(after + 1)
.reduce(getOffset, 0)
return styles
export const ensurePosition = (style, key: string) => {
if (!style) return
if (!Number.isNaN(style[key])) {
style[key] = `${style[key]}px`