/** Table's height. By default it has an auto height. If its value is a number, the height is measured in pixels; if its value is a string, the height is affected by external styles */
height: string|number
/** Table's max-height. The height of the table starts from auto until it reaches the maxHeight limit. The maxHeight is measured in pixels, same as height */
maxHeight: string|number
/** Whether table is striped */
stripe: boolean
/** Whether table has vertical border */
border: boolean
/** Whether width of column automatically fits its container */
fit: boolean
/** Whether table header is visible */
showHeader: boolean
/** Whether current row is highlighted */
highlightCurrentRow: boolean
/** Key of current row, a set only prop */
currentRowKey: string|number
/** Function that returns custom class names for a row, or a string assigning class names for every row */