Simon Malesys 958efaefc3 I18n: French translation (#12153)
* Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "components.json".

* Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "page.json"

* Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "route.json"

* Docs: add french translation (fr-FR) in "title.json"

* Docs: remove a comma in "title.json"

* Docs: translate alert.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: remove a comma in "component.json"

* Docs: translate badge.md into french (fr-FR)

* * a77b5518 Docs: translate breadcrumb.md into french (fr-FR)

* * a77b5518 Docs: translate breadcrumb.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate button.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate card.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate carousel.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate cascader.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate checkbox.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate collapse.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate color-picker.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate color.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate container.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate custom-theme.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate date-picker.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate datetime-picker.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate dialog.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate form.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate i18n.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate icon.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate input-number.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate input.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate installation.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate dropdown.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate layout.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate loading.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate menu.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate message-box.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate message.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate notification.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate pagination.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate popover.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate progress.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate quickstart.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate radio.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate rate.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate select.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate slider.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate steps.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate switch.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate table.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate tabs.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate tag.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate time-picker.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate tooltip.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate transfer.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate transition.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate tree.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate typography.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: translate upload.md into french (fr-FR)

* Docs: update the configuration for the french translation

* Docs: update the french documentation from 2.4.4 to 2.4.11

* Changelog: translate to line 408 into french (fr-FR)

* Changelog: finish the translation into french (fr-FR)

* Changelog: update from 2.4.11 to 2.5.4

* Doc: update french translation from 2.4.11 to 2.5.4

* Changelog: fix a display bug with the subtitles

* Examples: add french language (fr-FR) in search.vue component

* Doc: change some french titles

* Doc: add the french locale to app.vue
2019-02-12 09:08:19 +08:00

7.5 KiB



Similaire à Tooltip, Popover est aussi construit avec Vue-popper. Certains attributs sont donc les mêmes, vous pourrez vous référer à la documentation de Tooltip pour certains d'entre eux.

:::demo L'attribut trigger détermine comment le popover se déclenche: hover, click, focus ou manual. Concernant l'élément déclencheur, vous pouvez l'écrire de deux manières: en utilisant le slot slot="reference" ou bien la directive v-popover avec ref égal à popover.

    content="this is content, this is content, this is content">
    <el-button slot="reference">S'active au passage du curseur</el-button>

    content="this is content, this is content, this is content">
    <el-button slot="reference">S'active en cliquant</el-button>

    content="this is content, this is content, this is content">
  <el-button v-popover:popover>S'active au focus</el-button>

    content="this is content, this is content, this is content"
    <el-button slot="reference" @click="visible = !visible">S'active manuellement</el-button>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        visible: false


Informations imbriquées

D'autres composants peuvent s'imbriquer dans un popover.

:::demo Remplacez content par un slot.

  <el-table :data="gridData">
    <el-table-column width="150" property="date" label="date"></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column width="100" property="name" label="name"></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column width="300" property="address" label="address"></el-table-column>
  <el-button slot="reference">Cliquez pour activer</el-button>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        gridData: [{
          date: '2016-05-02',
          name: 'Jack',
          address: 'New York City'
        }, {
          date: '2016-05-04',
          name: 'Jack',
          address: 'New York City'
        }, {
          date: '2016-05-01',
          name: 'Jack',
          address: 'New York City'
        }, {
          date: '2016-05-03',
          name: 'Jack',
          address: 'New York City'


Opérations imbriquées

Vous pouvez aussi imbriquer des opérations. Procéder ainsi est plus léger que d'utiliser Dialog.


  <p>Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ceci?</p>
  <div style="text-align: right; margin: 0">
    <el-button size="mini" type="text" @click="visible2 = false">Annuler</el-button>
    <el-button type="primary" size="mini" @click="visible2 = false">Confirmer</el-button>
  <el-button slot="reference">Supprimer</el-button>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        visible2: false,



Attribut Description Type Valeurs acceptées Défaut
trigger Comment le popover se déclenche. string click/focus/hover/manual click
title Titre du popover. string
content Contenu du popover, peut être remplacé par un slot string
width Largeur du popover. string, number Min width 150px
placement Emplacement du popover. string top/top-start/top-end/bottom/bottom-start/bottom-end/left/left-start/left-end/right/right-start/right-end bottom
disabled Si le popover est désactivé. boolean false
value / v-model Si le popover est visible. Boolean false
offset Décalage du popover. number 0
transition Animation de transition du popover. string el-fade-in-linear
visible-arrow Si une flèche doit être affichée ou non. Pour plus d'informations, référez-vous à Vue-popper. boolean true
popper-options Paramètres pour popper.js. object Référez-vous à popper.js. { boundariesElement: 'body', gpuAcceleration: false }
popper-class Classe du popover. string
open-delay Délai d'affichage, lorsque trigger est 'hover', en millisecondes. number


Nom Description
Contenu du popover.
reference Element HTML qui déclenche le popover.


Nom Description Paramètres
show Se déclenche quand le popover s'affiche.
after-enter Se déclenche quand la transition d'entrée se termine.
hide Se déclenche quand le popover disparaît.
after-leave Se déclenche quand la transition de sortie se termine.