2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
// Copyright © yanghy. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
package install
import (
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
progressbar "github.com/energye/energy/v2/cmd/internal/progress-bar"
type downloadInfo struct {
fileName string
frameworkPath string
downloadPath string
url string
success bool
isSupport bool
module string
func Install ( c * command . Config ) {
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
// 创建安装目录
initInstall ( c )
// 检查Go开发环境
//if !tools.CommandExists("go") {
println ( "Golang development environment not installed!" )
// 如未安装Go开发环境, 自动安装Go环境
goRoot := installGolang ( c )
//goRoot := "C:\\go"
// 安装CEF二进制框架
installCEFFramework ( c )
// 设置 energy 环境变量
env . SetEnergyHomeEnv ( cefInstallPathName ( c ) )
// 设置 go 环境变量
if goRoot != "" {
env . SetGoEnv ( goRoot )
func cefInstallPathName ( c * command . Config ) string {
return filepath . Join ( c . Install . Path , c . Install . Name )
func initInstall ( c * command . Config ) {
if c . Install . Path == "" {
// current dir
c . Install . Path = c . Wd
if c . Install . Version == "" {
// latest
c . Install . Version = "latest"
// 创建安装目录
os . MkdirAll ( c . Install . Path , fs . ModePerm )
os . MkdirAll ( cefInstallPathName ( c ) , fs . ModePerm )
os . MkdirAll ( filepath . Join ( c . Install . Path , command . FrameworkCache ) , fs . ModePerm )
func installGolang ( c * command . Config ) string {
print ( "Do you want to install the Go development environment? Y/n: " )
var s string
fmt . Scanln ( & s )
if strings . ToLower ( s ) == "y" {
s = c . Install . Path // 安装目录
exts := map [ string ] string {
"darwin" : "tar.gz" ,
"linux" : "tar.gz" ,
"windows" : "zip" ,
// 开始下载并安装Go开发环境
version := command . GolangDefaultVersion
gos := runtime . GOOS
arch := runtime . GOARCH
gos = "darwin"
arch = "amd64"
ext := exts [ gos ]
if ! tools . IsExist ( s ) {
println ( "Directory does not exist. Creating directory." , s )
if err := os . MkdirAll ( s , fs . ModePerm ) ; err != nil {
println ( "Failed to create goroot directory" , err . Error ( ) )
return ""
fileName := fmt . Sprintf ( "go%s.%s-%s.%s" , version , gos , arch , ext )
downloadUrl := fmt . Sprintf ( command . GolangDownloadURL , fileName )
savePath := filepath . Join ( s , command . FrameworkCache , fileName )
var err error
println ( "Golang Download URL:" , downloadUrl )
println ( "Golang Save Path:" , savePath )
if ! tools . IsExist ( savePath ) {
// 已经存在不再下载
bar := progressbar . NewBar ( 100 )
bar . SetNotice ( "\t" )
bar . HideRatio ( )
err = downloadFile ( downloadUrl , savePath , func ( totalLength , processLength int64 ) {
bar . PrintBar ( int ( ( float64 ( processLength ) / float64 ( totalLength ) ) * 100 ) )
} )
if err != nil {
bar . PrintEnd ( "Download [" + fileName + "] failed: " + err . Error ( ) )
} else {
bar . PrintEnd ( "Download [" + fileName + "] success" )
if err == nil {
// 使用 go 名字做为 go 安装目录
targetPath := filepath . Join ( s , "go" )
// 释放文件
if ! command . IsWindows {
ExtractUnZip ( savePath , targetPath )
} else {
ExtractUnTar ( savePath , targetPath )
return targetPath
return ""
return ""
func installCEFFramework ( c * command . Config ) {
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
// 获取提取文件配置
extractData , err := tools . HttpRequestGET ( command . DownloadExtractURL )
if err != nil {
fmt . Fprint ( os . Stderr , err . Error ( ) , "\n" )
os . Exit ( 1 )
var extractConfig map [ string ] any
extractData = bytes . TrimPrefix ( extractData , [ ] byte ( "\xef\xbb\xbf" ) )
if err := json . Unmarshal ( extractData , & extractConfig ) ; err != nil {
fmt . Fprint ( os . Stderr , err . Error ( ) , "\n" )
os . Exit ( 1 )
extractOSConfig := extractConfig [ runtime . GOOS ] . ( map [ string ] any )
// 获取安装版本配置
downloadJSON , err := tools . HttpRequestGET ( command . DownloadVersionURL )
if err != nil {
fmt . Fprint ( os . Stderr , err . Error ( ) + "\n" )
os . Exit ( 1 )
var edv map [ string ] any
downloadJSON = bytes . TrimPrefix ( downloadJSON , [ ] byte ( "\xef\xbb\xbf" ) )
if err := json . Unmarshal ( downloadJSON , & edv ) ; err != nil {
fmt . Fprint ( os . Stderr , err . Error ( ) + "\n" )
os . Exit ( 1 )
// -c cef args value
// default(empty), windows7, gtk2, flash
cef := strings . ToLower ( c . Install . CEF )
if cef != command . CefEmpty && cef != command . Cef109 && cef != command . Cef106 && cef != command . Cef87 {
fmt . Fprint ( os . Stderr , "-c [cef] Incorrect args value\n" )
os . Exit ( 1 )
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
installPathName := cefInstallPathName ( c )
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
println ( "Install Path" , installPathName )
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
println ( "Start downloading CEF and Energy dependency" )
// 所有版本列表
var versionList = edv [ "versionList" ] . ( map [ string ] any )
// 当前安装版本
var installVersion map [ string ] any
if c . Install . Version == "latest" {
// 默认最新版本
if v , ok := versionList [ edv [ "latest" ] . ( string ) ] ; ok {
installVersion = v . ( map [ string ] any )
} else {
// 自己选择版本
if v , ok := versionList [ c . Install . Version ] ; ok {
installVersion = v . ( map [ string ] any )
println ( "Check version" )
if installVersion == nil || len ( installVersion ) == 0 {
println ( "Invalid version number:" , c . Install . Version )
os . Exit ( 1 )
// 当前版本 cef 和 liblcl 版本选择
var (
cefModuleName , liblclModuleName string
// 使用提供的特定版本号
if cef == command . Cef106 {
cefModuleName = "cef-106" // CEF 106.1.1
} else if cef == command . Cef109 {
cefModuleName = "cef-109" // CEF 109.1.18
} else if cef == command . Cef87 {
// cef 87 要和 liblcl 87 配对
cefModuleName = "cef-87" // CEF 87.1.14
liblclModuleName = "liblcl-87" // liblcl 87
// 如未指定CEF参数、或参数不正确, 选择当前CEF模块最( 新) 大的版本号
if cefModuleName == "" {
var cefDefault string
var number int
for module , _ := range installVersion {
if strings . Index ( module , "cef" ) == 0 {
if s := strings . Split ( module , "-" ) ; len ( s ) == 2 {
// module = "cef-xxx"
n , _ := strconv . Atoi ( s [ 1 ] )
if n >= number {
number = n
cefDefault = module
} else {
// module = "cef"
cefDefault = module
cefModuleName = cefDefault
// liblcl, 在未指定flash版本时, 它是空 ""
if liblclModuleName == "" {
liblclModuleName = "liblcl"
// 当前安装版本的所有模块
var modules map [ string ] any
if m , ok := installVersion [ "modules" ] ; ok {
modules = m . ( map [ string ] any )
// 根据模块名拿到对应的模块配置
var (
cefModule , liblclModule map [ string ] any
if module , ok := modules [ cefModuleName ] ; ok {
cefModule = module . ( map [ string ] any )
if module , ok := modules [ liblclModuleName ] ; ok {
liblclModule = module . ( map [ string ] any )
if cefModule == nil {
println ( "error: cef module" , cefModuleName , "is not configured in the current version" )
os . Exit ( 1 )
// 下载源选择
var replaceSource = func ( url , source string , sourceSelect int , module string ) string {
s := strings . Split ( source , "," )
// liblcl 如果自己选择下载源
if module == "liblcl" && c . Install . Download != "" {
sourceSelect = tools . ToInt ( c . Install . Download )
if len ( s ) > sourceSelect {
return strings . ReplaceAll ( url , "{source}" , s [ sourceSelect ] )
return url
// 下载集合
var downloads = make ( map [ string ] * downloadInfo )
// 根据模块名拿到版本号
cefVersion := tools . ToRNilString ( installVersion [ cefModuleName ] , "" )
// 当前模块版本支持系统,如果支持返回下载地址
libCEFOS , isSupport := cefOS ( cefModule )
downloadCefURL := tools . ToString ( cefModule [ "downloadUrl" ] )
downloadCefURL = replaceSource ( downloadCefURL , tools . ToString ( cefModule [ "downloadSource" ] ) , tools . ToInt ( cefModule [ "downloadSourceSelect" ] ) , "cef" )
downloadCefURL = strings . ReplaceAll ( downloadCefURL , "{version}" , cefVersion )
downloadCefURL = strings . ReplaceAll ( downloadCefURL , "{OSARCH}" , libCEFOS )
downloads [ command . CefKey ] = & downloadInfo { isSupport : isSupport , fileName : urlName ( downloadCefURL ) , downloadPath : filepath . Join ( c . Install . Path , command . FrameworkCache , urlName ( downloadCefURL ) ) , frameworkPath : installPathName , url : downloadCefURL , module : cefModuleName }
// liblcl
// 如果选定的cef 106, 在linux会指定liblcl gtk2 版本, 其它系统和版本以默认的形式区分
// 最后根据模块名称来确定使用哪个liblcl
liblclVersion := tools . ToRNilString ( installVersion [ liblclModuleName ] , "" )
if liblclModule != nil {
libEnergyOS , isSupport := liblclOS ( cef , liblclVersion , tools . ToString ( liblclModule [ "buildSupportOSArch" ] ) )
downloadEnergyURL := tools . ToString ( liblclModule [ "downloadUrl" ] )
downloadEnergyURL = replaceSource ( downloadEnergyURL , tools . ToString ( liblclModule [ "downloadSource" ] ) , tools . ToInt ( liblclModule [ "downloadSourceSelect" ] ) , "liblcl" )
module := tools . ToString ( liblclModule [ "module" ] )
downloadEnergyURL = strings . ReplaceAll ( downloadEnergyURL , "{version}" , liblclVersion )
downloadEnergyURL = strings . ReplaceAll ( downloadEnergyURL , "{module}" , module )
downloadEnergyURL = strings . ReplaceAll ( downloadEnergyURL , "{OSARCH}" , libEnergyOS )
downloads [ command . LiblclKey ] = & downloadInfo { isSupport : isSupport , fileName : urlName ( downloadEnergyURL ) , downloadPath : filepath . Join ( c . Install . Path , command . FrameworkCache , urlName ( downloadEnergyURL ) ) , frameworkPath : installPathName , url : downloadEnergyURL , module : liblclModuleName }
// 在线下载框架二进制包
for key , dl := range downloads {
fmt . Printf ( "Download %s: %s\n" , key , dl . url )
if ! dl . isSupport {
println ( "Warn module is not built or configured 【" , dl . module , "】" )
bar := progressbar . NewBar ( 100 )
bar . SetNotice ( "\t" )
bar . HideRatio ( )
err = downloadFile ( dl . url , dl . downloadPath , func ( totalLength , processLength int64 ) {
bar . PrintBar ( int ( ( float64 ( processLength ) / float64 ( totalLength ) ) * 100 ) )
} )
bar . PrintEnd ( "Download [" + dl . fileName + "] success" )
if err != nil {
println ( "Download [" , dl . fileName , "] error:" , err . Error ( ) )
os . Exit ( 1 )
dl . success = err == nil
// 解压文件, 并根据配置提取文件
println ( "Unpack files" )
for key , di := range downloads {
if ! di . isSupport {
println ( "Warn module is not built or configured 【" , di . module , "】" )
if di . success {
if key == command . CefKey {
bar := progressbar . NewBar ( 0 )
bar . SetNotice ( "Unpack file " + key + ": " )
tarName := UnBz2ToTar ( di . downloadPath , func ( totalLength , processLength int64 ) {
bar . PrintSizeBar ( processLength )
} )
bar . PrintEnd ( )
ExtractFiles ( key , tarName , di , extractOSConfig )
} else if key == command . LiblclKey {
ExtractFiles ( key , di . downloadPath , di , extractOSConfig )
println ( "Unpack file" , key , "success\n" )
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
println ( "\nSUCCESS \nInstalled version:" , c . Install . Version , liblclVersion )
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
if liblclModule == nil {
println ( "hint: liblcl module" , liblclModuleName , ` is not configured in the current version, You need to use built-in binary build. [go build -tags="tempdll"] ` )
func cefOS ( module map [ string ] any ) ( string , bool ) {
buildSupportOSArch := tools . ToString ( module [ "buildSupportOSArch" ] )
mod := tools . ToString ( module [ "module" ] )
archs := strings . Split ( buildSupportOSArch , "," )
var isSupport = func ( goarch string ) bool {
for _ , v := range archs {
if goarch == v {
return true
return false
if command . IsWindows { // windows arm for 64 bit, windows for 32/64 bit
if runtime . GOARCH == "arm64" {
return "windowsarm64" , isSupport ( command . WindowsARM64 )
if strconv . IntSize == 32 {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "windows%d" , strconv . IntSize ) , isSupport ( command . Windows32 )
return fmt . Sprintf ( "windows%d" , strconv . IntSize ) , isSupport ( command . Windows64 )
} else if command . IsLinux { //linux for 64 bit
if runtime . GOARCH == "arm64" {
if mod == command . Cef106 {
return "linuxarm64" , isSupport ( command . LinuxARM64GTK2 )
return "linuxarm64" , isSupport ( command . LinuxARM64 ) || isSupport ( command . LinuxARM64GTK3 )
} else if runtime . GOARCH == "amd64" {
if mod == command . Cef106 {
return "linux64" , isSupport ( command . Linux64GTK2 )
return "linux64" , isSupport ( command . Linux64 ) || isSupport ( command . Linux64GTK3 )
} else if command . IsDarwin { // macosx for 64 bit
//if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
// return "macosarm64", isSupport(MacOSARM64)
//} else if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
// return "macosx64", isSupport(MacOSX64)
// Mac amd64 m1 m2 架构目前使用amd64, m1,m2使用Rosetta2兼容
return "macosx64" , isSupport ( command . MacOSX64 )
//not support
return fmt . Sprintf ( "%v %v" , runtime . GOOS , runtime . GOARCH ) , false
var liblclFileNames = map [ string ] string {
"windows32" : command . Windows32 ,
"windows64" : command . Windows64 ,
"windowsarm64" : command . WindowsARM64 ,
"linuxarm64" : command . LinuxARM64 ,
"linuxarm64gtk2" : command . LinuxARM64GTK2 ,
"linux64" : command . Linux64 ,
"linux64gtk2" : command . Linux64GTK2 ,
"darwin64" : command . MacOSX64 ,
"darwinarm64" : command . MacOSARM64 ,
"windows32_old" : "Windows 32 bits" ,
"windows64_old" : "Windows 64 bits" ,
"linux64gtk2_old" : "Linux GTK2 x86 64 bits" ,
"linux64_old" : "Linux x86 64 bits" ,
"darwin64_old" : "MacOSX x86 64 bits" ,
func liblclName ( version , cef string ) ( string , bool ) {
var key string
var isOld bool
if runtime . GOARCH == "arm64" {
if command . IsLinux && cef == command . Cef106 { // 只linux区别liblcl gtk2
key = "linuxarm64gtk2"
} else {
if command . IsDarwin {
// Mac amd64 m1 m2 架构目前使用amd64, m1,m2使用Rosetta2兼容
key = fmt . Sprintf ( "%samd64" , runtime . GOOS )
} else {
key = fmt . Sprintf ( "%sarm64" , runtime . GOOS )
} else if runtime . GOARCH == "amd64" {
if command . IsLinux && cef == command . Cef106 { // 只linux区别liblcl gtk2
key = "linux64gtk2"
} else {
key = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s%d" , runtime . GOOS , strconv . IntSize )
if tools . Compare ( "2.2.4" , version ) {
if key != "" {
key += "_old"
isOld = true
if key != "" {
return liblclFileNames [ key ] , isOld
return "" , false
// 命名规则 OS+[ARCH]+BIT+[GTK2]
// ARCH: 非必需, ARM 时填写, AMD为空
// GTK2: 非必需, GTK2(Linux CEF 106) 时填写, 非Linux或GTK3时为空
func liblclOS ( cef , version , buildSupportOSArch string ) ( string , bool ) {
archs := strings . Split ( buildSupportOSArch , "," )
noSuport := fmt . Sprintf ( "%v %v" , runtime . GOOS , runtime . GOARCH )
var isSupport = func ( goarch string ) bool {
for _ , v := range archs {
if goarch == v {
return true
return false
if name , isOld := liblclName ( version , cef ) ; isOld {
if name == "" {
return noSuport , false
return name , true
} else {
return name , isSupport ( name )
// LibLCLName
func LibLCLName ( version , buildSupportOSArch string ) ( string , bool ) {
return liblclOS ( "" , version , buildSupportOSArch )
// 提取文件
func ExtractFiles ( keyName , sourcePath string , di * downloadInfo , extractOSConfig map [ string ] any ) {
println ( "Extract" , keyName , "sourcePath:" , sourcePath , "targetPath:" , di . frameworkPath )
files := extractOSConfig [ keyName ] . ( [ ] any )
if keyName == command . CefKey {
ExtractUnTar ( sourcePath , di . frameworkPath , files ... )
} else if keyName == command . LiblclKey {
ExtractUnZip ( sourcePath , di . frameworkPath , files ... )
func filePathInclude ( compressPath string , files ... any ) ( string , bool ) {
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
if len ( files ) == 0 {
return compressPath , true
} else {
for _ , file := range files {
f := file . ( string )
tIdx := strings . LastIndex ( f , "/*" )
if tIdx != - 1 {
f = f [ : tIdx ]
if f [ 0 ] == '/' {
if strings . Index ( compressPath , f [ 1 : ] ) == 0 {
return compressPath , true
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
if strings . Index ( compressPath , f ) == 0 {
return strings . Replace ( compressPath , f , "" , 1 ) , true
} else {
if f [ 0 ] == '/' {
if compressPath == f [ 1 : ] {
return f , true
if compressPath == f {
f = f [ strings . Index ( f , "/" ) + 1 : ]
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
return f , true
return "" , false
func dir ( path string ) string {
path = strings . ReplaceAll ( path , "\\" , string ( filepath . Separator ) )
lastSep := strings . LastIndex ( path , string ( filepath . Separator ) )
return path [ : lastSep ]
func ExtractUnTar ( filePath , targetPath string , files ... any ) {
reader , err := os . Open ( filePath )
if err != nil {
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
fmt . Printf ( "error: cannot open file, error=[%v]\n" , err )
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
defer reader . Close ( )
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
var tarReader * tar . Reader
if filepath . Ext ( filePath ) == ".gz" {
gr , err := gzip . NewReader ( reader )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "error: cannot open gzip file, error=[%v]\n" , err )
defer gr . Close ( )
tarReader = tar . NewReader ( gr )
} else {
tarReader = tar . NewReader ( reader )
bar := progressbar . NewBar ( 100 )
bar . SetNotice ( "\t" )
bar . HideRatio ( )
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
for {
header , err := tarReader . Next ( )
if err == io . EOF {
} else if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "error: cannot read tar file, error=[%v]\n" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
// 去除压缩包内的一级目录
compressPath := filepath . Clean ( header . Name [ strings . Index ( header . Name , "/" ) + 1 : ] )
//compressPath := filepath.Clean(header.Name[])
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
includePath , isInclude := filePathInclude ( compressPath , files ... )
if ! isInclude {
info := header . FileInfo ( )
targetFile := filepath . Join ( targetPath , includePath )
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
fmt . Println ( "compressPath:" , compressPath )
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
if info . IsDir ( ) {
if err = os . MkdirAll ( targetFile , info . Mode ( ) ) ; err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "error: cannot mkdir file, error=[%v]\n" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
} else {
fDir := dir ( targetFile )
_ , err = os . Stat ( fDir )
if os . IsNotExist ( err ) {
if err = os . MkdirAll ( fDir , info . Mode ( ) ) ; err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "error: cannot file mkdir file, error=[%v]\n" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
file , err := os . OpenFile ( targetFile , os . O_CREATE | os . O_TRUNC | os . O_WRONLY , info . Mode ( ) )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "error: cannot open file, error=[%v]\n" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
bar . SetCurrentValue ( 0 )
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
writeFile ( tarReader , file , header . Size , func ( totalLength , processLength int64 ) {
bar . PrintBar ( int ( ( float64 ( processLength ) / float64 ( totalLength ) ) * 100 ) )
} )
file . Sync ( )
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
file . Close ( )
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
bar . PrintBar ( 100 )
bar . PrintEnd ( )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "error: cannot write file, error=[%v]\n" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
func ExtractUnZip ( filePath , targetPath string , files ... any ) {
if rc , err := zip . OpenReader ( filePath ) ; err == nil {
defer rc . Close ( )
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
bar := progressbar . NewBar ( 100 )
bar . SetNotice ( "\t" )
bar . HideRatio ( )
var createWriteFile = func ( info fs . FileInfo , path string , file io . Reader ) {
targetFileName := filepath . Join ( targetPath , path )
if info . IsDir ( ) {
os . MkdirAll ( targetFileName , info . Mode ( ) )
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
if targetFile , err := os . Create ( targetFileName ) ; err == nil {
fmt . Println ( "extract file: " , path )
bar . SetCurrentValue ( 0 )
writeFile ( file , targetFile , info . Size ( ) , func ( totalLength , processLength int64 ) {
bar . PrintBar ( int ( ( float64 ( processLength ) / float64 ( totalLength ) ) * 100 ) )
} )
bar . PrintBar ( 100 )
bar . PrintEnd ( )
targetFile . Close ( )
// 所有文件
if len ( files ) == 0 {
zipFiles := rc . File
for _ , f := range zipFiles {
r , _ := f . Open ( )
name := filepath . Clean ( f . Name )
createWriteFile ( f . FileInfo ( ) , name , r . ( io . Reader ) )
_ = r . Close ( )
} else {
// 指定名字的文件
for i := 0 ; i < len ( files ) ; i ++ {
if f , err := rc . Open ( files [ i ] . ( string ) ) ; err == nil {
info , _ := f . Stat ( )
createWriteFile ( info , files [ i ] . ( string ) , f )
_ = f . Close ( )
} else {
fmt . Printf ( "error: cannot open file, error=[%v]\n" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
} else {
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "error: cannot read zip file, error=[%v]\n" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
// 释放bz2文件到tar
func UnBz2ToTar ( name string , callback func ( totalLength , processLength int64 ) ) string {
fileBz2 , err := os . Open ( name )
if err != nil {
fmt . Errorf ( "%s" , err . Error ( ) )
os . Exit ( 1 )
defer fileBz2 . Close ( )
dirName := fileBz2 . Name ( )
dirName = dirName [ : strings . LastIndex ( dirName , "." ) ]
2023-09-04 20:00:53 +08:00
if ! tools . IsExist ( dirName ) {
r := bzip2 . NewReader ( fileBz2 )
w , err := os . Create ( dirName )
if err != nil {
fmt . Errorf ( "%s" , err . Error ( ) )
os . Exit ( 1 )
defer w . Close ( )
writeFile ( r , w , 0 , callback )
} else {
println ( "File already exists" )
2023-09-04 11:36:36 +08:00
return dirName
func writeFile ( r io . Reader , w * os . File , totalLength int64 , callback func ( totalLength , processLength int64 ) ) {
buf := make ( [ ] byte , 1024 * 10 )
var written int64
for {
nr , err := r . Read ( buf )
if nr > 0 {
nw , err := w . Write ( buf [ 0 : nr ] )
if nw > 0 {
written += int64 ( nw )
callback ( totalLength , written )
if err != nil {
if nr != nw {
err = io . ErrShortWrite
if err != nil {
// url文件名
func urlName ( downloadUrl string ) string {
if u , err := url . QueryUnescape ( downloadUrl ) ; err != nil {
return ""
} else {
u = u [ strings . LastIndex ( u , "/" ) + 1 : ]
return u
func isFileExist ( filename string , filesize int64 ) bool {
info , err := os . Stat ( filename )
if os . IsNotExist ( err ) {
return false
if filesize == info . Size ( ) {
return true
os . Remove ( filename )
return false
// 下载文件
func downloadFile ( url string , localPath string , callback func ( totalLength , processLength int64 ) ) error {
var (
fsize int64
buf = make ( [ ] byte , 1024 * 10 )
written int64
tmpFilePath := localPath + ".download"
client := new ( http . Client )
resp , err := client . Get ( url )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "download-error=[%v]\n" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
return err
fsize , err = strconv . ParseInt ( resp . Header . Get ( "Content-Length" ) , 10 , 32 )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "download-error=[%v]\n" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
return err
if isFileExist ( localPath , fsize ) {
println ( "File already exists" )
return nil
println ( "Save path: [" , localPath , "] file size:" , fsize )
file , err := os . Create ( tmpFilePath )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "download-error=[%v]\n" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
return err
defer file . Close ( )
if resp . Body == nil {
fmt . Printf ( "Download-error=[body is null]\n" )
os . Exit ( 1 )
return nil
defer resp . Body . Close ( )
for {
nr , er := resp . Body . Read ( buf )
if nr > 0 {
nw , err := file . Write ( buf [ 0 : nr ] )
if nw > 0 {
written += int64 ( nw )
callback ( fsize , written )
if err != nil {
if nr != nw {
err = io . ErrShortWrite
if er != nil {
if er != io . EOF {
err = er
if err == nil {
file . Sync ( )
file . Close ( )
err = os . Rename ( tmpFilePath , localPath )
if err != nil {
return err
return err