//---------------------------------------- // // Copyright © yanghy. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // //---------------------------------------- // CEF TBufferPanel package cef import ( "github.com/energye/energy/v2/cef/internal/def" "github.com/energye/energy/v2/common/imports" "github.com/energye/golcl/lcl" "github.com/energye/golcl/lcl/api" "github.com/energye/golcl/lcl/types" "unsafe" ) type TBufferPanel struct { lcl.IWinControl instance unsafe.Pointer } // NewPanel // // 创建一个新的对象。 // // Create a new object. func NewPanel(owner lcl.IComponent) *TBufferPanel { m := new(TBufferPanel) var result uintptr imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Create, owner.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) m.instance = unsafe.Pointer(result) return m } // AsPanel // // 动态转换一个已存在的对象实例。 // // Dynamically convert an existing object instance. func AsPanel(obj interface{}) *TBufferPanel { instance := getInstance(obj) if instance == nil { return nil } return &TBufferPanel{instance: instance} } // Free // // 释放对象。 // // Free object. func (m *TBufferPanel) Free() { if m.instance != nil { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Free, m.Instance()) m.instance = nil } } // Instance // // 返回对象实例指针。 // // Return object instance pointer. func (m *TBufferPanel) Instance() uintptr { return uintptr(m.instance) } // IsValid // // 检测地址是否为空。 // // Check if the address is empty. func (m *TBufferPanel) IsValid() bool { return m.instance != nil } // TBufferPanelClass // // 获取类信息指针。 // // Get class information pointer. func TBufferPanelClass() types.TClass { return types.TClass(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_StaticClassType)) } // CanFocus // // 是否可以获得焦点。 func (m *TBufferPanel) CanFocus() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_CanFocus, m.Instance())) } // ContainsControl // // 返回是否包含指定控件。 // // it's contain a specified control. func (m *TBufferPanel) ContainsControl(Control lcl.IControl) bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ContainsControl, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(Control))) } // ControlAtPos // // 返回指定坐标及相关属性位置控件。 // // Returns the specified coordinate and the relevant attribute position control.. func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlAtPos(Pos types.TPoint, AllowDisabled bool, AllowWinControls bool, AllLevels bool) *lcl.TControl { return lcl.AsControl(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ControlAtPos, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&Pos)), api.PascalBool(AllowDisabled), api.PascalBool(AllowWinControls), api.PascalBool(AllLevels))) } // DisableAlign // // 禁用控件的对齐。 // // Disable control alignment. func (m *TBufferPanel) DisableAlign() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_DisableAlign, m.Instance()) } // EnableAlign // // 启用控件对齐。 // // Enabled control alignment. func (m *TBufferPanel) EnableAlign() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_EnableAlign, m.Instance()) } // FindChildControl // // 查找子控件。 // // Find sub controls. func (m *TBufferPanel) FindChildControl(ControlName string) *lcl.TControl { return lcl.AsControl(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_FindChildControl, m.Instance(), api.PascalStr(ControlName))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) FlipChildren(AllLevels bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_FlipChildren, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(AllLevels)) } // Focused // // 返回是否获取焦点。 // // Return to get focus. func (m *TBufferPanel) Focused() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Focused, m.Instance())) } // HandleAllocated // // 句柄是否已经分配。 // // Is the handle already allocated. func (m *TBufferPanel) HandleAllocated() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_HandleAllocated, m.Instance())) } // InsertControl // // 插入一个控件。 // // Insert a control. func (m *TBufferPanel) InsertControl(AControl lcl.IControl) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_InsertControl, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(AControl)) } // Invalidate // // 要求重绘。 // // Redraw. func (m *TBufferPanel) Invalidate() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Invalidate, m.Instance()) } // PaintTo // // 绘画至指定DC。 // // Painting to the specified DC. func (m *TBufferPanel) PaintTo(DC types.HDC, X int32, Y int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_PaintTo, m.Instance(), DC, uintptr(X), uintptr(Y)) } // RemoveControl // // 移除一个控件。 // // Remove a control. func (m *TBufferPanel) RemoveControl(AControl lcl.IControl) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_RemoveControl, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(AControl)) } // Realign // // 重新对齐。 // // Realign. func (m *TBufferPanel) Realign() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Realign, m.Instance()) } // Repaint // // 重绘。 // // Repaint. func (m *TBufferPanel) Repaint() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Repaint, m.Instance()) } // ScaleBy // // 按比例缩放。 // // Scale by. func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleBy(M int32, D int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScaleBy, m.Instance(), uintptr(M), uintptr(D)) } // ScrollBy // // 滚动至指定位置。 // // Scroll by. func (m *TBufferPanel) ScrollBy(DeltaX int32, DeltaY int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScrollBy, m.Instance(), uintptr(DeltaX), uintptr(DeltaY)) } // SetBounds // // 设置组件边界。 // // Set component boundaries. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBounds(ALeft int32, ATop int32, AWidth int32, AHeight int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetBounds, m.Instance(), uintptr(ALeft), uintptr(ATop), uintptr(AWidth), uintptr(AHeight)) } // SetFocus // // 设置控件焦点。 // // Set control focus. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetFocus() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetFocus, m.Instance()) } // Update // // 控件更新。 // // Update. func (m *TBufferPanel) Update() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Update, m.Instance()) } // BringToFront // // 将控件置于最前。 // // Bring the control to the front. func (m *TBufferPanel) BringToFront() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_BringToFront, m.Instance()) } // ClientToScreen // // 将客户端坐标转为绝对的屏幕坐标。 // // Convert client coordinates to absolute screen coordinates. func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientToScreen(Point types.TPoint) (result types.TPoint) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ClientToScreen, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&Point)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) return } // ClientToParent // // 将客户端坐标转为父容器坐标。 // // Convert client coordinates to parent container coordinates. func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientToParent(Point types.TPoint, AParent lcl.IWinControl) (result types.TPoint) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ClientToParent, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&Point)), lcl.CheckPtr(AParent), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) return } // Dragging // // 是否在拖拽中。 // // Is it in the middle of dragging. func (m *TBufferPanel) Dragging() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Dragging, m.Instance())) } // HasParent // // 是否有父容器。 // // Is there a parent container. func (m *TBufferPanel) HasParent() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_HasParent, m.Instance())) } // Hide // // 隐藏控件。 // // Hidden control. func (m *TBufferPanel) Hide() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Hide, m.Instance()) } // Perform // // 发送一个消息。 // // Send a message. func (m *TBufferPanel) Perform(Msg uint32, WParam uintptr, LParam int) int { return int(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Perform, m.Instance(), uintptr(Msg), WParam, uintptr(LParam))) } // Refresh // // 刷新控件。 // // Refresh control. func (m *TBufferPanel) Refresh() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Refresh, m.Instance()) } // ScreenToClient // // 将屏幕坐标转为客户端坐标。 // // Convert screen coordinates to client coordinates. func (m *TBufferPanel) ScreenToClient(Point types.TPoint) (result types.TPoint) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScreenToClient, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&Point))) return } // ParentToClient // // 将父容器坐标转为客户端坐标。 // // Convert parent container coordinates to client coordinates. func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentToClient(Point types.TPoint, AParent lcl.IWinControl) (result types.TPoint) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ParentToClient, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&Point)), lcl.CheckPtr(AParent), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) return } // SendToBack // // 控件至于最后面。 // // The control is placed at the end. func (m *TBufferPanel) SendToBack() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SendToBack, m.Instance()) } // Show // // 显示控件。 // // Show control. func (m *TBufferPanel) Show() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Show, m.Instance()) } // GetTextBuf // // 获取控件的字符,如果有。 // // Get the characters of the control, if any. func (m *TBufferPanel) GetTextBuf(Buffer *string, BufSize int32) (sLen int32) { if Buffer == nil || BufSize == 0 { return } strPtr := make([]uint8, BufSize+1) sLen = int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetTextBuf, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&strPtr[0])), uintptr(BufSize))) if sLen > 0 { *Buffer = string(strPtr[:sLen]) } return } // GetTextLen // // 获取控件的字符长,如果有。 // // Get the character length of the control, if any. func (m *TBufferPanel) GetTextLen() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetTextLen, m.Instance())) } // SetTextBuf // // 设置控件字符,如果有。 // // Set control characters, if any. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTextBuf(Buffer string) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetTextBuf, m.Instance(), api.PascalStr(Buffer)) } // FindComponent // // 查找指定名称的组件。 // // Find the component with the specified name. func (m *TBufferPanel) FindComponent(AName string) *lcl.TComponent { return lcl.AsComponent(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_FindComponent, m.Instance(), api.PascalStr(AName))) } // GetNamePath // // 获取类名路径。 // // Get the class name path. func (m *TBufferPanel) GetNamePath() string { return api.GoStr(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetNamePath, m.Instance())) } // Assign // // 复制一个对象,如果对象实现了此方法的话。 // // Copy an object, if the object implements this method. func (m *TBufferPanel) Assign(Source lcl.IObject) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Assign, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(Source)) } // ClassType // // 获取类的类型信息。 // // Get class type information. func (m *TBufferPanel) ClassType() types.TClass { return types.TClass(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ClassType, m.Instance())) } // ClassName // // 获取当前对象类名称。 // // Get the current object class name. func (m *TBufferPanel) ClassName() string { return api.GoStr(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ClassName, m.Instance())) } // InstanceSize // // 获取当前对象实例大小。 // // Get the current object instance size. func (m *TBufferPanel) InstanceSize() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_InstanceSize, m.Instance())) } // InheritsFrom // // 判断当前类是否继承自指定类。 // // Determine whether the current class inherits from the specified class. func (m *TBufferPanel) InheritsFrom(AClass types.TClass) bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_InheritsFrom, m.Instance(), uintptr(AClass))) } // Equals // // 与一个对象进行比较。 // // Compare with an object. func (m *TBufferPanel) Equals(Obj lcl.IObject) bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Equals, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(Obj))) } // GetHashCode // // 获取类的哈希值。 // // Get the hash value of the class. func (m *TBufferPanel) GetHashCode() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetHashCode, m.Instance())) } // ToString // // 文本类信息。 // // Text information. func (m *TBufferPanel) ToString() string { return api.GoStr(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ToString, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorToNeighbour(ASide types.TAnchorKind, ASpace int32, ASibling lcl.IControl) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_AnchorToNeighbour, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASide), uintptr(ASpace), lcl.CheckPtr(ASibling)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorParallel(ASide types.TAnchorKind, ASpace int32, ASibling lcl.IControl) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_AnchorParallel, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASide), uintptr(ASpace), lcl.CheckPtr(ASibling)) } // AnchorHorizontalCenterTo // // 置于指定控件的横向中心。 func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorHorizontalCenterTo(ASibling lcl.IControl) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_AnchorHorizontalCenterTo, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(ASibling)) } // AnchorVerticalCenterTo // // 置于指定控件的纵向中心。 func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorVerticalCenterTo(ASibling lcl.IControl) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_AnchorVerticalCenterTo, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(ASibling)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSame(ASide types.TAnchorKind, ASibling lcl.IControl) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_AnchorSame, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASide), lcl.CheckPtr(ASibling)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorAsAlign(ATheAlign types.TAlign, ASpace int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_AnchorAsAlign, m.Instance(), uintptr(ATheAlign), uintptr(ASpace)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorClient(ASpace int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_AnchorClient, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASpace)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleDesignToForm(ASize int32) int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScaleDesignToForm, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASize))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFormToDesign(ASize int32) int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScaleFormToDesign, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASize))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) Scale96ToForm(ASize int32) int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Scale96ToForm, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASize))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFormTo96(ASize int32) int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScaleFormTo96, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASize))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) Scale96ToFont(ASize int32) int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Scale96ToFont, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASize))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFontTo96(ASize int32) int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScaleFontTo96, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASize))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleScreenToFont(ASize int32) int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScaleScreenToFont, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASize))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFontToScreen(ASize int32) int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScaleFontToScreen, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASize))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) Scale96ToScreen(ASize int32) int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Scale96ToScreen, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASize))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleScreenTo96(ASize int32) int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScaleScreenTo96, m.Instance(), uintptr(ASize))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) AutoAdjustLayout(AMode types.TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy, AFromPPI int32, AToPPI int32, AOldFormWidth int32, ANewFormWidth int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_AutoAdjustLayout, m.Instance(), uintptr(AMode), uintptr(AFromPPI), uintptr(AToPPI), uintptr(AOldFormWidth), uintptr(ANewFormWidth)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) FixDesignFontsPPI(ADesignTimePPI int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_FixDesignFontsPPI, m.Instance(), uintptr(ADesignTimePPI)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ScaleFontsPPI(AToPPI int32, AProportion float64) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScaleFontsPPI, m.Instance(), uintptr(AToPPI), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&AProportion))) } // Canvas // // 获取画布。 func (m *TBufferPanel) Canvas() *lcl.TCanvas { return lcl.AsCanvas(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetCanvas, m.Instance())) } // SetCanvas // // 设置画布。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetCanvas(value *lcl.TCanvas) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetCanvas, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } // SetOnPaint // // 设置绘画事件。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnPaint(fn TNotifyEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnPaint, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // Align // // 获取控件自动调整。 // // Get Control automatically adjusts. func (m *TBufferPanel) Align() types.TAlign { return types.TAlign(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetAlign, m.Instance())) } // SetAlign // // 设置控件自动调整。 // // Set Control automatically adjusts. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAlign(value types.TAlign) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetAlign, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // Alignment // // 获取文字对齐。 // // Get Text alignment. func (m *TBufferPanel) Alignment() types.TAlignment { return types.TAlignment(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetAlignment, m.Instance())) } // SetAlignment // // 设置文字对齐。 // // Set Text alignment. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAlignment(value types.TAlignment) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetAlignment, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // Anchors // // 获取四个角位置的锚点。 func (m *TBufferPanel) Anchors() types.TAnchors { return types.TAnchors(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetAnchors, m.Instance())) } // SetAnchors // // 设置四个角位置的锚点。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchors(value types.TAnchors) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetAnchors, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // AutoSize // // 获取自动调整大小。 func (m *TBufferPanel) AutoSize() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetAutoSize, m.Instance())) } // SetAutoSize // // 设置自动调整大小。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAutoSize(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetAutoSize, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) BevelInner() types.TBevelCut { return types.TBevelCut(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetBevelInner, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBevelInner(value types.TBevelCut) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetBevelInner, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) BevelOuter() types.TBevelCut { return types.TBevelCut(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetBevelOuter, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBevelOuter(value types.TBevelCut) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetBevelOuter, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) BiDiMode() types.TBiDiMode { return types.TBiDiMode(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetBiDiMode, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBiDiMode(value types.TBiDiMode) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetBiDiMode, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // BorderWidth // // 获取边框的宽度。 func (m *TBufferPanel) BorderWidth() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetBorderWidth, m.Instance())) } // SetBorderWidth // // 设置边框的宽度。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBorderWidth(value int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetBorderWidth, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // BorderStyle // // 获取窗口边框样式。比如:无边框,单一边框等。 func (m *TBufferPanel) BorderStyle() types.TBorderStyle { return types.TBorderStyle(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetBorderStyle, m.Instance())) } // SetBorderStyle // // 设置窗口边框样式。比如:无边框,单一边框等。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBorderStyle(value types.TBorderStyle) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetBorderStyle, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // Caption // // 获取控件标题。 // // Get the control title. func (m *TBufferPanel) Caption() string { return api.GoStr(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetCaption, m.Instance())) } // SetCaption // // 设置控件标题。 // // Set the control title. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetCaption(value string) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetCaption, m.Instance(), api.PascalStr(value)) } // Color // // 获取颜色。 // // Get color. func (m *TBufferPanel) Color() types.TColor { return types.TColor(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetColor, m.Instance())) } // SetColor // // 设置颜色。 // // Set color. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetColor(value types.TColor) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetColor, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // Constraints // // 获取约束控件大小。 func (m *TBufferPanel) Constraints() *lcl.TSizeConstraints { return lcl.AsSizeConstraints(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetConstraints, m.Instance())) } // SetConstraints // // 设置约束控件大小。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetConstraints(value *lcl.TSizeConstraints) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetConstraints, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } // UseDockManager // // 获取使用停靠管理。 func (m *TBufferPanel) UseDockManager() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetUseDockManager, m.Instance())) } // SetUseDockManager // // 设置使用停靠管理。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetUseDockManager(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetUseDockManager, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // DockSite // // 获取停靠站点。 // // Get Docking site. func (m *TBufferPanel) DockSite() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetDockSite, m.Instance())) } // SetDockSite // // 设置停靠站点。 // // Set Docking site. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDockSite(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetDockSite, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // DoubleBuffered // // 获取设置控件双缓冲。 // // Get Set control double buffering. func (m *TBufferPanel) DoubleBuffered() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetDoubleBuffered, m.Instance())) } // SetDoubleBuffered // // 设置设置控件双缓冲。 // // Set Set control double buffering. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDoubleBuffered(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetDoubleBuffered, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // DragCursor // // 获取设置控件拖拽时的光标。 // // Get Set the cursor when the control is dragged. func (m *TBufferPanel) DragCursor() types.TCursor { return types.TCursor(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetDragCursor, m.Instance())) } // SetDragCursor // // 设置设置控件拖拽时的光标。 // // Set Set the cursor when the control is dragged. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDragCursor(value types.TCursor) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetDragCursor, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // DragKind // // 获取拖拽方式。 // // Get Drag and drom. func (m *TBufferPanel) DragKind() types.TDragKind { return types.TDragKind(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetDragKind, m.Instance())) } // SetDragKind // // 设置拖拽方式。 // // Set Drag and drom. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDragKind(value types.TDragKind) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetDragKind, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // DragMode // // 获取拖拽模式。 // // Get Drag mode. func (m *TBufferPanel) DragMode() types.TDragMode { return types.TDragMode(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetDragMode, m.Instance())) } // SetDragMode // // 设置拖拽模式。 // // Set Drag mode. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetDragMode(value types.TDragMode) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetDragMode, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // Enabled // // 获取控件启用。 // // Get the control enabled. func (m *TBufferPanel) Enabled() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetEnabled, m.Instance())) } // SetEnabled // // 设置控件启用。 // // Set the control enabled. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetEnabled(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetEnabled, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) FullRepaint() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetFullRepaint, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetFullRepaint(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetFullRepaint, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // Font // // 获取字体。 // // Get Font. func (m *TBufferPanel) Font() *lcl.TFont { return lcl.AsFont(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetFont, m.Instance())) } // SetFont // // 设置字体。 // // Set Font. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetFont(value *lcl.TFont) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetFont, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentBackground() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetParentBackground, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentBackground(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetParentBackground, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // ParentColor // // 获取使用父容器颜色。 // // Get parent color. func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentColor() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetParentColor, m.Instance())) } // SetParentColor // // 设置使用父容器颜色。 // // Set parent color. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentColor(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetParentColor, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // ParentDoubleBuffered // // 获取使用父容器双缓冲。 // // Get Parent container double buffering. func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentDoubleBuffered() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetParentDoubleBuffered, m.Instance())) } // SetParentDoubleBuffered // // 设置使用父容器双缓冲。 // // Set Parent container double buffering. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentDoubleBuffered(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetParentDoubleBuffered, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // ParentFont // // 获取使用父容器字体。 // // Get Parent container font. func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentFont() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetParentFont, m.Instance())) } // SetParentFont // // 设置使用父容器字体。 // // Set Parent container font. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentFont(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetParentFont, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // ParentShowHint // // 获取以父容器的ShowHint属性为准。 func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentShowHint() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetParentShowHint, m.Instance())) } // SetParentShowHint // // 设置以父容器的ShowHint属性为准。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentShowHint(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetParentShowHint, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // PopupMenu // // 获取右键菜单。 // // Get Right click menu. func (m *TBufferPanel) PopupMenu() *lcl.TPopupMenu { return lcl.AsPopupMenu(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetPopupMenu, m.Instance())) } // SetPopupMenu // // 设置右键菜单。 // // Set Right click menu. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetPopupMenu(value lcl.IComponent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetPopupMenu, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } // ShowHint // // 获取显示鼠标悬停提示。 // // Get Show mouseover tips. func (m *TBufferPanel) ShowHint() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetShowHint, m.Instance())) } // SetShowHint // // 设置显示鼠标悬停提示。 // // Set Show mouseover tips. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetShowHint(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetShowHint, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // TabOrder // // 获取Tab切换顺序序号。 // // Get Tab switching sequence number. func (m *TBufferPanel) TabOrder() types.TTabOrder { return types.TTabOrder(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetTabOrder, m.Instance())) } // SetTabOrder // // 设置Tab切换顺序序号。 // // Set Tab switching sequence number. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTabOrder(value types.TTabOrder) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetTabOrder, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // TabStop // // 获取Tab可停留。 // // Get Tab can stay. func (m *TBufferPanel) TabStop() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetTabStop, m.Instance())) } // SetTabStop // // 设置Tab可停留。 // // Set Tab can stay. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTabStop(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetTabStop, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // Visible // // 获取控件可视。 // // Get the control visible. func (m *TBufferPanel) Visible() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetVisible, m.Instance())) } // SetVisible // // 设置控件可视。 // // Set the control visible. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetVisible(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetVisible, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } // SetOnAlignPosition // // 设置对齐位置事件,当Align为alCustom时Parent会收到这个消息。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnAlignPosition(fn lcl.TAlignPositionEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnAlignPosition, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnClick // // 设置控件单击事件。 // // Set control click event. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnClick(fn TNotifyEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnClick, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnContextPopup // // 设置上下文弹出事件,一般是右键时弹出。 // // Set Context popup event, usually pop up when right click. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnContextPopup(fn lcl.TContextPopupEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnContextPopup, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDockDrop(fn lcl.TDockDropEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnDockDrop, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnDblClick // // 设置双击事件。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDblClick(fn TNotifyEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnDblClick, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnDragDrop // // 设置拖拽下落事件。 // // Set Drag and drop event. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDragDrop(fn lcl.TDragDropEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnDragDrop, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnDragOver // // 设置拖拽完成事件。 // // Set Drag and drop completion event. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnDragOver(fn lcl.TDragOverEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnDragOver, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnEndDock // // 设置停靠结束事件。 // // Set Dock end event. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnEndDock(fn lcl.TEndDragEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnEndDock, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnEndDrag // // 设置拖拽结束。 // // Set End of drag. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnEndDrag(fn lcl.TEndDragEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnEndDrag, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnEnter // // 设置焦点进入。 // // Set Focus entry. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnEnter(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnEnter, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnExit // // 设置焦点退出。 // // Set Focus exit. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnExit(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnExit, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnGetSiteInfo(fn lcl.TGetSiteInfoEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnGetSiteInfo, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnMouseDown // // 设置鼠标按下事件。 // // Set Mouse down event. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseDown(fn lcl.TMouseEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnMouseDown, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnMouseEnter // // 设置鼠标进入事件。 // // Set Mouse entry event. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseEnter(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnMouseEnter, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnMouseLeave // // 设置鼠标离开事件。 // // Set Mouse leave event. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseLeave(fn lcl.TNotifyEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnMouseLeave, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnMouseMove // // 设置鼠标移动事件。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseMove(fn lcl.TMouseMoveEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnMouseMove, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnMouseUp // // 设置鼠标抬起事件。 // // Set Mouse lift event. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnMouseUp(fn TMouseEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnMouseUp, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnResize // // 设置大小被改变事件。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnResize(fn TNotifyEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnResize, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // SetOnStartDock // // 设置启动停靠。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnStartDock(fn lcl.TStartDockEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnStartDock, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetOnUnDock(fn lcl.TUnDockEvent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetOnUnDock, m.Instance(), api.MakeEventDataPtr(fn)) } // DockClientCount // // 获取依靠客户端总数。 func (m *TBufferPanel) DockClientCount() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetDockClientCount, m.Instance())) } // MouseInClient // // 获取鼠标是否在客户端,仅VCL有效。 // // Get Whether the mouse is on the client, only VCL is valid. func (m *TBufferPanel) MouseInClient() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetMouseInClient, m.Instance())) } // VisibleDockClientCount // // 获取当前停靠的可视总数。 // // Get The total number of visible calls currently docked. func (m *TBufferPanel) VisibleDockClientCount() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetVisibleDockClientCount, m.Instance())) } // Brush // // 获取画刷对象。 // // Get Brush. func (m *TBufferPanel) Brush() *lcl.TBrush { return lcl.AsBrush(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetBrush, m.Instance())) } // ControlCount // // 获取子控件数。 // // Get Number of child controls. func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlCount() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetControlCount, m.Instance())) } // Handle // // 获取控件句柄。 // // Get Control handle. func (m *TBufferPanel) Handle() types.HWND { return types.HWND(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetHandle, m.Instance())) } // ParentWindow // // 获取父容器句柄。 // // Get Parent container handle. func (m *TBufferPanel) ParentWindow() types.HWND { return imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetParentWindow, m.Instance()) } // SetParentWindow // // 设置父容器句柄。 // // Set Parent container handle. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParentWindow(value types.HWND) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetParentWindow, m.Instance(), value) } func (m *TBufferPanel) Showing() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetShowing, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) Action() *lcl.TAction { return lcl.AsAction(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetAction, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAction(value lcl.IComponent) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetAction, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) BoundsRect() (result types.TRect) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetBoundsRect, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) return } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBoundsRect(value types.TRect) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetBoundsRect, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value))) } // ClientHeight // // 获取客户区高度。 // // Get client height. func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientHeight() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetClientHeight, m.Instance())) } // SetClientHeight // // 设置客户区高度。 // // Set client height. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetClientHeight(value int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetClientHeight, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientOrigin() (result types.TPoint) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetClientOrigin, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) return } // ClientRect // // 获取客户区矩形。 // // Get client rectangle. func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientRect() (result types.TRect) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetClientRect, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) return } // ClientWidth // // 获取客户区宽度。 // // Get client width. func (m *TBufferPanel) ClientWidth() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetClientWidth, m.Instance())) } // SetClientWidth // // 设置客户区宽度。 // // Set client width. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetClientWidth(value int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetClientWidth, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // ControlState // // 获取控件状态。 // // Get control state. func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlState() types.TControlState { return types.TControlState(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetControlState, m.Instance())) } // SetControlState // // 设置控件状态。 // // Set control state. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetControlState(value types.TControlState) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetControlState, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // ControlStyle // // 获取控件样式。 // // Get control style. func (m *TBufferPanel) ControlStyle() types.TControlStyle { return types.TControlStyle(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetControlStyle, m.Instance())) } // SetControlStyle // // 设置控件样式。 // // Set control style. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetControlStyle(value types.TControlStyle) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetControlStyle, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) Floating() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetFloating, m.Instance())) } // Parent // // 获取控件父容器。 // // Get control parent container. func (m *TBufferPanel) Parent() *lcl.TWinControl { return lcl.AsWinControl(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetParent, m.Instance())) } // SetParent // // 设置控件父容器。 // // Set control parent container. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetParent(value lcl.IWinControl) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetParent, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } // Left // // 获取左边位置。 // // Get Left position. func (m *TBufferPanel) Left() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetLeft, m.Instance())) } // SetLeft // // 设置左边位置。 // // Set Left position. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetLeft(value int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetLeft, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // Top // // 获取顶边位置。 // // Get Top position. func (m *TBufferPanel) Top() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetTop, m.Instance())) } // SetTop // // 设置顶边位置。 // // Set Top position. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTop(value int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetTop, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // Width // // 获取宽度。 // // Get width. func (m *TBufferPanel) Width() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetWidth, m.Instance())) } // SetWidth // // 设置宽度。 // // Set width. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetWidth(value int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetWidth, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // Height // // 获取高度。 // // Get height. func (m *TBufferPanel) Height() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetHeight, m.Instance())) } // SetHeight // // 设置高度。 // // Set height. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetHeight(value int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetHeight, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // Cursor // // 获取控件光标。 // // Get control cursor. func (m *TBufferPanel) Cursor() types.TCursor { return types.TCursor(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetCursor, m.Instance())) } // SetCursor // // 设置控件光标。 // // Set control cursor. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetCursor(value types.TCursor) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetCursor, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // Hint // // 获取组件鼠标悬停提示。 // // Get component mouse hints. func (m *TBufferPanel) Hint() string { return api.GoStr(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetHint, m.Instance())) } // SetHint // // 设置组件鼠标悬停提示。 // // Set component mouse hints. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetHint(value string) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetHint, m.Instance(), api.PascalStr(value)) } // ComponentCount // // 获取组件总数。 // // Get the total number of components. func (m *TBufferPanel) ComponentCount() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetComponentCount, m.Instance())) } // ComponentIndex // // 获取组件索引。 // // Get component index. func (m *TBufferPanel) ComponentIndex() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetComponentIndex, m.Instance())) } // SetComponentIndex // // 设置组件索引。 // // Set component index. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetComponentIndex(value int32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetComponentIndex, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // Owner // // 获取组件所有者。 // // Get component owner. func (m *TBufferPanel) Owner() *lcl.TComponent { return lcl.AsComponent(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetOwner, m.Instance())) } // Name // // 获取组件名称。 // // Get the component name. func (m *TBufferPanel) Name() string { return api.GoStr(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetName, m.Instance())) } // SetName // // 设置组件名称。 // // Set the component name. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetName(value string) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetName, m.Instance(), api.PascalStr(value)) } // Tag // // 获取对象标记。 // // Get the control tag. func (m *TBufferPanel) Tag() int { return int(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetTag, m.Instance())) } // SetTag // // 设置对象标记。 // // Set the control tag. func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTag(value int) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetTag, m.Instance(), uintptr(value)) } // AnchorSideLeft // // 获取左边锚点。 func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideLeft() *lcl.TAnchorSide { return lcl.AsAnchorSide(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetAnchorSideLeft, m.Instance())) } // SetAnchorSideLeft // // 设置左边锚点。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideLeft(value *lcl.TAnchorSide) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetAnchorSideLeft, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } // AnchorSideTop // // 获取顶边锚点。 func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideTop() *lcl.TAnchorSide { return lcl.AsAnchorSide(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetAnchorSideTop, m.Instance())) } // SetAnchorSideTop // // 设置顶边锚点。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideTop(value *lcl.TAnchorSide) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetAnchorSideTop, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } // AnchorSideRight // // 获取右边锚点。 func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideRight() *lcl.TAnchorSide { return lcl.AsAnchorSide(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetAnchorSideRight, m.Instance())) } // SetAnchorSideRight // // 设置右边锚点。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideRight(value *lcl.TAnchorSide) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetAnchorSideRight, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } // AnchorSideBottom // // 获取底边锚点。 func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSideBottom() *lcl.TAnchorSide { return lcl.AsAnchorSide(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetAnchorSideBottom, m.Instance())) } // SetAnchorSideBottom // // 设置底边锚点。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetAnchorSideBottom(value *lcl.TAnchorSide) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetAnchorSideBottom, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ChildSizing() *lcl.TControlChildSizing { return lcl.AsControlChildSizing(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetChildSizing, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetChildSizing(value *lcl.TControlChildSizing) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetChildSizing, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } // BorderSpacing // // 获取边框间距。 func (m *TBufferPanel) BorderSpacing() *lcl.TControlBorderSpacing { return lcl.AsControlBorderSpacing(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetBorderSpacing, m.Instance())) } // SetBorderSpacing // // 设置边框间距。 func (m *TBufferPanel) SetBorderSpacing(value *lcl.TControlBorderSpacing) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetBorderSpacing, m.Instance(), lcl.CheckPtr(value)) } // DockClients // // 获取指定索引停靠客户端。 func (m *TBufferPanel) DockClients(Index int32) *lcl.TControl { return lcl.AsControl(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetDockClients, m.Instance(), uintptr(Index))) } // Controls // // 获取指定索引子控件。 func (m *TBufferPanel) Controls(Index int32) *lcl.TControl { return lcl.AsControl(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetControls, m.Instance(), uintptr(Index))) } // Components // // 获取指定索引组件。 // // Get the specified index component. func (m *TBufferPanel) Components(Index int32) *lcl.TComponent { return lcl.AsComponent(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetComponents, m.Instance(), uintptr(Index))) } // AnchorSide // // 获取锚侧面。 func (m *TBufferPanel) AnchorSide(AKind types.TAnchorKind) *lcl.TAnchorSide { return lcl.AsAnchorSide(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetAnchorSide, m.Instance(), uintptr(AKind))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) GetTransparent() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetTransparent, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetTransparent(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetTransparent, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SaveToFile(fileName string) bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SaveToFile, m.Instance(), api.PascalStr(fileName))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) InvalidatePanel() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_InvalidatePanel, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) BeginBufferDraw() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_BeginBufferDraw, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) EndBufferDraw() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_EndBufferDraw, m.Instance()) } func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferDrawPoint(x, y int32, bitmap lcl.TBitmap) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_BufferDrawPoint, m.Instance(), uintptr(x), uintptr(y), bitmap.Instance()) } func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferDrawRect(bitmap lcl.TBitmap, srcRect, dstRect types.TRect) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_BufferDrawRect, m.Instance(), bitmap.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&srcRect)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&dstRect))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateBufferDimensions(width, height int32) bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_UpdateBufferDimensions, m.Instance(), uintptr(width), uintptr(height))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateOrigBufferDimensions(width, height int32) bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_UpdateOrigBufferDimensions, m.Instance(), uintptr(width), uintptr(height))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateOrigPopupBufferDimensions(width, height int32) bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_UpdateOrigPopupBufferDimensions, m.Instance(), uintptr(width), uintptr(height))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) UpdateDeviceScaleFactor() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_UpdateDeviceScaleFactor, m.Instance()) } func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferIsResized(useMutex bool) bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_BufferIsResized, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(useMutex))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) CreateIMEHandler() { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_CreateIMEHandler, m.Instance()) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ChangeCompositionRange(selectionRange TCefRange, characterBounds []TCefRect) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ChangeCompositionRange, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&selectionRange)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&characterBounds))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) DrawOrigPopupBuffer(srcRect, dstRect types.TRect) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_DrawOrigPopupBuffer, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&srcRect)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&dstRect))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ScanlineSize() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScanlineSize, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferWidth() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_BufferWidth, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferHeight() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_BufferHeight, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) BufferBits() unsafe.Pointer { return unsafe.Pointer(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_BufferBits, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) ScreenScale() (result float32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_ScreenScale, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) return } func (m *TBufferPanel) GetForcedDeviceScaleFactor() (result float32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetForcedDeviceScaleFactor, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) return } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetForcedDeviceScaleFactor(value float32) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetForcedDeviceScaleFactor, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value))) } func (m *TBufferPanel) GetMustInitBuffer() bool { return api.GoBool(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_GetMustInitBuffer, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) SetMustInitBuffer(value bool) { imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_SetMustInitBuffer, m.Instance(), api.PascalBool(value)) } func (m *TBufferPanel) Buffer() *lcl.TBitmap { var result uintptr imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_Buffer, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) return lcl.AsBitmap(result) } func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigBuffer() *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer { var result uintptr imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_OrigBuffer, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) return &TCEFBitmapBitBuffer{instance: unsafe.Pointer(result)} } func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigBufferWidth() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_OrigBufferWidth, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigBufferHeight() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_OrigBufferHeight, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBuffer() *TCEFBitmapBitBuffer { var result uintptr imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_OrigPopupBuffer, m.Instance(), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result))) return &TCEFBitmapBitBuffer{instance: unsafe.Pointer(result)} } func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferWidth() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_OrigPopupBufferWidth, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferHeight() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_OrigPopupBufferHeight, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupBufferBits() unsafe.Pointer { return unsafe.Pointer(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_OrigPopupBufferBits, m.Instance())) } func (m *TBufferPanel) OrigPopupScanlineSize() int32 { return int32(imports.SysCallN(def.BufferPanel_OrigPopupScanlineSize, m.Instance())) }