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synced 2024-11-29 18:28:06 +08:00
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Upgrade Log
- U: winapi Change some function parameters to pointer pass
- U: energy cli, Retrieve installation environment commands remotely
- U: Remove CLI dependencies
- U: energy cli, add cli -v, -u
- U: workflows: go-version: '1.20'
- U: Optimize and remove unnecessary code
- A: Add OpenGL TOpenGLControl Component, and add OpenGL example
- Fix: frameless window DPI issue
- U: Upgrade golcl v1.0.11
- cli, add check version
- Fix: #32 The rendering process ipc listens for adding a frameId group. Add a frame object to implement the ipc target.IWindow interface
- Fix: #33 After obtaining the window handle, pop-up window dragging failed
- Fix: #34 --webkit-app-region Invalid after refreshing the page
- Windows and MacOS optimize borderless window styles. Previously, there was no glass shadow when borderless, but now it is the same as the system default,
- Windows, MacOS windows drag and resize using JS-IPC implementation
- A: CEFTask CefPostTask, CefPostDelayedTask, CefCurrentlyOn
- Fix: Issue of rendering process deadlock caused by IPC nested calls
- U: command-line update
- U: demo gifplay
- Modify all demo syso
- U: Add JS ipc.emit to trigger Go event synchronization mode configuration option, default:
- U: Optimizing the conflict between fullscreen and maximized window.
- A: demo headless
- U: command-line manifest requestedExecutionLevel => asInvoker
- U: command-line add gen windows > icon, syso cmd
Remarks: ipc.On
// go: Asynchronous listening mode ipc.On("name", func(){ // ... }, ipcTypes.OnOptions{Mode: ipcTypes.MAsync})
This version is incompatible with 2.3.x.
- U: LCLBrowserWindow and ViewsFrameworkBrowserWindow, Add func ChromiumBrowser() ICEFChromiumBrowser
- U: rename, ipc.emitSync => ipc.emitWait, This trigger has a timeout configuration
- A: linux arm64 demo startup.sh
- U: energy cmd version 1.0.6, install golang default version 1.19.13
- A: Add gif play component
- U: TCEFWindowComponent.SetOnGetTitleBarHeight param titleBarHeight => *float32
- A: extension, misc_functions api
- U: MacOS UI async thread run function
- U: Logic when using RunOnMainThread to determine IsMessage Loop
- Fix: vf tary Window state control
- U: Remove MainFormOnTaskBar configuration and use Enabling MainWindow configuration when the taskbar is not displayed
- U: all demo, windows import syso
- Fix: Use VF Application init. RunOnMainThread VF Use ThreadSync UI. ChromiumBrowser LCLBrowserWindow nil bug.
- U: Go execution IPC listening event changed to asynchronous execution
- U: Condition judgment when the gate is empty
- U: browserConfig > BrowserConfig
- U: IPC NewTarget IWindow > Add Chromium
- U: Chromium All Event Callback Parameters NativeUInt Type Pointer Passing
- A: Chromium SendDevToolsMessage function, ExecuteDevToolsMethod Add Result messageId
- A&U: examples
- Fix: Chromium event callback parameter pointer value
- U: Adjust the timing of the main window settings
- U: Adjusting the default implementation event to the chrrimbrowser structure
- Fix: When customizing the layout of Chromium in the window, you cannot drag to change the window size
- U: energy custom menu modify
- U: command-line, windows build write [app].manifest to disk
- Fix: Energy custom event, pop-up window event only triggers once issue
- Fix: Window Min,Max Size Bug
- Fix: cmd download cef-framework file name
- U: Modify some examples
- Fix: Window Min,Max Size Bug
- Fix: Energy custom event, pop-up window event only triggers once issue
- MacOS 增加 touch bar 支持, 和touchbar示例
- MacOS 无标题栏窗口状态控制
- 删除示例下的多于icon资源文件
- 增加 ipc 多窗口通信示例
- 修改托盘示例
- 增加LCL支持主窗口配置,关闭主窗口后,如果在多窗口时直到最后一个窗口关闭才退出应用
- 增加WindowsXP SP3支持
- 修改部分API字符串使用TString类
- 为了支持Go的底版本将所有any类型改为interface类型
- energy最底支持Go1.11版本
- 修复chromium相关事件回调函数参数
- 增加部分API判断, 对CEF API不支持CEF49, 未判断完全,但不影响,CEF49支持的API不如CEF新版本的多
- 命令行工具优化,未增加对WindowsXP的安装,目前WindowsXP需要手动安装
- 命令工具增加bindata命令,当Go版本小于1.16时,为支持Embed内嵌资源接口
- 优化LCL托盘可以同时创建多个
- 增加一些energy还未实现的CEF API
- 优化预先创建下一个子弹出窗口
- 修复一些错误,记录结构类型调用 API 时传递指针错误问题
修改所有*.go文件名 中横线 -, 改为下划线 _
升级 liblclbinres v2.3.5
修改ipc, net socket 端口号默认随机获取, net socket 在Windows10 Build < 17063 版本开启, 原固定19878端口
386: -tags="tempdll latest"
amd64: -tags="tempdll latest"
windows(Windows 7, 8/8.1 and Windows Server 2012):
386: -tags="tempdll 109"
amd64: -tags="tempdll 109"
amd64: -tags="tempdll latest"
arm64: -tags="tempdll latest"
amd64: -tags="tempdll 106"
arm64: -tags="tempdll 106"
amd64: -tags="tempdll latest"
arm64: -tags="tempdll latest"
升级 118.7.1
增加 GlobalCEFApp.ChromePolicyId
移除 Browser, Chromium accept_language_list
增加 TChromiumOptions.ChromeZoomBubble
增加 TChromium.IncZoomCommand
增加 TChromium.DecZoomCommand
增加 TChromium.ResetZoomCommand
增加 TChromium.DefaultZoomLevel
增加 TChromium.CanIncZoom
增加 TChromium.CanDecZoom
增加 TChromium.CanResetZoom
增加 TChromium.Fullscreen
增加 TChromium.ExitFullscreen
增加 ICefDragData.GetFilePaths
添加 https://crbug.com/1500371 https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/commits/99817d2d3ebf5983ea4491f8770ef1e581554f91 解决方法
在全屏窗口退出时更新 CSS(修复 #3597) https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/commits/9d1cdd020f4bc877cb9675afeed439c6e4749ec2
在调整边框大小之前对 PiP 可拖动区域进行命中测试(请参阅问题 #3566) https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/commits/38848f1780ea59b8b8819e06250b25aacd5c45c6
1. LCL无边框窗口, 点击任务栏不能切换窗口问题
2. WndProc 回调函数,修改&增加winapi函数,增加 HDWP 类型
3. 增加 lcl 窗口配置函数: 扩展事件-SetOnWndProc, SetOnPaint, 边框Frameless,FramelessForLine, SetRoundRectRgn
4. windows, lcl 窗口调整屏幕缩放比拖拽区域计算位置不正确问题
5. 创建 Application 初始化配置增加默认开启GPU加速
6. 移除生成图标示例修改部分示例
- 增加底层动态库异常捕获, 仅Windows, MacOS
- 升级CEF从109直接跳到117, 110~116版本的liblcl构建跳过, 此时会增加和移除一些api
- 升级命令行工具1.0.2,增加兼容Windows7 CEF109
- 增加底层库windows, macos异常捕获
- energy 底层依赖库自动化构建和发布
- 增加一些示例:屏幕截取,模拟事件,IPC Go to Go。
- 修复一些已知问题
升级 liblcl v2.3.1
2.3.0 对部分回调函数做出调整,主要增加了 cef.IBrowserWindow 当前窗口参数
增加 静态资源使用本地或内置资源加载, 暂时不能加载视频资源。
本地或内置资源加载,xhr 代理请求配置支持ssl
修复 linux(高版本) gtk3(默认)加载动态库错误问题。
修复 linux gtk3 无法切换英文问题,
优化 Mac开发环境 energy_env=dev > env=dev
优化 install 开发环境全自动安装:
增加 init 应用项目初始化
增加 build 构建&编译应用执行文件
增加 package 制作应用安装包
golcl v1.0.7
liblcl v1.0.4
1. 增加常用示例
2. 增加窗口焦点
3. 同步govcl库和liblcl库
4. 升级命令行工具
5. 增加 linux arm 架构二进制包
U: liblclbinres v1.0.2
U: demo main-browser-window
U: Return value(float32) method
A: demo Window IScreen
A: Window IScreen
A: displayRef proc api
Fix: Multiple display window centering issue
U: demo scheme
U: demo popup-sub-window elliptic
U: Optimize custom window drag and drop creation logic
Fix: potential problem, proc api return string error
Fix: v8value bug, string value error
U: demo frameless
A: window, full screen model, add common attributes
U: demo frameless
U: browser window, full screen
U: demo window state
U: demo frameless, fullscreen
U: window state
U: chromium context-menu-command callback
U: context-menu
A: open tab url callback event
U: demo liblcl autoupdate , linux lcl widget init
U: tempdll README.md
U: gen libbin
A: energy command line, Set energy framework development environment
U: energy command line, support linux select gtk2 or gtk3 framework
U: remove CustomWidgetSetFinalization
U: demo context-menu
U: LCL CloseBrowserWindow RunOnMainThread
A: on message paint
U: on message struct
U: demo test
A: TForm WM Message - > NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted
A: TForm WM Message
Fix: aux-viewsource, linux
U: demos, ui use gtk3, IconFS = xxx.png, other IconFS = xxx.ico
A: gtk2 support for CEF 106.1.1
U: demo msgbox
A: windows demo custom-browser-create
U: .gitattributes
U: tempdll for mac load liblcl
A: demo tempdll
A: go build -tags="tempdll" open TempDLL, import liblclbinres.
U: window drag switch
U: window drag explanatory
U: viewsource
A: demo drag file
R: remove BrowserWindow.Config.EnableWebkitAppRegion
A: demo custom-drag-window
U: lcl customer drag
U: demo frameless for mac, no hide caption
U: lcl window close for mac, 1.show,2.hide
U: demo
U: remove const.IsMessageLoop, add application.IsMessageLoop()
U: message const
Merge branch 'main' into dev
U: win32 consts, cefwinapi
Update README.zh_CN.md
Update README.md
A: lcl custom window drag
A: FramelessForDefault
A: CEF FileDialog
Fix: Chromium & DialogHandler onFileDialog callback args:acceptFiltersList
A: 4 types systray demo
A: windows frameless Control Window Border
U: demo-windows transparent
1. 增加 browser RunFileDialog 回调函数, 该功能是使用CEF打开选择文件弹窗
2. 增加 DownloadImage 回调函数
3. 增加 CEF的 MenuModel、View、Button、LabelButton、MenuButton、Panel、textfield 组件相关 Api
4. 重命名示例目录名
5. 增加 其它功能处理回调函数
6. 修改底层实现类变更接口
7. v2.2.0开始兼容老版本CEF 87 ~ 89, 新版本最低兼容到109
8. 优化energy框架中的window相关事件