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Energy is Go's framework for building desktop applications based on CEF
中文 | English
Energy Is a framework for building desktop applications using JavaScript,HTML, and CSS based on Golcl and CEF4Delphi Pure Go language development framework, embedded Chromium CEF binary
Allows you to use Web front-end technology to build cross-platform applications on Windows, Linux, and MacOS
You can use the Energy and Golcl to build compact system UI cross-platform application separately
Supports Windows_32, 64 bits, Linux_x86_64 bits, MacOS_x86_64 bits
In Go and Web technologies, based on IPC communication, you can easily interact data, function calls, and event calls between Go and Web without the need for a Web Service interface, just as easily as calling functions in the language itself
In Go, you can also define JS variables, which can be used by Web end JS to realize Go variable or structure object data synchronization
Call JS function and JS event listener in Go to realize functional interaction between GO and JS
Call Go function in JS, listen to events of Go, and realize functional interaction between JS and GO
CEF(105.3.39) | Energy(1.1.0) |
Windows 32 bits | |
Windows 64 bits | |
Linux x86 64 bits | |
MacOSX x86 64 bits |
CEF and Energy framework compression package instructions
Getting started guide
Quick start
Basic needs
golang >= 1.9.2
Download the CEF binary package for the corresponding platform and version, and decompress it to the directory.
Example/simple example
Install Energy dependencies go get github.com/energye/energy
Or use: go mod init, go mod tidy
run simple
The packaging application Energy does not have packaging modules, Windows you can use (MSI or Inno Setup) and other green packaging tools, Deb installation package in Linux, MacOS generates. App packages by default or custom. App packages
example/simple code
package main
import (
//go:embed resources
var resources embed.FS
func main() {
//全局初始化 每个应用都必须调用的
cef.GlobalCEFInit(nil, &resources)
cfg := cef.NewApplicationConfig()
//指定chromium的二进制包框架根目录, 不指定为当前程序执行目录
cefApp := cef.NewApplication(cfg)
cef.BrowserWindow.Config.DefaultUrl = "https://energy.yanghy.cn"
cef.BrowserWindow.Config.Title = "energy - 这是一个简单的窗口示例"
cef.BrowserWindow.Config.Width = 1024
cef.BrowserWindow.Config.Height = 768
//通过创建窗口时的回调函数 对浏览器事件设置,和窗口属性组件等创建和修改
cef.BrowserWindow.SetBrowserInit(func(event *cef.BrowserEvent, browserWindow *cef.TCefWindowInfo) {
//设置应用图标 这里加载的图标是内置到执行程序里的资源文件
cef.BrowserWindow.SetBrowserInitAfter(func(browserWindow *cef.TCefWindowInfo) {
- Download the binary package for the corresponding platform and energy version
- Install Energy dependencies go get github.com/energye/energy Or use: go mod init, go mod tidy
- Create a GO application, see the Getting Started Guide and Example