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// Copyright © yanghy. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package install
import (
func installCEFFramework(c *command.Config) (string, func()) {
if !c.Install.ICEF {
return "", nil
term.Section.Println("Install CEF")
// 获取提取文件配置
extractData, err := tools.HttpRequestGET(consts.DownloadExtractURL)
if err != nil {
return "", nil
var extractConfig map[string]any
extractData = bytes.TrimPrefix(extractData, []byte("\xef\xbb\xbf"))
if err := json.Unmarshal(extractData, &extractConfig); err != nil {
return "", nil
extractOSConfig := extractConfig[string(c.Install.OS)].(map[string]any)
// 获取安装版本配置
downloadJSON, err := tools.HttpRequestGET(consts.DownloadVersionURL)
if err != nil {
return "", nil
var edv map[string]any
downloadJSON = bytes.TrimPrefix(downloadJSON, []byte("\xef\xbb\xbf"))
if err := json.Unmarshal(downloadJSON, &edv); err != nil {
return "", nil
// -c cef args value
// default(empty), windows7, gtk2, flash
cef := strings.ToLower(c.Install.CEF)
if cef != consts.CefEmpty && cef != consts.Cef109 && cef != consts.Cef106 && cef != consts.Cef87 {
term.Logger.Error("-c [cef] Incorrect args value")
return "", nil
installPathName := cefInstallPathName(c)
term.Section.Println("Install Path", installPathName)
term.Section.Println("Start downloading CEF and Energy dependency")
// 所有版本列表
var versionList = edv["versionList"].(map[string]any)
// 当前安装版本
var installVersion map[string]any
if c.Install.Version == "latest" {
// 默认最新版本
if v, ok := versionList[edv["latest"].(string)]; ok {
installVersion = v.(map[string]any)
} else {
// 自己选择版本
if v, ok := versionList[c.Install.Version]; ok {
installVersion = v.(map[string]any)
term.Section.Println("Check version")
if installVersion == nil || len(installVersion) == 0 {
term.Logger.Error("Invalid version number " + c.Install.Version)
return "", nil
// 当前版本 cef 和 liblcl 版本选择
var (
cefModuleName, liblclModuleName string
// 使用提供的特定版本号
if cef == consts.Cef106 {
cefModuleName = "cef-106" // CEF 106.1.1
} else if cef == consts.Cef109 {
cefModuleName = "cef-109" // CEF 109.1.18
} else if cef == consts.Cef87 {
// cef 87 要和 liblcl 87 配对
cefModuleName = "cef-87" // CEF 87.1.14
liblclModuleName = "liblcl-87" // liblcl 87
// 如未指定CEF参数、或参数不正确,选择当前CEF模块最(新)大的版本号
if cefModuleName == "" {
var cefDefault string
var number int
for module, _ := range installVersion {
if strings.Index(module, "cef") == 0 {
if s := strings.Split(module, "-"); len(s) == 2 {
// module = "cef-xxx"
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(s[1])
if n >= number {
number = n
cefDefault = module
} else {
// module = "cef"
cefDefault = module
cefModuleName = cefDefault
// liblcl, 在未指定flash版本时,它是空 ""
if liblclModuleName == "" {
liblclModuleName = "liblcl"
// 当前安装版本的所有模块
var modules map[string]any
if m, ok := installVersion["modules"]; ok {
modules = m.(map[string]any)
// 根据模块名拿到对应的模块配置
var (
cefModule, liblclModule map[string]any
if module, ok := modules[cefModuleName]; ok {
cefModule = module.(map[string]any)
if module, ok := modules[liblclModuleName]; ok {
liblclModule = module.(map[string]any)
if cefModule == nil {
term.Logger.Error("CEF module " + cefModuleName + " is not configured in the current version")
return "", nil
// 下载源选择
var replaceSource = func(url, source string, sourceSelect int, module string) string {
s := strings.Split(source, ",")
// liblcl 如果自己选择下载源
if module == "liblcl" && c.Install.Download != "" {
sourceSelect = tools.ToInt(c.Install.Download)
if len(s) > sourceSelect {
return strings.ReplaceAll(url, "{source}", s[sourceSelect])
return url
// 下载集合
var downloads = make(map[string]*downloadInfo)
// 根据模块名拿到版本号
cefVersion := tools.ToRNilString(installVersion[cefModuleName], "")
// 当前模块版本支持系统,如果支持返回下载地址
libCEFOS, isSupport := cefOS(c, cefModule)
downloadCefURL := tools.ToString(cefModule["downloadUrl"])
downloadCefURL = replaceSource(downloadCefURL, tools.ToString(cefModule["downloadSource"]), tools.ToInt(cefModule["downloadSourceSelect"]), "cef")
downloadCefURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadCefURL, "{version}", cefVersion)
downloadCefURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadCefURL, "{OSARCH}", libCEFOS)
downloads[consts.CefKey] = &downloadInfo{isSupport: isSupport, fileName: urlName(downloadCefURL), downloadPath: filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, consts.FrameworkCache, urlName(downloadCefURL)), frameworkPath: installPathName, url: downloadCefURL, module: cefModuleName}
// liblcl
// 如果选定的cef 106,在linux会指定liblcl gtk2 版本, 其它系统和版本以默认的形式区分
// 最后根据模块名称来确定使用哪个liblcl
liblclVersion := tools.ToRNilString(installVersion[liblclModuleName], "")
if liblclModule != nil {
libEnergyOS, isSupport := liblclOS(c, cef, liblclVersion, tools.ToString(liblclModule["buildSupportOSArch"]))
downloadEnergyURL := tools.ToString(liblclModule["downloadUrl"])
downloadEnergyURL = replaceSource(downloadEnergyURL, tools.ToString(liblclModule["downloadSource"]), tools.ToInt(liblclModule["downloadSourceSelect"]), "liblcl")
module := tools.ToString(liblclModule["module"])
downloadEnergyURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadEnergyURL, "{version}", liblclVersion)
downloadEnergyURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadEnergyURL, "{module}", module)
downloadEnergyURL = strings.ReplaceAll(downloadEnergyURL, "{OSARCH}", libEnergyOS)
downloads[consts.LiblclKey] = &downloadInfo{isSupport: isSupport, fileName: urlName(downloadEnergyURL), downloadPath: filepath.Join(c.Install.Path, consts.FrameworkCache, urlName(downloadEnergyURL)), frameworkPath: installPathName, url: downloadEnergyURL, module: liblclModuleName}
// 在线下载框架二进制包
for key, dl := range downloads {
term.Section.Println("Download", key, ":", dl.url)
if !dl.isSupport {
term.Logger.Warn("Warn module is not built or configured [" + dl.module + "]")
err = DownloadFile(dl.url, dl.downloadPath, nil)
if err != nil {
term.Logger.Error("Download [" + dl.fileName + "] " + err.Error())
return "", nil
dl.success = err == nil
// 解压文件, 并根据配置提取文件
term.Logger.Info("Unpack files")
for key, di := range downloads {
if !di.isSupport {
term.Logger.Warn("module is not built or configured [" + di.module + "]")
if di.success {
if key == consts.CefKey {
processBar, err := pterm.DefaultProgressbar.WithShowCount(false).WithShowPercentage(false).WithMaxWidth(1).Start()
if err != nil {
return "", nil
tarName, err := UnBz2ToTar(di.downloadPath, func(totalLength, processLength int64) {
processBar.UpdateTitle(fmt.Sprintf("Unpack file %s, process: %d", key, processLength)) // Update the title of the progressbar.
if err != nil {
return "", nil
if err := ExtractFiles(key, tarName, di, extractOSConfig); err != nil {
return "", nil
} else if key == consts.LiblclKey {
if err := ExtractFiles(key, di.downloadPath, di, extractOSConfig); err != nil {
return "", nil
term.Section.Println("Unpack file", key, "success")
return installPathName, func() {
term.Logger.Info("CEF Installed Successfully", term.Logger.Args("Version", c.Install.Version, "liblcl", liblclVersion))
if liblclModule == nil {
term.Section.Println("hint: liblcl module", liblclModuleName, `is not configured in the current version, You need to use built-in binary build. [go build -tags="tempdll"]`)
func cefOS(c *command.Config, module map[string]any) (string, bool) {
buildSupportOSArch := tools.ToString(module["buildSupportOSArch"])
mod := tools.ToString(module["module"])
archs := strings.Split(buildSupportOSArch, ",")
var isSupport = func(goarch string) bool {
for _, v := range archs {
if goarch == v {
return true
return false
if c.Install.OS.IsWindows() { // windows arm for 64 bit, windows for 32/64 bit
if c.Install.Arch.IsARM64() {
return "windowsarm64", isSupport(consts.WindowsARM64)
if c.Install.Arch.Is386() {
return "windows32", isSupport(consts.Windows32)
return "windows64", isSupport(consts.Windows64)
} else if c.Install.OS.IsLinux() { //linux for 64 bit
if c.Install.Arch.IsARM64() {
if mod == consts.Cef106 {
return "linuxarm64", isSupport(consts.LinuxARM64GTK2)
return "linuxarm64", isSupport(consts.LinuxARM64) || isSupport(consts.LinuxARM64GTK3)
} else if c.Install.Arch.IsAMD64() {
if mod == consts.Cef106 {
return "linux64", isSupport(consts.Linux64GTK2)
return "linux64", isSupport(consts.Linux64) || isSupport(consts.Linux64GTK3)
} else if c.Install.OS.IsDarwin() { // macosx for 64 bit
//if runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
// return "macosarm64", isSupport(MacOSARM64)
//} else if runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" {
// return "macosx64", isSupport(MacOSX64)
// Mac amd64 m1 m2 架构目前使用amd64, m1,m2使用Rosetta2兼容
return "macosx64", isSupport(consts.MacOSX64)
//not support
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", c.Install.OS, c.Install.Arch), false
var liblclFileNames = map[string]string{
"windows386": consts.Windows32,
"windowsamd64": consts.Windows64,
"windowsarm64": consts.WindowsARM64,
"linuxarm64": consts.LinuxARM64,
"linuxarm64gtk2": consts.LinuxARM64GTK2,
"linuxamd64": consts.Linux64,
"linuxamd64gtk2": consts.Linux64GTK2,
"darwinamd64": consts.MacOSX64,
"darwinarm64": consts.MacOSARM64,
"windows386_old": "Windows 32 bits",
"windowsamd64_old": "Windows 64 bits",
"linuxamd64gtk2_old": "Linux GTK2 x86 64 bits",
"linuxamd64_old": "Linux x86 64 bits",
"darwinamd64_old": "MacOSX x86 64 bits",
func liblclName(c *command.Config, version, cef string) (string, bool) {
var key string
var isOld bool
if c.Install.Arch.IsARM64() {
if c.Install.OS.IsLinux() && cef == consts.Cef106 { // 只linux区别liblcl gtk2
key = "linuxarm64gtk2"
} else {
if c.Install.OS.IsDarwin() {
// Mac amd64 m1 m2 架构目前使用amd64, m1,m2使用Rosetta2兼容
key = fmt.Sprintf("%samd64", c.Install.OS)
} else {
key = fmt.Sprintf("%sarm64", c.Install.OS)
} else {
if c.Install.OS.IsLinux() && cef == consts.Cef106 { // 只linux区别liblcl gtk2
key = "linuxamd64gtk2"
} else {
key = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", c.Install.OS, c.Install.Arch)
if tools.Compare("2.2.4", version) {
if key != "" {
key += "_old"
isOld = true
if key != "" {
return liblclFileNames[key], isOld
return "", false
// 命名规则 OS+[ARCH]+BIT+[GTK2]
// ARCH: 非必需, ARM 时填写, AMD为空
// GTK2: 非必需, GTK2(Linux CEF 106) 时填写, 非Linux或GTK3时为空
func liblclOS(c *command.Config, cef, version, buildSupportOSArch string) (string, bool) {
archs := strings.Split(buildSupportOSArch, ",")
var goarch string
if c.Install.OS.IsWindows() && c.Install.Arch.Is386() {
goarch = "32" // windows32 = > windows386
} else {
goarch = string(c.Install.Arch)
noSuport := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", c.Install.OS, goarch)
var isSupport = func(goarch string) bool {
for _, v := range archs {
if goarch == v {
return true
return false
if name, isOld := liblclName(c, version, cef); isOld {
if name == "" {
return noSuport, false
return name, true
} else {
return name, isSupport(name)
// 提取文件
func ExtractFiles(keyName, sourcePath string, di *downloadInfo, extractOSConfig map[string]any) error {
println("Extract", keyName, "sourcePath:", sourcePath, "targetPath:", di.frameworkPath)
files := extractOSConfig[keyName].([]any)
if keyName == consts.CefKey {
return ExtractUnTar(sourcePath, di.frameworkPath, files...)
} else if keyName == consts.LiblclKey {
return ExtractUnZip(sourcePath, di.frameworkPath, false, files...)
return errors.New("not module")
// url文件名
func urlName(downloadUrl string) string {
if u, err := url.QueryUnescape(downloadUrl); err != nil {
return ""
} else {
u = u[strings.LastIndex(u, "/")+1:]
return u