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// Copyright © yanghy. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// cef -> energy 结构类型定义
package cef
import (
. "github.com/energye/energy/consts"
. "github.com/energye/energy/types"
// TCefCloseBrowsesAction 浏览器关闭控制
type TCefCloseBrowsesAction = CBS
// ICefCookie CEF Cookie
type ICefCookie struct {
Url, Name, Value, Domain, Path string
Secure, Httponly, HasExpires bool
Creation, LastAccess, Expires time.Time
Count, Total, ID int32
SameSite TCefCookieSameSite
Priority TCefCookiePriority
SetImmediately bool
DeleteCookie bool
Result bool
// TCefKeyEvent CEF 键盘事件
type TCefKeyEvent struct {
Kind TCefKeyEventType // called 'type' in the original CEF source code
Modifiers TCefEventFlags
WindowsKeyCode Int32
NativeKeyCode Int32
IsSystemKey Int32
Character UInt16
UnmodifiedCharacter UInt16
FocusOnEditableField Int32
// TCefRequestContextSettings CEF 请求上下文配置
type TCefRequestContextSettings struct {
Size UInt32
CachePath TCefString
PersistSessionCookies Int32
PersistUserPreferences Int32
AcceptLanguageList TCefString
CookieableSchemesList TCefString
CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults Int32
func (m *TCefRequestContextSettings) ToPtr() *tCefRequestContextSettingsPtr {
return &tCefRequestContextSettingsPtr{
Size: uintptr(m.Size),
CachePath: api.PascalStr(string(m.CachePath)),
PersistSessionCookies: uintptr(m.PersistSessionCookies),
PersistUserPreferences: uintptr(m.PersistUserPreferences),
AcceptLanguageList: api.PascalStr(string(m.AcceptLanguageList)),
CookieableSchemesList: api.PascalStr(string(m.CookieableSchemesList)),
CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults: uintptr(m.CookieableSchemesExcludeDefaults),
// TCefBrowserSettings CEF Browser配置
type TCefBrowserSettings struct {
Size NativeUInt
WindowlessFrameRate Integer
StandardFontFamily TCefString
FixedFontFamily TCefString
SerifFontFamily TCefString
SansSerifFontFamily TCefString
CursiveFontFamily TCefString
FantasyFontFamily TCefString
DefaultFontSize Integer
DefaultFixedFontSize Integer
MinimumFontSize Integer
MinimumLogicalFontSize Integer
DefaultEncoding TCefString
RemoteFonts TCefState
Javascript TCefState
JavascriptCloseWindows TCefState
JavascriptAccessClipboard TCefState
JavascriptDomPaste TCefState
ImageLoading TCefState
ImageShrinkStandaLonetoFit TCefState
TextAreaResize TCefState
TabToLinks TCefState
LocalStorage TCefState
Databases TCefState
Webgl TCefState
BackgroundColor TCefColor
AcceptLanguageList TCefString
ChromeStatusBubble TCefState
// TCefCommandLine 进程启动命令行参数设置
type TCefCommandLine struct {
commandLines map[string]string
// ICefCommandLine
type ICefCommandLine struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// TCefProxy 代理配置
type TCefProxy struct {
ProxyType TCefProxyType
ProxyScheme TCefProxyScheme
ProxyServer string
ProxyPort int32
ProxyUsername string
ProxyPassword string
ProxyScriptURL string
ProxyByPassList string
MaxConnectionsPerProxy int32
// TCefTouchEvent 触摸事件
type TCefTouchEvent struct {
Id int32
X float32
Y float32
RadiusX float32
RadiusY float32
RotationAngle float32
Pressure float32
Type TCefTouchEeventType
Modifiers TCefEventFlags
PointerType TCefPointerType
// TCustomHeader 自定义请求头
type TCustomHeader struct {
CustomHeaderName string
CustomHeaderValue string
// TCefMouseEvent 鼠标事件
type TCefMouseEvent struct {
X int32
Y int32
Modifiers TCefEventFlags
// BeforePopupInfo 弹出子窗口信息
type BeforePopupInfo struct {
TargetUrl string
TargetFrameName string
TargetDisposition TCefWindowOpenDisposition
UserGesture bool
// TCefRect 矩形
type TCefRect struct {
X int32
Y int32
Width int32
Height int32
// TCefSize 大小
type TCefSize struct {
Width int32
Height int32
// TCefPoint 位置
type TCefPoint struct {
X int32
Y int32
// TCefSchemeRegistrarRef
type TCefSchemeRegistrarRef struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefCallback
type ICefCallback struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// TCefBaseRefCounted
type TCefBaseRefCounted struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefBrowser main
type ICefBrowser struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
mainFrame *ICefFrame
// ICefFrame
// Html <iframe></iframe>
type ICefFrame struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefImage
type ICefImage struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// TCefDraggableRegions 拖拽区域集合
type TCefDraggableRegions struct {
regions []TCefDraggableRegion
regionsCount int
// TCefDraggableRegion 拖拽区域集
type TCefDraggableRegion struct {
Bounds TCefRect
Draggable bool
// ICefProcessMessage
type ICefProcessMessage struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
argumentList *ICefListValue
name string
// ICefBinaryValue -> ArgumentList
type ICefBinaryValue struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefValue -> ArgumentList
type ICefValue struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
binaryValue *ICefBinaryValue
dictionaryValue *ICefDictionaryValue
listValue *ICefListValue
// ICefListValue -> ArgumentList
type ICefListValue struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
values map[int]*ICefValue
binaryValues map[int]*ICefBinaryValue
dictionaryValues map[int]*ICefDictionaryValue
listValues map[int]*ICefListValue
// ICefDictionaryValue -> ArgumentList
type ICefDictionaryValue struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
values map[string]*ICefValue
binaryValues map[string]*ICefBinaryValue
dictionaryValues map[string]*ICefDictionaryValue
listValues map[string]*ICefListValue
// ICefDisplay
type ICefDisplay struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefWindow
type ICefWindow struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefRequest
type ICefRequest struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
Url string
Method string
ReferrerUrl string
ReferrerPolicy TCefReferrerPolicy
Flags TCefUrlRequestFlags
FirstPartyForCookies string
ResourceType TCefResourceType
TransitionType TCefTransitionType
Identifier uint64
// ICefResponse 实例
type ICefResponse struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
Status int32
StatusText string
MimeType string
Charset string
Error TCefErrorCode
URL string
// ICefMenuModel 菜单
type ICefMenuModel struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
CefMis *keyEventAccelerator
// ICefStringMultiMap 实例
type ICefStringMultiMap struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefPostData
type ICefPostData struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefPostDataElement
type ICefPostDataElement struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// TCefPostDataElementArray
type TCefPostDataElementArray struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
postDataElement uintptr
postDataElementLength uint32
// ICefBrowserView
type ICefBrowserView struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefView
type ICefView struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefClient
type ICefClient struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefDragData
type ICefDragData struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefV8Exception
type ICefV8Exception struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefV8Context
// v8上下文对象
// 生命周期
// 1. 在回调函数中有效
// 2. 回调函数外使用 cef.V8ContextRef.Current() 获取上下文对象
type ICefV8Context struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
browser *ICefBrowser
frame *ICefFrame
global *ICefV8Value
// ICefV8Value
type ICefV8Value struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
valueType V8ValueType
valueByIndex []*ICefV8Value
valueByKeys map[string]*ICefV8Value
cantFree bool
// ICefV8ValueKeys
type ICefV8ValueKeys struct {
keys *lcl.TStrings
count int
keyArray []string
// TCefV8ValueArray ICefV8Value 数组的替代结构
type TCefV8ValueArray struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
arguments uintptr
argumentsLength int
argumentsCollect []*ICefV8Value
// ICefV8Handler
type ICefV8Handler struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
type ICefV8Interceptor struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
type ICefV8Accessor struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
type ICefV8ArrayBufferReleaseCallback struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefDownloadItem 下载项
type ICefDownloadItem struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefDownloadItemCallback
// 下载中回调
type ICefDownloadItemCallback struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefBeforeDownloadCallback
// 下载之前回调
type ICefBeforeDownloadCallback struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefPdfPrintCallback
type ICefPdfPrintCallback struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefV8StackTrace
type ICefV8StackTrace struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// ICefDomNode
type ICefDomNode struct {
base TCefBaseRefCounted
instance unsafe.Pointer
// TCefPreferenceRegistrarRef
type TCefPreferenceRegistrarRef struct {
instance unsafe.Pointer
type CefPdfPrintSettings struct {
Landscape int32 // Integer
PrintBackground int32 // Integer
Scale float64 // double
PaperWidth float64 // double
PaperHeight float64 // double
PreferCssPageSize int32 // Integer
MarginType TCefPdfPrintMarginType // TCefPdfPrintMarginType
MarginTop float64 // double
MarginRight float64 // double
MarginBottom float64 // double
MarginLeft float64 // double
PageRanges string // TCefString
DisplayHeaderFooter int32 // Integer
HeaderTemplate string // TCefString
FooterTemplate string // TCefString
// ResultString 字符串返回值
type ResultString struct {
value string
func (m *ResultString) SetValue(value string) {
m.value = value
func (m *ResultString) Value() string {
return m.value
// ResultBool bool返回值
type ResultBool struct {
value bool
func (m *ResultBool) SetValue(value bool) {
m.value = value
func (m *ResultBool) Value() bool {
return m.value
// ResultBytes []byte返回值
type ResultBytes struct {
value []byte
func (m *ResultBytes) SetValue(value []byte) {
m.value = value
func (m *ResultBytes) Value() []byte {
return m.value
// NewCefRect
func NewCefRect(x, y, width, height int32) *TCefRect {
return &TCefRect{
X: x,
Y: y,
Width: width,
Height: height,
// NewCefSize
func NewCefSize(width, height int32) *TCefSize {
return &TCefSize{
Width: width,
Height: height,
// NewCefPoint
func NewCefPoint(x, y int32) *TCefPoint {
return &TCefPoint{
X: x,
Y: y,
func (m *ICefClient) SetClient(client *ICefClient) {
m.instance = client.instance
func (m *TCefKeyEvent) KeyDown() bool {
func (m *TCefKeyEvent) KeyUp() bool {
return m.Kind == KEYEVENT_KEYUP