mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 04:37:37 +08:00
1. add tests in test_fastNLP.py & test_sampler.py; increase test coverage to 81%
2. changes of names: aggregation ----> aggregator interaction ----> interactor action.py ----> sampler.py BasePreprocess ---> Preprocessor BaseTester ----> Tester BaseTrainer ----> Trainer 3. add more code comments 4. fix bugs in predictor's data_forward 5. in sampler.py, remove Bachifier, fix some codes. but not test 6. remove unused codes in other_modules.py & utils.py 7. update fastnlp.py with new config file names and code comments 8. add data examples in data_for_tests/
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from fastNLP.core.preprocess import ClassPreprocess
from fastNLP.core.trainer import ClassificationTrainer
from fastNLP.loader.dataset_loader import ClassDatasetLoader
from fastNLP.models.base_model import BaseModel
from fastNLP.modules import aggregation
from fastNLP.modules import aggregator
from fastNLP.modules import decoder
from fastNLP.modules import encoder
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class ClassificationModel(BaseModel):
self.emb = encoder.Embedding(nums=vocab_size, dims=300)
self.enc = encoder.Conv(
in_channels=300, out_channels=100, kernel_size=3)
self.agg = aggregation.MaxPool()
self.agg = aggregator.MaxPool()
self.dec = decoder.MLP(size_layer=[100, num_classes])
def forward(self, x):
@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ from collections import defaultdict
import torch
from fastNLP.core.dataset import DataSet
from fastNLP.core.field import TextField, LabelField
from fastNLP.core.instance import Instance
class Batch(object):
"""Batch is an iterable object which iterates over mini-batches.
@ -16,6 +12,14 @@ class Batch(object):
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size, sampler, use_cuda):
:param dataset: a DataSet object
:param batch_size: int, the size of the batch
:param sampler: a Sampler object
:param use_cuda: bool, whetjher to use GPU
self.dataset = dataset
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.sampler = sampler
@ -81,46 +85,3 @@ class Batch(object):
self.curidx += endidx
return batch_x, batch_y
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""simple running example
texts = ["i am a cat",
"this is a test of new batch",
labels = [0, 1, 0]
# prepare vocabulary
vocab = {}
for text in texts:
for tokens in text.split():
if tokens not in vocab:
vocab[tokens] = len(vocab)
print("vocabulary: ", vocab)
# prepare input dataset
data = DataSet()
for text, label in zip(texts, labels):
x = TextField(text.split(), False)
y = LabelField(label, is_target=True)
ins = Instance(text=x, label=y)
# use vocabulary to index data
data.index_field("text", vocab)
# define naive sampler for batch class
class SeqSampler:
def __call__(self, dataset):
return list(range(len(dataset)))
# use batch to iterate dataset
data_iterator = Batch(data, 2, SeqSampler(), False)
for epoch in range(1):
for batch_x, batch_y in data_iterator:
# do stuff
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import numpy as np
import torch
from fastNLP.core.action import SequentialSampler
from fastNLP.core.batch import Batch
from fastNLP.core.dataset import create_dataset_from_lists
from fastNLP.core.preprocess import load_pickle
from fastNLP.core.sampler import SequentialSampler
class Predictor(object):
@ -62,9 +62,13 @@ class Predictor(object):
def data_forward(self, network, x):
"""Forward through network."""
y = network(**x)
if self._task == "seq_label":
y = network(x["word_seq"], x["word_seq_origin_len"])
y = network.prediction(y)
elif self._task == "text_classify":
y = network(x["word_seq"])
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown task type {}.".format(self._task))
return y
def prepare_input(self, data):
@ -52,21 +52,28 @@ def pickle_exist(pickle_path, pickle_name):
return False
class BasePreprocess(object):
"""Base class of all preprocessors.
Preprocessors are responsible for converting data of strings into data of indices.
class Preprocessor(object):
"""Preprocessors are responsible for converting data of strings into data of indices.
During the pre-processing, the following pickle files will be built:
- "word2id.pkl", a mapping from words(tokens) to indices
- "id2word.pkl", a reversed dictionary
- "word2id.pkl", a Vocabulary object, mapping words to indices.
- "class2id.pkl", a Vocabulary object, mapping labels to indices.
- "data_train.pkl", a DataSet object for training
- "data_dev.pkl", a DataSet object for validation, if train_dev_split > 0.
- "data_test.pkl", a DataSet object for testing, if test_data is not None.
These four pickle files are expected to be saved in the given pickle directory once they are constructed.
Preprocessors will check if those files are already in the directory and will reuse them in future calls.
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, label_is_seq=False):
:param label_is_seq: bool, whether label is a sequence. If True, label vocabulary will preserve
several special tokens for sequence processing.
self.data_vocab = Vocabulary()
self.label_vocab = Vocabulary()
self.label_vocab = Vocabulary(need_default=label_is_seq)
def vocab_size(self):
@ -259,20 +266,20 @@ class BasePreprocess(object):
return data_set
class SeqLabelPreprocess(BasePreprocess):
class SeqLabelPreprocess(Preprocessor):
def __init__(self):
print("[FastNLP warning] SeqLabelPreprocess is about to deprecate. Please use Preprocess directly.")
super(SeqLabelPreprocess, self).__init__()
class ClassPreprocess(BasePreprocess):
class ClassPreprocess(Preprocessor):
def __init__(self):
print("[FastNLP warning] ClassPreprocess is about to deprecate. Please use Preprocess directly.")
super(ClassPreprocess, self).__init__()
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = BasePreprocess()
p = Preprocessor()
train_dev_data = [[["I", "am", "a", "good", "student", "."], "0"],
[["You", "are", "pretty", "."], "1"]
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
import torch
@ -17,6 +15,56 @@ def convert_to_torch_tensor(data_list, use_cuda):
return data_list
class BaseSampler(object):
"""The base class of all samplers.
Sub-classes must implement the __call__ method.
__call__ takes a DataSet object and returns a list of int - the sampling indices.
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class SequentialSampler(BaseSampler):
"""Sample data in the original order.
def __call__(self, data_set):
return list(range(len(data_set)))
class RandomSampler(BaseSampler):
"""Sample data in random permutation order.
def __call__(self, data_set):
return list(np.random.permutation(len(data_set)))
def simple_sort_bucketing(lengths):
:param lengths: list of int, the lengths of all examples.
:param buckets: list of int. The length of the list is the number of buckets. Each integer is the maximum length
threshold for each bucket (This is usually None.).
:return data: 2-level list
[index_11, index_12, ...], # bucket 1
[index_21, index_22, ...], # bucket 2
lengths_mapping = [(idx, length) for idx, length in enumerate(lengths)]
sorted_lengths = sorted(lengths_mapping, key=lambda x: x[1])
# TODO: need to return buckets
return [idx for idx, _ in sorted_lengths]
def k_means_1d(x, k, max_iter=100):
"""Perform k-means on 1-D data.
@ -46,18 +94,10 @@ def k_means_1d(x, k, max_iter=100):
return np.array(centroids), assign
def k_means_bucketing(all_inst, buckets):
def k_means_bucketing(lengths, buckets):
"""Assign all instances into possible buckets using k-means, such that instances in the same bucket have similar lengths.
:param all_inst: 3-level list
E.g. ::
[[word_11, word_12, word_13], [label_11. label_12]], # sample 1
[[word_21, word_22, word_23], [label_21. label_22]], # sample 2
:param lengths: list of int, the length of all samples.
:param buckets: list of int. The length of the list is the number of buckets. Each integer is the maximum length
threshold for each bucket (This is usually None.).
:return data: 2-level list
@ -72,7 +112,6 @@ def k_means_bucketing(all_inst, buckets):
bucket_data = [[] for _ in buckets]
num_buckets = len(buckets)
lengths = np.array([len(inst[0]) for inst in all_inst])
_, assignments = k_means_1d(lengths, num_buckets)
for idx, bucket_id in enumerate(assignments):
@ -81,102 +120,33 @@ def k_means_bucketing(all_inst, buckets):
return bucket_data
class BaseSampler(object):
"""The base class of all samplers.
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class SequentialSampler(BaseSampler):
"""Sample data in the original order.
def __call__(self, data_set):
return list(range(len(data_set)))
class RandomSampler(BaseSampler):
"""Sample data in random permutation order.
def __call__(self, data_set):
return list(np.random.permutation(len(data_set)))
class Batchifier(object):
"""Wrap random or sequential sampler to generate a mini-batch.
def __init__(self, sampler, batch_size, drop_last=True):
:param sampler: a Sampler object
:param batch_size: int, the size of the mini-batch
:param drop_last: bool, whether to drop the last examples that are not enough to make a mini-batch.
super(Batchifier, self).__init__()
self.sampler = sampler
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.drop_last = drop_last
def __iter__(self):
batch = []
for example in self.sampler:
if len(batch) == self.batch_size:
yield batch
batch = []
if 0 < len(batch) < self.batch_size and self.drop_last is False:
yield batch
class BucketBatchifier(Batchifier):
class BucketSampler(BaseSampler):
"""Partition all samples into multiple buckets, each of which contains sentences of approximately the same length.
In sampling, first random choose a bucket. Then sample data from it.
The number of buckets is decided dynamically by the variance of sentence lengths.
TODO: merge it into Batch
def __init__(self, data_set, batch_size, num_buckets, drop_last=True, sampler=None):
def __call__(self, data_set, batch_size, num_buckets):
return self._process(data_set, batch_size, num_buckets)
def _process(self, data_set, batch_size, num_buckets, use_kmeans=False):
:param data_set: three-level list, shape [num_samples, 2]
:param data_set: a DataSet object
:param batch_size: int
:param num_buckets: int, number of buckets for grouping these sequences.
:param drop_last: bool, useless currently.
:param sampler: Sampler, useless currently.
:param use_kmeans: bool, whether to use k-means to create buckets.
super(BucketBatchifier, self).__init__(sampler, batch_size, drop_last)
buckets = ([None] * num_buckets)
self.data = data_set
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.length_freq = dict(Counter([len(example) for example in data_set]))
self.buckets = k_means_bucketing(data_set, buckets)
def __iter__(self):
"""Make a min-batch of data."""
for _ in range(len(self.data) // self.batch_size):
bucket_samples = self.buckets[np.random.randint(0, len(self.buckets))]
yield [self.data[idx] for idx in bucket_samples[:batch_size]]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import random
data = [[[y] * random.randint(0, 50), [y]] for y in range(500)]
batch_size = 8
iterator = iter(BucketBatchifier(data, batch_size, num_buckets=5))
for d in iterator:
for dd in d:
print(len(dd[0]), end=" ")
if use_kmeans is True:
buckets = k_means_bucketing(data_set, buckets)
buckets = simple_sort_bucketing(data_set)
index_list = []
for _ in range(len(data_set) // batch_size):
chosen_bucket = buckets[np.random.randint(0, len(buckets))]
index_list += [idx for idx in chosen_bucket[:batch_size]]
return index_list
@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
import numpy as np
import torch
from fastNLP.core.action import RandomSampler
from fastNLP.core.batch import Batch
from fastNLP.core.sampler import RandomSampler
from fastNLP.saver.logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger(__name__, "./train_test.log")
class BaseTester(object):
class Tester(object):
"""An collection of model inference and evaluation of performance, used over validation/dev set and test set. """
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
:param kwargs: a dict-like object that has __getitem__ method, can be accessed by "test_args["key_str"]"
super(BaseTester, self).__init__()
super(Tester, self).__init__()
"default_args" provides default value for important settings.
The initialization arguments "kwargs" with the same key (name) will override the default value.
"kwargs" must have the same type as "default_args" on corresponding keys.
Otherwise, error will raise.
default_args = {"save_output": False, # collect outputs of validation set
"save_loss": False, # collect losses in validation
default_args = {"save_output": True, # collect outputs of validation set
"save_loss": True, # collect losses in validation
"save_best_dev": False, # save best model during validation
"batch_size": 8,
"use_cuda": True,
"use_cuda": False,
"pickle_path": "./save/",
"model_name": "dev_best_model.pkl",
"print_every_step": 1,
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class BaseTester(object):
raise ValueError(msg)
# BaseTester doesn't care about extra arguments
# Tester doesn't care about extra arguments
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class BaseTester(object):
return self.show_metrics()
class SeqLabelTester(BaseTester):
class SeqLabelTester(Tester):
def __init__(self, **test_args):
test_args.update({"task": "seq_label"})
@ -216,9 +216,9 @@ class SeqLabelTester(BaseTester):
super(SeqLabelTester, self).__init__(**test_args)
class ClassificationTester(BaseTester):
class ClassificationTester(Tester):
def __init__(self, **test_args):
test_args.update({"task": "seq_label"})
test_args.update({"task": "text_classify"})
"[FastNLP Warning] ClassificationTester will be deprecated. Please use Tester with argument 'task'='text_classify'.")
super(ClassificationTester, self).__init__(**test_args)
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ from datetime import timedelta
import torch
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
from fastNLP.core.action import RandomSampler
from fastNLP.core.batch import Batch
from fastNLP.core.loss import Loss
from fastNLP.core.optimizer import Optimizer
from fastNLP.core.sampler import RandomSampler
from fastNLP.core.tester import SeqLabelTester, ClassificationTester
from fastNLP.saver.logger import create_logger
from fastNLP.saver.model_saver import ModelSaver
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from fastNLP.saver.model_saver import ModelSaver
logger = create_logger(__name__, "./train_test.log")
class BaseTrainer(object):
class Trainer(object):
"""Operations of training a model, including data loading, gradient descent, and validation.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class BaseTrainer(object):
- batch_size: int
- pickle_path: str, the path to pickle files for pre-processing
super(BaseTrainer, self).__init__()
super(Trainer, self).__init__()
"default_args" provides default value for important settings.
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ class BaseTrainer(object):
"kwargs" must have the same type as "default_args" on corresponding keys.
Otherwise, error will raise.
default_args = {"epochs": 3, "batch_size": 8, "validate": True, "use_cuda": True, "pickle_path": "./save/",
"save_best_dev": True, "model_name": "default_model_name.pkl", "print_every_step": 1,
default_args = {"epochs": 1, "batch_size": 2, "validate": False, "use_cuda": False, "pickle_path": "./save/",
"save_best_dev": False, "model_name": "default_model_name.pkl", "print_every_step": 1,
"loss": Loss(None), # used to pass type check
"optimizer": Optimizer("Adam", lr=0.001, weight_decay=0)
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class BaseTrainer(object):
raise ValueError(msg)
# BaseTrainer doesn't care about extra arguments
# Trainer doesn't care about extra arguments
@ -136,6 +136,9 @@ class BaseTrainer(object):
# validation
if self.validate:
if dev_data is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"self.validate is True in trainer, but dev_data is None. Please provide the validation data.")
logger.info("validation started")
validator.test(network, dev_data)
@ -314,7 +317,7 @@ class BaseTrainer(object):
raise NotImplementedError
class SeqLabelTrainer(BaseTrainer):
class SeqLabelTrainer(Trainer):
"""Trainer for Sequence Labeling
@ -328,7 +331,7 @@ class SeqLabelTrainer(BaseTrainer):
return SeqLabelTester(**valid_args)
class ClassificationTrainer(BaseTrainer):
class ClassificationTrainer(Trainer):
"""Trainer for text classification."""
def __init__(self, **train_args):
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ FastNLP_MODEL_COLLECTION = {
"class": "sequence_modeling.AdvSeqLabel",
"pickle": "cws_basic_model_v_0.pkl",
"type": "seq_label",
"config_file_name": "config",
"config_file_name": "cws.cfg",
"config_section_name": "text_class_model"
"pos_tag_model": {
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ FastNLP_MODEL_COLLECTION = {
"class": "sequence_modeling.AdvSeqLabel",
"pickle": "pos_tag_model_v_0.pkl",
"type": "seq_label",
"config_file_name": "pos_tag.config",
"config_file_name": "pos_tag.cfg",
"config_section_name": "pos_tag_model"
"text_classify_model": {
@ -56,21 +56,22 @@ FastNLP_MODEL_COLLECTION = {
class FastNLP(object):
High-level interface for direct model inference.
Example Usage:
Example Usage
fastnlp = FastNLP()
text = "这是最好的基于深度学习的中文分词系统。"
result = fastnlp.run(text)
print(result) # ["这", "是", "最好", "的", "基于", "深度学习", "的", "中文", "分词", "系统", "。"]
def __init__(self, model_dir="./"):
:param model_dir: this directory should contain the following files:
1. a pre-trained model
2. a config file
3. "class2id.pkl"
4. "word2id.pkl"
1. a trained model
2. a config file, which is a fastNLP's configuration.
3. a Vocab file, which is a pickle object of a Vocab instance.
self.model_dir = model_dir
self.model = None
@ -172,9 +172,8 @@ class ClassDatasetLoader(DatasetLoader):
class ConllLoader(DatasetLoader):
"""loader for conll format files"""
def __int__(self, data_name, data_path):
def __int__(self, data_path):
:param str data_name: the name of the conll data set
:param str data_path: the path to the conll data set
super(ConllLoader, self).__init__(data_path)
@ -269,8 +268,3 @@ class PeopleDailyCorpusLoader(DatasetLoader):
ner_examples.append([sent_words, sent_ner])
return pos_tag_examples, ner_examples
if __name__ == "__main__":
loader = PeopleDailyCorpusLoader("./")
pos, ner = loader.load()
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
from . import aggregation
from . import aggregator
from . import decoder
from . import encoder
from . import interaction
from . import interactor
__version__ = '0.0.0'
__all__ = ['encoder',
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable
from fastNLP.modules.utils import initial_parameter
@ -1,19 +1,10 @@
This is borrowed from FudanParser. Not stable. Do not use !!!
import numpy
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.utils.data
from torch import optim
from torch.autograd import Function, Variable
from torch.nn import Parameter
from .utils import orthogonal
class GroupNorm(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_features, num_groups=20, eps=1e-5):
@ -59,15 +50,6 @@ class LayerNormalization(nn.Module):
return ln_out
class OrthEmbedding(nn.Embedding):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(OrthEmbedding, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def reset_parameters(self):
self.weight = orthogonal(self.weight)
nn.init.constant_(self.bias, 0.)
class BiLinear(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_left, n_right, n_out, bias=True):
@ -241,250 +223,3 @@ class WordDropout(nn.Module):
drop_mask = drop_mask.long()
output = drop_mask * self.drop_to_token + (1 - drop_mask) * word_idx
return output
class WlossLayer(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, lam=100, sinkhorn_iter=50):
super(WlossLayer, self).__init__()
# cost = matrix M = distance matrix
# lam = lambda of type float > 0
# sinkhorn_iter > 0
# diagonal cost should be 0
self.lam = lam
self.sinkhorn_iter = sinkhorn_iter
# self.register_buffer("K", torch.exp(-self.cost / self.lam).double())
# self.register_buffer("KM", (self.cost * self.K).double())
def forward(self, pred, target, cost):
return WassersteinLossStab.apply(pred, target,
cost, self.lam, self.sinkhorn_iter)
class WassersteinLossStab(Function):
def forward(ctx, pred, target, cost, lam=1e-3, sinkhorn_iter=4):
"""pred: Batch * K: K = # mass points
target: Batch * L: L = # mass points"""
# import pdb
# pdb.set_trace()
eps = 1e-8
# pred = pred.gather(dim=1, index=)
na = pred.size(1)
nb = target.size(1)
cost = cost.double()
pred = pred.double()
target = target.double()
cost = cost[:na, :nb].double()
K = torch.exp(-cost / lam).double()
KM = (cost * K).double()
batch_size = pred.size(0)
# pdb.set_trace()
log_a, log_b = torch.log(pred + eps), torch.log(target + eps)
log_u = cost.new(batch_size, na).fill_(-numpy.log(na))
log_v = cost.new(batch_size, nb).fill_(-numpy.log(nb))
# import pdb
# pdb.set_trace()
for i in range(int(sinkhorn_iter)):
log_u_max = torch.max(log_u, dim=1)[0]
u_stab = torch.exp(log_u - log_u_max.unsqueeze(1) + eps)
log_v = log_b - torch.log(torch.mm(K.t(), u_stab.t()).t()) - log_u_max.unsqueeze(1)
log_v_max = torch.max(log_v, dim=1)[0]
v_stab = torch.exp(log_v - log_v_max.unsqueeze(1))
tmp = log_u
log_u = log_a - torch.log(torch.mm(K, v_stab.t()).t() + eps) - log_v_max.unsqueeze(1)
# print(log_u.sum())
if torch.norm(tmp - log_u) / torch.norm(log_u) < eps:
log_v_max = torch.max(log_v, dim=1)[0]
v_stab = torch.exp(log_v - log_v_max.unsqueeze(1))
logcostpart1 = torch.log(torch.mm(KM, v_stab.t()).t() + eps) + log_v_max.unsqueeze(1)
wnorm = torch.exp(log_u + logcostpart1).mean(0).sum() # sum(1) for per item pair loss...
grad_input = log_u * lam
# print("log_u", log_u)
grad_input = grad_input - torch.mean(grad_input, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
grad_input = grad_input - torch.mean(grad_input, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
grad_input = grad_input / batch_size
# print("grad type", type(grad_input))
return pred.new((wnorm,)), grad_input
def backward(ctx, grad_output, _):
grad_input = ctx.saved_variables
# print(grad)
res = grad_output.clone()
res = res.mul_(grad_output[0]).float()
# print("in backward func:\n\n", res)
return res, None, None, None, None, None, None
class Sinkhorn(Function):
def __init__(self):
super(Sinkhorn, self).__init__()
def forward(ctx, a, b, M, reg, tau, warmstart, numItermax, stop):
a = a.double()
b = b.double()
M = M.double()
nbb = b.size(1)
# init data
na = len(a)
nb = len(b)
cpt = 0
# we assume that no distances are null except those of the diagonal of
# distances
if warmstart is None:
alpha, beta = np.zeros(na), np.zeros(nb)
alpha, beta = warmstart
if nbb:
u, v = np.ones((na, nbb)) / na, np.ones((nb, nbb)) / nb
u, v = np.ones(na) / na, np.ones(nb) / nb
def get_K(alpha, beta):
"""log space computation"""
return np.exp(-(M - alpha.reshape((na, 1)) - beta.reshape((1, nb))) / reg)
def get_Gamma(alpha, beta, u, v):
"""log space gamma computation"""
return np.exp(
-(M - alpha.reshape((na, 1)) - beta.reshape((1, nb))) / reg + np.log(u.reshape((na, 1))) + np.log(
v.reshape((1, nb))))
# print(np.min(K))
K = get_K(alpha, beta)
transp = K
cpt = 0
err = 1
while 1:
uprev = u
vprev = v
# sinkhorn update
v = b / (np.dot(K.T, u) + 1e-16)
u = a / (np.dot(K, v) + 1e-16)
# remove numerical problems and store them in K
if np.abs(u).max() > tau or np.abs(v).max() > tau:
if nbb:
alpha, beta = alpha + reg * \
np.max(np.log(u), 1), beta + reg * np.max(np.log(v))
alpha, beta = alpha + reg * np.log(u), beta + reg * np.log(v)
if nbb:
u, v = np.ones((na, nbb)) / na, np.ones((nb, nbb)) / nb
u, v = np.ones(na) / na, np.ones(nb) / nb
K = get_K(alpha, beta)
if cpt % print_period == 0:
# we can speed up the process by checking for the error only all
# the 10th iterations
if nbb:
err = np.sum((u - uprev) ** 2) / np.sum((u) ** 2) + \
np.sum((v - vprev) ** 2) / np.sum((v) ** 2)
transp = get_Gamma(alpha, beta, u, v)
err = np.linalg.norm((np.sum(transp, axis=0) - b)) ** 2
if log:
if verbose:
if cpt % (print_period * 20) == 0:
'{:5s}|{:12s}'.format('It.', 'Err') + '\n' + '-' * 19)
print('{:5d}|{:8e}|'.format(cpt, err))
if err <= stopThr:
loop = False
if cpt >= numItermax:
loop = False
if np.any(np.isnan(u)) or np.any(np.isnan(v)):
# we have reached the machine precision
# come back to previous solution and quit loop
print('Warning: numerical errors at iteration', cpt)
u = uprev
v = vprev
cpt = cpt + 1
# print('err=',err,' cpt=',cpt)
if log:
log['logu'] = alpha / reg + np.log(u)
log['logv'] = beta / reg + np.log(v)
log['alpha'] = alpha + reg * np.log(u)
log['beta'] = beta + reg * np.log(v)
log['warmstart'] = (log['alpha'], log['beta'])
if nbb:
res = np.zeros((nbb))
for i in range(nbb):
res[i] = np.sum(get_Gamma(alpha, beta, u[:, i], v[:, i]) * M)
return res, log
return get_Gamma(alpha, beta, u, v), log
if nbb:
res = np.zeros((nbb))
for i in range(nbb):
res[i] = np.sum(get_Gamma(alpha, beta, u[:, i], v[:, i]) * M)
return res
return get_Gamma(alpha, beta, u, v)
if __name__ == "__main__":
cost = (torch.Tensor(2, 2).fill_(1) - torch.diag(torch.Tensor(2).fill_(1))) # .cuda()
mylayer = WlossLayer(cost) # .cuda()
inp = Variable(torch.Tensor([[1, 0], [0.5, 0.5]]), requires_grad=True) # .cuda()
ground_true = Variable(torch.Tensor([[0, 1], [0.5, 0.5]])) # .cuda()
res, _ = mylayer(inp, ground_true)
# print(inp.requires_grad, res.requires_grad)
# print(res, inp)
print("inp's gradient is good:")
print("convert to gpu:\n", inp.cuda().grad)
"\n However, this does not work on pytorch when GPU is enabled")
cost = (torch.Tensor(2, 2).fill_(1) - torch.diag(torch.Tensor(2).fill_(1))).cuda()
mylayer = WlossLayer(cost).cuda()
inp = Variable(torch.Tensor([[1, 0], [0.5, 0.5]]), requires_grad=True).cuda()
ground_true = Variable(torch.Tensor([[0, 1], [0.5, 0.5]])).cuda()
opt = optim.SGD([
{'params': mylayer.parameters()},
], lr=1e-2, momentum=0.9)
res, _ = mylayer(inp, ground_true)
# print(inp.requires_grad, res.requires_grad)
# print(res, inp)
print("input's gradient is None!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.init as init
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.init as init
def mask_softmax(matrix, mask):
if mask is None:
result = torch.nn.functional.softmax(matrix, dim=-1)
@ -11,13 +10,28 @@ def mask_softmax(matrix, mask):
raise NotImplementedError
return result
def initial_parameter(net ,initial_method =None):
def initial_parameter(net, initial_method=None):
"""A method used to initialize the weights of PyTorch models.
:param net: a PyTorch model
:param initial_method: str, one of the following initializations
- xavier_uniform
- xavier_normal (default)
- kaiming_normal, or msra
- kaiming_uniform
- orthogonal
- sparse
- normal
- uniform
if initial_method == 'xavier_uniform':
init_method = init.xavier_uniform_
elif initial_method=='xavier_normal':
elif initial_method == 'xavier_normal':
init_method = init.xavier_normal_
elif initial_method == 'kaiming_normal' or initial_method =='msra':
elif initial_method == 'kaiming_normal' or initial_method == 'msra':
init_method = init.kaiming_normal
elif initial_method == 'kaiming_uniform':
init_method = init.kaiming_normal
@ -25,263 +39,49 @@ def initial_parameter(net ,initial_method =None):
init_method = init.orthogonal_
elif initial_method == 'sparse':
init_method = init.sparse_
elif initial_method =='normal':
elif initial_method == 'normal':
init_method = init.normal_
elif initial_method =='uniform':
elif initial_method == 'uniform':
initial_method = init.uniform_
init_method = init.xavier_normal_
def weights_init(m):
# classname = m.__class__.__name__
if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(m,nn.Conv1d) or isinstance(m,nn.Conv3d): # for all the cnn
if initial_method != None:
if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d) or isinstance(m, nn.Conv1d) or isinstance(m, nn.Conv3d): # for all the cnn
if initial_method is not None:
elif isinstance(m, nn.LSTM):
for w in m.parameters():
if len(w.data.size())>1:
if len(w.data.size()) > 1:
init_method(w.data) # weight
init.normal_(w.data) # bias
elif hasattr(m, 'weight') and m.weight.requires_grad:
for w in m.parameters() :
if w.requires_grad:
if len(w.data.size())>1:
for w in m.parameters():
if w.requires_grad:
if len(w.data.size()) > 1:
init_method(w.data) # weight
init.normal_(w.data) # bias
# print("init else")
def seq_mask(seq_len, max_len):
"""Create sequence mask.
:param seq_len: list of int, the lengths of sequences in a batch.
:param max_len: int, the maximum sequence length in a batch.
:return mask: torch.LongTensor, [batch_size, max_len]
mask = [torch.ge(torch.LongTensor(seq_len), i + 1) for i in range(max_len)]
mask = torch.stack(mask, 1)
return mask
Codes from FudanParser. Not tested. Do not use !!!
def expand_gt(gt):
"""expand_gt: Expand ground truth to matrix
gt: tensor of (n, l)
f: ground truth matrix of (n, l), $gt[i][j] = k$ leads to $f[i][j][k] = 1$.
n, l = gt.shape
ret = torch.zeros(n, l, l).long()
for i in range(n):
ret[i][torch.arange(l).long(), gt[i]] = 1
return ret
def greedy_decoding(arc_f):
arc_f: a tensor in shape of (n, l+1, l+1)
length of the sentence is l and index 0 is <root>
arc_pred: a tensor in shape of (n, l), indicating the head words
f_arc = arc_f[:, 1:, :] # ignore the root
_, arc_pred = torch.max(f_arc.data, dim=-1, keepdim=False)
return arc_pred
def mst_decoding(arc_f):
batch_size = arc_f.shape[0]
length = arc_f.shape[1]
arc_score = arc_f.data.cpu()
pred_collection = []
for i in range(batch_size):
head = mst(arc_score[i].numpy())
pred_collection.append(head[1:].reshape((1, length - 1)))
arc_pred = torch.LongTensor(np.concatenate(pred_collection, axis=0)).type_as(arc_f).long()
return arc_pred
def outer_product(features):
"""InterProduct: Get inter sequence product of features
features: feature vectors of sequence in the shape of (n, l, h)
f: product result in (n, l, l, h) shape
n, l, c = features.shape
features = features.contiguous()
x = features.view(n, l, 1, c)
x = x.expand(n, l, l, c)
y = features.view(n, 1, l, c).contiguous()
y = y.expand(n, l, l, c)
return x * y
def outer_concat(features):
"""InterProduct: Get inter sequence concatenation of features
features: feature vectors of sequence in the shape of (n, l, h)
f: product result in (n, l, l, h) shape
n, l, c = features.shape
x = features.contiguous().view(n, l, 1, c)
x = x.expand(n, l, l, c)
y = features.view(n, 1, l, c)
y = y.expand(n, l, l, c)
return torch.cat((x, y), dim=3)
def mst(scores):
https://github.com/tdozat/Parser/blob/0739216129cd39d69997d28cbc4133b360ea3934/lib/models/nn.py#L692 # NOQA
length = scores.shape[0]
min_score = scores.min() - 1
eye = np.eye(length)
scores = scores * (1 - eye) + min_score * eye
heads = np.argmax(scores, axis=1)
heads[0] = 0
tokens = np.arange(1, length)
roots = np.where(heads[tokens] == 0)[0] + 1
if len(roots) < 1:
root_scores = scores[tokens, 0]
head_scores = scores[tokens, heads[tokens]]
new_root = tokens[np.argmax(root_scores / head_scores)]
heads[new_root] = 0
elif len(roots) > 1:
root_scores = scores[roots, 0]
scores[roots, 0] = 0
new_heads = np.argmax(scores[roots][:, tokens], axis=1) + 1
new_root = roots[np.argmin(
scores[roots, new_heads] / root_scores)]
heads[roots] = new_heads
heads[new_root] = 0
edges = defaultdict(set)
vertices = set((0,))
for dep, head in enumerate(heads[tokens]):
vertices.add(dep + 1)
edges[head].add(dep + 1)
for cycle in _find_cycle(vertices, edges):
dependents = set()
to_visit = set(cycle)
while len(to_visit) > 0:
node = to_visit.pop()
if node not in dependents:
cycle = np.array(list(cycle))
old_heads = heads[cycle]
old_scores = scores[cycle, old_heads]
non_heads = np.array(list(dependents))
scores[np.repeat(cycle, len(non_heads)),
np.repeat([non_heads], len(cycle), axis=0).flatten()] = min_score
new_heads = np.argmax(scores[cycle][:, tokens], axis=1) + 1
new_scores = scores[cycle, new_heads] / old_scores
change = np.argmax(new_scores)
changed_cycle = cycle[change]
old_head = old_heads[change]
new_head = new_heads[change]
heads[changed_cycle] = new_head
return heads
def _find_cycle(vertices, edges):
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan%27s_strongly_connected_components_algorithm # NOQA
https://github.com/tdozat/Parser/blob/0739216129cd39d69997d28cbc4133b360ea3934/lib/etc/tarjan.py # NOQA
_index = 0
_stack = []
_indices = {}
_lowlinks = {}
_onstack = defaultdict(lambda: False)
_SCCs = []
def _strongconnect(v):
nonlocal _index
_indices[v] = _index
_lowlinks[v] = _index
_index += 1
_onstack[v] = True
for w in edges[v]:
if w not in _indices:
_lowlinks[v] = min(_lowlinks[v], _lowlinks[w])
elif _onstack[w]:
_lowlinks[v] = min(_lowlinks[v], _indices[w])
if _lowlinks[v] == _indices[v]:
SCC = set()
while True:
w = _stack.pop()
_onstack[w] = False
if not (w != v):
for v in vertices:
if v not in _indices:
return [SCC for SCC in _SCCs if len(SCC) > 1]
# https://github.com/alykhantejani/nninit/blob/master/nninit.py
def orthogonal(tensor, gain=1):
"""Fills the input Tensor or Variable with a (semi) orthogonal matrix. The input tensor must have at least 2 dimensions,
and for tensors with more than 2 dimensions the trailing dimensions are flattened. viewed as 2D representation with
rows equal to the first dimension and columns equal to the product of as a sparse matrix, where the non-zero elements
will be drawn from a normal distribution with mean=0 and std=`std`.
Reference: "Exact solutions to the nonlinear dynamics of learning in deep linear neural networks" - Saxe, A. et al.
tensor: a n-dimension torch.Tensor, where n >= 2
gain: optional gain to be applied
>>> w = torch.Tensor(3, 5)
>>> nninit.orthogonal(w)
if tensor.ndimension() < 2:
raise ValueError("Only tensors with 2 or more dimensions are supported.")
flattened_shape = (tensor.size(0), int(np.prod(tensor.detach().numpy().shape[1:])))
flattened = torch.Tensor(flattened_shape[0], flattened_shape[1]).normal_(0, 1)
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(flattened.numpy(), full_matrices=False)
if u.shape == flattened.detach().numpy().shape:
with torch.no_grad():
return tensor
def generate_step_dropout(masks, hidden_dim, step_dropout, training=False):
# assume batch first
# import pdb
# pdb.set_trace()
batch, length = masks.size()
if not training:
return torch.ones(batch, length, hidden_dim).fill_(1 - step_dropout).cuda(masks.device) * masks.view(batch,
length, 1)
masked = torch.zeros(batch, 1, hidden_dim).fill_(step_dropout)
masked = torch.bernoulli(masked).repeat(1, length, 1)
masked = masked.cuda(masks.device) * masks.view(batch, length, 1)
return masked
@ -2,16 +2,23 @@ import torch
class ModelSaver(object):
"""Save a models"""
"""Save a model
saver = ModelSaver("./save/model_ckpt_100.pkl")
def __init__(self, save_path):
:param save_path: str, the path to the saving directory.
self.save_path = save_path
# TODO: check whether the path exist, if not exist, create it.
def save_pytorch(self, model):
Save a pytorch model into .pkl file.
"""Save a pytorch model into .pkl file.
:param model: a PyTorch model
torch.save(model.state_dict(), self.save_path)
@ -1,23 +1,15 @@
import os
import torch.nn.functional as F
from fastNLP.loader.dataset_loader import ClassDatasetLoader as Dataset_loader
from fastNLP.loader.embed_loader import EmbedLoader as EmbedLoader
from fastNLP.loader.config_loader import ConfigSection
from fastNLP.loader.config_loader import ConfigLoader
from fastNLP.models.base_model import BaseModel
from fastNLP.core.preprocess import ClassPreprocess as Preprocess
from fastNLP.core.trainer import ClassificationTrainer
from fastNLP.core.trainer import ClassificationTrainer
from fastNLP.loader.config_loader import ConfigLoader
from fastNLP.loader.config_loader import ConfigSection
from fastNLP.loader.dataset_loader import ClassDatasetLoader as Dataset_loader
from fastNLP.models.base_model import BaseModel
from fastNLP.modules.aggregator.self_attention import SelfAttention
from fastNLP.modules.decoder.MLP import MLP
from fastNLP.modules.encoder.embedding import Embedding as Embedding
from fastNLP.modules.encoder.lstm import Lstm
from fastNLP.modules.aggregation.self_attention import SelfAttention
from fastNLP.modules.decoder.MLP import MLP
train_data_path = 'small_train_data.txt'
dev_data_path = 'small_dev_data.txt'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import torch
from fastNLP.core.sampler import convert_to_torch_tensor, SequentialSampler, RandomSampler
def test_convert_to_torch_tensor():
data = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [1, 3, 4, 5, 2]]
ans = convert_to_torch_tensor(data, False)
assert isinstance(ans, torch.Tensor)
assert tuple(ans.shape) == (3, 5)
def test_sequential_sampler():
sampler = SequentialSampler()
data = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
for idx, i in enumerate(sampler(data)):
assert idx == i
def test_random_sampler():
sampler = RandomSampler()
data = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
ans = [data[i] for i in sampler(data)]
assert len(ans) == len(data)
for d in ans:
assert d in data
if __name__ == "__main__":
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1 I _ PRP PRP _ 2 SUB
2 solved _ VBD VBD _ 0 ROOT
3 the _ DT DT _ 4 NMOD
4 problem _ NN NN _ 2 OBJ
5 with _ IN IN _ 2 VMOD
6 statistics _ NNS NNS _ 5 PMOD
7 . _ . . _ 2 P
1 I _ PRP PRP _ 2 SUB
2 solved _ VBD VBD _ 0 ROOT
3 the _ DT DT _ 4 NMOD
4 problem _ NN NN _ 2 OBJ
5 with _ IN IN _ 2 VMOD
6 statistics _ NNS NNS _ 5 PMOD
7 . _ . . _ 2 P
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
19980101-01-001-001/m 迈向/v 充满/v 希望/n 的/u 新/a 世纪/n ——/w 一九九八年/t 新年/t 讲话/n (/w 附/v 图片/n 1/m 张/q )/w
19980101-01-001-002/m 中共中央/nt 总书记/n 、/w 国家/n 主席/n 江/nr 泽民/nr
19980101-01-001-003/m (/w 一九九七年/t 十二月/t 三十一日/t )/w
19980101-01-001-004/m 12月/t 31日/t ,/w 中共中央/nt 总书记/n 、/w 国家/n 主席/n 江/nr 泽民/nr 发表/v 1998年/t 新年/t 讲话/n 《/w 迈向/v 充满/v 希望/n 的/u 新/a 世纪/n 》/w 。/w (/w 新华社/nt 记者/n 兰/nr 红光/nr 摄/Vg )/w
19980101-01-001-005/m 同胞/n 们/k 、/w 朋友/n 们/k 、/w 女士/n 们/k 、/w 先生/n 们/k :/w
19980101-01-001-006/m 在/p 1998年/t 来临/v 之际/f ,/w 我/r 十分/m 高兴/a 地/u 通过/p [中央/n 人民/n 广播/vn 电台/n]nt 、/w [中国/ns 国际/n 广播/vn 电台/n]nt 和/c [中央/n 电视台/n]nt ,/w 向/p 全国/n 各族/r 人民/n ,/w 向/p [香港/ns 特别/a 行政区/n]ns 同胞/n 、/w 澳门/ns 和/c 台湾/ns 同胞/n 、/w 海外/s 侨胞/n ,/w 向/p 世界/n 各国/r 的/u 朋友/n 们/k ,/w 致以/v 诚挚/a 的/u 问候/vn 和/c 良好/a 的/u 祝愿/vn !/w
19980101-01-001-007/m 1997年/t ,/w 是/v 中国/ns 发展/vn 历史/n 上/f 非常/d 重要/a 的/u 很/d 不/d 平凡/a 的/u 一/m 年/q 。/w 中国/ns 人民/n 决心/d 继承/v 邓/nr 小平/nr 同志/n 的/u 遗志/n ,/w 继续/v 把/p 建设/v 有/v 中国/ns 特色/n 社会主义/n 事业/n 推向/v 前进/v 。/w [中国/ns 政府/n]nt 顺利/ad 恢复/v 对/p 香港/ns 行使/v 主权/n ,/w 并/c 按照/p “/w 一国两制/j ”/w 、/w “/w 港人治港/l ”/w 、/w 高度/d 自治/v 的/u 方针/n 保持/v 香港/ns 的/u 繁荣/an 稳定/an 。/w [中国/ns 共产党/n]nt 成功/a 地/u 召开/v 了/u 第十五/m 次/q 全国/n 代表大会/n ,/w 高举/v 邓小平理论/n 伟大/a 旗帜/n ,/w 总结/v 百年/m 历史/n ,/w 展望/v 新/a 的/u 世纪/n ,/w 制定/v 了/u 中国/ns 跨/v 世纪/n 发展/v 的/u 行动/vn 纲领/n 。/w
19980101-01-001-008/m 在/p 这/r 一/m 年/q 中/f ,/w 中国/ns 的/u 改革/vn 开放/vn 和/c 现代化/vn 建设/vn 继续/v 向前/v 迈进/v 。/w 国民经济/n 保持/v 了/u “/w 高/a 增长/vn 、/w 低/a 通胀/j ”/w 的/u 良好/a 发展/vn 态势/n 。/w 农业/n 生产/vn 再次/d 获得/v 好/a 的/u 收成/n ,/w 企业/n 改革/vn 继续/v 深化/v ,/w 人民/n 生活/vn 进一步/d 改善/v 。/w 对外/vn 经济/n 技术/n 合作/vn 与/c 交流/vn 不断/d 扩大/v 。/w 民主/a 法制/n 建设/vn 、/w 精神文明/n 建设/vn 和/c 其他/r 各项/r 事业/n 都/d 有/v 新/a 的/u 进展/vn 。/w 我们/r 十分/m 关注/v 最近/t 一个/m 时期/n 一些/m 国家/n 和/c 地区/n 发生/v 的/u 金融/n 风波/n ,/w 我们/r 相信/v 通过/p 这些/r 国家/n 和/c 地区/n 的/u 努力/an 以及/c 有关/v 的/u 国际/n 合作/vn ,/w 情况/n 会/v 逐步/d 得到/v 缓解/vn 。/w 总的来说/c ,/w 中国/ns 改革/v 和/c 发展/v 的/u 全局/n 继续/v 保持/v 了/u 稳定/an 。/w
19980101-01-001-009/m 在/p 这/r 一/m 年/q 中/f ,/w 中国/ns 的/u 外交/n 工作/vn 取得/v 了/u 重要/a 成果/n 。/w 通过/p 高层/n 互访/v ,/w 中国/ns 与/p 美国/ns 、/w 俄罗斯/ns 、/w 法国/ns 、/w 日本/ns 等/u 大国/n 确定/v 了/u 双方/n 关系/n 未来/t 发展/v 的/u 目标/n 和/c 指导/vn 方针/n 。/w 中国/ns 与/p 周边/n 国家/n 和/c 广大/b 发展中国家/l 的/u 友好/a 合作/vn 进一步/d 加强/v 。/w 中国/ns 积极/ad 参与/v [亚/j 太/j 经合/j 组织/n]nt 的/u 活动/vn ,/w 参加/v 了/u 东盟/ns —/w 中/j 日/j 韩/j 和/c 中国/ns —/w 东盟/ns 首脑/n 非正式/b 会晤/vn 。/w 这些/r 外交/n 活动/vn ,/w 符合/v 和平/n 与/c 发展/v 的/u 时代/n 主题/n ,/w 顺应/v 世界/n 走向/v 多极化/v 的/u 趋势/n ,/w 对于/p 促进/v 国际/n 社会/n 的/u 友好/a 合作/vn 和/c 共同/b 发展/vn 作出/v 了/u 积极/a 的/u 贡献/n 。/w
19980101-01-001-010/m 1998年/t ,/w 中国/ns 人民/n 将/d 满怀信心/l 地/u 开创/v 新/a 的/u 业绩/n 。/w 尽管/c 我们/r 在/p 经济/n 社会/n 发展/v 中/f 还/d 面临/v 不少/m 困难/an ,/w 但/c 我们/r 有/v 邓小平理论/n 的/u 指引/vn ,/w 有/v 改革/v 开放/v 近/a 20/m 年/q 来/f 取得/v 的/u 伟大/a 成就/n 和/c 积累/v 的/u 丰富/a 经验/n ,/w 还/d 有/v 其他/r 的/u 各种/r 有利/a 条件/n ,/w 我们/r 一定/d 能够/v 克服/v 这些/r 困难/an ,/w 继续/v 稳步前进/l 。/w 只要/c 我们/r 进一步/d 解放思想/i ,/w 实事求是/i ,/w 抓住/v 机遇/n ,/w 开拓进取/l ,/w 建设/v 有/v 中国/ns 特色/n 社会主义/n 的/u 道路/n 就/c 会/v 越/d 走/v 越/d 宽广/a 。/w
19980101-01-001-011/m 实现/v 祖国/n 的/u 完全/a 统一/vn ,/w 是/v 海内外/s 全体/n 中国/ns 人/n 的/u 共同/b 心愿/n 。/w 通过/p 中/j 葡/j 双方/n 的/u 合作/vn 和/c 努力/an ,/w 按照/p “/w 一国两制/j ”/w 方针/n 和/c 澳门/ns 《/w 基本法/n 》/w ,/w 1999年/t 12月/t 澳门/ns 的/u 回归/vn 一定/d 能够/v 顺利/ad 实现/v 。/w
19980101-01-001-012/m 台湾/ns 是/v 中国/ns 领土/n 不可分割/l 的/u 一/m 部分/n 。/w 完成/v 祖国/n 统一/vn ,/w 是/v 大势所趋/i ,/w 民心所向/l 。/w 任何/r 企图/v 制造/v “/w 两/m 个/q 中国/ns ”/w 、/w “/w 一中一台/j ”/w 、/w “/w 台湾/ns 独立/v ”/w 的/u 图谋/n ,/w 都/d 注定/v 要/v 失败/v 。/w 希望/v 台湾/ns 当局/n 以/p 民族/n 大义/n 为重/v ,/w 拿/v 出/v 诚意/n ,/w 采取/v 实际/a 的/u 行动/vn ,/w 推动/v 两岸/n 经济/n 文化/n 交流/vn 和/c 人员/n 往来/vn ,/w 促进/v 两岸/n 直接/ad 通邮/v 、/w 通航/v 、/w 通商/v 的/u 早日/d 实现/v ,/w 并/c 尽早/d 回应/v 我们/r 发出/v 的/u 在/p 一个/m 中国/ns 的/u 原则/n 下/f 两岸/n 进行/v 谈判/vn 的/u 郑重/a 呼吁/vn 。/w
19980101-01-001-013/m 环顾/v 全球/n ,/w 日益/d 密切/a 的/u 世界/n 经济/n 联系/vn ,/w 日新月异/i 的/u 科技/n 进步/vn ,/w 正在/d 为/p 各国/r 经济/n 的/u 发展/vn 提供/v 历史/n 机遇/n 。/w 但是/c ,/w 世界/n 还/d 不/d 安宁/a 。/w 南北/f 之间/f 的/u 贫富/n 差距/n 继续/v 扩大/v ;/w 局部/n 冲突/vn 时有发生/l ;/w 不/d 公正/a 不/d 合理/a 的/u 旧/a 的/u 国际/n 政治/n 经济/n 秩序/n 还/d 没有/v 根本/a 改变/vn ;/w 发展中国家/l 在/p 激烈/a 的/u 国际/n 经济/n 竞争/vn 中/f 仍/d 处于/v 弱势/n 地位/n ;/w 人类/n 的/u 生存/vn 与/c 发展/vn 还/d 面临/v 种种/q 威胁/vn 和/c 挑战/vn 。/w 和平/n 与/c 发展/vn 的/u 前景/n 是/v 光明/a 的/u ,/w 21/m 世纪/n 将/d 是/v 充满/v 希望/n 的/u 世纪/n 。/w 但/c 前进/v 的/u 道路/n 不/d 会/v 也/d 不/d 可能/v 一帆风顺/i ,/w 关键/n 是/v 世界/n 各国/r 人民/n 要/v 进一步/d 团结/a 起来/v ,/w 共同/d 推动/v 早日/d 建立/v 公正/a 合理/a 的/u 国际/n 政治/n 经济/n 新/a 秩序/n 。/w
19980101-01-001-014/m [中国/ns 政府/n]nt 将/d 继续/v 坚持/v 奉行/v 独立自主/i 的/u 和平/n 外交/n 政策/n ,/w 在/p 和平共处/l 五/m 项/q 原则/n 的/u 基础/n 上/f 努力/ad 发展/v 同/p 世界/n 各国/r 的/u 友好/a 关系/n 。/w 中国/ns 愿意/v 加强/v 同/p 联合国/nt 和/c 其他/r 国际/n 组织/n 的/u 协调/vn ,/w 促进/v 在/p 扩大/v 经贸/j 科技/n 交流/vn 、/w 保护/v 环境/n 、/w 消除/v 贫困/an 、/w 打击/v 国际/n 犯罪/vn 等/u 方面/n 的/u 国际/n 合作/vn 。/w 中国/ns 永远/d 是/v 维护/v 世界/n 和平/n 与/c 稳定/an 的/u 重要/a 力量/n 。/w 中国/ns 人民/n 愿/v 与/p 世界/n 各国/r 人民/n 一道/d ,/w 为/p 开创/v 持久/a 和平/n 、/w 共同/d 发展/v 的/u 新/a 世纪/n 而/c 不懈努力/l !/w
19980101-01-001-015/m 在/p 这/r 辞旧迎新/l 的/u 美好/a 时刻/n ,/w 我/r 祝/v 大家/r 新年/t 快乐/a ,/w 家庭/n 幸福/a !/w
19980101-01-001-016/m 谢谢/v !/w (/w 新华社/nt 北京/ns 12月/t 31日/t 电/n )/w
19980101-01-002-001/m 在/p 十五大/j 精神/n 指引/vn 下/f 胜利/vd 前进/v ——/w 元旦/t 献辞/n
19980101-01-002-002/m 我们/r 即将/d 以/p 丰收/vn 的/u 喜悦/an 送/v 走/v 牛年/t ,/w 以/p 昂扬/a 的/u 斗志/n 迎来/v 虎年/t 。/w 我们/r 伟大/a 祖国/n 在/p 新/a 的/u 一/m 年/q ,/w 将/d 是/v 充满/v 生机/n 、/w 充满/v 希望/n 的/u 一/m 年/q 。/w
19980101-01-002-003/m 刚刚/d 过去/v 的/u 一/m 年/q ,/w 大气磅礴/i ,/w 波澜壮阔/i 。/w 在/p 这/r 一/m 年/q ,/w 以/p 江/nr 泽民/nr 同志/n 为/v 核心/n 的/u 党中央/nt ,/w 继承/v 邓/nr 小平/nr 同志/n 的/u 遗志/n ,/w 高举/v 邓小平理论/n 的/u 伟大/a 旗帜/n ,/w 领导/v 全党/n 和/c 全国/n 各族/r 人民/n 坚定不移/i 地/u 沿着/p 建设/v 有/v 中国/ns 特色/n 社会主义/n 道路/n 阔步/d 前进/v ,/w 写/v 下/v 了/u 改革/v 开放/v 和/c 社会主义/n 现代化/vn 建设/vn 的/u 辉煌/a 篇章/n 。/w 顺利/a 地/u 恢复/v 对/p 香港/ns 行使/v 主权/n ,/w 胜利/v 地/u 召开/v 党/n 的/u 第十五/m 次/q 全国/n 代表大会/n ———/w 两/m 件/q 大事/n 办/v 得/u 圆满/a 成功/a 。/w 国民经济/n 稳中求进/l ,/w 国家/n 经济/n 实力/n 进一步/d 增强/v ,/w 人民/n 生活/vn 继续/v 改善/v ,/w 对外/vn 经济/n 技术/n 交流/vn 日益/d 扩大/v 。/w 在/p 国际/n 金融/n 危机/n 的/u 风浪/n 波及/v 许多/m 国家/n 的/u 情况/n 下/f ,/w 我国/n 保持/v 了/u 金融/n 形势/n 和/c 整个/b 经济/n 形势/n 的/u 稳定/a 发展/vn 。/w 社会主义/n 精神文明/n 建设/vn 和/c 民主/a 法制/n 建设/vn 取得/v 新/a 的/u 成绩/n ,/w 各项/r 社会/n 事业/n 全面/ad 进步/v 。/w 外交/n 工作/vn 取得/v 可喜/a 的/u 突破/vn ,/w 我国/n 的/u 国际/n 地位/n 和/c 国际/n 威望/n 进一步/d 提高/v 。/w 实践/v 使/v 亿万/m 人民/n 对/p 邓小平理论/n 更加/d 信仰/v ,/w 对/p 以/p 江/nr 泽民/nr 同志/n 为/v 核心/n 的/u 党中央/nt 更加/d 信赖/v ,/w 对/p 伟大/a 祖国/n 的/u 光辉/n 前景/n 更加/d 充满/v 信心/n 。/w
19980101-01-002-004/m 1998年/t ,/w 是/v 全面/ad 贯彻/v 落实/v 党/n 的/u 十五大/j 提出/v 的/u 任务/n 的/u 第一/m 年/q ,/w 各/r 条/q 战线/n 改革/v 和/c 发展/v 的/u 任务/n 都/d 十分/m 繁重/a ,/w 有/v 许多/m 深/a 层次/n 的/u 矛盾/an 和/c 问题/n 有待/v 克服/v 和/c 解决/v ,/w 特别/d 是/v 国有/vn 企业/n 改革/vn 已经/d 进入/v 攻坚/vn 阶段/n 。/w 我们/r 必须/d 进一步/d 深入/ad 学习/v 和/c 掌握/v 党/n 的/u 十五大/j 精神/n ,/w 统揽全局/l ,/w 精心/ad 部署/v ,/w 狠抓/v 落实/v ,/w 团结/a 一致/a ,/w 艰苦奋斗/i ,/w 开拓/v 前进/v ,/w 为/p 夺取/v 今年/t 改革/v 开放/v 和/c 社会主义/n 现代化/vn 建设/vn 的/u 新/a 胜利/vn 而/c 奋斗/v 。/w
19980101-01-002-005/m 今年/t 是/v 党/n 的/u 十一/m 届/q 三中全会/j 召开/v 20/m 周年/q ,/w 是/v 我们/r 党/n 和/c 国家/n 实现/v 伟大/a 的/u 历史/n 转折/vn 、/w 进入/v 改革/vn 开放/vn 历史/n 新/a 时期/n 的/u 20/m 周年/q 。/w 在/p 新/a 的/u 一/m 年/q 里/f ,/w 大力/d 发扬/v 十一/m 届/q 三中全会/j 以来/f 我们/r 党/n 所/u 恢复/v 的/u 优良/z 传统/n 和/c 在/p 新/a 的/u 历史/n 条件/n 下/f 形成/v 的/u 优良/z 作风/n ,/w 对于/p 完成/v 好/a 今年/t 的/u 各项/r 任务/n 具有/v 十分/m 重要/a 的/u 意义/n 。/w
19980101-01-002-006/m 我们/r 要/v 更/d 好/a 地/u 坚持/v 解放思想/i 、/w 实事求是/i 的/u 思想/n 路线/n 。/w 解放思想/i 、/w 实事求是/i ,/w 是/v 邓小平理论/n 的/u 精髓/n 。/w 实践/v 证明/v ,/w 只有/c 解放思想/i 、/w 实事求是/i ,/w 才/c 能/v 冲破/v 各种/r 不/d 切合/v 实际/n 的/u 或者/c 过时/a 的/u 观念/n 的/u 束缚/vn ,/w 真正/d 做到/v 尊重/v 、/w 认识/v 和/c 掌握/v 客观/a 规律/n ,/w 勇于/v 突破/v ,/w 勇于/v 创新/v ,/w 不断/d 开创/v 社会主义/n 现代化/vn 建设/vn 的/u 新/a 局面/n 。/w 党/n 的/u 十五大/j 是/v 我们/r 党/n 解放思想/i 、/w 实事求是/i 的/u 新/a 的/u 里程碑/n 。/w 进一步/d 认真/ad 学习/v 和/c 掌握/v 十五大/j 精神/n ,/w 解放思想/i 、/w 实事求是/i ,/w 我们/r 的/u 各项/r 事业/n 就/d 能/v 结/v 出/v 更加/d 丰硕/a 的/u 成果/n 。/w
19980101-01-002-007/m 我们/r 要/v 更/d 好/a 地/u 坚持/v 以/p 经济/n 建设/vn 为/v 中心/n 。/w 各项/r 工作/vn 必须/d 以/p 经济/n 建设/vn 为/v 中心/n ,/w 是/v 邓小平理论/n 的/u 基本/a 观点/n ,/w 是/v 党/n 的/u 基本/a 路线/n 的/u 核心/n 内容/n ,/w 近/a 20/m 年/q 来/f 的/u 实践/vn 证明/v ,/w 坚持/v 这个/r 中心/n ,/w 是/v 完全/ad 正确/a 的/u 。/w 今后/t ,/w 我们/r 能否/v 把/p 建设/v 有/v 中国/ns 特色/n 社会主义/n 伟大/a 事业/n 全面/ad 推向/v 21/m 世纪/n ,/w 关键/n 仍然/d 要/v 看/v 能否/v 把/p 经济/n 工作/vn 搞/v 上去/v 。/w 各级/r 领导/n 干部/n 要/v 切实/ad 把/p 精力/n 集中/v 到/v 贯彻/v 落实/v 好/a 中央/n 关于/p 今年/t 经济/n 工作/vn 的/u 总体/n 要求/n 和/c 各项/r 重要/a 任务/n 上/f 来/v ,/w 不断/d 提高/v 领导/v 经济/n 建设/vn 的/u 能力/n 和/c 水平/n 。/w
19980101-01-002-008/m 我们/r 要/v 更/d 好/a 地/u 坚持/v “/w 两手抓/l 、/w 两手/m 都/d 要/v 硬/a ”/w 的/u 方针/n 。/w 在/p 坚持/v 以/p 经济/n 建设/vn 为/v 中心/n 的/u 同时/n ,/w 积极/ad 推进/v 社会主义/n 精神文明/n 建设/vn 和/c 民主/a 法制/n 建设/vn ,/w 是/v 建设/v 富强/a 、/w 民主/a 、/w 文明/a 的/u 社会主义/n 现代化/vn 国家/n 的/u 重要/a 内容/n 。/w 实践/v 证明/v ,/w 经济/n 建设/vn 的/u 顺利/a 进行/vn ,/w 离/v 不/d 开/v 精神文明/n 建设/vn 和/c 民主/a 法制/n 建设/vn 的/u 保证/vn 。/w 党/n 的/u 十五大/j 依据/p 邓小平理论/n 和/c 党/n 的/u 基本/a 路线/n 提出/v 的/u 党/n 在/p 社会主义/n 初级/b 阶段/n 经济/n 、/w 政治/n 、/w 文化/n 的/u 基本/a 纲领/n ,/w 为/p “/w 两手抓/l 、/w 两手/m 都/d 要/v 硬/a ”/w 提供/v 了/u 新/a 的/u 理论/n 根据/n ,/w 提出/v 了/u 更/d 高/a 要求/n ,/w 现在/t 的/u 关键/n 是/v 认真/ad 抓好/v 落实/v 。/w
19980101-01-002-009/m 我们/r 要/v 更/d 好/a 地/u 发扬/v 求真务实/l 、/w 密切/ad 联系/v 群众/n 的/u 作风/n 。/w 这/r 是/v 把/p 党/n 的/u 方针/n 、/w 政策/n 落到实处/l ,/w 使/v 改革/v 和/c 建设/v 取得/v 胜利/vn 的/u 重要/a 保证/vn 。/w 在/p 当前/t 改革/v 进一步/d 深化/v ,/w 经济/n 不断/d 发展/v ,/w 同时/c 又/d 出现/v 一些/m 新/a 情况/n 、/w 新/a 问题/n 和/c 新/a 困难/an 的/u 形势/n 下/f ,/w 更/d 要/v 发扬/v 这样/r 的/u 好/a 作风/n 。/w 要/v 尊重/v 群众/n 的/u 意愿/n ,/w 重视/v 群众/n 的/u 首创/vn 精神/n ,/w 关心/v 群众/n 的/u 生活/vn 疾苦/n 。/w 江/nr 泽民/nr 同志/n 最近/t 强调/vd 指出/v ,/w 要/v 大力/d 倡导/v 说实话/l 、/w 办/v 实事/n 、/w 鼓/v 实劲/n 、/w 讲/v 实效/n 的/u 作风/n ,/w 坚决/ad 制止/v 追求/v 表面文章/i ,/w 搞/v 花架子/n 等/u 形式主义/n ,/w 坚决/ad 杜绝/v 脱离/v 群众/n 、/w 脱离/v 实际/n 、/w 浮躁/a 虚夸/v 等/u 官僚主义/n 。/w 这/r 是/v 非常/d 重要/a 的/u 。/w 因此/c ,/w 各级/r 领导/n 干部/n 务必/d 牢记/v 全心全意/i 为/p 人民/n 服务/v 的/u 宗旨/n ,/w 在/p 勤政廉政/l 、/w 艰苦奋斗/i 方面/n 以身作则/i ,/w 当/v 好/a 表率/n 。/w
19980101-01-002-010/m 1998/m ,/w 瞩目/v 中华/nz 。/w 新/a 的/u 机遇/n 和/c 挑战/vn ,/w 催/v 人/n 进取/v ;/w 新/a 的/u 目标/n 和/c 征途/n ,/w 催/v 人/n 奋发/v 。/w 英雄/n 的/u 中国/ns 人民/n 在/p 以/p 江/nr 泽民/nr 同志/n 为/v 核心/n 的/u 党中央/nt 坚强/a 领导/vn 和/c 党/n 的/u 十五大/j 精神/n 指引/v 下/f ,/w 更/d 高/a 地/u 举起/v 邓小平理论/n 的/u 伟大/a 旗帜/n ,/w 团结/a 一致/a ,/w 扎实/ad 工作/v ,/w 奋勇/d 前进/v ,/w 一定/d 能够/v 创造/v 出/v 更加/d 辉煌/a 的/u 业绩/n !/w
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import os
import unittest
from fastNLP.loader.config_loader import ConfigSection, ConfigLoader
from fastNLP.loader.dataset_loader import TokenizeDatasetLoader, POSDatasetLoader, LMDatasetLoader
class TestConfigLoader(unittest.TestCase):
@ -52,21 +51,3 @@ class TestConfigLoader(unittest.TestCase):
print("pass config test!")
class TestDatasetLoader(unittest.TestCase):
def test_case_TokenizeDatasetLoader(self):
loader = TokenizeDatasetLoader("./test/data_for_tests/cws_pku_utf_8")
data = loader.load_pku(max_seq_len=32)
print("pass TokenizeDatasetLoader test!")
def test_case_POSDatasetLoader(self):
loader = POSDatasetLoader("./test/data_for_tests/people.txt")
data = loader.load()
datas = loader.load_lines()
print("pass POSDatasetLoader test!")
def test_case_LMDatasetLoader(self):
loader = LMDatasetLoader("./test/data_for_tests/cws_pku_utf_8")
data = loader.load()
datas = loader.load_lines()
print("pass TokenizeDatasetLoader test!")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import unittest
from fastNLP.loader.dataset_loader import POSDatasetLoader, LMDatasetLoader, TokenizeDatasetLoader, \
PeopleDailyCorpusLoader, ConllLoader
class TestDatasetLoader(unittest.TestCase):
def test_case_1(self):
data = """Tom\tT\nand\tF\nJerry\tT\n.\tF\n\nHello\tT\nworld\tF\n!\tF"""
lines = data.split("\n")
answer = POSDatasetLoader.parse(lines)
truth = [[["Tom", "and", "Jerry", "."], ["T", "F", "T", "F"]], [["Hello", "world", "!"], ["T", "F", "F"]]]
self.assertListEqual(answer, truth, "POS Dataset Loader")
def test_case_TokenizeDatasetLoader(self):
loader = TokenizeDatasetLoader("./test/data_for_tests/cws_pku_utf_8")
data = loader.load_pku(max_seq_len=32)
print("pass TokenizeDatasetLoader test!")
def test_case_POSDatasetLoader(self):
loader = POSDatasetLoader("./test/data_for_tests/people.txt")
data = loader.load()
datas = loader.load_lines()
print("pass POSDatasetLoader test!")
def test_case_LMDatasetLoader(self):
loader = LMDatasetLoader("./test/data_for_tests/cws_pku_utf_8")
data = loader.load()
datas = loader.load_lines()
print("pass TokenizeDatasetLoader test!")
def test_PeopleDailyCorpusLoader(self):
loader = PeopleDailyCorpusLoader("./test/data_for_tests/people_daily_raw.txt")
_, _ = loader.load()
def test_ConllLoader(self):
loader = ConllLoader("./test/data_for_tests/conll_example.txt")
_ = loader.load()
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
import unittest
from fastNLP.loader.dataset_loader import POSDatasetLoader
class TestPreprocess(unittest.TestCase):
def test_case_1(self):
data = [[["Tom", "and", "Jerry", "."], ["T", "F", "T", "F"]],
["Hello", "world", "!"], ["T", "F", "F"]]
pickle_path = "./data_for_tests/"
# POSPreprocess(data, pickle_path)
class TestDatasetLoader(unittest.TestCase):
def test_case_1(self):
data = """Tom\tT\nand\tF\nJerry\tT\n.\tF\n\nHello\tT\nworld\tF\n!\tF"""
lines = data.split("\n")
answer = POSDatasetLoader.parse(lines)
truth = [[["Tom", "and", "Jerry", "."], ["T", "F", "T", "F"]], [["Hello", "world", "!"], ["T", "F", "F"]]]
self.assertListEqual(answer, truth, "POS Dataset Loader")
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
import sys
import os
from fastNLP.loader.config_loader import ConfigLoader, ConfigSection
from fastNLP.core.trainer import SeqLabelTrainer
from fastNLP.loader.dataset_loader import TokenizeDatasetLoader, BaseLoader
from fastNLP.core.preprocess import SeqLabelPreprocess, load_pickle
from fastNLP.saver.model_saver import ModelSaver
from fastNLP.loader.model_loader import ModelLoader
from fastNLP.core.tester import SeqLabelTester
from fastNLP.models.sequence_modeling import SeqLabeling
from fastNLP.core.predictor import Predictor
from fastNLP.core.preprocess import Preprocessor, load_pickle
from fastNLP.core.tester import SeqLabelTester
from fastNLP.core.trainer import SeqLabelTrainer
from fastNLP.loader.config_loader import ConfigLoader, ConfigSection
from fastNLP.loader.dataset_loader import TokenizeDatasetLoader, BaseLoader
from fastNLP.loader.model_loader import ModelLoader
from fastNLP.models.sequence_modeling import SeqLabeling
from fastNLP.saver.model_saver import ModelSaver
data_name = "pku_training.utf8"
# cws_data_path = "/home/zyfeng/Desktop/data/pku_training.utf8"
cws_data_path = "data_for_tests/cws_pku_utf_8"
pickle_path = "data_for_tests"
data_infer_path = "data_for_tests/people_infer.txt"
cws_data_path = "test/data_for_tests/cws_pku_utf_8"
pickle_path = "./save/"
data_infer_path = "test/data_for_tests/people_infer.txt"
config_path = "test/data_for_tests/config"
def infer():
# Load infer configuration, the same as test
test_args = ConfigSection()
ConfigLoader("config.cfg").load_config("./data_for_tests/config", {"POS_test": test_args})
ConfigLoader("config.cfg").load_config(config_path, {"POS_infer": test_args})
# fetch dictionary size and number of labels from pickle files
word2index = load_pickle(pickle_path, "word2id.pkl")
@ -34,41 +31,31 @@ def infer():
model = SeqLabeling(test_args)
# Dump trained parameters into the model
ModelLoader.load_pytorch(model, "./data_for_tests/saved_model.pkl")
ModelLoader.load_pytorch(model, "./save/saved_model.pkl")
print("model loaded!")
# Data Loader
raw_data_loader = BaseLoader(data_infer_path)
infer_data = raw_data_loader.load_lines()
Transform strings into list of list of strings.
[word_11, word_12, ...],
[word_21, word_22, ...],
In this case, each line in "people_infer.txt" is already a sentence. So load_lines() just splits them.
# Inference interface
infer = Predictor(pickle_path)
infer = Predictor(pickle_path, "seq_label")
results = infer.predict(model, infer_data)
print("Inference finished!")
def train_test():
# Config Loader
train_args = ConfigSection()
ConfigLoader("config.cfg").load_config("./data_for_tests/config", {"POS": train_args})
ConfigLoader("config.cfg").load_config(config_path, {"POS_infer": train_args})
# Data Loader
loader = TokenizeDatasetLoader(cws_data_path)
train_data = loader.load_pku()
# Preprocessor
p = SeqLabelPreprocess()
p = Preprocessor(label_is_seq=True)
data_train = p.run(train_data, pickle_path=pickle_path)
train_args["vocab_size"] = p.vocab_size
train_args["num_classes"] = p.num_classes
@ -81,12 +68,10 @@ def train_test():
# Start training
trainer.train(model, data_train)
print("Training finished!")
# Saver
saver = ModelSaver("./data_for_tests/saved_model.pkl")
saver = ModelSaver("./save/saved_model.pkl")
print("Model saved!")
del model, trainer, loader
@ -94,12 +79,11 @@ def train_test():
model = SeqLabeling(train_args)
# Dump trained parameters into the model
ModelLoader.load_pytorch(model, "./data_for_tests/saved_model.pkl")
print("model loaded!")
ModelLoader.load_pytorch(model, "./save/saved_model.pkl")
# Load test configuration
test_args = ConfigSection()
ConfigLoader("config.cfg").load_config("./data_for_tests/config", {"POS_test": test_args})
ConfigLoader("config.cfg").load_config(config_path, {"POS_infer": test_args})
# Tester
tester = SeqLabelTester(**test_args.data)
@ -109,7 +93,13 @@ def train_test():
# print test results
print("model tested!")
def test():
os.makedirs("save", exist_ok=True)
os.system("rm -rf save")
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import unittest
import torch
import unittest
from fastNLP.modules.other_modules import GroupNorm, LayerNormalization, BiLinear
@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
import torch
import numpy as np
import unittest
import fastNLP.modules.utils as utils
class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
def test_case_1(self):
a = torch.tensor([
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
def test_case_2(self):
a = np.random.rand(100, 100)
@ -1,16 +1,32 @@
import sys
# encoding: utf-8
import os
from fastNLP.core.preprocess import save_pickle
from fastNLP.core.vocabulary import Vocabulary
from fastNLP.fastnlp import FastNLP
from fastNLP.fastnlp import interpret_word_seg_results, interpret_cws_pos_results
from fastNLP.models.cnn_text_classification import CNNText
from fastNLP.models.sequence_modeling import AdvSeqLabel
from fastNLP.saver.model_saver import ModelSaver
PATH_TO_CWS_PICKLE_FILES = "/home/zyfeng/fastNLP/reproduction/chinese_word_segment/save/"
PATH_TO_POS_TAG_PICKLE_FILES = "/home/zyfeng/data/crf_seg/"
PATH_TO_TEXT_CLASSIFICATION_PICKLE_FILES = "/home/zyfeng/data/text_classify/"
def word_seg():
nlp = FastNLP(model_dir=PATH_TO_CWS_PICKLE_FILES)
nlp.load("cws_basic_model", config_file="cws.cfg", section_name="POS_test")
DEFAULT_PADDING_LABEL = '<pad>' # dict index = 0
DEFAULT_UNKNOWN_LABEL = '<unk>' # dict index = 1
DEFAULT_RESERVED_LABEL = ['<reserved-2>',
'<reserved-4>'] # dict index = 2~4
def word_seg(model_dir, config, section):
nlp = FastNLP(model_dir=model_dir)
nlp.load("cws_basic_model", config_file=config, section_name=section)
text = ["这是最好的基于深度学习的中文分词系统。",
@ -24,13 +40,150 @@ def word_seg():
print(interpret_word_seg_results(words, labels))
def text_class():
nlp = FastNLP("./data_for_tests/")
text = "这是最好的基于深度学习的中文分词系统。"
result = nlp.run(text)
print("FastNLP finished!")
def mock_cws():
os.makedirs("mock", exist_ok=True)
text = ["这是最好的基于深度学习的中文分词系统。",
word2id = Vocabulary()
word_list = [ch for ch in "".join(text)]
save_pickle(word2id, "./mock/", "word2id.pkl")
class2id = Vocabulary(need_default=False)
label_list = ['B', 'M', 'E', 'S']
save_pickle(class2id, "./mock/", "class2id.pkl")
model_args = {"vocab_size": len(word2id), "word_emb_dim": 50, "rnn_hidden_units": 50, "num_classes": len(class2id)}
config_file = """
vocab_size = {}
word_emb_dim = 50
rnn_hidden_units = 50
num_classes = {}
""".format(len(word2id), len(class2id))
with open("mock/test.cfg", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
model = AdvSeqLabel(model_args)
def test_word_seg():
# fake the model and pickles
print("start mocking")
# run the inference codes
print("start testing")
word_seg("./mock/", "test.cfg", "test_section")
# clean up environments
print("clean up")
os.system("rm -rf mock")
def pos_tag(model_dir, config, section):
nlp = FastNLP(model_dir=model_dir)
nlp.load("pos_tag_model", config_file=config, section_name=section)
text = ["这是最好的基于深度学习的中文分词系统。",
results = nlp.run(text)
for example in results:
words, labels = [], []
for res in example:
print(interpret_cws_pos_results(words, labels))
except RuntimeError:
print("inconsistent pos tags. this is for test only.")
def mock_pos_tag():
os.makedirs("mock", exist_ok=True)
text = ["这是最好的基于深度学习的中文分词系统。",
vocab = Vocabulary()
word_list = [ch for ch in "".join(text)]
save_pickle(vocab, "./mock/", "word2id.pkl")
idx2label = Vocabulary(need_default=False)
label_list = ['B-n', 'M-v', 'E-nv', 'S-adj', 'B-v', 'M-vn', 'S-adv']
save_pickle(idx2label, "./mock/", "class2id.pkl")
model_args = {"vocab_size": len(vocab), "word_emb_dim": 50, "rnn_hidden_units": 50, "num_classes": len(idx2label)}
config_file = """
vocab_size = {}
word_emb_dim = 50
rnn_hidden_units = 50
num_classes = {}
""".format(len(vocab), len(idx2label))
with open("mock/test.cfg", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
model = AdvSeqLabel(model_args)
def test_pos_tag():
pos_tag("./mock/", "test.cfg", "test_section")
os.system("rm -rf mock")
def text_classify(model_dir, config, section):
nlp = FastNLP(model_dir=model_dir)
nlp.load("text_classify_model", config_file=config, section_name=section)
text = [
results = nlp.run(text)
def mock_text_classify():
os.makedirs("mock", exist_ok=True)
text = ["世界物联网大会明日在京召开龙头股启动在即",
vocab = Vocabulary()
word_list = [ch for ch in "".join(text)]
save_pickle(vocab, "./mock/", "word2id.pkl")
idx2label = Vocabulary(need_default=False)
label_list = ['class_A', 'class_B', 'class_C', 'class_D', 'class_E', 'class_F']
save_pickle(idx2label, "./mock/", "class2id.pkl")
model_args = {"vocab_size": len(vocab), "word_emb_dim": 50, "rnn_hidden_units": 50, "num_classes": len(idx2label)}
config_file = """
vocab_size = {}
word_emb_dim = 50
rnn_hidden_units = 50
num_classes = {}
""".format(len(vocab), len(idx2label))
with open("mock/test.cfg", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
model = CNNText(model_args)
def test_text_classify():
text_classify("./mock/", "test.cfg", "test_section")
os.system("rm -rf mock")
def test_word_seg_interpret():
@ -52,34 +205,9 @@ def test_interpret_cws_pos_results():
labels = [x[1] for x in foo[0]]
print(interpret_cws_pos_results(chars, labels))
def pos_tag():
nlp.load("pos_tag_model", config_file="pos_tag.config", section_name="pos_tag_model")
text = ["这是最好的基于深度学习的中文分词系统。",
results = nlp.run(text)
for example in results:
words, labels = [], []
for res in example:
print(interpret_cws_pos_results(words, labels))
def text_classify():
nlp.load("text_classify_model", config_file="text_classify.cfg", section_name="model")
text = [
results = nlp.run(text)
['finance', 'travel', 'history']
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reference in New Issue
Block a user