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107 lines
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import { Component, DefineComponent, Component, App } from 'vue';
import { RouteRecordRaw, Router, RouterHistory, createMemoryHistory, createWebHashHistory, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router';
// @ts-ignore
import { Plugin } from '@fesjs/runtime';
interface BeforeRenderConfig {
loading: Component;
action: () => Promise<any>;
interface ClientRenderOption {
routes: RouteRecordRaw[];
rootElement: string;
defaultTitle: string;
plugin: Plugin;
type RenderFunc = () => Promise<App>;
interface Route {
base: string;
mode: string;
createHistory: createMemoryHistory | createWebHashHistory | createWebHistory;
export function getRouter(): Router;
export function getHistory(): RouterHistory;
export function destroyRouter(): void;
declare module '@fesjs/fes' {
interface PluginRuntimeConfig {
beforeRender?: BeforeRenderConfig;
patchRoutes?: ({ routes }: { routes: RouteRecordRaw[] }) => void;
modifyRoute?: ({ base, mode, createHistory }: Route) => Route;
modifyClientRenderOpts?: (option: ClientRenderOption) => ClientRenderOption;
rootContainer?: (component: DefineComponent, option: { routes: RouteRecordRaw[]; plugin: Plugin }) => Component;
onAppCreated?: ({ app, routes }: { app: App; routes: RouteRecordRaw[] }) => void;
render?: (defaultRender: RenderFunc) => RenderFunc;
onRouterCreated?: ({ router }: { router: Router }) => void;
interface PluginBuildConfig {
alias?: Record<string, string>;
autoprefixer?: {
/** environment for `Browserslist` */
env?: string;
/** should Autoprefixer use Visual Cascade, if CSS is uncompressed */
cascade?: boolean;
/** should Autoprefixer add prefixes. */
add?: boolean;
/** should Autoprefixer [remove outdated] prefixes */
remove?: boolean;
/** should Autoprefixer add prefixes for @supports parameters. */
supports?: boolean;
/** should Autoprefixer add prefixes for flexbox properties */
flexbox?: boolean | 'no-2009';
/** should Autoprefixer add IE 10-11 prefixes for Grid Layout properties */
grid?: boolean;
* list of queries for target browsers.
* Try to not use it.
* The best practice is to use `.browserslistrc` config or `browserslist` key in `package.json`
* to share target browsers with Babel, ESLint and Stylelint
overrideBrowserslist?: string | string[];
/** do not raise error on unknown browser version in `Browserslist` config. */
ignoreUnknownVersions?: boolean;
define?: Record<string, string | object>;
router?: {
base?: string;
routes?: RouteRecordRaw[];
mode?: 'hash' | 'history' | 'memory';
dynamicImport?: boolean;
inlineLimit?: number;
| boolean
| {
prefix?: string;
mountElementId?: string;
plugins?: string[];
presets?: string[];
proxy?: {
[apiPrefix: string]: {
target: string;
changeOrigin?: boolean;
publicPath?: string;
singular?: boolean;
targets?: object;
terserOptions?: object;
title?: string;