History is a built-in components in G6, but not reigstered by default. It needs to be imported into the code and registered with the `extend` method, and then you could configured it to the graph instance.
callback: The callback function to be executed without stacking operations.
#### getUndoStack
Retrieve the current undo stack which consists of operations that could be undone.
getUndoStack: () => void;
#### getRedoStack
Retrieve the current redo stack which consists of operations that were undone.
getRedoStack: () => void;
#### getStack
Retrieve the complete history stack.
getStack: () => void;
#### undo
Revert the last n operation(s) on the graph.
undo: () => void;
#### redo
Restore the operation that was last n reverted on the graph.
redo: () => void;
#### canUndo
Indicate whether there are any actions available in the undo stack.
canUndo: () => void;
#### canRedo
Indicate whether there are any actions available in the redo stack.
canRedo: () => void;
#### startHistoryBatch
Begin a historyBatch operation. Any operations performed between startHistoryBatch and stopHistoryBatch are grouped together and treated as a single operation when undoing or redoing.
startHistoryBatch: () => void;
#### stopHistoryBatch
End a historyBatch operation. Any operations performed between startHistoryBatch and stopHistoryBatch are grouped together and treated as a single operation when undoing or redoing.
stopHistoryBatch: () => void;
#### historyBatch
Execute a provided function within a batched context. All operations performed inside the callback will be treated as a composite operation, providing a more convenient way without manually invoking startHistoryBatch and stopHistoryBatch.
Execute a provided function within a batched context. All operations performed inside the callback will be treated as a composite operation, providing a more convenient way without manually invoking startHistoryBatch and stopHistoryBatch.