Takes effect only when `fitView: true`. It is the padding between canvas and the border of view port.<br/>- It can be a value, e.g. `fitViewPadding: 20`, which means the padding to the top, left, right, bottom are the same.<br/>- Or an array, e.g. `fitViewPadding: [ 20, 40, 50, 20 ]`, the four values in the array indicate the padding to the top, right, bottom, left respectively.
Whether to group the nodes and edges separately. When it is false, all the items (including nodes and edges) are in the same group, and the order/zindex of them are determined according to the order of their generation. When you are using Combo, **MUST** set `groupByTypes` to `false`.
Whether to paint the graph automatically while item updated or view port changed. In order to enhance the performance, we recommend to turn off `antoPaint` when you are doing bulk operation on nodes or edges. This can be refered to [`setAutoPaint()`](#setautopaintauto).
The node styles on different states, e.g. hover, selected. It is a new feature of G6 3.1.
<spanstyle="background-color: rgb(251, 233, 231); color: rgb(139, 53, 56)"><strong>⚠️ Note:</strong></span> If you are using version 3.1 or below, just change `nodeStyle` to `nodeStateStyles` and `edgeStyle` to `edgeStateStyles` and keep the configuration unchanged.
Default combo configurations in global, including type, size, color and so on. Its priority is lower than the configurations in data. It is a new feature of G6 3.5.
The configurations for global animation. Takes effect only when `animate: true`. For more detail about animateCfg, see [Basic Animation Docs](/en/docs/manual/advanced/animation#animatecfg).
The callback function for every frame of animation. The path of custom animation for node can be defined here. The nodes will move linearly when `onFrame` is null.
Configurations for layout. The `type` in it is the name of layout method with the options: `'random'`, `'radial'`, `'mds'`, `'circular'`, `'fruchterman'`, `'force'`, `'dagre'`, `'concentric'`, `'grid'`. When `layout` is not assigned on graph:
- If there are `x` and `y` in node data, the graph will render with these information;
- If there is no positions information in node data, the graph will arrange nodes with Random Layout by default.