docs: update change log

This commit is contained in: 2018-11-29 11:40:44 +08:00
parent ab28e3e5fd
commit 08c6f4728d

View File

@ -3,19 +3,31 @@
#### 2.2.1
* fix: Compatible with MOUSEWHEEL
* fix: fadeIn aniamtion
* fix: fix wheelZoom behaviour by removing the deprecated mousewheel event
#### 2.2.0
* fix: Graph read zIndex
* refactor: Animation
#### 2.1.5
* fix: svg pixelRatio bug
* feat: add wheel event
#### 2.1.4
* fix: custom math.sign to compatible with ie browser.Closes #516.
* fix: legend component from @antv/component
* feat: update svg minimap && fix svg dom event
@ -48,7 +60,7 @@
* feat: svg render
* feat: plugin.layout.forceAtlas2
* feat: plugin.tool.fisheye
* feat: plugin.tool.fisheye
* feat: plugin.tool.textDisplay
* feat: plugin.tool.grid
* feat: plugin.template.tableSankey
@ -58,7 +70,7 @@
improve: add g6 arrow
* improve: add g6 arrow
#### 2.0.4
@ -92,7 +104,7 @@ improve: add g6 arrow
* fix(saveImage) saveImage bug
* fix(event): fix dom coord. Closes #305
## v2.0.1
#### 2.0.1
@ -102,299 +114,301 @@ improve: add g6 arrow
* chore: .travis.yml add add Node.js
* chore: .travis.yml cache node_modules
## v2.0.0
#### 2.0.0
* refactor: 重构架构 && 代码
* refactor: refactor architecture && code
## v1.2.1
#### 1.2.1
* feat: 新增 layout 接口
* feat:    layout interface
## v1.2.0
#### 1.2.0
* fix: 修复 nodeActivedBoxStyle 拼写错误
* fix: 修复 删除环时报错
* fix: 修复 右键后再移动鼠标触发 dragstart
* feat: 新增 统一布局机制到 Graph
* feat: 新增 插件机制
* feat: 新增 数据过滤机制
* feat: 新增 激活态接口
* feat: 新增 行为 wheelZoomAutoLabel
* feat: 新增 graph 配置项 preciseAnchor
* remove: 移除 Global.preciseAnchor
* remove: 移除 Layout.Flow、Layout.Force
* improve: 改进 html 容器策略
* fix: nodeActivedBoxStyle spelling error
* fix: error when deleting a circle
* fix: trigger dragstart while right clicking and moveing
* feat: Unify Layout mechanism
* feat: Plugin mechanism
* feat: Data filter mechanism
* feat: Activated interface
* feat: Action wheelZoomAutoLabel
* feat: configuration of graph -- preciseAnchor
* remove: Global.preciseAnchor
* remove: Layout.Flow、Layout.Force
* improve: html container strategy
## v1.1.6
#### 1.1.6
* fix: 修复 布局算法包中的打包问题
* fix: pack problem in layout algorithm
## v1.1.5
#### 1.1.5
* fix: 修复 dragCanvas 在 mousemove 才设置拾取实效,否则会影响点击事件
* fix: 修复 将 node 的 activeRectBox 的拾取设置为false
* fix: dragCanvas is effective while mousemove, prevent it from affecting click events
* fix: unactivate pick-up in activeRectBox of node
## v1.1.4
#### 1.1.4
* feat: 新增 graph.invertPoint() 转置点
* feat: 新增 锚点第三个配置参数 此后锚点支持设置样式、悬浮样式、是否可以连接
* feat: 新增 item.getGroup()
* feat: 新增 事件 afteritemrender、itemremove、itemadd
* feat: 新增 行为信号量 behaviourSignal
* improve: 改进 画布聚焦时 mouseWheel 才生效
* feat: graph.invertPoint()
* feat: third configuration of anchor to support style setting, float style, connection
* feat: item.getGroup()
* feat: events -- afteritemrender、itemremove、itemadd
* feat: behaviourSignal
* improve: mouseWheel is affective after focusing the canvas
## v1.1.3
#### 1.1.3
* feat: 新增 Graph 配置项 useNodeSortGroup用于配置节点组是否使用排序组
* feat: 新增 Global.nodeDelegationStyle, Global.edgeDelegationStyle 边和节点可独立配置委托图形
* fix: 修复 事件 itemremove 销毁前触发
* feat: Graph configuration -- useNodeSortGroup
* feat: Global.nodeDelegationStyle, Global.edgeDelegationStyle, isolate the delegation of edge and node on graph
* fix: itemremove is triggered before destroying a graph
## v1.1.2
#### 1.1.2
* feat: 新增 行为 dragBlankX dragBlankY
* feat: dragBlankX dragBlankY
#### 1.1.1
## v1.1.1
* improve: 改进 添加 dragNode 保护机制
* improve: dragNode protect mechanism
## v1.1.0
#### 1.1.0
* feat: 新增 HTML 节点
* feat: 新增 映射支持直接传入 callback
* feat: 新增 Graph 接口 updateMatrix、changeSize、showAnchor、hideAnchor、updataNodesPosition
* feat: 新增 工具方法 Util.isNode()、Util.isEdge()
* feat: 新增 Shape polyLineFlow
* feat: 新增 行为 dragEdgeEndHideAnchor、dragNodeEndHideAnchor、hoverAnchorSetActived、hoverNodeShowAnchor
* feat: HTML node
* feat: mapper support callback function
* feat: Graph interfaces -- updateMatrix、changeSize、showAnchor、hideAnchor、updataNodesPosition
* feat:  tool functions -- Util.isNode()、Util.isEdge()
* feat: Shape polyLineFlow
* feat:  dragEdgeEndHideAnchor、dragNodeEndHideAnchor、hoverAnchorSetActived、hoverNodeShowAnchor
## v1.0.7
#### 1.0.7
* fix: 修复 第一次 draw 时 16ms 内多画一下
* improve: 改进 edit 模式下怎家滚轮缩放限制
* fix: draw one more time in 16ms after first draw
* improve: add zoom by scroll in edit mode
## v1.0.6
#### 1.0.6
* fix: 修复 兼容部分 机型 window 下 chrome 首次点击出发 mousemove 导致click事件不正确
* feat: 新增 支持尺寸不变图形
* feat: 新增 analysis 分析模式
* feat: 新增 updateNodesPositon 批量更新节点位置方法
* improve: 改进 useAnchor 改为 边 edge 的配置项
* fix: compatible in chrome in windows. triggering mousemove after first click leads to wrong click event.
* feat: support fix size graphics
* feat: analysis mode
* feat: updateNodesPositon update a set of nodes' position
* improve: change useAnchor to be a configuration of edge
## v1.0.5
#### 1.0.5
* feat: 新增 downloadImage 支持传入保存的文件名
* feat: 新增 tooltip 边距自动检测
* improve: 改进 拖拽移出画布时拖拽行为中止
* feat: downloadImage support saving with name
* feat: automatically detect tooltip padding
* improve:  stop the action while mouse dragging out of the canvas
## v1.0.4
#### 1.0.4
* fix: 修复 tree changeData Bug
* fix: 修复 getAnchorPoints 返回 auto 时锚点取直线与包围盒的截取点
* fix: 修复 node label 无法生成的判定条件为 isNull
* feat: 新增 增加视口参数 tl、tc、tr、rc、br、bc、bl、lc、cc
* improve: 改进 减小 tolerance 数值,以提高线段截取精准度
* improve: 改进 tooltip 事件机制,提升性能
* fix: tree changeData Bug
* fix:  when getAnchorPoints returns auto, anchor is the intersection of edge and the bounding box
* fix: generate node label according to isNull
* feat: viewport parameters -- tl、tc、tr、rc、br、bc、bl、lc、cc
* improve: reduce tolerance to improve the accuracy of interception
* improve: improve tooltip event mechanisom to enhance performance
## v1.0.3
#### 1.0.3
* feat: 新增 添加 link 辅助元素
* feat:
## v1.0.2
#### 1.0.2
* fix: 修复 Object.values => Util.getObjectValues
* fix: 修复 anchorPoints 为 auto 时edge上就算传了anchorpoint也返回截取点
* fix: 修复 tree 更新接口 Bug
* improve: 改进 位置信息用 group.transfrom() 来表示
* fix: Object.values => Util.getObjectValues
* fix:  when anchorPoints is auto, there is only anchorpoint on edge, it will also return the intersection
* fix: tree update interface Bug
* improve:  represent positions information by group.transfrom()
## v1.0.1
#### 1.0.1
* fix: 修复 复制、粘贴 bug
* feat: 新增 控制 16s 内只 draw 一次
* feat: 新增 事件 itemactived itemunactived itemhover itemupdate itemmouseenter itemmouseleave
* improve: 改进 框选行为激活图形前,应清楚之前图形的激活
* improve: 改进 dragAddEdge 行为,可链接到锚点
* improve: 改进 优化动画性能
* fix: copy and paste bug
* feat: draw once in 16ms
* feat: itemactived itemunactived itemhover itemupdate itemmouseenter itemmouseleave
* improve: be clear the status of graphics before activating graphics by frame selection
* improve: dragAddEdge, linkable to anchor
* improve: performance of animation
## v1.0.0
#### 1.0.0
* feat: 新增 fitView 视口配置项
* feat: 新增 graph.zoom() 缩放接口
* feat: 新增 wheelZoomHideEdges 滚轮缩放边隐藏行为
* feat: 新增 dragHideEdges 拖动边隐藏行为
* feat: 新增 graph.filterBehaviour() 过滤行为接口
* feat: 新增 graph.addBehaviour() 增加行为接口
* feat: 新增 graph.changeLayout() 更改布局
* feat: 新增 read 读接口,重定义 save 保存接口
* feat: 新增 graph.snapshot 快照功能 graph.downloadImage 导出图片功能
* feat: 新增 graph.autoSize() 自动缩放画布尺寸
* feat: 新增 graph.focusPoint() 聚焦某点
* feat: 新增 tree 树图、net 网图
* feat: 新增 交互机制 事件 => 行为 => 模式
* feat: 新增 动画机制
* feat: 新增 itemmouseleave、itemmouseenter 事件
* remove: 去除 graph.refresh()
* remove: 去除 graph.changeNodes()
* remove: 去除 graph属性 zoomable、dragable、resizeable、selectable
* improve: 改进 锚点机制,更快、更强
* improve: 改进 不再抛出 G6.GraphUtil 方法,全部统一成 G6.Util
* improve: 改进 替换 g-canvas-core => g-canvas 性能提升
* improve: 改进 移除 Global.nodeBoxStyle 改用 Global.nodeAcitveBoxStyle
* improve: 改进 小写事件名 afterAdd => afteradd
* improve: 改进 G6.Graph 沉为抽象类
* feat: fitView configurations
* feat:  graph.zoom()
* feat: wheelZoomHideEdges hide the edges while zooming by wheel
* feat: dragHideEdges hide the edge while dragging edge
* feat: graph.filterBehaviour()
* feat: graph.addBehaviour()
* feat:   graph.changeLayout()
* feat:  read interface, re-define save interface
* feat:  graph.snapshot, graph.downloadImage
* feat:  graph.autoSize()
* feat:  graph.focusPoint()
* feat: tree graph、net graph
* feat: interaction mechanism -- event => action => mode
* feat: animation mechanism
* feat: itemmouseleave、itemmouseenter
* remove: graph.refresh()
* remove: graph.changeNodes()
* remove: graph attributes -- zoomable、dragable、resizeable、selectable
* improve: anchor mechanism
* improve: hide G6.GraphUtil functions, unified in G6.Util
* improve: replace g-canvas-core to g-canvas to improve performance
* improve: Global.nodeAcitveBoxStyle instead of Global.nodeBoxStyle
* improve: afterAdd => afteradd
* improve: G6.Graph to be an abstract class
## v0.2.3
#### 0.2.3
* fix: 修复 dragable 可用于控制默认模式下是否可拖动画布
* feat: 新增 graph.converPoint() 反置点方法
* feat: 新增 graph.autoSize()
* feat: 新增 rightmousedown leftmousedown wheeldown 事件
* improve: 改进 用tyr catch 防御getPoint由于path长度为零出错
* fix: dragable for controlling dragable under default mode
* feat: graph.converPoint()
* feat: graph.autoSize()
* feat: rightmousedown leftmousedown wheeldown
* improve: use try catch to prevent the length of getPoint of path equals zero
## v0.2.2
#### 0.2.2
* fix: 修复 tooltip css padding 加px
* fix: 修复 tooltip 单子段映射错误
* fix: 修复 精确截取点错误
* fix: 修复 双精屏下缩放点错误
* fix: 修复 包围盒应该 apply keyShape 父元素
* feat: 新增 afterAdd 事件
* feat: 新增 dblclick 事件
* improve: 改进 width、height 默认null
* improve: 改进 节点不再使用hovershape
* improve: 改进 tooltip 增加防御机制
* fix: add px totooltip css padding
* fix: tooltip mapping error
* fix: accurate intersection
* fix: zoom error on double accuracy screen
* fix: buonding box extended from keyShape
* feat:   afterAdd
* feat: dblclick
* improve: width、height default null
* improve: remove hovershape on node
* improve: tooltip defense mechanism
## v0.2.1
#### 0.2.1
* fix: 新增 添加节点时增加rollback
* fix: 新增 计算包围盒apply父容器变换
* feat: 新增 waterPath 水波路径算法
* feat: 新增 tooltip 提示信息
* feat: 新增 mouseover 事件
* feat: 新增 multiSelectable 配置项,默认关闭,关闭时选择模式开启空白处拖动功能
* feat: 新增 width 没设置时自动forceFit 为 true
* improve: 改进 zoomable、dragable、resizeable、selectable 默认为 true
* fix: rollback when add node
* fix: apply tranformation of parent container while calculating bounding box
* feat: waterPath
* feat: tooltip tip information
* feat: mouseover
* feat: multiSelectable, default false
* feat:  set forceFit to true while width is undefined
* improve: zoomable、dragable、resizeable、selectable default true
## v0.2.0
#### 0.2.0
* feat: 新增 精确逼近锚点机制
* feat: 新增 GraphUtil.getEllipsePath 点集到椭圆Path
* feat: 新增 GraphUtil.pointsToPolygon 点集到多边形Path
* feat: 新增 GraphUtil.pointsToBezier 点集到贝塞尔曲线Path
* feat: 新增 GraphUtil.snapPreciseAnchor 获取精准锚点方法
* feat: 新增 GraphUtil.arrowTo 箭头旋转方法
* feat: 新增 GraphUtil.drawEdge 画边方法
* feat: 新增 bezierQuadratic 二阶贝塞尔曲线
* feat: 新增 显示节点
* feat: 新增 node.hide 隐藏节点
* feat: 新增 node.getLinkNodes 获取相连的节点
* feat: 新增 node.getUnLinkNodes 获取不相连的节点
* feat: 新增 node.getRelativeItems 获取相关的子项
* feat: 新增 node.getUnRelativeItems 获取不相关的子项
* feat: 新增 显示边
* feat: 新增 edge.hide 隐藏边
* feat: 新增 Shape afterDraw 接口
* improve: 改进 改进贝塞尔曲线控制点位置
* improve: 改进 grpah.delete => graph.del
* improve: 改进 添加 id 重复抛出异常
* feat: accurate anchor mechanism
* feat: GraphUtil.getEllipsePath
* feat:  GraphUtil.pointsToPolygon
* feat: GraphUtil.pointsToBezier
* feat: GraphUtil.snapPreciseAnchor
* feat: GraphUtil.arrowTo
* feat: GraphUtil.drawEdge
* feat: bezierQuadratic
* feat:
* feat: node.hide
* feat: node.getLinkNodes
* feat:  node.getUnLinkNodes
* feat: node.getRelativeItems
* feat: node.getUnRelativeItems
* feat:
* feat: edge.hide
* feat: Shape afterDraw
* improve:  the controlling point positions of Bezier Curve改进贝塞尔曲线控制点位置
* improve: grpah.delete => graph.del
* improve: error when adding id
## v0.1.4
#### 0.1.4
* fix: 修复 拖动节点时委托中心应是bbox中心
* fix: 修复 所有排序算法采用基数排序,保持层级稳定
* fix: 修复 边的id自动生成机制才用随机数
* feat: 新增 边支持层级排序,边文本会排在最上层
* feat: 新增 注册边时,如果不指定继承形,则尝试从注册形获取继承形
* fix: delegator of dragging a node is the center of bbox
* fix: use cardinality sort for all the sorting algorithm
* fix: random id on edges
* feat: level sort on edges, edge labels on the top level
* feat:  while extending shape is undefined when register an edge, find the extending shaoe automatically
## v0.1.3
#### 0.1.3
* fix: 修复 所有assistGrid在进行操作时判断该对象是否存在
* feat: 新增 rollback 增加判断,默认不开启回退机制
* feat: 新增 新增style 映射通道
* feat: 新增 getAnchorPoints 不存在 或者 返回为假时 取线段交点
* feat: 新增 新增边水平曲线bezierHorizontal、竖直曲线bezierVertical
* improve: 改进 默认交互行为结束后触发 'eventEnd' 事件
* fix: judge the existance of the object while operating assistGrid
* feat: rollback judgement, default unactivate
* feat:  style mapping channel
* feat: return the intersections while getAnchorPoints is null or returns false
* feat:  bezierHorizontal、bezierVertical
* improve: 'eventEnd'
## v0.1.2
#### 0.1.2
* fix: 修复 更新网格时需要判定配置项grid
* fix: 修复 graphContainer 不设置自己的宽高 由内部canvas撑大
* fix: 修复 添加edges时若无target或source则不添加edge
* fix: 修复 changeSize() 设置最大限容错
* feat: 新增 graph.get('el') 获取最上层canvas DOM
* feat: 新增 事件抛出当前shape
* fix: judge the configuration before updating grid
* fix: the size of graphContainer in unsetable, setted by inner canvas
* fix: will not add an edge if the target or source is undefined
* fix: changeSize() maximum tolerance for error
* feat: graph.get('el')  to get canvas DOM
* feat: event exposures shape
## v0.1.1
#### 0.1.1
* feat: 新增 graph 的入口为 G6.Graph
* feat: entrance of graph is G6.Graph
## v0.1.0
#### 0.1.0
* feat: 新增 抛出颜色计算库
* feat: 新增 添加快捷键操作
* feat: 新增 updo、redo
* feat: 新增 复制、粘贴
* feat: 新增 重置缩放、自动缩放
* feat: 新增 树图、线性图、桑基图、流图布局
* feat: 新增 业务流程图封装
* feat: 新增 时序图封装
* feat: 新增 鼠标交互:单选、框选
* feat: 新增 鼠标交互:节点变形
* feat: 新增 鼠标交互:边变形
* feat: 新增 鼠标交互:节点、边拖拽交互
* feat: 新增 鼠标交互:边链接到锚点
* feat: 新增 鼠标交互:画布拖拽
* feat: 新增 鼠标交互:画布缩放
* feat: 新增 添加模式选择
* feat: 新增 集成 g-graph
* feat: color calculation library
* feat: hot key
* feat: updo, redo
* feat: copy, paste
* feat: reset zoom, auto zoom
* feat: tree graph, linear graph, sankey graph, flow laout
* feat: flow chart package
* feat: timing diagram package
* feat: single selection, frame selection
* feat: node deformation
* feat:  edge deformation
* feat: drag node and edge
* feat: link edge and node
* feat: drag canvas
* feat: zoom
* feat: select mode
* feat: integrate g-graph