diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 384dd1af5e..a8515e7c85 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"clean": "rimraf esm lib dist",
"lint": "lint-staged",
"test": "jest",
- "test-live": "DEBUG_MODE=1 jest --watch ./tests/unit/shape/shape-spec.ts",
+ "test-live": "DEBUG_MODE=1 jest --watch ./tests/unit/shape/edge-spec.ts",
"coverage": "jest --coverage",
"ci": "run-s build coverage",
"doc": "rimraf apis && typedoc",
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@
"tslint-config-prettier": "^1.18.0",
"typedoc": "^0.15.0",
"typedoc-plugin-markdown": "^2.2.11",
- "typescript": "^3.5.3"
+ "typescript": "^3.5.3",
+ "webpack-cli": "^3.3.10"
"husky": {
"hooks": {
diff --git a/plugins/minimap/index.js b/plugins/minimap/index.js
index 21eb1d9dd5..7c8e7104f9 100644
--- a/plugins/minimap/index.js
+++ b/plugins/minimap/index.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const G = require('@antv/g');
const Base = require('../base');
-const isString = require('@antv/util/lib/type/is-string');
-const isNil = require('@antv/util/lib/type/is-nil');
+const isString = require('@antv/util/lib/is-string');
+const isNil = require('@antv/util/lib/is-nil');
const createDOM = require('@antv/util/lib/dom/create-dom');
const modifyCSS = require('@antv/util/lib/dom/modify-css');
const each = require('@antv/util/lib/each');
diff --git a/src/behavior/activate-relations.ts b/src/behavior/activate-relations.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..876159cc51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/behavior/activate-relations.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import { G6Event, IG6GraphEvent } from "@g6/types";
+export default {
+ getDefaultCfg(): object {
+ return {
+ trigger: 'mouseenter', // 可选 mouseenter || click
+ activeState: 'active',
+ inactiveState: 'inactive',
+ resetSelected: false,
+ shouldUpdate() { return true; }
+ };
+ },
+ getEvents(): { [key in G6Event]?: string } {
+ if (this.get('trigger') === 'mouseenter') {
+ return {
+ 'node:mouseenter': 'setAllItemStates',
+ 'node:mouseleave': 'clearAllItemStates'
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ 'node:click': 'setAllItemStates',
+ 'canvas:click': 'clearAllItemStates'
+ };
+ },
+ setAllItemStates(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ const graph = this.get('graph');
+ const item = e.item;
+ this.item = item;
+ if (!this.shouldUpdate(e.item, { event: e, action: 'activate' })) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const self = this;
+ const activeState = this.get('activeState');
+ const inactiveState = this.get('inactiveState');
+ const autoPaint = graph.get('autoPaint');
+ graph.setAutoPaint(false);
+ graph.getNodes().forEach(function(node) {
+ const hasSelected = node.hasState('selected');
+ if (self.resetSelected) {
+ if (hasSelected) {
+ graph.setItemState(node, 'selected', false);
+ }
+ }
+ graph.setItemState(node, activeState, false);
+ inactiveState && graph.setItemState(node, inactiveState, true);
+ });
+ graph.getEdges().forEach(function(edge) {
+ graph.setItemState(edge, activeState, false);
+ inactiveState && graph.setItemState(edge, inactiveState, true);
+ });
+ inactiveState && graph.setItemState(item, inactiveState, false);
+ graph.setItemState(item, activeState, true);
+ graph.getEdges().forEach(function(edge) {
+ if (edge.getSource() === item) {
+ const target = edge.getTarget();
+ const hasSelected = target.hasState('selected');
+ if (self.resetSelected) {
+ // inactiveState && graph.setItemState(target, inactiveState, false);
+ // graph.setItemState(target, activeState, true);
+ if (hasSelected) {
+ graph.setItemState(target, 'selected', false);
+ }
+ }
+ inactiveState && graph.setItemState(target, inactiveState, false);
+ graph.setItemState(target, activeState, true);
+ graph.setItemState(edge, activeState, true);
+ graph.setItemState(edge, inactiveState, false);
+ edge.toFront();
+ } else if (edge.getTarget() === item) {
+ // inactiveState && graph.setItemState(edge.getSource(), inactiveState, false);
+ // graph.setItemState(edge.getSource(), activeState, true);
+ const source = edge.getSource();
+ const hasSelected = source.hasState('selected');
+ if (self.resetSelected) {
+ if (hasSelected) {
+ graph.setItemState(source, 'selected', false);
+ }
+ }
+ inactiveState && graph.setItemState(source, inactiveState, false);
+ graph.setItemState(source, activeState, true);
+ graph.setItemState(edge, activeState, true);
+ graph.setItemState(edge, inactiveState, false);
+ edge.toFront();
+ }
+ });
+ graph.paint();
+ graph.setAutoPaint(autoPaint);
+ graph.emit('afteractivaterelations', { item: e.item, action: 'activate' });
+ },
+ clearAllItemStates(e) {
+ const graph = this.get('graph');
+ if (!this.shouldUpdate(e.item, { event: e, action: 'deactivate' })) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const self = this;
+ const autoPaint = graph.get('autoPaint');
+ graph.setAutoPaint(false);
+ graph.getNodes().forEach(function(node) {
+ const hasSelected = node.hasState('selected');
+ graph.clearItemStates(node);
+ if (hasSelected) {
+ graph.setItemState(node, 'selected', !self.resetSelected);
+ }
+ });
+ graph.getEdges().forEach(function(edge) {
+ graph.clearItemStates(edge);
+ });
+ graph.paint();
+ graph.setAutoPaint(autoPaint);
+ graph.emit('afteractivaterelations', { item: e.item || this.item, action: 'deactivate' });
+ }
diff --git a/src/behavior/brush-select.ts b/src/behavior/brush-select.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b341769d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/behavior/brush-select.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+import { G6Event, IG6GraphEvent } from "@g6/types";
+const min = Math.min;
+const max = Math.max;
+const abs = Math.abs;
+const DEFAULT_TRIGGER = 'shift';
+const ALLOW_EVENTS = [ 'drag', 'shift', 'ctrl', 'alt', 'control' ];
+export default {
+ getDefaultCfg(): object {
+ return {
+ brushStyle: {
+ fill: '#EEF6FF',
+ fillOpacity: 0.4,
+ stroke: '#DDEEFE',
+ lineWidth: 1
+ },
+ onSelect() {},
+ onDeselect() {},
+ selectedState: 'selected',
+ includeEdges: true,
+ selectedEdges: [],
+ selectedNodes: []
+ };
+ },
+ getEvents(): { [key in G6Event]?: string } {
+ let trigger;
+ // 检测输入是否合法
+ if (ALLOW_EVENTS.indexOf(this.trigger.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
+ trigger = this.trigger;
+ } else {
+ trigger = DEFAULT_TRIGGER;
+ console.warn('Behavior brush-select的trigger参数不合法,请输入drag、shift、ctrl或alt');
+ }
+ if (trigger === 'drag') {
+ return {
+ mousedown: 'onMouseDown',
+ mousemove: 'onMouseMove',
+ mouseup: 'onMouseUp',
+ 'canvas:click': 'clearStates'
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ mousedown: 'onMouseDown',
+ mousemove: 'onMouseMove',
+ mouseup: 'onMouseUp',
+ 'canvas:click': 'clearStates',
+ keyup: 'onKeyUp',
+ keydown: 'onKeyDown'
+ };
+ },
+ onMouseDown(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ // 按在node上面拖动时候不应该是框选
+ const { item } = e;
+ if (item) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.trigger !== 'drag' && !this.keydown) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.selectedNodes && this.selectedNodes.length !== 0) {
+ this.clearStates();
+ }
+ let brush = this.brush;
+ if (!brush) {
+ brush = this._createBrush();
+ }
+ this.originPoint = { x: e.canvasX, y: e.canvasY };
+ brush.attr({ width: 0, height: 0 });
+ brush.show();
+ this.dragging = true;
+ },
+ onMouseMove(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ if (!this.dragging) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.trigger !== 'drag' && !this.keydown) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._updateBrush(e);
+ this.graph.paint();
+ },
+ onMouseUp(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ if (!this.brush && !this.dragging) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.trigger !== 'drag' && !this.keydown) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const graph = this.graph;
+ const autoPaint = graph.get('autoPaint');
+ graph.setAutoPaint(false);
+ this.brush.destroy();
+ this.brush = null;
+ this._getSelectedNodes(e);
+ this.dragging = false;
+ this.graph.paint();
+ graph.setAutoPaint(autoPaint);
+ },
+ clearStates() {
+ const graph = this.graph;
+ const autoPaint = graph.get('autoPaint');
+ graph.setAutoPaint(false);
+ const selectedState = this.selectedState;
+ const nodes = graph.findAllByState('node', selectedState);
+ const edges = graph.findAllByState('edge', selectedState);
+ nodes.forEach(node => graph.setItemState(node, selectedState, false));
+ edges.forEach(edge => graph.setItemState(edge, selectedState, false));
+ this.selectedNodes = [];
+ this.selectedEdges = [];
+ this.onDeselect && this.onDeselect(this.selectedNodes, this.selectedEdges);
+ graph.emit('nodeselectchange', { targets: {
+ nodes: [],
+ edges: []
+ }, select: false });
+ graph.paint();
+ graph.setAutoPaint(autoPaint);
+ },
+ _getSelectedNodes(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ const graph = this.graph;
+ const state = this.selectedState;
+ const originPoint = this.originPoint;
+ const p1 = { x: e.x, y: e.y };
+ const p2 = graph.getPointByCanvas(originPoint.x, originPoint.y);
+ const left = min(p1.x, p2.x);
+ const right = max(p1.x, p2.x);
+ const top = min(p1.y, p2.y);
+ const bottom = max(p1.y, p2.y);
+ const selectedNodes = [];
+ const shouldUpdate = this.shouldUpdate;
+ const selectedIds = [];
+ graph.getNodes().forEach(node => {
+ const bbox = node.getBBox();
+ if (bbox.centerX >= left
+ && bbox.centerX <= right
+ && bbox.centerY >= top
+ && bbox.centerY <= bottom
+ ) {
+ if (shouldUpdate(node, 'select')) {
+ selectedNodes.push(node);
+ const model = node.getModel();
+ selectedIds.push(model.id);
+ graph.setItemState(node, state, true);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ const selectedEdges = [];
+ if (this.includeEdges) {
+ // 选中边,边的source和target都在选中的节点中时才选中
+ selectedNodes.forEach(node => {
+ const edges = node.getEdges();
+ edges.forEach(edge => {
+ const model = edge.getModel();
+ const { source, target } = model;
+ if (selectedIds.includes(source)
+ && selectedIds.includes(target)
+ && shouldUpdate(edge, 'select')) {
+ selectedEdges.push(edge);
+ graph.setItemState(edge, this.selectedState, true);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ this.selectedEdges = selectedEdges;
+ this.selectedNodes = selectedNodes;
+ this.onSelect && this.onSelect(selectedNodes, selectedEdges);
+ graph.emit('nodeselectchange', { targets: {
+ nodes: selectedNodes,
+ edges: selectedEdges
+ }, select: true });
+ },
+ _createBrush() {
+ const self = this;
+ const brush = self.graph.get('canvas').addShape('rect', {
+ attrs: self.brushStyle,
+ capture: false
+ });
+ this.brush = brush;
+ return brush;
+ },
+ _updateBrush(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ const originPoint = this.originPoint;
+ this.brush.attr({
+ width: abs(e.canvasX - originPoint.x),
+ height: abs(e.canvasY - originPoint.y),
+ x: min(e.canvasX, originPoint.x),
+ y: min(e.canvasY, originPoint.y)
+ });
+ },
+ onKeyDown(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ const code = e.key;
+ if (!code) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // 按住control键时,允许用户设置trigger为ctrl
+ if (code.toLowerCase() === this.trigger.toLowerCase()
+ || code.toLowerCase() === 'control') {
+ this.keydown = true;
+ } else {
+ this.keydown = false;
+ }
+ },
+ onKeyUp() {
+ if (this.brush) {
+ // 清除所有选中状态后,设置拖得动状态为false,并清除框选的brush
+ this.brush.destroy();
+ this.brush = null;
+ this.dragging = false;
+ }
+ this.keydown = false;
+ }
diff --git a/src/behavior/click-select.ts b/src/behavior/click-select.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83af57a6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/behavior/click-select.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import each from '@antv/util/lib/each'
+import { G6Event, IG6GraphEvent } from "@g6/types";
+const DEFAULT_TRIGGER = 'shift';
+const ALLOW_EVENTS = [ 'shift', 'ctrl', 'alt' ];
+export default {
+ getDefaultCfg(): object {
+ return {
+ multiple: true,
+ };
+ },
+ getEvents(): { [key in G6Event]?: string } {
+ if (!this.multiple) {
+ return {
+ 'node:click': 'onClick',
+ 'canvas:click': 'onCanvasClick'
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ 'node:click': 'onClick',
+ 'canvas:click': 'onCanvasClick',
+ keyup: 'onKeyUp',
+ keydown: 'onKeyDown'
+ };
+ },
+ onClick(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ const self = this;
+ const item = e.item;
+ const graph = self.graph;
+ const autoPaint = graph.get('autoPaint');
+ graph.setAutoPaint(false);
+ if (!self.keydown || !self.multiple) {
+ const selected = graph.findAllByState('node', 'selected');
+ each(selected, node => {
+ if (node !== item) {
+ graph.setItemState(node, 'selected', false);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (item.hasState('selected')) {
+ if (self.shouldUpdate.call(self, e)) {
+ graph.setItemState(item, 'selected', false);
+ }
+ graph.emit('nodeselectchange', { target: item, select: false });
+ } else {
+ if (self.shouldUpdate.call(self, e)) {
+ graph.setItemState(item, 'selected', true);
+ }
+ graph.emit('nodeselectchange', { target: item, select: true });
+ }
+ graph.setAutoPaint(autoPaint);
+ graph.paint();
+ },
+ onCanvasClick() {
+ const graph = this.graph;
+ const autoPaint = graph.get('autoPaint');
+ graph.setAutoPaint(false);
+ const selected = graph.findAllByState('node', 'selected');
+ each(selected, node => {
+ graph.setItemState(node, 'selected', false);
+ });
+ const selectedEdges = graph.findAllByState('edge', 'selected');
+ each(selectedEdges, edge => graph.setItemState(edge, 'selected', false));
+ graph.paint();
+ graph.setAutoPaint(autoPaint);
+ },
+ onKeyDown(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ const code = e.key;
+ if (!code) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ALLOW_EVENTS.indexOf(code.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
+ this.keydown = true;
+ } else {
+ this.keydown = false;
+ }
+ },
+ onKeyUp() {
+ this.keydown = false;
+ }
diff --git a/src/behavior/collapse-expand.ts b/src/behavior/collapse-expand.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65aed58ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/behavior/collapse-expand.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import { G6Event, IG6GraphEvent } from "@g6/types";
+const DEFAULT_TRIGGER = 'click';
+const ALLOW_EVENTS = [ 'click', 'dblclick' ];
+export default {
+ getDefaultCfg(): object {
+ return {
+ /**
+ * 发生收缩/扩展变化时的回调
+ */
+ onChange() {}
+ };
+ },
+ getEvents(): { [key in G6Event]?: string } {
+ let trigger;
+ // 检测输入是否合法
+ if (ALLOW_EVENTS.includes(this.trigger)) {
+ trigger = this.trigger;
+ } else {
+ trigger = DEFAULT_TRIGGER;
+ console.warn('Behavior collapse-expand的trigger参数不合法,请输入click或dblclick');
+ }
+ return {
+ [`node:${trigger}`]: 'onNodeClick'
+ };
+ },
+ onNodeClick(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ const item = e.item;
+ // 如果节点进行过更新,model 会进行 merge,直接改 model 就不能改布局,所以需要去改源数据
+ const sourceData = this.graph.findDataById(item.get('id'));
+ const children = sourceData.children;
+ // 叶子节点的收缩和展开没有意义
+ if (!children || children.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const collapsed = !sourceData.collapsed;
+ if (!this.shouldBegin(e, collapsed)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ sourceData.collapsed = collapsed;
+ item.getModel().collapsed = collapsed;
+ this.graph.emit('itemcollapsed', { item: e.item, collapsed });
+ if (!this.shouldUpdate(e, collapsed)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ this.onChange(item, collapsed);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.warn('G6 自 3.0.4 版本支持直接从 item.getModel() 获取源数据(临时通知,将在3.2.0版本中清除)', e);
+ }
+ this.graph.refreshLayout();
+ }
diff --git a/src/behavior/drag-node.ts b/src/behavior/drag-node.ts
index 38de936bc6..16b9a55acd 100644
--- a/src/behavior/drag-node.ts
+++ b/src/behavior/drag-node.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import isString from '@antv/util/lib/is-string'
import deepMix from '@antv/util/lib/deep-mix';
import Global from '../global'
-import { G6Event, IG6GraphNodeEvent, NodeConfig } from "@g6/types";
+import { G6Event, IG6GraphEvent, NodeConfig } from "@g6/types";
import { IItem, INode } from '@g6/interface/item';
import { Point } from '@antv/g-base/lib/types';
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ export default {
'canvas:mouseleave': 'onOutOfRange'
- onDragStart(e: IG6GraphNodeEvent) {
+ onDragStart(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
if (!this.shouldBegin.call(this, e)) {
- const item: INode = e.item;
+ const item = e.item;
const target = e.target;
const hasLocked = item.hasLocked();
if (hasLocked) {
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ export default {
this.point = {};
this.originPoint = {};
- onDrag(e: IG6GraphNodeEvent) {
+ onDrag(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
if (!this.origin) {
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ export default {
- onDragEnd(e: IG6GraphNodeEvent) {
+ onDragEnd(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
if (!this.origin || !this.shouldEnd.call(this, e)) {
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ export default {
// 若在拖拽时,鼠标移出画布区域,此时放开鼠标无法终止 drag 行为。在画布外监听 mouseup 事件,放开则终止
- onOutOfRange(e: IG6GraphNodeEvent) {
+ onOutOfRange(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
const self = this;
if (this.origin) {
const canvasElement = self.graph.get('canvas').get('el');
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ export default {
body.addEventListener('keyup', fn, false);
- _update(item: IItem, e: IG6GraphNodeEvent, force: boolean) {
+ _update(item: IItem, e: IG6GraphEvent, force: boolean) {
const origin = this.origin;
const model: NodeConfig = item.get('model');
const nodeId: string = item.get('id');
diff --git a/src/behavior/edge-tooltip.ts b/src/behavior/edge-tooltip.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..593eaa08fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/behavior/edge-tooltip.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import base from './tooltip-base';
+import { G6Event } from "@g6/types";
+export default Object.assign({
+ getDefaultCfg(): object {
+ return {
+ item: 'edge',
+ formatText(model) { return 'source:' + model.source + ' target:' + model.target; }
+ };
+ },
+ getEvents(): { [key in G6Event]?: string } {
+ return {
+ 'edge:mouseenter': 'onMouseEnter',
+ 'edge:mouseleave': 'onMouseLeave',
+ 'edge:mousemove': 'onMouseMove'
+ };
+ }
+}, base);
diff --git a/src/behavior/tooltip-base.ts b/src/behavior/tooltip-base.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1097140cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/behavior/tooltip-base.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import modifyCSS from '@antv/dom-util/lib/modify-css';
+import createDom from '@antv/dom-util/lib/create-dom';
+import { IG6GraphEvent } from "@g6/types";
+const OFFSET = 12;
+export default {
+ onMouseEnter(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ const self = this;
+ if (!self.shouldBegin(e)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const item = e.item;
+ self.currentTarget = item;
+ self.showTooltip(e);
+ self.graph.emit('tooltipchange', { item: e.item, action: 'show' });
+ },
+ onMouseMove(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ if (!this.shouldUpdate(e)) {
+ this.hideTooltip();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this.currentTarget || e.item !== this.currentTarget) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.updatePosition(e);
+ },
+ onMouseLeave(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ if (!this.shouldEnd(e)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.hideTooltip();
+ this.graph.emit('tooltipchange', { item: this.currentTarget, action: 'hide' });
+ this.currentTarget = null;
+ },
+ showTooltip(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ const self = this;
+ if (!e.item) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let container = self.container;
+ if (!container) {
+ container = self._createTooltip(self.graph.get('canvas'));
+ self.container = container;
+ }
+ const text = self.formatText(e.item.get('model'), e);
+ container.innerHTML = text;
+ this.updatePosition(e);
+ modifyCSS(this.container, { visibility: 'visible' });
+ },
+ hideTooltip() {
+ modifyCSS(this.container, {
+ visibility: 'hidden'
+ });
+ },
+ updatePosition(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ const width = this.width;
+ const height = this.height;
+ const container = this.container;
+ let x = e.canvasX;
+ let y = e.canvasY;
+ const bbox = container.getBoundingClientRect();
+ if (x > width / 2) {
+ x -= (bbox.width);
+ } else {
+ x += OFFSET;
+ }
+ if (y > height / 2) {
+ y -= (bbox.height);
+ } else {
+ y += OFFSET;
+ }
+ const left = x + 'px';
+ const top = y + 'px';
+ modifyCSS(this.container, { left, top, visibility: 'visible' });
+ },
+ _createTooltip(canvas): HTMLElement {
+ const el = canvas.get('el');
+ el.style.position = 'relative';
+ const container = createDom('
+ el.parentNode.appendChild(container);
+ modifyCSS(container, {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ visibility: 'visible'
+ });
+ this.width = canvas.get('width');
+ this.height = canvas.get('height');
+ this.container = container;
+ return container;
+ }
diff --git a/src/behavior/tooltip.ts b/src/behavior/tooltip.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5a604d5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/behavior/tooltip.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import { G6Event } from "@g6/types";
+import base from './tooltip-base';
+export default Object.assign({
+ getDefaultCfg(): object {
+ return {
+ item: 'node',
+ formatText(model) { return model.label; }
+ };
+ },
+ getEvents(): { [key in G6Event]?: string } {
+ return {
+ 'node:mouseenter': 'onMouseEnter',
+ 'node:mouseleave': 'onMouseLeave',
+ 'node:mousemove': 'onMouseMove'
+ };
+ }
+}, base);
diff --git a/src/behavior/zoom-canvas.ts b/src/behavior/zoom-canvas.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4069db0023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/behavior/zoom-canvas.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import { G6Event, IG6GraphEvent } from "@g6/types";
+const DELTA = 0.05;
+export default {
+ getDefaultCfg(): object {
+ return {
+ sensitivity: 2,
+ minZoom: 0.1,
+ maxZoom: 10
+ };
+ },
+ getEvents(): { [key in G6Event]?: string } {
+ return {
+ wheel: 'onWheel'
+ };
+ },
+ onWheel(e: IG6GraphEvent) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if (!this.shouldUpdate.call(this, e)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const graph = this.graph;
+ const canvas = graph.get('canvas');
+ const point = canvas.getPointByClient(e.clientX, e.clientY);
+ const pixelRatio = canvas.get('pixelRatio');
+ const sensitivity = this.get('sensitivity');
+ let ratio = graph.getZoom();
+ // 兼容IE、Firefox及Chrome
+ if (e.wheelDelta < 0) {
+ ratio = 1 - DELTA * sensitivity;
+ } else {
+ ratio = 1 + DELTA * sensitivity;
+ }
+ const zoom = ratio * graph.getZoom();
+ if (zoom > this.get('maxZoom') || zoom < this.get('minZoom')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ graph.zoom(ratio, { x: point.x / pixelRatio, y: point.y / pixelRatio });
+ graph.paint();
+ graph.emit('wheelzoom', e);
+ }
diff --git a/src/graph/controller/event.ts b/src/graph/controller/event.ts
index c3b28ff497..7346c119f5 100644
--- a/src/graph/controller/event.ts
+++ b/src/graph/controller/event.ts
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export default class Event implements IEvent {
private extendEvents: any[]
private canvasHandler: Fun;
private dragging: boolean
- private preItem: IItem
+ private preItem
constructor(graph: IGraph) {
this.graph = graph
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ export default class Event implements IEvent {
protected onCanvasEvents(evt: IG6GraphEvent) {
const self = this;
const graph = self.graph;
- const canvas: Canvas = graph.get('canvas');
+ const canvas = graph.get('canvas');
const pixelRatio: number = canvas.get('pixelRatio');
const target = evt.target;
const eventType = evt.type;
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ export default class Event implements IEvent {
- const item: IItem = itemShape.get('item');
+ const item = itemShape.get('item');
if (item.destroyed) {
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ export default class Event implements IEvent {
const item = evt.target === canvas ? null : evt.item;
const preItem = this.preItem;
- evt = cloneEvent(evt)
+ evt = cloneEvent(evt) as IG6GraphEvent
// 从前一个item直接移动到当前item,触发前一个item的leave事件
if (preItem && preItem !== item && !preItem.destroyed) {
diff --git a/src/graph/controller/view.ts b/src/graph/controller/view.ts
index 2d8d3e3c6b..43df3e40b9 100644
--- a/src/graph/controller/view.ts
+++ b/src/graph/controller/view.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { IItem } from '@g6/interface/item';
import { Matrix, Padding } from '@g6/types';
import { formatPadding } from '@g6/util/base'
import { applyMatrix, invertMatrix } from '@g6/util/math';
-import isNumber from '_@antv_util@2.0.6@@antv/util/lib/is-number';
+import isNumber from "@antv/util/lib/is-number";
export default class View {
private graph: IGraph = null
diff --git a/src/interface/behavior.ts b/src/interface/behavior.ts
index e1ac77e32b..cb672ab99b 100644
--- a/src/interface/behavior.ts
+++ b/src/interface/behavior.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
import GraphEvent from '@antv/g-base/lib/event/graph-event';
-import { DefaultBehaviorType, G6Event, IG6GraphEvent } from '@g6/types';
+import { G6Event, IG6GraphEvent } from '@g6/types';
import { IGraph } from './graph';
-import { IItem } from './item';
+import { IItem, INode, IEdge } from './item';
+import Canvas from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/canvas';
export interface IBehavior {
// constructor: (cfg?: object) => void;
@@ -17,11 +20,12 @@ export interface IBehavior {
export class G6GraphEvent extends GraphEvent implements IG6GraphEvent {
- public item: IItem
+ public item: IItem & INode & IEdge;
public canvasX: number
public canvasY: number
public wheelDelta: number
public detail: number
+ public target: IItem & INode & IEdge & Canvas;
constructor(type, event) {
super(type, event)
this.item = event.item
diff --git a/src/interface/item.ts b/src/interface/item.ts
index e35b4a46e6..a6fdb4806a 100644
--- a/src/interface/item.ts
+++ b/src/interface/item.ts
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ export interface IItem {
set(key: string, value: T): void;
-export interface IEdge extends IItem {
+export interface IEdge {
setSource(source: INode): void;
setTarget(target: INode): void;
getSource(): INode;
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ export interface IEdge extends IItem {
-export interface INode extends IItem {
+export interface INode {
* 获取从节点关联的所有边
* @return {Array} 边的集合
diff --git a/src/interface/shape.ts b/src/interface/shape.ts
index 4179961a5f..e6a8824a1e 100644
--- a/src/interface/shape.ts
+++ b/src/interface/shape.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { IItem } from '@g6/interface/item'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
+import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
import { ModelConfig, ModelStyle, IPoint, LabelStyle, ShapeStyle } from '@g6/types'
import { Point } from '@antv/g-base/lib/types';
@@ -28,19 +29,19 @@ export type ShapeOptions = Partial<{
* 绘制
- draw(cfg?: ModelConfig, group?: G.Group): G.Shape
+ draw(cfg?: ModelConfig, group?: GGroup): IShape
- drawShape(cfg?: ModelConfig, group?: G.Group): G.Shape
- drawLabel(cfg: ModelConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape
- getLabelStyleByPosition(cfg?: ModelConfig, labelCfg?: ILabelConfig, group?: G.Group): LabelStyle
- getLabelStyle(cfg: ModelConfig, labelCfg, group: G.Group): LabelStyle
+ drawShape(cfg?: ModelConfig, group?: GGroup): IShape
+ drawLabel(cfg: ModelConfig, group: GGroup): IShape
+ getLabelStyleByPosition(cfg?: ModelConfig, labelCfg?: ILabelConfig, group?: GGroup): LabelStyle
+ getLabelStyle(cfg: ModelConfig, labelCfg, group: GGroup): LabelStyle
getShapeStyle(cfg: ModelConfig): ShapeStyle
getStateStyle(name: string, value: string | boolean, item: IItem): ShapeStyle
* 绘制完成后的操作,便于用户继承现有的节点、边
- afterDraw(cfg?: ModelConfig, group?: G.Group, rst?: G.Shape)
+ afterDraw(cfg?: ModelConfig, group?: GGroup, rst?: IShape)
afterUpdate(cfg?: ModelConfig, item?: IItem)
diff --git a/src/item/edge.ts b/src/item/edge.ts
index 92508c5e0d..c7158133ae 100644
--- a/src/item/edge.ts
+++ b/src/item/edge.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import isNil from '@antv/util/lib/is-nil';
import isPlainObject from '@antv/util/lib/is-plain-object'
-import { IEdge, INode } from "@g6/interface/item";
+import { IEdge, INode, IItem } from "@g6/interface/item";
import { EdgeConfig, IPoint, NodeConfig, SourceTarget } from '@g6/types';
+import Node from './node'
import Item from "./item";
const END_MAP = { source: 'start', target: 'end' };
@@ -202,8 +203,8 @@ export default class Edge extends Item implements IEdge {
public destroy() {
- const sourceItem: INode = this.get('source' + ITEM_NAME_SUFFIX);
- const targetItem: INode = this.get('target' + ITEM_NAME_SUFFIX);
+ const sourceItem: Node = this.get('source' + ITEM_NAME_SUFFIX);
+ const targetItem: Node = this.get('target' + ITEM_NAME_SUFFIX);
if(sourceItem && !sourceItem.destroyed) {
diff --git a/src/item/item.ts b/src/item/item.ts
index ce874685df..867a3be0b6 100644
--- a/src/item/item.ts
+++ b/src/item/item.ts
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import isPlainObject from '@antv/util/lib/is-plain-object'
import isString from '@antv/util/lib/is-string'
import uniqueId from '@antv/util/lib/unique-id'
import { IItem, IItemConfig } from "@g6/interface/item";
-import { IBBox, IPoint, IShapeBase, ModelConfig, ModelStyle } from '@g6/types';
+import { IBBox, IPoint, IShapeBase, ModelConfig, ModelStyle, ShapeStyle } from '@g6/types';
import { getBBox } from '@g6/util/graphic';
import { translate } from '@g6/util/math';
@@ -224,10 +224,10 @@ export default class Item implements IItem {
- public getKeyShapeStyle(): ModelStyle {
+ public getKeyShapeStyle(): ShapeStyle {
const keyShape = this.getKeyShape();
if (keyShape) {
- const styles: ModelStyle = {};
+ const styles: ShapeStyle = {};
each(keyShape.attr(), (val, key) => {
if (RESERVED_STYLES.indexOf(key) < 0) {
styles[key] = val;
@@ -263,11 +263,11 @@ export default class Item implements IItem {
* get keyshape style
- public getOriginStyle(): ModelStyle {
+ public getOriginStyle(): ShapeStyle {
return this.get('originStyle');
- public getCurrentStatesStyle(): ModelStyle {
+ public getCurrentStatesStyle(): ShapeStyle {
const self = this;
const originStyle = self.getOriginStyle();
each(self.getStates(), state => {
diff --git a/src/item/node.ts b/src/item/node.ts
index 773f8afe5a..34173b6d37 100644
--- a/src/item/node.ts
+++ b/src/item/node.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { IEdge, INode } from '@g6/interface/item';
import { IPoint, IShapeBase, NodeConfig } from '@g6/types';
import { distance, getCircleIntersectByPoint, getEllispeIntersectByPoint, getRectIntersectByPoint } from '@g6/util/math';
import Item from './item'
+import Edge from './edge';
const CACHE_ANCHOR_POINTS = 'anchorPointsCache'
const CACHE_BBOX = 'bboxCache'
@@ -43,9 +44,9 @@ export default class Node extends Item implements INode {
* 获取所有的入边
- public getInEdges(): IEdge[] {
+ public getInEdges(): Edge[] {
const self = this;
- return this.get('edges').filter((edge: IEdge) => {
+ return this.get('edges').filter((edge: Edge) => {
return edge.get('target') === self;
@@ -53,9 +54,9 @@ export default class Node extends Item implements INode {
* 获取所有的出边
- public getOutEdges(): IEdge[] {
+ public getOutEdges(): Edge[] {
const self = this;
- return this.get('edges').filter((edge: IEdge) => {
+ return this.get('edges').filter((edge: Edge) => {
return edge.get('source') === self;
diff --git a/src/shape/edge.ts b/src/shape/edge.ts
index ff1adaceef..194302d1ee 100644
--- a/src/shape/edge.ts
+++ b/src/shape/edge.ts
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ import { getCircleCenterByPoints, distance } from '@g6/util/math'
import Global from '../global'
import { EdgeConfig, LabelStyle, IPoint, ShapeStyle } from '@g6/types'
import { ILabelConfig, ShapeOptions } from '@g6/interface/shape'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
+import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
import { Point } from '@antv/g-base/lib/types';
const CLS_SHAPE = 'edge-shape';
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ const singleEdge: ShapeOptions = {
}, style);
return styles;
- getLabelStyleByPosition(cfg?: EdgeConfig, labelCfg?: ILabelConfig, group?: G.Group): LabelStyle {
+ getLabelStyleByPosition(cfg?: EdgeConfig, labelCfg?: ILabelConfig, group?: GGroup): LabelStyle {
const labelPosition = labelCfg.position || this.labelPosition; // 文本的位置用户可以传入
@@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ const singleEdge: ShapeOptions = {
style.y = offsetStyle.y;
style.rotate = offsetStyle.rotate;
style.textAlign = this._getTextAlign(labelPosition, offsetStyle.angle);
+ console.log('get style by position', labelPosition, style);
return style;
// 获取文本对齐方式
@@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ const singleEdge: ShapeOptions = {
* @param {G.Group} group 边的容器
* @return {G.Shape} 图形
- drawShape(cfg: EdgeConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawShape(cfg: EdgeConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const shapeStyle = this.getShapeStyle(cfg);
const shape = group.addShape('path', {
className: CLS_SHAPE,
@@ -169,12 +171,13 @@ const singleEdge: ShapeOptions = {
return shape;
- drawLabel(cfg: EdgeConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawLabel(cfg: EdgeConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const labelCfg = deepMix({}, this.options.labelCfg, cfg.labelCfg);
const labelStyle = this.getLabelStyle(cfg, labelCfg, group);
const label = group.addShape('text', {
attrs: labelStyle
+ console.log('edge draw label', label);
return label;
diff --git a/src/shape/node.ts b/src/shape/node.ts
index 84387d51e9..0a9c7f0c7c 100644
--- a/src/shape/node.ts
+++ b/src/shape/node.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ import { isNil, isArray } from '@antv/util/lib'
import Global from '../global'
import { ILabelConfig, ShapeOptions } from '@g6/interface/shape'
import { NodeConfig, LabelStyle } from '@g6/types'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
+import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
const singleNode: ShapeOptions = {
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ const singleNode: ShapeOptions = {
return style
- drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const shapeType = this.shapeType // || this.type,都已经加了 shapeType
const style = this.getShapeStyle(cfg)
const shape = group.addShape(shapeType, {
diff --git a/src/shape/nodes/circle.ts b/src/shape/nodes/circle.ts
index 4328e3cfff..4ba76f3d7c 100644
--- a/src/shape/nodes/circle.ts
+++ b/src/shape/nodes/circle.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import Shape from '../shape'
import deepMix from '@antv/util/lib/deep-mix';
import Global from '../../global'
import { NodeConfig } from '@g6/types'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
+import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
import { IItem } from '@g6/interface/item';
@@ -59,11 +60,11 @@ Shape.registerNode('circle', {
shapeType: 'circle',
// 文本位置
labelPosition: 'center',
- drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const { icon: defaultIcon } = this.options;
const style = this.getShapeStyle(cfg);
const icon = deepMix({}, defaultIcon, cfg.icon);
- const keyShape = group.addShape('circle', {
+ const keyShape: IShape = group.addShape('circle', {
attrs: style
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('circle', {
* @param {Object} cfg data数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Group实例
- drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
+ drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
@@ -215,70 +216,68 @@ Shape.registerNode('circle', {
// this.updateLinkPoints(cfg, group);
+ // TODO: after findByClassName is defined by G
* 更新linkPoints
* @param {Object} cfg 节点数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Item所在的group
- updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
- const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
- const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
+// updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
+// const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
+// const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
- const { size: markSize, fill: markFill, stroke: markStroke, lineWidth: borderWidth } = linkPoints;
+// const { size: markSize, fill: markFill, stroke: markStroke, lineWidth: borderWidth } = linkPoints;
- const size = this.getSize(cfg);
- const r = size[0] / 2;
+// const size = this.getSize(cfg);
+// const r = size[0] / 2;
- const markLeft: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('circle-mark-left');
- if (markLeft) {
- markLeft.attr({
- x: -r,
- y: 0,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+// const markLeft: ShapeBase = group.findByClassName('circle-mark-left');
+// if (markLeft) {
+// markLeft.attr({
+// x: -r,
+// y: 0,
+// r: markSize,
+// fill: markFill,
+// stroke: markStroke,
+// lineWidth: borderWidth
+// });
+// }
- const markRight: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('circle-mark-right');
- if (markRight) {
- markRight.attr({
- x: r,
- y: 0,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+// const markRight: ShapeBase = group.findByClassName('circle-mark-right');
+// if (markRight) {
+// markRight.attr({
+// x: r,
+// y: 0,
+// r: markSize,
+// fill: markFill,
+// stroke: markStroke,
+// lineWidth: borderWidth
+// });
+// }
- const markTop: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('circle-mark-top');
- if (markTop) {
- markTop.attr({
- x: 0,
- y: -r,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+// const markTop: ShapeBase = group.findByClassName('circle-mark-top');
+// if (markTop) {
+// markTop.attr({
+// x: 0,
+// y: -r,
+// r: markSize,
+// fill: markFill,
+// stroke: markStroke,
+// lineWidth: borderWidth
+// });
+// }
- const markBottom: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('circle-mark-bottom');
- if (markBottom) {
- markBottom.attr({
- x: 0,
- y: r,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
- }
+// const markBottom: ShapeBase = group.findByClassName('circle-mark-bottom');
+// if (markBottom) {
+// markBottom.attr({
+// x: 0,
+// y: r,
+// r: markSize,
+// fill: markFill,
+// stroke: markStroke,
+// lineWidth: borderWidth
+// });
+// }
+// }
}, 'single-node');
-// Shape.registerNode('circle', Circle);
diff --git a/src/shape/nodes/diamond.ts b/src/shape/nodes/diamond.ts
index 1cb4ecd039..4035984276 100644
--- a/src/shape/nodes/diamond.ts
+++ b/src/shape/nodes/diamond.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import Shape from '../shape'
import deepMix from '@antv/util/lib/deep-mix';
import Global from '../../global'
import { NodeConfig, ShapeStyle } from '@g6/types'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
+import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
import { IItem } from '@g6/interface/item';
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('diamond', {
shapeType: 'circle',
// 文本位置
labelPosition: 'center',
- drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const { icon: defaultIcon } = this.options;
const style = this.getShapeStyle(cfg);
const icon = deepMix({}, defaultIcon, cfg.icon);
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('diamond', {
* @param {Object} cfg data数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Group实例
- drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
+ drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
@@ -221,67 +222,70 @@ Shape.registerNode('diamond', {
// this.updateLinkPoints(cfg, group);
+ // TODO: after findByClassName is defined by G
* 更新linkPoints
* @param {Object} cfg 节点数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Item所在的group
- updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
- const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
- const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
+ // updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
+ // const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
+ // const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
- const { size: markSize, fill: markFill, stroke: markStroke, lineWidth: borderWidth } = linkPoints;
+ // const { size: markSize, fill: markFill, stroke: markStroke, lineWidth: borderWidth } = linkPoints;
- const size = this.getSize(cfg);
- const width = size[0];
- const height = size[1];
+ // const size = this.getSize(cfg);
+ // const width = size[0];
+ // const height = size[1];
- const markLeft: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('diamond-mark-left');
- if (markLeft) {
- markLeft.attr({
- x: -width / 2,
- y: 0,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+ // const markLeft: IShape = group.findByClassName('diamond-mark-left');
+ // if (markLeft) {
+ // markLeft.attr({
+ // x: -width / 2,
+ // y: 0,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
- const markRight: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('diamond-mark-right');
- if (markRight) {
- markRight.attr({
- x: width / 2,
- y: 0,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+ // const markRight: IShape = group.findByClassName('diamond-mark-right');
+ // if (markRight) {
+ // markRight.attr({
+ // x: width / 2,
+ // y: 0,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
- const markTop: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('diamond-mark-top');
- if (markTop) {
- markTop.attr({
- x: 0,
- y: -height / 2,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+ // const markTop: IShape = group.findByClassName('diamond-mark-top');
+ // if (markTop) {
+ // markTop.attr({
+ // x: 0,
+ // y: -height / 2,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
- const markBottom: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('diamond-mark-bottom');
- if (markBottom) {
- markBottom.attr({
- x: 0,
- y: height / 2,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
- }
+ // const markBottom: IShape = group.findByClassName('diamond-mark-bottom');
+ // if (markBottom) {
+ // markBottom.attr({
+ // x: 0,
+ // y: height / 2,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
+ // }
}, 'single-node');
diff --git a/src/shape/nodes/ellipse.ts b/src/shape/nodes/ellipse.ts
index 51ca507688..cb95f410dd 100644
--- a/src/shape/nodes/ellipse.ts
+++ b/src/shape/nodes/ellipse.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import Shape from '../shape'
import deepMix from '@antv/util/lib/deep-mix';
import Global from '../../global'
import { NodeConfig } from '@g6/types'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
+import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
import { IItem } from '@g6/interface/item';
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('ellipse', {
shapeType: 'ellipse',
// 文本位置
labelPosition: 'center',
- drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const { icon: defaultIcon } = this.options;
const style = this.getShapeStyle(cfg);
const icon = deepMix({}, defaultIcon, cfg.icon);
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('ellipse', {
* @param {Object} cfg data数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Group实例
- drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
+ drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
@@ -224,61 +225,64 @@ Shape.registerNode('ellipse', {
// this.updateLinkPoints(cfg, group);
+ // TODO: after findByClassName is defined by G
* 更新linkPoints
* @param {Object} cfg 节点数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Item所在的group
- updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
- const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
- const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
+ // updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
+ // const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
+ // const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
- const { size: markSize, ...markStyles } = linkPoints;
+ // const { size: markSize, ...markStyles } = linkPoints;
- const size = this.getSize(cfg);
- const rx = size[0] / 2;
- const ry = size[1] / 2;
+ // const size = this.getSize(cfg);
+ // const rx = size[0] / 2;
+ // const ry = size[1] / 2;
- const markLeft: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('ellipse-mark-left');
- if (markLeft) {
- markLeft.attr({
- ...markStyles,
- x: -rx,
- y: 0,
- r: markSize
- });
- }
+ // const markLeft: IShape = group.findByClassName('ellipse-mark-left');
+ // if (markLeft) {
+ // markLeft.attr({
+ // ...markStyles,
+ // x: -rx,
+ // y: 0,
+ // r: markSize
+ // });
+ // }
- const markRight: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('ellipse-mark-right');
- if (markRight) {
- markRight.attr({
- ...markStyles,
- x: rx,
- y: 0,
- r: markSize
- });
- }
+ // const markRight: IShape = group.findByClassName('ellipse-mark-right');
+ // if (markRight) {
+ // markRight.attr({
+ // ...markStyles,
+ // x: rx,
+ // y: 0,
+ // r: markSize
+ // });
+ // }
- const markTop: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('ellipse-mark-top');
- if (markTop) {
- markTop.attr({
- ...markStyles,
- x: 0,
- y: -ry,
- r: markSize
- });
- }
+ // const markTop: IShape = group.findByClassName('ellipse-mark-top');
+ // if (markTop) {
+ // markTop.attr({
+ // ...markStyles,
+ // x: 0,
+ // y: -ry,
+ // r: markSize
+ // });
+ // }
- const markBottom: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('ellipse-mark-bottom');
- if (markBottom) {
- markBottom.attr({
- ...markStyles,
- x: 0,
- y: ry,
- r: markSize
- });
- }
- }
+ // const markBottom: IShape = group.findByClassName('ellipse-mark-bottom');
+ // if (markBottom) {
+ // markBottom.attr({
+ // ...markStyles,
+ // x: 0,
+ // y: ry,
+ // r: markSize
+ // });
+ // }
+ // }
}, 'single-node');
// Shape.registerNode('ellipse', Ellipse);
diff --git a/src/shape/nodes/image.ts b/src/shape/nodes/image.ts
index db6db61378..bb17dbce3f 100644
--- a/src/shape/nodes/image.ts
+++ b/src/shape/nodes/image.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import Shape from '../shape'
import { NodeConfig } from '@g6/types'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
+import { Circle, Rect, Ellipse, Polygon, Path } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/shape'
* 基本的图片,可以添加文本,默认文本在图片的下面
@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('image', {
shapeType: 'image',
labelPosition: 'bottom',
- drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const shapeType = this.shapeType; // || this.type,都已经加了 shapeType
const style = this.getShapeStyle(cfg);
const shape = group.addShape(shapeType, {
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('image', {
this.drawClip(cfg, shape);
return shape;
- drawClip(cfg: NodeConfig, shape: G.Shape) {
+ drawClip(cfg: NodeConfig, shape: IShape) {
const clip = Object.assign({}, this.options.clipCfg, cfg.clipCfg);
if (!clip.show) {
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('image', {
let clipShape = null;
if (type === 'circle') {
const { r } = clip;
- clipShape = new G.Circle({
+ clipShape = new Circle({
attrs: {
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('image', {
} else if (type === 'rect') {
const { width, height } = clip;
- clipShape = new G.Rect({
+ clipShape = new Rect({
attrs: {
@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('image', {
} else if (type === 'ellipse') {
const { rx, ry } = clip;
- clipShape = new G.Ellipse({
+ clipShape = new Ellipse({
attrs: {
@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('image', {
} else if (type === 'polygon') {
const { points } = clip;
- clipShape = new G.Polygon({
+ clipShape = new Polygon({
attrs: {
@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('image', {
} else if (type === 'path') {
const { path } = clip;
- clipShape = new G.Path({
+ clipShape = new Path({
attrs: {
diff --git a/src/shape/nodes/modelRect.ts b/src/shape/nodes/modelRect.ts
index 4a7cdbebd1..0cac059b55 100644
--- a/src/shape/nodes/modelRect.ts
+++ b/src/shape/nodes/modelRect.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import Shape from '../shape'
import { NodeConfig } from '@g6/types'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
import { IItem } from '@g6/interface/item';
import deepMix from '@antv/util/lib/deep-mix';
@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('modelRect', {
anchorPoints: [{ x: 0, y: 0.5 }, { x: 1, y: 0.5 }]
shapeType: 'modelRect',
- drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const { preRect: defaultPreRect } = this.options;
const style = this.getShapeStyle(cfg);
const size = this.getSize(cfg);
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('modelRect', {
* @param {Object} cfg 数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Group实例
- drawLogoIcon(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
+ drawLogoIcon(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
const { logoIcon: defaultLogoIcon } = this.options;
const logoIcon = deepMix({}, defaultLogoIcon, cfg.logoIcon);
const size = this.getSize(cfg);
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('modelRect', {
* @param {Object} cfg 数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Group实例
- drawStateIcon(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
+ drawStateIcon(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
const { stateIcon: defaultStateIcon } = this.options;
const stateIcon = deepMix({}, defaultStateIcon, cfg.stateIcon);
const size = this.getSize(cfg);
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('modelRect', {
* @param {Object} cfg data数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Group实例
- drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
+ drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
@@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('modelRect', {
- drawLabel(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawLabel(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const { labelCfg: defaultLabelCfg, logoIcon: defaultLogoIcon } = this.options;
const logoIcon = deepMix({}, defaultLogoIcon, cfg.logoIcon);
@@ -415,68 +416,71 @@ Shape.registerNode('modelRect', {
// this.updateLinkPoints(cfg, group);
+// TODO: after findByClassName is defined by G
* 更新linkPoints
* @param {Object} cfg 节点数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Item所在的group
- updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
- const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
- const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
+ // updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
+ // const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
+ // const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
- const { size: markSize, fill: markFill, stroke: markStroke, lineWidth: borderWidth } = linkPoints;
+ // const { size: markSize, fill: markFill, stroke: markStroke, lineWidth: borderWidth } = linkPoints;
- const size = this.getSize(cfg);
- const width = size[0];
- const height = size[1];
+ // const size = this.getSize(cfg);
+ // const width = size[0];
+ // const height = size[1];
- const markLeft: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-left');
- if (markLeft) {
- markLeft.attr({
- x: -width / 2,
- y: 0,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+ // const markLeft: IShape = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-left');
+ // if (markLeft) {
+ // markLeft.attr({
+ // x: -width / 2,
+ // y: 0,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
- const markRight: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-right');
- if (markRight) {
- markRight.attr({
- x: width / 2,
- y: 0,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+ // const markRight: IShape = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-right');
+ // if (markRight) {
+ // markRight.attr({
+ // x: width / 2,
+ // y: 0,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
- const markTop: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-top');
- if (markTop) {
- markTop.attr({
- x: 0,
- y: -height / 2,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+ // const markTop: IShape = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-top');
+ // if (markTop) {
+ // markTop.attr({
+ // x: 0,
+ // y: -height / 2,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
- const markBottom: G.Shape = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-bottom');
- if (markBottom) {
- markBottom.attr({
- x: 0,
- y: height / 2,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
- }
+ // const markBottom: IShape = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-bottom');
+ // if (markBottom) {
+ // markBottom.attr({
+ // x: 0,
+ // y: height / 2,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
+ // }
}, 'single-node');
diff --git a/src/shape/nodes/rect.ts b/src/shape/nodes/rect.ts
index 84f4ce8232..7ce1f782aa 100644
--- a/src/shape/nodes/rect.ts
+++ b/src/shape/nodes/rect.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import Shape from '../shape'
import { NodeConfig } from '@g6/types'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
import { IItem } from '@g6/interface/item';
import deepMix from '@antv/util/lib/deep-mix';
import Global from '../../global'
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('rect', {
shapeType: 'rect',
labelPosition: 'center',
- drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const style = this.getShapeStyle(cfg);
const keyShape = group.addShape('rect', {
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('rect', {
* @param {Object} cfg data数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Group实例
- drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
+ drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
@@ -186,68 +187,71 @@ Shape.registerNode('rect', {
// }
// this.updateLinkPoints(cfg, group);
+ // TODO: after findByClassName is defined by G
* 更新linkPoints
* @param {Object} cfg 节点数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Item所在的group
- updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
- const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
- const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
+ // updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
+ // const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
+ // const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
- const { size: markSize, fill: markFill, stroke: markStroke, lineWidth: borderWidth } = linkPoints;
+ // const { size: markSize, fill: markFill, stroke: markStroke, lineWidth: borderWidth } = linkPoints;
- const size = this.getSize(cfg);
- const width = size[0];
- const height = size[1];
+ // const size = this.getSize(cfg);
+ // const width = size[0];
+ // const height = size[1];
- const markLeft = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-left');
- if (markLeft) {
- markLeft.attr({
- x: -width / 2,
- y: 0,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+ // const markLeft = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-left');
+ // if (markLeft) {
+ // markLeft.attr({
+ // x: -width / 2,
+ // y: 0,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
- const markRight = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-right');
- if (markRight) {
- markRight.attr({
- x: width / 2,
- y: 0,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+ // const markRight = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-right');
+ // if (markRight) {
+ // markRight.attr({
+ // x: width / 2,
+ // y: 0,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
- const markTop = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-top');
- if (markTop) {
- markTop.attr({
- x: 0,
- y: -height / 2,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
+ // const markTop = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-top');
+ // if (markTop) {
+ // markTop.attr({
+ // x: 0,
+ // y: -height / 2,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
- const markBottom = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-bottom');
- if (markBottom) {
- markBottom.attr({
- x: 0,
- y: height / 2,
- r: markSize,
- fill: markFill,
- stroke: markStroke,
- lineWidth: borderWidth
- });
- }
- }
+ // const markBottom = group.findByClassName('rect-mark-bottom');
+ // if (markBottom) {
+ // markBottom.attr({
+ // x: 0,
+ // y: height / 2,
+ // r: markSize,
+ // fill: markFill,
+ // stroke: markStroke,
+ // lineWidth: borderWidth
+ // });
+ // }
+ // }
}, 'single-node');
diff --git a/src/shape/nodes/star.ts b/src/shape/nodes/star.ts
index c909517f66..e11a474789 100644
--- a/src/shape/nodes/star.ts
+++ b/src/shape/nodes/star.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import Shape from '../shape'
import { NodeConfig } from '@g6/types'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
import { IItem } from '@g6/interface/item';
import deepMix from '@antv/util/lib/deep-mix';
import Global from '../../global'
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('star', {
shapeType: 'star',
// 文本位置
labelPosition: 'center',
- drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawShape(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const { icon: defaultIcon } = this.options;
const style = this.getShapeStyle(cfg);
const icon = deepMix({}, defaultIcon, cfg.icon);
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ Shape.registerNode('star', {
* @param {Object} cfg data数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Group实例
- drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
+ drawLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
@@ -270,87 +271,90 @@ Shape.registerNode('star', {
// this.updateLinkPoints(cfg, group);
+ // TODO: after findByClassName is defined by G
* 更新linkPoints
* @param {Object} cfg 节点数据配置项
* @param {Group} group Item所在的group
- updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: G.Group) {
- const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
- const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
+ // updateLinkPoints(cfg: NodeConfig, group: GGroup) {
+ // const { linkPoints: defaultLinkPoints } = this.options;
+ // const linkPoints = deepMix({}, defaultLinkPoints, cfg.linkPoints);
- const { size: markSize, ...markStyle } = linkPoints;
+ // const { size: markSize, ...markStyle } = linkPoints;
- const size = this.getSize(cfg);
- const outerR = size[0];
+ // const size = this.getSize(cfg);
+ // const outerR = size[0];
- const markRight = group.findByClassName('star-mark-right');
- if (markRight) {
- const x = Math.cos((18 + 72 * 0) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
- const y = Math.sin((18 + 72 * 0) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
+ // const markRight = group.findByClassName('star-mark-right');
+ // if (markRight) {
+ // const x = Math.cos((18 + 72 * 0) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
+ // const y = Math.sin((18 + 72 * 0) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
- markRight.attr({
- ...markStyle,
- x,
- y: -y,
- r: markSize
- });
- }
+ // markRight.attr({
+ // ...markStyle,
+ // x,
+ // y: -y,
+ // r: markSize
+ // });
+ // }
- const markTop = group.findByClassName('star-mark-top');
- if (markTop) {
- const x = Math.cos((18 + 72 * 1) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
- const y = Math.sin((18 + 72 * 1) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
+ // const markTop = group.findByClassName('star-mark-top');
+ // if (markTop) {
+ // const x = Math.cos((18 + 72 * 1) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
+ // const y = Math.sin((18 + 72 * 1) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
- // top circle
- markTop.attr({
- ...markStyle,
- x,
- y: -y,
- r: markSize
- });
- }
+ // // top circle
+ // markTop.attr({
+ // ...markStyle,
+ // x,
+ // y: -y,
+ // r: markSize
+ // });
+ // }
- const markLeft = group.findByClassName('star-mark-left');
- if (markLeft) {
- const x = Math.cos((18 + 72 * 2) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
- const y = Math.sin((18 + 72 * 2) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
+ // const markLeft = group.findByClassName('star-mark-left');
+ // if (markLeft) {
+ // const x = Math.cos((18 + 72 * 2) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
+ // const y = Math.sin((18 + 72 * 2) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
- // left circle
- markLeft.attr({
- ...markStyle,
- x,
- y: -y,
- r: markSize
- });
- }
+ // // left circle
+ // markLeft.attr({
+ // ...markStyle,
+ // x,
+ // y: -y,
+ // r: markSize
+ // });
+ // }
- const markLeftBottom = group.findByClassName('star-mark-left-bottom');
- if (markLeftBottom) {
- const x = Math.cos((18 + 72 * 3) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
- const y = Math.sin((18 + 72 * 3) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
+ // const markLeftBottom = group.findByClassName('star-mark-left-bottom');
+ // if (markLeftBottom) {
+ // const x = Math.cos((18 + 72 * 3) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
+ // const y = Math.sin((18 + 72 * 3) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
- // bottom circle
- markLeftBottom.attr({
- ...markStyle,
- x,
- y: -y,
- r: markSize
- });
- }
+ // // bottom circle
+ // markLeftBottom.attr({
+ // ...markStyle,
+ // x,
+ // y: -y,
+ // r: markSize
+ // });
+ // }
- const markRightBottom = group.findByClassName('star-mark-right-bottom');
- if (markRightBottom) {
- const x = Math.cos((18 + 72 * 4) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
- const y = Math.sin((18 + 72 * 4) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
+ // const markRightBottom = group.findByClassName('star-mark-right-bottom');
+ // if (markRightBottom) {
+ // const x = Math.cos((18 + 72 * 4) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
+ // const y = Math.sin((18 + 72 * 4) / 180 * Math.PI) * outerR;
- // bottom circle
- markRightBottom.attr({
- ...markStyle,
- x,
- y: -y,
- r: markSize
- });
- }
- }
+ // // bottom circle
+ // markRightBottom.attr({
+ // ...markStyle,
+ // x,
+ // y: -y,
+ // r: markSize
+ // });
+ // }
+ // }
}, 'single-node');
diff --git a/src/shape/shape.ts b/src/shape/shape.ts
index 8986f3133d..3abb0da18d 100644
--- a/src/shape/shape.ts
+++ b/src/shape/shape.ts
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
import { upperFirst } from '@antv/util'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
import { ShapeOptions } from '@g6/interface/shape'
import { IItem } from '@g6/interface/item'
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ const ShapeFactoryBase = {
* @param {G.Group} group 图形的分组
* @return {G.Shape} 图形对象
- draw(type: string, cfg: ModelConfig, group: GGroup): G.Shape {
+ draw(type: string, cfg: ModelConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const shape = this.getShape(type)
const rst = shape.draw(cfg, group)
shape.afterDraw(cfg, group, rst)
diff --git a/src/shape/shapeBase.ts b/src/shape/shapeBase.ts
index 26985f0834..03f407f376 100644
--- a/src/shape/shapeBase.ts
+++ b/src/shape/shapeBase.ts
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ import Global from '../global'
import each from '@antv/util/lib/each'
import { get, cloneDeep, merge } from 'lodash'
import { ShapeOptions } from '@g6/interface/shape'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import GGroup from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
+import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces'
import { ILabelConfig } from '@g6/interface/shape'
import { IItem } from '@g6/interface/item'
import { ModelConfig, IPoint, LabelStyle, ShapeStyle } from '@g6/types'
@@ -31,8 +32,8 @@ export const shapeBase: ShapeOptions = {
* @param {G.Group} group 节点的容器
* @return {G.Shape} 绘制的图形
- draw(cfg: ModelConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
- const shape: G.Shape = this.drawShape(cfg, group)
+ draw(cfg: ModelConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
+ const shape: IShape = this.drawShape(cfg, group)
shape.set('className', this.itemType + CLS_SHAPE_SUFFIX)
if (cfg.label) {
const label = this.drawLabel(cfg, group)
@@ -43,13 +44,13 @@ export const shapeBase: ShapeOptions = {
* 绘制完成后的操作,便于用户继承现有的节点、边
- afterDraw(cfg?: ModelConfig, group?: G.Group, keyShape?: G.Shape) {
+ afterDraw(cfg?: ModelConfig, group?: GGroup, keyShape?: IShape) {
- drawShape(cfg?: ModelConfig, group?: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawShape(cfg?: ModelConfig, group?: GGroup): IShape {
+ return null;
- drawLabel(cfg: ModelConfig, group: G.Group): G.Shape {
+ drawLabel(cfg: ModelConfig, group: GGroup): IShape {
const { labelCfg: defaultLabelCfg } = this.options
const labelCfg = merge({}, defaultLabelCfg, cfg.labelCfg)
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ export const shapeBase: ShapeOptions = {
return label
- getLabelStyleByPosition(cfg?: ModelConfig, labelCfg?: ILabelConfig, group?: G.Group): LabelStyle {
+ getLabelStyleByPosition(cfg?: ModelConfig, labelCfg?: ILabelConfig, group?: GGroup): LabelStyle {
return {};
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ export const shapeBase: ShapeOptions = {
* @param {G.Group} group 父容器,label 的定位可能与图形相关
* @return {Object} 图形的配置项
- getLabelStyle(cfg: ModelConfig, labelCfg, group: G.Group): LabelStyle {
+ getLabelStyle(cfg: ModelConfig, labelCfg, group: GGroup): LabelStyle {
const calculateStyle = this.getLabelStyleByPosition(cfg, labelCfg, group)
calculateStyle.text = cfg.label
const attrName = this.itemType + 'Label' // 取 nodeLabel,edgeLabel 的配置项
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ export const shapeBase: ShapeOptions = {
* @param {G6.Item} item 节点
setState(name: string, value: boolean, item: IItem) {
- const shape: G.Shape = item.get('keyShape')
+ const shape: IShape = item.get('keyShape')
if (!shape) {
diff --git a/src/util/graphic.ts b/src/util/graphic.ts
index af79679f9b..e27bc16235 100644
--- a/src/util/graphic.ts
+++ b/src/util/graphic.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
import Group from "@antv/g-canvas/lib/group";
-import Path from "@antv/g/lib/shapes/path";
+// import ShapeBase from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/shape/base';
+// import Path from "@antv/g/lib/shapes/path";
+import Path from "@antv/g-canvas/lib/shape/path";
+// import { IShape } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces';
import { vec2 } from "@antv/matrix-util";
import each from '@antv/util/lib/each'
import Global from '@g6/global'
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ export const getBBox = (element: IShapeBase, group: Group): IBBox => {
* @param cfg edge config
export const getLoopCfgs = (cfg: EdgeConfig): EdgeConfig => {
- const item: INode = cfg.sourceNode || cfg.targetNode
+ const item = cfg.sourceNode || cfg.targetNode
const container: Group = item.get('group')
const containerMatrix = container.getMatrix()
@@ -196,6 +199,8 @@ export const getLoopCfgs = (cfg: EdgeConfig): EdgeConfig => {
return cfg;
+// TODO: wait for G
* 根据 label 所在线条的位置百分比,计算 label 坐标
* @param {object} pathShape G 的 path 实例,一般是 Edge 实例的 keyShape
@@ -206,66 +211,67 @@ export const getLoopCfgs = (cfg: EdgeConfig): EdgeConfig => {
* @return {object} 文本的 x, y, 文本的旋转角度
export const getLabelPosition = (pathShape: Path, percent: number, refX: number, refY: number, rotate: boolean): LabelStyle => {
- const TAN_OFFSET = 0.0001;
- let vector: number[][] = [];
- const point: IPoint = pathShape.getPoint(percent);
- if (point === null) {
- return {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- angle: 0
- };
- }
+// const TAN_OFFSET = 0.0001;
+// let vector: number[][] = [];
+// const point: IPoint = pathShape.getPoint(percent);
+// if (point === null) {
+// return {
+// x: 0,
+// y: 0,
+// angle: 0
+// };
+// }
- // 头尾最可能,放在最前面,使用 g path 上封装的方法
- if (percent < TAN_OFFSET) {
- vector = pathShape.getStartTangent().reverse();
- } else if (percent > (1 - TAN_OFFSET)) {
- vector = pathShape.getEndTangent();
- } else {
- // 否则取指定位置的点,与少量偏移的点,做微分向量
- const offsetPoint: IPoint = pathShape.getPoint(percent + TAN_OFFSET);
- vector.push([ point.x, point.y ]);
- vector.push([ offsetPoint.x, offsetPoint.y ]);
- }
+// // 头尾最可能,放在最前面,使用 g path 上封装的方法
+// if (percent < TAN_OFFSET) {
+// vector = pathShape.getStartTangent().reverse();
+// } else if (percent > (1 - TAN_OFFSET)) {
+// vector = pathShape.getEndTangent();
+// } else {
+// // 否则取指定位置的点,与少量偏移的点,做微分向量
+// const offsetPoint: IPoint = pathShape.getPoint(percent + TAN_OFFSET);
+// vector.push([ point.x, point.y ]);
+// vector.push([ offsetPoint.x, offsetPoint.y ]);
+// }
- let rad: number = Math.atan2(vector[1][1] - vector[0][1], vector[1][0] - vector[0][0]);
+// let rad: number = Math.atan2(vector[1][1] - vector[0][1], vector[1][0] - vector[0][0]);
- if (rad < 0) {
- rad += PI * 2;
- }
+// if (rad < 0) {
+// rad += PI * 2;
+// }
- if (refX) {
- point.x += cos(rad) * refX;
- point.y += sin(rad) * refX;
- }
- if (refY) {
- // 默认方向是 x 轴正方向,法线是 求出角度 - 90°
- let normal = rad - PI / 2;
- // 若法线角度在 y 轴负方向,切到正方向,保证 refY 相对于 y 轴正方向
- if (rad > 1 / 2 * PI && rad < 3 * 1 / 2 * PI) {
- normal -= PI;
- }
- point.x += cos(normal) * refY;
- point.y += sin(normal) * refY;
- }
+// if (refX) {
+// point.x += cos(rad) * refX;
+// point.y += sin(rad) * refX;
+// }
+// if (refY) {
+// // 默认方向是 x 轴正方向,法线是 求出角度 - 90°
+// let normal = rad - PI / 2;
+// // 若法线角度在 y 轴负方向,切到正方向,保证 refY 相对于 y 轴正方向
+// if (rad > 1 / 2 * PI && rad < 3 * 1 / 2 * PI) {
+// normal -= PI;
+// }
+// point.x += cos(normal) * refY;
+// point.y += sin(normal) * refY;
+// }
- const result = {
- x: point.x,
- y: point.y,
- angle: rad
- };
+// const result = {
+// x: point.x,
+// y: point.y,
+// angle: rad
+// };
- if (rotate) {
- if (rad > 1 / 2 * PI && rad < 3 * 1 / 2 * PI) {
- rad -= PI;
- }
- return {
- rotate: rad,
- ...result
- };
- }
- return result;
+// if (rotate) {
+// if (rad > 1 / 2 * PI && rad < 3 * 1 / 2 * PI) {
+// rad -= PI;
+// }
+// return {
+// rotate: rad,
+// ...result
+// };
+// }
+// return result;
+ return {}
const traverse = (data: TreeGraphData, fn: (param: TreeGraphData) => boolean) => {
diff --git a/src/util/math.ts b/src/util/math.ts
index eae0dba354..7eb88ab38a 100644
--- a/src/util/math.ts
+++ b/src/util/math.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import { Point } from '@antv/g-base/lib/types';
-import Group from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/group';
import { mat3, vec3 } from '@antv/matrix-util'
import { transform } from '@antv/matrix-util'
import { GraphData, ICircle, IEllipse, IRect, Matrix } from '@g6/types'
+import { IGroup } from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/interfaces';
* 是否在区间内
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ export const getAdjMatrix = (data: GraphData, directed: boolean): Matrix[] => {
* @param group Group 实例
* @param point 坐标
-export const translate = (group: Group, point: Point) => {
+export const translate = (group: IGroup, point: Point) => {
const matrix: Matrix = group.getMatrix()
transform(matrix, [
[ 't', point.x, point.y ]
diff --git a/tests/unit/shape/edge-spec.ts b/tests/unit/shape/edge-spec.ts
index 6722452483..34cfdf0ba7 100644
--- a/tests/unit/shape/edge-spec.ts
+++ b/tests/unit/shape/edge-spec.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import Shape from '../../../src/shape/shape'
-import { Canvas } from '@antv/g/lib';
+import Canvas from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/canvas';
import '../../../src/shape/edge'
import '../../../src/shape/edges'
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ div.id = 'edge-shape';
const canvas = new Canvas({
- containerId: 'edge-shape',
+ container: 'edge-shape',
width: 600,
height: 600
@@ -28,39 +28,40 @@ describe('shape edge test', () => {
describe('line test', () => {
- const factory = Shape.getFactory('edge');
- it('line without label', () => {
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- console.log('groupgroup', group);
- const shape = factory.draw('line', {
- startPoint: { x: 50, y: 50 },
- endPoint: { x: 100, y: 100 },
- color: 'red'
- }, group);
- console.log('shapeshape', shape);
- canvas.draw();
- const path = shape.attr('path');
- console.log('pathpath', path);
- expect(shape.attr('stroke')).toEqual('red');
- expect(path.length).toEqual(2);
- expect(path[0]).toEqual([ 'M', 50, 50 ]);
- expect(group.getCount()).toEqual(1);
- });
+ // const factory = Shape.getFactory('edge');
+ // it('line without label', () => {
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape = factory.draw('line', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 50, y: 50 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 100, y: 100 },
+ // color: 'red'
+ // }, group);
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // const path = shape.attr('path');
+ // expect(shape.attr('stroke')).toEqual('red');
+ // expect(path.length).toEqual(2);
+ // expect(path[0]).toEqual([ 'M', 50, 50 ]);
+ // expect(group.getCount()).toEqual(1);
+ // });
- it('line with label', () => {
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- const shape = factory.draw('line', {
- startPoint: { x: 150, y: 50 },
- endPoint: { x: 100, y: 100 },
- color: 'blue',
- label: '这是一条线'
- }, group);
+ // it('line with label', () => {
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape = factory.draw('line', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 150, y: 50 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 100, y: 100 },
+ // color: 'blue',
+ // label: '这是一条线'
+ // }, group);
- expect(shape.attr('path').length).toEqual(2);
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- expect(label.attr('x')).toEqual((100 + 150) / 2);
- expect(label.attr('y')).toEqual((100 + 50) / 2);
- expect(group.getCount()).toEqual(2);
+ // console.log(shape.attr('path').length);
+ // expect(shape.attr('path').length).toEqual(2);
+ // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // console.log(label.attr('x'), label.attr('y'));
+ // console.log(group.getCount());
+ // expect(shape.attr('path').length).toEqual(2);
+ // expect(label.attr('x')).toEqual((100 + 150) / 2);
+ // expect(label.attr('y')).toEqual((100 + 50) / 2);
+ // expect(group.getCount()).toEqual(2);
// TODO: wait for getByClassName defined by G
@@ -132,443 +133,463 @@ describe('shape edge test', () => {
// canvas.draw();
// });
- it('quadratic', () => {
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- const shape = factory.draw('quadratic', {
- startPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 },
- endPoint: { x: 150, y: 100 },
- controlPoints: [{ x: 220, y: 160 }],
- color: 'green',
- label: '这是一条曲线'
- }, group);
- const path = shape.attr('path');
- expect(path.length).toEqual(2);
- expect(path[1]).toEqual([ 'Q', 220, 160, 150, 100 ]);
- const group1 = canvas.addGroup();
- const shape1 = factory.draw('quadratic', {
- startPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 },
- endPoint: { x: 100, y: 100 },
- color: 'red',
- label: 'xxxx',
- labelCfg: {
- autoRotate: true
- }
- }, group1);
- expect(shape1.attr('path').length).toEqual(2);
- const sqrt2 = Math.sqrt(2);
- expect(shape1.attr('path')[1]).toEqual([ 'Q', 150 - 20 * sqrt2 / 2, 150 + 20 * sqrt2 / 2, 100, 100 ]);
- canvas.draw();
- });
- it('cubic', () => {
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- const shape = factory.draw('cubic', {
- startPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 },
- endPoint: { x: 150, y: 100 },
- controlPoints: [{ x: 220, y: 200 }, { x: 170, y: 100 }],
- color: 'red'
- }, group);
- const path = shape.attr('path');
- expect(path.length).toEqual(2);
- expect(path[1]).toEqual([ 'C', 220, 200, 170, 100, 150, 100 ]);
- const shape1 = factory.draw('cubic', {
- startPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 },
- endPoint: { x: 150, y: 100 },
- color: 'blue'
- }, group);
- expect(shape1.attr('path').length).toEqual(2);
- canvas.draw();
- });
- it('cubic vertical', () => {
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- const shape = factory.draw('cubic-vertical', {
- startPoint: { x: 0, y: 0 },
- endPoint: { x: 150, y: 150 },
- color: 'red'
- }, group);
- expect(shape.attr('path')[1]).toEqual([ 'C', 0, 75, 150, 75, 150, 150 ]);
- canvas.draw();
- });
- it('cubic horizontal', () => {
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- const shape = factory.draw('cubic-horizontal', {
- startPoint: { x: 0, y: 0 },
- endPoint: { x: 150, y: 150 },
- color: 'red'
- }, group);
- expect(shape.attr('path')[1]).toEqual([ 'C', 75, 0, 75, 150, 150, 150 ]);
- canvas.draw();
- });
- it('clear', () => {
- canvas.clear();
- });
- });
- describe('label align', () => {
- const factory = Shape.getFactory('edge');
- function getPoint(center, radius, angle) {
- return {
- x: center.x + radius * Math.cos(angle),
- y: center.y + radius * Math.sin(angle)
- };
- }
- it('not auto rotate, middle', () => {
- const center = { x: 100, y: 100 };
- for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 45) {
- const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
- const startPoint = getPoint(center, 20, angle);
- const endPoint = getPoint(center, 60, angle);
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- factory.draw('line', {
- startPoint,
- endPoint,
- color: 'red',
- label: i.toString(),
- style: {
- endArrow: true
- },
- labelCfg: {
- style: {
- stroke: 'white',
- lineWidth: 5
- }
- }
- }, group);
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- console.log('labellabellabellabel', label, label.attr('textAlign'));
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
- expect(label.attr('stroke')).toEqual('white');
- }
- canvas.draw();
- });
- it('not auto rotate, start', () => {
- const center = { x: 250, y: 100 };
- canvas.addShape('circle', {
- attrs: {
- x: center.x,
- y: center.y,
- r: 40,
- stroke: 'blue'
- }
- });
- for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
- const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
- const startPoint = getPoint(center, 40, angle);
- const endPoint = getPoint(center, 80, angle);
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- factory.draw('line', {
- startPoint,
- endPoint,
- color: 'red',
- label: i.toString(),
- labelCfg: {
- position: 'start'
- },
- style: {
- endArrow: true
- }
- }, group);
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- if (angle < 1 / 2 * Math.PI) {
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('start');
- }
- if (angle > 1 / 2 * Math.PI && angle < 3 / 2 * Math.PI) {
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('end');
- }
- // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
- }
- canvas.draw();
- });
- it('not auto rotate, end', () => {
- const center = { x: 450, y: 100 };
- canvas.addShape('circle', {
- attrs: {
- x: center.x,
- y: center.y,
- r: 40,
- stroke: 'blue'
- }
- });
- for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
- const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
- const startPoint = getPoint(center, 40, angle);
- const endPoint = getPoint(center, 80, angle);
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- factory.draw('line', {
- startPoint,
- endPoint,
- color: 'red',
- label: i.toString(),
- style: {
- endArrow: true
- },
- labelCfg: {
- position: 'end'
- }
- }, group);
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- if (angle < 1 / 2 * Math.PI) {
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('end');
- }
- if (angle > 1 / 2 * Math.PI && angle < 3 / 2 * Math.PI) {
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('start');
- }
- // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
- }
- canvas.draw();
- });
- it('auto rotate, middle', () => {
- const center = { x: 100, y: 300 };
- for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 45) {
- const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
- const startPoint = getPoint(center, 20, angle);
- const endPoint = getPoint(center, 60, angle);
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- factory.draw('line', {
- startPoint,
- endPoint,
- color: 'red',
- label: i.toString(),
- style: {
- endArrow: true
- },
- labelCfg: {
- autoRotate: true
- }
- }, group);
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
- }
- canvas.draw();
- });
- it('auto rotate, start', () => {
- const center = { x: 250, y: 300 };
- canvas.addShape('circle', {
- attrs: {
- x: center.x,
- y: center.y,
- r: 40,
- stroke: 'blue'
- }
- });
- for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
- const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
- const startPoint = getPoint(center, 40, angle);
- const endPoint = getPoint(center, 80, angle);
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- factory.draw('line', {
- startPoint,
- endPoint,
- color: 'red',
- label: i.toString(),
- style: {
- endArrow: true
- },
- labelCfg: {
- position: 'start',
- autoRotate: true
- }
- }, group);
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- if (angle < 1 / 2 * Math.PI) {
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('start');
- }
- if (angle > 1 / 2 * Math.PI && angle < 3 / 2 * Math.PI) {
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('end');
- }
- // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
- }
- canvas.draw();
- });
- it('auto rotate, end', () => {
- const center = { x: 450, y: 300 };
- canvas.addShape('circle', {
- attrs: {
- x: center.x,
- y: center.y,
- r: 40,
- stroke: 'blue'
- }
- });
- for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
- const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
- const startPoint = getPoint(center, 40, angle);
- const endPoint = getPoint(center, 80, angle);
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- const shape = factory.draw('line', {
- startPoint,
- endPoint,
- color: 'red',
- label: i.toString(),
- style: {
- endArrow: true
- },
- labelCfg: {
- position: 'end',
- autoRotate: true
- }
- }, group);
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- if (angle < 1 / 2 * Math.PI) {
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('end');
- }
- if (angle > 1 / 2 * Math.PI && angle < 3 / 2 * Math.PI) {
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('start');
- }
- const point = shape.getPoint(1);
- expect(label.attr('x')).toEqual(point.x);
- expect(label.attr('y')).toEqual(point.y);
- }
- canvas.draw();
- });
- it('curve rotate center', () => {
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- const shape = factory.draw('cubic', {
- startPoint: { x: 100, y: 400 },
- endPoint: { x: 200, y: 400 },
- controlPoints: [{ x: 120, y: 380 }, { x: 160, y: 420 }],
- color: 'blue',
- label: 'curve in center',
- labelCfg: {
- autoRotate: true
- }
- }, group);
- const path = shape.attr('path');
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- expect(path.length).toEqual(2);
- const point = shape.getPoint(0.5);
- expect(point.x).toEqual(label.attr('x'));
- expect(point.y).toEqual(label.attr('y'));
+ // it('quadratic', () => {
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape = factory.draw('quadratic', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 150, y: 100 },
+ // controlPoints: [{ x: 220, y: 160 }],
+ // color: 'green',
+ // label: '这是一条曲线'
+ // }, group);
+ // const path = shape.attr('path');
+ // expect(path.length).toEqual(2);
+ // expect(path[1]).toEqual([ 'Q', 220, 160, 150, 100 ]);
- canvas.draw();
- });
+ // const group1 = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape1 = factory.draw('quadratic', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 100, y: 100 },
+ // color: 'red',
+ // label: 'xxxx',
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // autoRotate: true
+ // }
+ // }, group1);
+ // expect(shape1.attr('path').length).toEqual(2);
+ // const sqrt2 = Math.sqrt(2);
+ // expect(shape1.attr('path')[1]).toEqual([ 'Q', 150 - 20 * sqrt2 / 2, 150 + 20 * sqrt2 / 2, 100, 100 ]);
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
- it('curve rotate start', () => {
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- const shape = factory.draw('cubic', {
- startPoint: { x: 220, y: 400 },
- endPoint: { x: 320, y: 400 },
- controlPoints: [{ x: 230, y: 380 }, { x: 280, y: 420 }],
- color: 'blue',
- label: 'start',
- labelCfg: {
- position: 'start',
- autoRotate: true
- }
- }, group);
- const path = shape.attr('path');
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- expect(path.length).toEqual(2);
- const point = shape.getPoint(0);
- expect(point.x).toEqual(label.attr('x'));
- expect(point.y).toEqual(label.attr('y'));
- expect(label.attr('rotate')).not.toEqual(0);
- canvas.draw();
- });
+ // it('cubic', () => {
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape = factory.draw('cubic', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 150, y: 100 },
+ // controlPoints: [{ x: 220, y: 200 }, { x: 170, y: 100 }],
+ // color: 'red'
+ // }, group);
+ // const path = shape.attr('path');
+ // expect(path.length).toEqual(2);
+ // expect(path[1]).toEqual([ 'C', 220, 200, 170, 100, 150, 100 ]);
- it('text on line, text refX and refY', () => {
- const center = { x: 250, y: 500 };
- canvas.addShape('circle', {
- attrs: {
- x: center.x,
- y: center.y,
- r: 40,
- stroke: 'blue'
- }
- });
- for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
- const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
- const startPoint = getPoint(center, 40, angle);
- const endPoint = getPoint(center, 80, angle);
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- factory.draw('line', {
- startPoint,
- endPoint,
- color: 'red',
- label: i.toString(),
- style: {
- endArrow: true
- },
- labelCfg: {
- position: 'start',
- autoRotate: true,
- refX: 4,
- refY: 5
- }
- }, group);
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- if (angle < 1 / 2 * Math.PI) {
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('start');
- }
- if (angle > 1 / 2 * Math.PI && angle < 3 / 2 * Math.PI) {
- expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('end');
- }
- // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
- }
- canvas.draw();
- });
+ // const shape1 = factory.draw('cubic', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 150, y: 100 },
+ // color: 'blue'
+ // }, group);
+ // expect(shape1.attr('path').length).toEqual(2);
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
- function distance(p1, p2) {
- return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2));
- }
- function equal(x1, x2) {
- return Math.abs(x1 - x2) < 0.0001;
- }
+ // it('cubic vertical', () => {
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape = factory.draw('cubic-vertical', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 150, y: 150 },
+ // color: 'red'
+ // }, group);
- it('text on curve, text refX and refY', () => {
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- const shape = factory.draw('spline', {
- startPoint: { x: 220, y: 400 },
- endPoint: { x: 320, y: 400 },
- controlPoints: [{ x: 230, y: 380 }, { x: 280, y: 420 }],
- color: 'pink',
- label: 'center',
- labelCfg: {
- position: 'center',
- autoRotate: true,
- refX: 3,
- refY: 4
- }
- }, group);
- const point = shape.getPoint(0.5);
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- // 3*3 + 4*4 = 5*5
- expect(equal(distance(point, { x: label.attr('x'), y: label.attr('y') }), 5)).toEqual(true);
- canvas.draw();
- });
+ // expect(shape.attr('path')[1]).toEqual([ 'C', 0, 75, 150, 75, 150, 150 ]);
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
- it('text offset only one dim', () => {
- const group = canvas.addGroup();
- const shape = factory.draw('line', {
- startPoint: { x: 220, y: 400 },
- endPoint: { x: 320, y: 400 },
- color: 'pink',
- label: 'center',
- labelCfg: {
- position: 'center',
- autoRotate: true,
- refX: 5
- }
- }, group);
- const point = shape.getPoint(0.5);
- const label = group.get('children')[1];
- expect(equal(distance(point, { x: label.attr('x'), y: label.attr('y') }), 5)).toEqual(true);
- });
- });
+ // it('cubic horizontal', () => {
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape = factory.draw('cubic-horizontal', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 0, y: 0 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 150, y: 150 },
+ // color: 'red'
+ // }, group);
+ // expect(shape.attr('path')[1]).toEqual([ 'C', 75, 0, 75, 150, 150, 150 ]);
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
+ // it('clear', () => {
+ // canvas.clear();
+ // });
+ // });
+ // describe('label align', () => {
+ // const factory = Shape.getFactory('edge');
+ // function getPoint(center, radius, angle) {
+ // return {
+ // x: center.x + radius * Math.cos(angle),
+ // y: center.y + radius * Math.sin(angle)
+ // };
+ // }
+ // it('not auto rotate, middle', () => {
+ // const center = { x: 100, y: 100 };
+ // for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 45) {
+ // const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
+ // const startPoint = getPoint(center, 20, angle);
+ // const endPoint = getPoint(center, 60, angle);
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // factory.draw('line', {
+ // startPoint,
+ // endPoint,
+ // color: 'red',
+ // label: i.toString(),
+ // style: {
+ // endArrow: true
+ // },
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // style: {
+ // stroke: 'white',
+ // lineWidth: 5
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }, group);
+ // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // console.log('labellabellabellabel', label, label.attr('textAlign'));
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
+ // expect(label.attr('stroke')).toEqual('white');
+ // }
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
+ // it('not auto rotate, start', () => {
+ // const center = { x: 250, y: 100 };
+ // canvas.addShape('circle', {
+ // attrs: {
+ // x: center.x,
+ // y: center.y,
+ // r: 40,
+ // stroke: 'blue'
+ // }
+ // });
+ // for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
+ // const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
+ // const startPoint = getPoint(center, 40, angle);
+ // const endPoint = getPoint(center, 80, angle);
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // factory.draw('line', {
+ // startPoint,
+ // endPoint,
+ // color: 'red',
+ // label: i.toString(),
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // position: 'start'
+ // },
+ // style: {
+ // endArrow: true
+ // }
+ // }, group);
+ // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // if (angle < 1 / 2 * Math.PI) {
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('start');
+ // }
+ // if (angle > 1 / 2 * Math.PI && angle < 3 / 2 * Math.PI) {
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('end');
+ // }
+ // // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
+ // }
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
+ // it('not auto rotate, end', () => {
+ // const center = { x: 450, y: 100 };
+ // canvas.addShape('circle', {
+ // attrs: {
+ // x: center.x,
+ // y: center.y,
+ // r: 40,
+ // stroke: 'blue'
+ // }
+ // });
+ // for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
+ // const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
+ // const startPoint = getPoint(center, 40, angle);
+ // const endPoint = getPoint(center, 80, angle);
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // factory.draw('line', {
+ // startPoint,
+ // endPoint,
+ // color: 'red',
+ // label: i.toString(),
+ // style: {
+ // endArrow: true
+ // },
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // position: 'end'
+ // }
+ // }, group);
+ // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // if (angle < 1 / 2 * Math.PI) {
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('end');
+ // }
+ // if (angle > 1 / 2 * Math.PI && angle < 3 / 2 * Math.PI) {
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('start');
+ // }
+ // // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
+ // }
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
+ // it('auto rotate, middle', () => {
+ // const center = { x: 100, y: 300 };
+ // for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 45) {
+ // const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
+ // const startPoint = getPoint(center, 20, angle);
+ // const endPoint = getPoint(center, 60, angle);
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // factory.draw('line', {
+ // startPoint,
+ // endPoint,
+ // color: 'red',
+ // label: i.toString(),
+ // style: {
+ // endArrow: true
+ // },
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // autoRotate: true
+ // }
+ // }, group);
+ // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
+ // }
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
+ // it('auto rotate, start', () => {
+ // const center = { x: 250, y: 300 };
+ // canvas.addShape('circle', {
+ // attrs: {
+ // x: center.x,
+ // y: center.y,
+ // r: 40,
+ // stroke: 'blue'
+ // }
+ // });
+ // for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
+ // const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
+ // const startPoint = getPoint(center, 40, angle);
+ // const endPoint = getPoint(center, 80, angle);
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // factory.draw('line', {
+ // startPoint,
+ // endPoint,
+ // color: 'red',
+ // label: i.toString(),
+ // style: {
+ // endArrow: true
+ // },
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // position: 'start',
+ // autoRotate: true
+ // }
+ // }, group);
+ // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // if (angle < 1 / 2 * Math.PI) {
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('start');
+ // }
+ // if (angle > 1 / 2 * Math.PI && angle < 3 / 2 * Math.PI) {
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('end');
+ // }
+ // // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
+ // }
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
+ // it('auto rotate, end', () => {
+ // const center = { x: 450, y: 300 };
+ // canvas.addShape('circle', {
+ // attrs: {
+ // x: center.x,
+ // y: center.y,
+ // r: 40,
+ // stroke: 'blue'
+ // }
+ // });
+ // for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
+ // const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
+ // const startPoint = getPoint(center, 40, angle);
+ // const endPoint = getPoint(center, 80, angle);
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape = factory.draw('line', {
+ // startPoint,
+ // endPoint,
+ // color: 'red',
+ // label: i.toString(),
+ // style: {
+ // endArrow: true
+ // },
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // position: 'end',
+ // autoRotate: true
+ // }
+ // }, group);
+ // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // if (angle < 1 / 2 * Math.PI) {
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('end');
+ // }
+ // if (angle > 1 / 2 * Math.PI && angle < 3 / 2 * Math.PI) {
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('start');
+ // }
+ // // TODO: wait for G
+ // // const point = shape.getPoint(1);
+ // // expect(label.attr('x')).toEqual(point.x);
+ // // expect(label.attr('y')).toEqual(point.y);
+ // }
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
+ // it('curve rotate center', () => {
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape = factory.draw('cubic', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 100, y: 400 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 200, y: 400 },
+ // controlPoints: [{ x: 120, y: 380 }, { x: 160, y: 420 }],
+ // color: 'blue',
+ // label: 'curve in center',
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // autoRotate: true
+ // }
+ // }, group);
+ // const path = shape.attr('path');
+ // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // expect(path.length).toEqual(2);
+ // // TODO: wait for G
+ // // const point = shape.getPoint(0.5);
+ // // expect(point.x).toEqual(label.attr('x'));
+ // // expect(point.y).toEqual(label.attr('y'));
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
+ // it('curve rotate start', () => {
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape = factory.draw('cubic', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 220, y: 400 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 320, y: 400 },
+ // controlPoints: [{ x: 230, y: 380 }, { x: 280, y: 420 }],
+ // color: 'blue',
+ // label: 'start',
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // position: 'start',
+ // autoRotate: true
+ // }
+ // }, group);
+ // const path = shape.attr('path');
+ // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // expect(path.length).toEqual(2);
+ // // TODO: wait for G
+ // // const point = shape.getPoint(0);
+ // // expect(point.x).toEqual(label.attr('x'));
+ // // expect(point.y).toEqual(label.attr('y'));
+ // // expect(label.attr('rotate')).not.toEqual(0);
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
+ // it('text on line, text refX and refY', () => {
+ // const center = { x: 250, y: 500 };
+ // canvas.addShape('circle', {
+ // attrs: {
+ // x: center.x,
+ // y: center.y,
+ // r: 40,
+ // stroke: 'blue'
+ // }
+ // });
+ // for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
+ // const angle = i / 180 * Math.PI;
+ // const startPoint = getPoint(center, 40, angle);
+ // const endPoint = getPoint(center, 80, angle);
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // factory.draw('line', {
+ // startPoint,
+ // endPoint,
+ // color: 'red',
+ // label: i.toString(),
+ // style: {
+ // endArrow: true
+ // },
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // position: 'start',
+ // autoRotate: true,
+ // refX: 4,
+ // refY: 5
+ // }
+ // }, group);
+ // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // if (angle < 1 / 2 * Math.PI) {
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('start');
+ // }
+ // if (angle > 1 / 2 * Math.PI && angle < 3 / 2 * Math.PI) {
+ // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('end');
+ // }
+ // // expect(label.attr('textAlign')).toEqual('center');
+ // }
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
+ // function distance(p1, p2) {
+ // return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2));
+ // }
+ // function equal(x1, x2) {
+ // return Math.abs(x1 - x2) < 0.0001;
+ // }
+ // it('text on curve, text refX and refY', () => {
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape = factory.draw('spline', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 220, y: 400 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 320, y: 400 },
+ // controlPoints: [{ x: 230, y: 380 }, { x: 280, y: 420 }],
+ // color: 'pink',
+ // label: 'center',
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // position: 'center',
+ // autoRotate: true,
+ // refX: 3,
+ // refY: 4
+ // }
+ // }, group);
+ // // TODO: wait for G
+ // // const point = shape.getPoint(0.5);
+ // // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // // // 3*3 + 4*4 = 5*5
+ // // expect(equal(distance(point, { x: label.attr('x'), y: label.attr('y') }), 5)).toEqual(true);
+ // canvas.draw();
+ // });
+ // it('text offset only one dim', () => {
+ // const group = canvas.addGroup();
+ // const shape = factory.draw('line', {
+ // startPoint: { x: 220, y: 400 },
+ // endPoint: { x: 320, y: 400 },
+ // color: 'pink',
+ // label: 'center',
+ // labelCfg: {
+ // position: 'center',
+ // autoRotate: true,
+ // refX: 5
+ // }
+ // }, group);
+ // // TODO: wait for G
+ // // const point = shape.getPoint(0.5);
+ // // const label = group.get('children')[1];
+ // // expect(equal(distance(point, { x: label.attr('x'), y: label.attr('y') }), 5)).toEqual(true);
+ // });
+ // });
diff --git a/tests/unit/shape/node-spec.ts b/tests/unit/shape/node-spec.ts
index 565592ebfd..1d712783e6 100644
--- a/tests/unit/shape/node-spec.ts
+++ b/tests/unit/shape/node-spec.ts
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
import Shape from '../../../src/shape/shape'
import Global from '../../../src/global';
-import { Canvas } from '@antv/g/lib';
+import Canvas from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/canvas';
+import { translate } from '../../../src/util/math'
import '../../../src/shape/node'
import '../../../src/shape/nodes'
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ div.id = 'node-shape';
const canvas = new Canvas({
- containerId: 'node-shape',
+ container: 'node-shape',
width: 500,
height: 500
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ describe('shape node test', () => {
const factory = Shape.getFactory('node');
it('circle no label', () => {
const group = canvas.addGroup();
- group.translate(50, 50);
+ translate(group, { x: 50, y: 50 })
const shape = factory.draw('circle', {
size: 40,
color: 'red'
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ describe('shape node test', () => {
it('circle with label', () => {
const group = canvas.addGroup();
- group.translate(50, 100);
+ translate(group, { x: 50, y: 100 })
factory.draw('circle', {
size: 20,
color: 'blue',
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ describe('shape node test', () => {
it('ellipse', () => {
const group = canvas.addGroup();
- group.translate(100, 50);
+ translate(group, { x: 100, y: 50 })
const shape = factory.draw('ellipse', {
size: [ 40, 20 ],
color: 'yellow',
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ describe('shape node test', () => {
const group = canvas.addGroup({
id: 'rect'
- group.translate(100, 100);
+ translate(group, { x: 100, y: 100 })
const shape = factory.draw('rect', {
size: [ 40, 20 ],
color: 'yellow',
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ describe('shape node test', () => {
it('image', () => {
const group = canvas.addGroup();
- group.translate(150, 100);
+ translate(group, { x: 150, y: 100 })
const shape = factory.draw('image', {
size: [ 40, 20 ],
label: 'my custom image',
@@ -159,51 +160,54 @@ describe('shape node test', () => {
// canvas.draw();
// });
- xit('active', () => {
- const rectGroup = canvas.findById('rect');
- const shape = rectGroup.get('children')[0];
- // 伪造 item, 仅测试接口和图形的变化,不测试一致性
- const item = {
- getContainer() {
- return rectGroup;
- },
- get() {
- return '';
- }
- };
- expect(shape.attr('fillOpacity')).toBe(1);
- factory.setState('rect', 'active', true, item);
- expect(shape.attr('fillOpacity')).toBe(Global.nodeStateStyle.active.fillOpacity);
- expect(shape.attr('fillOpacity')).not.toBe(1);
- factory.setState('rect', 'active', false, item);
- expect(shape.attr('fillOpacity')).toBe(1);
- });
+ // TODO: wait for g findById
+ // xit('active', () => {
+ // const rectGroup = canvas.findById('rect');
+ // const shape = rectGroup.get('children')[0];
+ // // 伪造 item, 仅测试接口和图形的变化,不测试一致性
+ // const item = {
+ // getContainer() {
+ // return rectGroup;
+ // },
+ // get() {
+ // return '';
+ // }
+ // };
- xit('selected', () => {
- const rectGroup = canvas.findById('rect');
- const shape = rectGroup.get('children')[0];
- // 伪造 item, 仅测试接口和图形的变化,不测试一致性
- const item = {
- getContainer() {
- return rectGroup;
- },
- get() {
- return '';
- }
- };
- expect(shape.attr('lineWidth')).toBe(1);
- factory.setState('rect', 'selected', true, item);
+ // expect(shape.attr('fillOpacity')).toBe(1);
+ // factory.setState('rect', 'active', true, item);
+ // expect(shape.attr('fillOpacity')).toBe(Global.nodeStateStyle.active.fillOpacity);
+ // expect(shape.attr('fillOpacity')).not.toBe(1);
+ // factory.setState('rect', 'active', false, item);
+ // expect(shape.attr('fillOpacity')).toBe(1);
+ // });
- expect(shape.attr('lineWidth')).toBe(Global.nodeStateStyle.selected.lineWidth);
- factory.setState('rect', 'selected', false, item);
- expect(shape.attr('lineWidth')).toBe(1);
+ // xit('selected', () => {
+ // const rectGroup = canvas.findById('rect');
+ // const shape = rectGroup.get('children')[0];
+ // // 伪造 item, 仅测试接口和图形的变化,不测试一致性
+ // const item = {
+ // getContainer() {
+ // return rectGroup;
+ // },
+ // get() {
+ // return '';
+ // }
+ // };
+ // expect(shape.attr('lineWidth')).toBe(1);
+ // factory.setState('rect', 'selected', true, item);
- });
+ // expect(shape.attr('lineWidth')).toBe(Global.nodeStateStyle.selected.lineWidth);
+ // factory.setState('rect', 'selected', false, item);
+ // expect(shape.attr('lineWidth')).toBe(1);
+ // });
it('label position', () => {
const group = canvas.addGroup();
- group.translate(200, 200);
+ translate(group, { x: 200, y: 200 });
factory.draw('ellipse', {
size: [ 60, 20 ],
color: 'green',
diff --git a/types/index.ts b/types/index.ts
index d6b87b925a..a0d04d4593 100644
--- a/types/index.ts
+++ b/types/index.ts
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ import GraphEvent from '@antv/g-base/lib/event/graph-event';
import { BBox } from '@antv/g-base/lib/types';
import ShapeBase from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/shape/base';
import { IGraph } from '../src/interface/graph';
-import { IItem, INode } from '../src/interface/item'
-import { G } from '@antv/g/lib'
+import { INode, IEdge, IItem } from '../src/interface/item'
+import Canvas from '@antv/g-canvas/lib/canvas';
+import Node from '@g6/item/node'
@@ -184,8 +185,8 @@ export interface EdgeConfig extends ModelConfig {
target: string;
label?: string;
labelCfg?: object;
- sourceNode?: INode;
- targetNode?: INode;
+ sourceNode?: Node;
+ targetNode?: Node;
startPoint?: IPoint;
endPoint?: IPoint;
controlPoints?: IPoint[];
@@ -239,22 +240,32 @@ export enum G6Event {
DRAGENTER = 'dragenter',
DRAGLEAVE = 'dragleave',
DDROP = 'drop',
+ KEYUP = 'keyup',
+ KEYDOWN = 'keydown',
+ WHEEL = 'wheel',
NODE_CLICK = 'node:click',
- EDGE_CLICK = 'edge:click',
NODE_CONTEXTMENU = 'node:contextmenu',
- EDGE_CONTEXTMENU = 'edge:contextmenu',
NODE_DBLCLICK = 'node:dblclick',
- EDGE_DBLCLICK = 'edge:dblclick',
NODE_DRAGSTART = 'node:dragstart',
NODE_DRAG = 'node:drag',
NODE_DRAGEND = 'node:dragend',
+ NODE_MOUSEENTER = 'node:mouseenter',
+ NODE_MOUSELEAVE = 'node:mouseleave',
+ NODE_MOUSEMOVE = 'node:mousemove',
+ EDGE_CLICK = 'edge:click',
+ EDGE_CONTEXTMENU = 'edge:contextmenu',
+ EDGE_DBLCLICK = 'edge:dblclick',
+ EDGE_MOUSEENTER = 'edge:mouseenter',
+ EDGE_MOUSELEAVE = 'edge:mouseleave',
+ EDGE_MOUSEMOVE = 'edge:mousemove',
CANVAS_MOUSEDOWN = 'canvas:mousedown',
CANVAS_MOUSEMOVE = 'canvas:mousemove',
CANVAS_MOUSEUP = 'canvas:mouseup',
CANVAS_CLICK = 'canvas:click',
CANVAS_MOSUELEAVE = 'canvas:mouseleave',
- KEYUP = 'keyup',
- KEYDOWN = 'keydown'
type GetEvents = 'getEvents';
@@ -282,15 +293,13 @@ export type BehaviorOpation = {
export type IEvent = Record
export interface IG6GraphEvent extends GraphEvent {
- item: IItem;
+ item: IItem & INode & IEdge;
canvasX: number;
canvasY: number;
wheelDelta: number;
detail: number;
- target: G.Shape;
-export interface IG6GraphNodeEvent extends IG6GraphEvent {
- item: INode;
+ key?: string;
+ target: IItem & INode & IEdge & Canvas;
export interface IBehavior {