# ChangeLog #### 3.3 - Graph API - delete removeEvent function, use off; #### 3.1.5 * feat: supports g6 types file * fix: set brush-select trigger param to ctrl not work * fix: when set fitView to true, drag-group Behavior not get desired positon #### 3.1.3 * feat: radial layout nonoverlap iterations can be controlled by user * feat: add lock, unlock and hasLocked function, supports lock and unlock node * fix: mds with discrete points problem * fix: fruchterman-group layout title position for rect groups #### 3.1.2 * feat: default behavior supports configuration trigger mode * feat: node combining supports configuration title * fix: update demo state styles #### 3.1.1 * fix: update node use custom config * fix: update demo * feat: default node implement getShapeStyle function #### 3.1.0 * feat: support for rich layouts:random, radial, mds, circular, fruchterman, force, dagre * feat: more flexible configuration for shape * feat: build-in rich default nodes * feat: cases that provide layout and default nodes #### 3.0.7-beta.1 `2019-09-11` * fix: zoom-canvas support IE and Firefox #### 3.0.6 `2019-09-11` * fix: group data util function use module.exports * feat: update @antv/hierarchy version #### 3.0.5 `2019-09-10` * feat: support add and remove group * feat: support collapse and expand group * feat: add graph api: collapseGroup and expandGroup #### 3.0.5-beta.12 * feat: add rect group * feat: add rect group demo * feat: add chart node --- #### 3.0.5-beta.10 * feat: add 5 chart node * feat: collapse-expand tree support click and dblclick by trigger option * fix: drag group bug fix #### 3.0.5-beta.9 * feat: support render group * feat: support drag group, collapse and expand group, drag node in/out group * feat: add drag-group、collapse-expand-group and drag-node-with-group behavior * feat: add drag-group and collapse-expand-group demo * feat: add register list node demo #### 3.0.5-beta.8 `2019-07-19` * feat: add five demos * refactor: update three behaviors #### 2.2.5 `2018-12-20` * feat: add saveimage limitRatio #### 2.2.4 `2018-12-20` * fix: bug fix #### 2.2.3 `2018-12-10` * fix: bug fix #### 2.2.2 `2018-11-30` * fix: tree remove guide will not getEdges.closes #521 #### 2.2.1 `2018-11-25` * fix: Compatible with MOUSEWHEEL * fix: fadeIn aniamtion * fix: fix wheelZoom behaviour by removing the deprecated mousewheel event #### 2.2.0 `2018-11-22` * fix: Graph read zIndex * refactor: Animation #### 2.1.5 `2018-10-26` * fix: svg pixelRatio bug * feat: add wheel event #### 2.1.4 `2018-10-06` * fix: custom math.sign to compatible with ie browser.Closes #516. * fix: legend component from @antv/component * feat: update svg minimap && fix svg dom event #### 2.1.3 `2018-09-27` * feat: add label rotate * feat: if there is no items the graph box equal canvas size #### 2.1.2 `2018-09-19` * fix: dom getShape bug.Closes #472 * fix: template.maxSpanningForest bug #### 2.1.1 `2018-09-17` * fix: tool.highlightSubgraph calculate box bug * fix: plugin.grid.Closes #479 * chore(dev): upgrade babel & torchjs #### 2.1.0 `2018-09-03` * feat: svg render * feat: plugin.layout.forceAtlas2 * feat: plugin.tool.fisheye * feat: plugin.tool.textDisplay * feat: plugin.tool.grid * feat: plugin.template.tableSankey * feat: plugin.edge.polyline #### 2.0.5 `2018-07-12` * improve: add g6 arrow #### 2.0.4 `2018-07-12` * feat: layout export group.Closes #355 * feat(plugin): add tool.tooltip. Closes #360. * style: change the calling way of forceAtlas2 on template.maxSpanningForest * fix: origin tree data collapsed is true tree edge visible bug.Closes #357 * fix: remove the forceAtlas.js in template.maxSpanningForest, use forceAtlas from layout.forceAtlas2 * fix: add demos: plugin-fisheye, plugin-forceAtlas2, gallery-graphanalyzer * fix: add demos: plugin-forceAtlas2, plugin-fisheye #### 2.0.3 `2018-06-29` * feat: update g to 3.0.x. Closes #346 * fix: group should use rect intersect box. Close #297 * fix(plugin): dagre edge controlpoints remove start point and end point * style: remove some annotations * chore: update torchjs && improve demo name #### 2.0.2 `2018-06-13` * chore(plugin): require g6 by src/index * chore(dev test): remove useless test script * fix(plugin) minimap destroy Closes #308 * fix(saveImage) saveImage bug * fix(event): fix dom coord. Closes #305 #### 2.0.1 `2018-06-11` * fix: reDraw edge after layout * feat: add quadraticCurve config cpd * feat: add beforelayout && afterlayout event * chore: .travis.yml add add Node.js * chore: .travis.yml cache node_modules #### 2.0.0 `2018-06-06` * refactor: refactor architecture && code #### 1.2.1 `2018-03-15` * feat:    layout interface #### 1.2.0 `2018-01-15` * fix: nodeActivedBoxStyle spelling error * fix: error when deleting a circle * fix: trigger dragstart while right clicking and moveing * feat: Unify Layout mechanism * feat: Plugin mechanism * feat: Data filter mechanism * feat: Activated interface * feat: Action wheelZoomAutoLabel * feat: configuration of graph -- preciseAnchor * remove: Global.preciseAnchor * remove: Layout.Flow、Layout.Force * improve: html container strategy #### 1.1.6 `2017-10-15` * fix: pack problem in layout algorithm #### 1.1.5 `2017-09-15` * fix: dragCanvas is effective while mousemove, prevent it from affecting click events * fix: unactivate pick-up in activeRectBox of node #### 1.1.4 `2017-08-15` * feat: graph.invertPoint() * feat: third configuration of anchor to support style setting, float style, connection * feat: item.getGroup() * feat: events -- afteritemrender、itemremove、itemadd * feat: behaviourSignal * improve: mouseWheel is affective after focusing the canvas #### 1.1.3 `2017-08-8` * feat: Graph configuration -- useNodeSortGroup * feat: Global.nodeDelegationStyle, Global.edgeDelegationStyle, isolate the delegation of edge and node on graph * fix: itemremove is triggered before destroying a graph #### 1.1.2 `2017-08-01` * feat: dragBlankX dragBlankY #### 1.1.1 `2017-07-18` * improve: dragNode protect mechanism #### 1.1.0 `2017-07-05` * feat: HTML node * feat: mapper support callback function * feat: Graph interfaces -- updateMatrix、changeSize、showAnchor、hideAnchor、updataNodesPosition * feat:  tool functions -- Util.isNode()、Util.isEdge() * feat: Shape polyLineFlow * feat:  dragEdgeEndHideAnchor、dragNodeEndHideAnchor、hoverAnchorSetActived、hoverNodeShowAnchor #### 1.0.7 `2017-06-21` * fix: draw one more time in 16ms after first draw * improve: add zoom by scroll in edit mode #### 1.0.6 `2017-06-15` * fix: compatible in chrome in windows. triggering mousemove after first click leads to wrong click event. * feat: support fix size graphics * feat: analysis mode * feat: updateNodesPositon update a set of nodes' position * improve: change useAnchor to be a configuration of edge #### 1.0.5 `2017-06-01` * feat: downloadImage support saving with name * feat: automatically detect tooltip padding * improve:  stop the action while mouse dragging out of the canvas #### 1.0.4 `2017-05-20` * fix: tree changeData Bug * fix:  when getAnchorPoints returns auto, anchor is the intersection of edge and the bounding box * fix: generate node label according to isNull * feat: viewport parameters -- tl、tc、tr、rc、br、bc、bl、lc、cc * improve: reduce tolerance to improve the accuracy of interception * improve: improve tooltip event mechanisom to enhance performance #### 1.0.3 `2017-05-10` * feat: graph.guide().link() #### 1.0.2 `2017-05-10` * fix: Object.values => Util.getObjectValues * fix:  when anchorPoints is auto, there is only anchorpoint on edge, it will also return the intersection * fix: tree update interface Bug * improve:  represent positions information by group.transfrom() #### 1.0.1 `2017-04-22` * fix: copy and paste bug * feat: draw once in 16ms * feat: itemactived itemunactived itemhover itemupdate itemmouseenter itemmouseleave * improve: be clear the status of graphics before activating graphics by frame selection * improve: dragAddEdge, linkable to anchor * improve: performance of animation #### 1.0.0 `2017-03-31` * feat: fitView configurations * feat:  graph.zoom() * feat: wheelZoomHideEdges hide the edges while zooming by wheel * feat: dragHideEdges hide the edge while dragging edge * feat: graph.filterBehaviour() * feat: graph.addBehaviour() * feat:   graph.changeLayout() * feat:  read interface, re-define save interface * feat:  graph.snapshot, graph.downloadImage * feat:  graph.autoSize() * feat:  graph.focusPoint() * feat: tree graph、net graph * feat: interaction mechanism -- event => action => mode * feat: animation mechanism * feat: itemmouseleave、itemmouseenter * remove: graph.refresh() * remove: graph.changeNodes() * remove: graph attributes -- zoomable、dragable、resizeable、selectable * improve: anchor mechanism * improve: hide G6.GraphUtil functions, unified in G6.Util * improve: replace g-canvas-core to g-canvas to improve performance * improve: Global.nodeAcitveBoxStyle instead of Global.nodeBoxStyle * improve: afterAdd => afteradd * improve: G6.Graph to be an abstract class #### 0.2.3 `2017-03-2` * fix: dragable for controlling dragable under default mode * feat: graph.converPoint() * feat: graph.autoSize() * feat: rightmousedown leftmousedown wheeldown * improve: use try catch to prevent the length of getPoint of path equals zero #### 0.2.2 `2017-02-24` * fix: add px totooltip css padding * fix: tooltip mapping error * fix: accurate intersection * fix: zoom error on double accuracy screen * fix: buonding box extended from keyShape * feat:   afterAdd * feat: dblclick * improve: width、height default null * improve: remove hovershape on node * improve: tooltip defense mechanism #### 0.2.1 `2017-02-14` * fix: rollback when add node * fix: apply tranformation of parent container while calculating bounding box * feat: waterPath * feat: tooltip tip information * feat: mouseover * feat: multiSelectable, default false * feat:  set forceFit to true while width is undefined * improve: zoomable、dragable、resizeable、selectable default true #### 0.2.0 `2017-02-07` * feat: accurate anchor mechanism * feat: GraphUtil.getEllipsePath * feat:  GraphUtil.pointsToPolygon * feat: GraphUtil.pointsToBezier * feat: GraphUtil.snapPreciseAnchor * feat: GraphUtil.arrowTo * feat: GraphUtil.drawEdge * feat: bezierQuadratic * feat: node.show * feat: node.hide * feat: node.getLinkNodes * feat:  node.getUnLinkNodes * feat: node.getRelativeItems * feat: node.getUnRelativeItems * feat: edge.show * feat: edge.hide * feat: Shape afterDraw * improve:  the controlling point positions of Bezier Curve改进贝塞尔曲线控制点位置 * improve: grpah.delete => graph.del * improve: error when adding id #### 0.1.4 `2017-01-17` * fix: delegator of dragging a node is the center of bbox * fix: use cardinality sort for all the sorting algorithm * fix: random id on edges * feat: level sort on edges, edge labels on the top level * feat:  while extending shape is undefined when register an edge, find the extending shaoe automatically #### 0.1.3 `2017-01-15` * fix: judge the existance of the object while operating assistGrid * feat: rollback judgement, default unactivate * feat:  style mapping channel * feat: return the intersections while getAnchorPoints is null or returns false * feat:  bezierHorizontal、bezierVertical * improve: 'eventEnd' #### 0.1.2 `2017-01-12` * fix: judge the configuration before updating grid * fix: the size of graphContainer in unsetable, setted by inner canvas * fix: will not add an edge if the target or source is undefined * fix: changeSize() maximum tolerance for error * feat: graph.get('el')  to get canvas DOM * feat: event exposures shape #### 0.1.1 `2017-01-09` * feat: entrance of graph is G6.Graph #### 0.1.0 `2017-01-07` * feat: color calculation library * feat: hot key * feat: updo, redo * feat: copy, paste * feat: reset zoom, auto zoom * feat: tree graph, linear graph, sankey graph, flow laout * feat: flow chart package * feat: timing diagram package * feat: single selection, frame selection * feat: node deformation * feat:  edge deformation * feat: drag node and edge * feat: link edge and node * feat: drag canvas * feat: zoom * feat: select mode * feat: integrate g-graph