title: Custom Node
order: 1
## Example
import { Graph as BaseGraph, extend, Extensions } from '@antv/g6';
// Custom node type, inherit an existing node type or node base class Extensions.BaseNode
class CustomNode extends Extensions.CircleNode {
// Override methods, see the following section for methods that can be overridden
const Graph = extend(BaseGraph, {
// Register custom node
nodes: {
'custom-node': CustomNode,
const graph = new Graph({
// ... Other configurations
node: {
type: 'custom-node', // Use the registered node
## Override methods
### draw
In most cases, there is no need to override the draw method. It is more common to override methods such as `drawKeyShape` and `drawLabelShape`, which will be introduced in the following section.
G5 5.0 removes the `update` and `afterUpdate` methods. Now you only need to override the `draw` method and the `afterDraw` method, and G6 will automatically update the shapes incrementally based on the updated attributes.
The `draw` method draws each part of the edge by calling methods such as `this.drawKeyShape`.
Refer to the [draw](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/6be8f9810ec3b9310371f37de1a2591f14db67f1/packages/g6/src/stdlib/item/node/circle.ts#L25) method of the `circle-node` type node for overriding.
### afterDraw
The logic executed after the `draw` function is completed can also be used to draw more shapes. The return value is the same as the `draw` method. It is not implemented in the built-in edge types.
### drawKeyShape
Draw the main shape (`keyShape`), which is required. For example, the main shape of a circle node is a circle (`circle`), and the main shape of a rectangular node is a rectangle (`rect`).
A simple example of overriding the `drawKeyShape` method is as follows:
public drawKeyShape(
model: NodeDisplayModel,
shapeMap: NodeShapeMap,
): DisplayObject {
return this.upsertShape(
### drawHaloShape
Draw the main shape outline (`haloShape`), which is usually displayed in the `selected` and `active` states.
Refer to [BaseNode.drawHaloShape](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/fddf9a5c0f7933b4d704038a7474358cb47037d0/packages/g6/src/stdlib/item/node/base.ts#L491) for overriding.
### drawLabelShape
Draw the text shape (`labelShape`)
Refer to [BaseNode.drawLabelShape](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/fddf9a5c0f7933b4d704038a7474358cb47037d0/packages/g6/src/stdlib/item/node/base.ts#L277)。 for overriding.
### drawLabelBackgroundShape
Draw the background shape of the text shape (`labelBackgroundShape`)
Refer to [BaseNode.drawLabelBackgroundShape](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/fddf9a5c0f7933b4d704038a7474358cb47037d0/packages/g6/src/stdlib/item/node/base.ts#L383)。 for overriding.
### drawLabelIconShape
Draw the icon shape of the text shape (`iconShape`)
Refer to [BaseNode.drawLabelIconShape](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/fddf9a5c0f7933b4d704038a7474358cb47037d0/packages/g6/src/stdlib/item/node/base.ts#L440) for overriding.
### drawAnchorShapes
Draw the port shape (`anchorShapes`)
Refer to [BaseNode.drawAnchorShapes](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/fddf9a5c0f7933b4d704038a7474358cb47037d0/packages/g6/src/stdlib/item/node/base.ts#L531) for overriding.
> ⚠️ Note: `drawAnchorShapes` returns a shape map, where the key is the id of the shape and the value is the shape object.
### drawBadgeShapes
Draw the badge shape (`badgeShapes`)
Refer to [BaseNode.drawBadgeShapes](https://github.com/antvis/G6/blob/fddf9a5c0f7933b4d704038a7474358cb47037d0/packages/g6/src/stdlib/item/node/base.ts#L629) for overriding.
> ⚠️ Note: `drawBadgeShapes` returns a shape map, where the key is the id of the shape and the value is the shape object.
### drawOtherShapes
Draw shapes other than the above parts, which can be completed in `drawOtherShapes`, such as drawing an extra circle:
For example, create an extra text:
drawOtherShapes(model, shapeMap) {
const { data } = model;
const text = data.otherShapes.text;
return {
textShape: this.upsertShape(
fontSize: 12
// ... Other extra shapes
> ⚠️ Note: `drawOtherShapes` returns a shape map, where the key is the id of the shape and the value is the shape object.
#### Use G2 charts as custom nodes
By using `drawOtherShapes`, you can render many custom shapes, which are all based on `@antv/g` drawing. Therefore, you can use the shapes of any graphics library based on `@antv/g` as the shapes of custom nodes. For example, you can use the charts built by `@antv/g2` as the shapes of custom nodes. Here is a simple example:
import { stdlib, renderToMountedElement } from '@antv/g2';
/** stdlib is the standard tool library of G2 */
const G2Library = { ...stdlib() };
// Here is the drawOtherShapes method of the custom node
drawOtherShapes(model, shapeMap) {
// Create a group
const group = this.upsertShape(
// Make the group respond to events
group.isMutationObserved = true;
// When the group is mounted to the canvas, render the G2 chart
group.addEventListener('DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument', () => {
// Render the G2 chart to the group
// Here fill in the G2 Specification
library: G2Library,
return {
'g2-chart-group': group,
For more information about using G2 charts, please refer to [G2 website](https://g2.antv.antgroup.com/).
G6 5.0 also provides relevant examples:
- [G2 Bar Chart Node](/zh/examples/item/customNode/#g2BarChart)
- [G2 Lattice Node](/zh/examples/item/customNode/#g2LatticeChart)
- [G2 Active Node](/zh/examples/item/customNode/#g2ActiveChart)
## Member properties and methods
`BaseNode` and its subclasses provide some member properties and methods for easily adding or updating shapes.