import G6 from '@antv/g6' const container = document.getElementById('container'); const width = container.scrollWidth; const height = (container.scrollHeight || 500) - 50; const el = document.createElement('pre'); el.innerHTML = 'Click the legend item to filter\n点击图例上的元素进行筛选'; container.appendChild(el); const typeConfigs = { 'type1': { type: 'circle', size: 5, style: { fill: '#5B8FF9' } }, 'type2': { type: 'circle', size: 20, style: { fill: '#5AD8A6' } }, 'type3': { type: 'rect', size: [10, 10], style: { fill: '#5D7092' } }, 'eType1': { type: 'line', style: { width: 20, stroke: '#F6BD16', } }, 'eType2': { type: 'cubic', }, 'eType3': { type: 'quadratic', style: { width: 25, stroke: '#6F5EF9' } } } const data = { nodes: [ { id: '1', label: '1:type1', legendType: 'type1', }, { id: '2', label: '2:type2', legendType: 'type2', }, { id: '3', label: '3:type1', legendType: 'type1', }, { id: '4', label: '4:type3', legendType: 'type3', }, ], edges: [{ source: '1', target: '2', legendType: 'eType1', label: '1->2:edge-type1', }, { source: '1', target: '4', legendType: 'eType3', label: '1->4:edge-type3' }, { source: '3', target: '4' }, { source: '2', target: '4', legendType: 'eType1', label: '2->4:edge-type1' }] }; data.nodes.forEach(node => { if (!node.legendType) return; node = Object.assign(node, {...typeConfigs[node.legendType]}); }) data.edges.forEach(edge => { if (!edge.legendType) return; const config = typeConfigs[edge.legendType]; edge = Object.assign(edge, {...config}); }) const legendData = { nodes: [{ id: 'type1', label: 'node-type1', order: 4, ...typeConfigs['type1'] }, { id: 'type2', label: 'node-type2', order: 0, ...typeConfigs['type2'] }, { id: 'type3', label: 'node-type3', order: 2, ...typeConfigs['type3'] }], edges: [{ id: 'eType1', label: 'edge-type1', order: 2, ...typeConfigs['eType1'] }, { id: 'eType2', label: 'edge-type2', ...typeConfigs['eType2'] }, { id: 'eType3', label: 'edge-type3', ...typeConfigs['eType3'] }] } const legend = new G6.Legend({ data: legendData, align: 'center', layout: 'horizontal', // vertical position: 'bottom-right', vertiSep: 12, horiSep: 24, offsetY: -24, padding: [4, 16, 8, 16], containerStyle: { fill: '#ccc', lineWidth: 1 }, title: 'Legend', titleConfig: { position: 'center', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 12, }, filter: { enable: true, multiple: true, trigger: 'click', graphActiveState: 'activeByLegend', graphInactiveState: 'inactiveByLegend', filterFunctions: { 'type1': (d) => { if (d.legendType === 'type1') return true; return false }, 'type2': (d) => { if (d.legendType === 'type2') return true; return false }, 'type3': (d) => { if (d.legendType === 'type3') return true; return false }, 'eType1': (d) => { if (d.legendType === 'eType1') return true; return false }, 'eType2': (d) => { if (d.legendType === 'eType2') return true; return false }, 'eType3': (d) => { if (d.legendType === 'eType3') return true; return false }, } } }); const graph = new G6.Graph({ // 使用 contextMenu plugins 时,需要将 container 设置为 position: relative; container: 'container', width, height, linkCenter: true, defaultNode: { labelCfg: { position: "bottom", style: { stroke: '#fff', lineWidth: 4 } } }, defaultEdge: { labelCfg: { autoRotate: true, style: { stroke: '#fff', lineWidth: 4 } } }, nodeStateStyles: { activeByLegend: { lineWidth: 10, strokeOpacity: 0.5 }, inactiveByLegend: { opacity: 0.5 } }, edgeStateStyles: { activeByLegend: { lineWidth: 3 }, inactiveByLegend: { opacity: 0.5 } }, plugins: [legend], });; graph.render(); if (typeof window !== 'undefined') window.onresize = () => { if (!graph || graph.get('destroyed')) return; if (!container || !container.scrollWidth || !container.scrollHeight) return; graph.changeSize(container.scrollWidth, container.scrollHeight); };