import { Graph } from '../../../../src'; const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'item-controller'; document.body.appendChild(div); describe('item controller', () => { const graph = new Graph({ container: div, width: 500, height: 500, nodeStateStyles: { select: {}, hover: {}, }, }); it('init item controller', () => { const itemController = graph.get('itemController'); expect(itemController).not.toBe(false); }); it('add & remove node', () => { const node = graph.addItem('node', { type: 'circle', color: '#ccc', style: { x: 50, y: 50, r: 20, lineWidth: 2 }, }); expect(node).not.toBe(undefined); const nodes = graph.get('nodes'); expect(nodes.length).toBe(1); expect(nodes[0]).toEqual(node); const node2 = graph.addItem('node', { type: 'rect', id: 'node0', color: '#666', style: { x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 70 }, }); expect(node2).not.toBe(undefined); expect(nodes.length).toBe(2); expect(nodes[1]).toEqual(node2); graph.removeItem(node); expect(nodes.length).toBe(1); expect(nodes[0]).toEqual(node2); graph.removeItem(node2); expect(nodes.length).toBe(0); }); it('remove node with multiple edges', () => { const node1 = graph.addItem('node', { id: 'node1', color: '#ccc', style: { x: 50, y: 50, r: 20, lineWidth: 2 }, }); const node2 = graph.addItem('node', { id: 'node2', type: 'circle', color: '#ccc', style: { x: 50, y: 150, r: 20, lineWidth: 2 }, }); graph.addItem('node', { id: 'node3', type: 'circle', color: '#ccc', style: { x: 50, y: 200, r: 20, lineWidth: 2 }, }); graph.addItem('edge', { id: 'edge1', source: 'node1', target: 'node2', type: 'line' }); graph.addItem('edge', { id: 'edge2', source: 'node1', target: 'node3' }); expect(node1.getEdges().length).toBe(2); expect(node2.getEdges().length).toBe(1); expect(graph.findById('edge1')).not.toBe(undefined); expect(graph.findById('edge2')).not.toBe(undefined); graph.removeItem(node1); expect(graph.findById('edge1')).toBe(undefined); expect(graph.findById('edge2')).toBe(undefined); expect(node2.getEdges().length).toBe(0); graph.clear(); }); it('add & remove edge', () => { graph.set('itemMap', {}); const node1 = graph.addItem('node', { type: 'circle', color: '#ccc', x: 50, y: 50, size: 20, style: { lineWidth: 2 }, }); const node2 = graph.addItem('node', { type: 'rect', id: 'node4', x: 100, y: 100, color: '#666', size: [100, 70], }); const edge = graph.addItem('edge', { id: 'edge3', source: node1, target: node2 }); expect(graph.get('edges').length).toEqual(1); expect(graph.get('edges')[0]).toEqual(edge); expect(Object.keys(graph.get('itemMap')).length).toEqual(3); expect(graph.get('itemMap').edge3).toEqual(edge); expect(node1.getEdges().length).toEqual(1); expect(node2.getEdges().length).toEqual(1); graph.removeItem(edge); expect(graph.get('edges').length).toEqual(0); }); // it('add edge of nodes that do not exist', () => { // expect(graph.addItem('edge', { id: 'edge', source: 'notExist', target: 'notExist' })).not.toEqual(new Error()); // }); it('update', () => { const node = graph.addItem('node', { id: 'node5', x: 100, y: 100, size: 50, color: '#ccc', type: 'circle', }); const group = node.get('group'); let matrix = group.getMatrix(); expect(matrix[6]).toBe(100); expect(matrix[7]).toBe(100); graph.update('node5', { x: 150, y: 150 }); matrix = node.get('group').getMatrix(); expect(matrix[6]).toBe(150); expect(matrix[7]).toBe(150); graph.update(node, { style: { fill: '#ccc' } }); const shape = node.get('keyShape'); expect(shape.attr('fill')).toEqual('#ccc'); }); it('fresh graph', (done) => { graph.clear(); const node = graph.addItem('node', { id: 'node6', x: 100, y: 100, size: 50 }); const node2 = graph.addItem('node', { id: 'node7', x: 100, y: 200, size: 50 }); const node3 = graph.addItem('node', { id: 'node8', x: 300, y: 100, size: 50 }); const edge = graph.addItem('edge', { id: 'edge4', source: node, target: node2 }); graph.paint(); let path = edge.get('keyShape').attr('path'); expect(path[0][1]).toBe(100); expect(path[0][2]).toBe(125.5); expect(path[1][1]).toBe(100); expect(path[1][2]).toBe(174.5); edge.setTarget(node3); graph.refresh(); setTimeout(() => { path = edge.get('keyShape').attr('path'); expect(path[0][1]).toBe(125.5); expect(path[0][2]).toBe(100); expect(path[1][1]).toBe(274.5); expect(path[1][2]).toBe(100); done(); }, 800); }); it('show & hide item', () => { const node = graph.addItem('node', { id: 'node9', x: 100, y: 100, size: 50 }); const node2 = graph.addItem('node', { id: 'node10', x: 100, y: 100, size: 50 }); const edge = graph.addItem('edge', { id: 'edge5', source: node, target: node2 }); graph.hideItem('node9'); expect(node.isVisible()).toBe(false); expect(edge.isVisible()).toBe(false); graph.showItem(node); expect(node.isVisible()).toBe(true); expect(edge.isVisible()).toBe(true); }); it('setItemState & clearItemStates', () => { const node = graph.addItem('node', { id: 'node11', x: 100, y: 100, size: 50 }); const node2 = graph.addItem('node', { id: 'node12', x: 100, y: 100, size: 50 }); graph.setItemState(node, 'select', true); expect(node.hasState('select')).toBe(true); expect(node2.hasState('select')).toBe(false); graph.clearItemStates(node, ['select']); expect(node.hasState('select')).toBe(false); graph.setItemState(node2, 'hover', true); expect(node2.hasState('hover')).toBe(true); graph.clearItemStates(node2, ['hover']); expect(node2.hasState('hover')).toBe(false); }); });