import G6 from '../../../src' import Bundling from '../../../src/plugins/bundling' import { data } from './data' import { GraphData } from '../../../types' const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'force-layout'; document.body.appendChild(div); describe('edge bundling', () => { const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, width: 500, height: 500, layout: { type: 'circular' }, defaultNode: { size: 10 } });; graph.render(); it('edge bundling on circular layout with default configs', () => { const bundle = new Bundling(); bundle.initPlugin(graph); const graphData = bundle.bundling(graphData); expect(graphData.edges[0].shape).toEqual('polyline'); expect(graphData.edges[0].controlPoints.length > 2).toEqual(true); bundle.destroy() }); it('bundling on circular with fixed bundleThreshold and iterations', () => { const bundle = new Bundling({ iterations: 120, bundleThreshold: 0.1, }); bundle.initPlugin(graph); const graphData = bundle.bundling(graphData); expect(graphData.edges[0].shape).toEqual('polyline'); expect(graphData.edges[0].controlPoints.length > 2).toEqual(true); bundle.destroy() }); it('bundling update', () => { const data2: GraphData = { nodes: [ { id: 'n0' }, { id: 'n1' } ], edges: [ { source: 'n0', target: 'n1' } ] }; graph.changeData(data2); const bundle = new Bundling(); bundle.initPlugin(graph); bundle.bundling(data2); data2.nodes = [ { id: 'n0', x: 10, y: 100 }, { id: 'n1', x: 100, y: 100 }, { id: 'n2', x: 10, y: 10 } ]; data2.edges = [ { source: 'n0', target: 'n1' }, { source: 'n1', target: 'n2' }, { source: 'n0', target: 'n2' } ]; bundle.updateBundling({ bundleThreshold: 0.1, iterations: 120, data: data2 }); expect(data2.edges[0].shape).toEqual('polyline'); expect(data2.edges[0].controlPoints.length > 2).toEqual(true); bundle.destroy() }); it('bundling no position info, throw error', () => { const bundle = new Bundling(); bundle.initPlugin(graph); const data2: GraphData = { nodes: [ { id: 'n0' }, { id: 'n1' } ], edges: [ { source: 'n0', target: 'n1' } ] }; function fn() { bundle.bundling(data2); } expect(fn).toThrowError('please layout the graph or assign x and y for nodes first'); bundle.destroy() graph.destroy(); }); });