import { Graph, Extensions, extend } from '@antv/g6'; const edgeClusterTransform = (data, options = {}, graphCore) => { const { nodes, edges } = data; const nodeMap = new Map(); nodes.forEach((node) => nodeMap.set(, node)); edges.forEach((edge) => { = nodeMap.get(edge.source).data.cluster; }); return data; }; class LineLayout { // implements Layout<{}> id = 'line-layout'; constructor(options = {}) { this.options = options; } /** * Return the positions of nodes and edges(if needed). */ async execute(graph, options = {}) { return this.genericLineLayout(false, graph, options); } /** * To directly assign the positions to the nodes. */ async assign(graph, options = {}) { this.genericLineLayout(true, graph, options); } async genericLineLayout(assign, graph, options = {}) { const { height = 500 } = { ...this.options, ...options }; const nodes = graph.getAllNodes(); const edges = graph.getAllEdges(); const layoutNodes = []; let x = 10; let lastNodeRadius = 0; nodes.forEach((node, i) => { const currentRadius = || 16; if (i > 0) { x = layoutNodes[i - 1].data.x + lastNodeRadius + currentRadius + 4; } layoutNodes.push({ id:, data: { x, y: height * 0.7, }, }); lastNodeRadius = currentRadius; }); const result = { nodes: layoutNodes, edges, }; if (assign) { layoutNodes.forEach((node) => { graph.mergeNodeData(, { x:, y:, }); }); } return result; } } const container = document.getElementById('container'); const width = container.scrollWidth; const height = container.scrollHeight || 500; const ExtGraph = extend(Graph, { edges: { 'quadratic-edge': Extensions.QuadraticEdge, }, transforms: { 'edge-cluster': edgeClusterTransform, 'transform-v4-data': Extensions.TransformV4Data, }, layouts: { 'line-layout': LineLayout, }, }); fetch('') .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data) => { const graph = new ExtGraph({ container: 'container', width, height, autoFit: 'view', transforms: ['transform-v4-data', 'edge-cluster'], layout: { type: 'line-layout' }, theme: { type: 'spec', specification: { node: { dataTypeField: 'cluster', }, edge: { dataTypeField: 'cluster', }, }, }, node: { keyShape: { r: 8, }, labelShape: { text: { fields: ['name'], formatter: (model) =>, }, angle: Math.PI / 2, textAlign: 'left', offsetX: 10, maxWidth: 100, }, anchorPoints: [[0.5, 0]], }, edge: { type: 'quadratic-edge', keyShape: { opacity: 0.4, }, }, modes: { default: ['click-select', 'drag-canvas', 'drag-node'], }, data, }); graph.on('afterlayout', (e) => { const edgeDatas = graph.getAllEdgesData().map((edge) => { const { id, source, target } = edge; const sourceData = graph.getNodeData(source); const targetData = graph.getNodeData(target); const [width, height] = graph.getSize(); const xSep = (width - 20) / graph.getAllNodesData().length; const endsSepStep = ( - / xSep; const sign = endsSepStep < 0 ? 1 : -1; return { id, data: { keyShape: { curveOffset: ((sign * width) / 55) * Math.ceil(Math.abs(endsSepStep)), }, }, }; }); graph.updateData('edge', edgeDatas); }); if (typeof window !== 'undefined') window.onresize = () => { if (!graph || graph.destroyed) return; if (!container || !container.scrollWidth || !container.scrollHeight) return; graph.setSize([container.scrollWidth, container.scrollHeight]); }; });