import G6 from '../../../src'; import dataset from './data'; import * as d3Force from 'd3-force'; import { isFunction } from 'util'; const data = dataset.comboData; const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'force-layout'; document.body.appendChild(div); describe('no node and one node', () => { it('layout without node', (done) => { const testData = {}; const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'comboForce', }, width: 500, height: 500, });; graph.render(); done(); }); it('layout with one node', (done) => { const testData = { nodes: [ { id: 'node', x: 0, y: 0, }, ], }; const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'comboForce', }, width: 500, height: 500, }); graph.on('afterlayout', () => { expect(testData.nodes[0].x).toBe(250); expect(testData.nodes[0].y).toBe(250); done(); });; graph.render(); }); }); describe('combo force layout', () => { it('combo force layout with default configs, emit afterlayout', (done) => { const node = data.nodes[0]; const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'comboForce', }, width: 500, height: 500, defaultNode: { size: 10 }, }); graph.on('afterlayout', () => { expect(node.x).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(node.y).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(node.x).not.toEqual(NaN); expect(node.y).not.toEqual(NaN); done(); });; graph.render(); }); it('force with fixed edgeStrength, nodeStrength, preventOverlap', (done) => { const node = data.nodes[0]; const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'comboForce', linkDistance: 140, edgeStrength: 0.5, nodeStrength: 30, preventOverlap: true, }, width: 500, height: 500, defaultNode: { size: 10 }, }); graph.on('afterlayout', () => { expect(node.x).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(node.y).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(node.x).not.toEqual(NaN); expect(node.y).not.toEqual(NaN); done(); });; graph.render(); }); it('preventOverlap with number nodeSpacing', (done) => { const nodeSpacing = 10; const comboSpacing = 20; const nodeSize = 10; const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'comboForce', preventOverlap: true, nodeSpacing, comboSpacing, }, width: 500, height: 500, defaultNode: { size: nodeSize }, }); graph.on('afterlayout', () => { const node0 = data.nodes[0]; const node1 = data.nodes[1]; const dist = Math.sqrt( (node0.x - node1.x) * (node0.x - node1.x) + (node0.y - node1.y) * (node0.y - node1.y), ); expect(dist >= nodeSize / 2 + nodeSpacing).toEqual(true); done(); });; graph.render(); }); it('preventOverlap with function nodeSpacing and array node size', (done) => { const nodeSpacing = (d) => { return d.size[0] / 2; }; const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'comboForce', preventOverlap: true, nodeSpacing, maxIteration: 300, }, width: 500, height: 500, }); data.nodes.forEach((node) => { const randomWidth = 10 + Math.random() * 20; const randomHeight = 5 + Math.random() * 5; node.size = [randomWidth, randomHeight]; node.type = 'rect'; }); graph.on('afterlayout', () => { const node0 = data.nodes[0]; const node1 = data.nodes[1]; const dist = Math.sqrt( (node0.x - node1.x) * (node0.x - node1.x) + (node0.y - node1.y) * (node0.y - node1.y), ); const mindist = node0.size[0] / 2 + node1.size[1] / 2 + nodeSpacing(node0) + nodeSpacing(node1); expect(dist >= mindist).toEqual(true); done(); });; graph.render(); }); it('force re-execute, isTicking', (done) => { const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'comboForce', }, width: 500, height: 500, });; graph.render(); const forceLayout = graph.get('layoutController').layoutMethod; forceLayout.execute(); // re execute when it is ticking setTimeout(() => { const node0 = data.nodes[0]; expect(node0.x).not.toEqual(NaN); expect(node0.y).not.toEqual(NaN); graph.destroy(); done(); }, 300); }); }); describe('undefined configurations and update layout', () => { it('undefined configurations and update layout', (done) => { data.nodes.push({ id: 'newnode', }); data.combos.push({ id: 'newcombo', }); const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'comboForce', preventComboOverlap: false, preventNodeOverlap: false, collideStrength: 1, nodeCollideStrength: null, nodeSize: [10, 10], comboSpacing: null, comboPadding: [20, 20, 10, 10], linkDistance: null, linkStrength: null, nodeStrength: null, comboGravity: null, }, width: 1000, height: 1000, });; graph.render(); const forceLayout = graph.get('layoutController').layoutMethod; expect(isFunction(forceLayout.linkDistance)).toEqual(true); expect(forceLayout.linkDistance()).toEqual(10); expect(forceLayout.preventOverlap).toEqual(false); setTimeout(() => { graph.hideItem(graph.getCombos()[0]); graph.hideItem(graph.getNodes()[30]); graph.updateLayout({ linkDistance: 100, preventOverlap: true, alphaDecay: 0.8, nodeSize: 10, comboPadding: null, }); expect(isFunction(forceLayout.linkDistance)).toEqual(true); expect(forceLayout.linkDistance()).toEqual(100); expect(forceLayout.preventOverlap).toEqual(true); done(); }, 300); }); });