import G6 from '../../../src'; import dataset from './data'; const data =; const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'graph-spec'; document.body.appendChild(div); describe('fruchterman', () => { it('new graph with fruchterman layout, without configurations', () => { const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'fruchterman' }, width: 500, height: 500, defaultNode: { size: 10, }, });; graph.render(); expect(graph.getNodes()[0].getModel().x).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[0].getModel().y).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[1].getModel().x).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[1].getModel().y).not.toEqual(undefined); graph.destroy(); }); it('new graph with fruchterman layout, with configurations', () => { const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'fruchterman', center: [100, 100], maxIteration: 5000, }, width: 500, height: 500, });; graph.render(); expect(graph.getNodes()[0].getModel().x).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[0].getModel().y).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[1].getModel().x).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[1].getModel().y).not.toEqual(undefined); graph.destroy(); }); it('fruchterman layout with no node', () => { const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'fruchterman', }, width: 500, height: 500, });{ nodes: [], }); graph.render(); graph.destroy(); }); it('fruchterman layout with undefined nodes in data', () => { const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, width: 500, height: 500, }); const Layout = new G6.Layout['fruchterman'](); Layout.init({}); Layout.execute(); graph.render(); graph.destroy(); }); it('fruchterman layout with one node', () => { const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'fruchterman', }, width: 500, height: 500, });{ nodes: [ { id: 'node', }, ], }); graph.render(); const nodeModel = graph.getNodes()[0].getModel(); expect(nodeModel.x).toEqual(250); expect(nodeModel.y).toEqual(250); graph.destroy(); }); it('fruchterman layout with clustering and no clusterGravity', () => { const colors = ['#f00', '#0f0', '#00f', '#ff0']; data.nodes.forEach((node) => { node.size = 10; node.cluster = Math.ceil((Math.random() / 3) * 10); = { fill: colors[node.cluster], }; }); const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'fruchterman', clustering: true, maxIteration: 3000, clusterGravity: null, }, width: 500, height: 500, });; graph.render(); const node0 = data.nodes[0]; expect(node0.x).not.toEqual(NaN); expect(node0.y).not.toEqual(NaN); graph.destroy(); }); it('fruchterman layout with overlapped nodes and loop edge', () => { const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'fruchterman', clustering: true, maxIteration: 3000, clusterGravity: null, }, width: 500, height: 500, }); const tmpData = { nodes: [ { id: 'node0', x: 100, y: 100, }, { id: 'node1', x: 100, y: 100, }, { id: 'node3', x: 150, y: 120, }, ], edges: [ { source: 'node3', target: 'node3', }, ], };; graph.render(); const node0 = tmpData.nodes[0]; const node1 = tmpData.nodes[1]; expect(node0.x).not.toEqual(node1.x); expect(node0.y).not.toEqual(node1.y); graph.destroy(); }); it('update fructherman layout configurations', () => { const graph = new G6.Graph({ container: div, layout: { type: 'fruchterman', }, width: 500, height: 500, });; graph.render(); graph.updateLayout({ center: [100, 100], gravity: 50, }); expect(graph.getNodes()[0].getModel().x).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[0].getModel().y).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[1].getModel().x).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[1].getModel().y).not.toEqual(undefined); graph.destroy(); }); it('instantiate layout', () => { const fruchtermanLayout = new G6.Layout['fruchterman']({ center: [250, 250], }); fruchtermanLayout.init(data); fruchtermanLayout.execute(); const graph = new G6.Graph({ width: 500, height: 500, container: div, });; graph.render(); expect(graph.getNodes()[0].getModel().x).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[0].getModel().y).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[1].getModel().x).not.toEqual(undefined); expect(graph.getNodes()[1].getModel().y).not.toEqual(undefined); graph.destroy(); }); });